
Psychiatry Benefits the Ones who Make the Diagnosis – “The True Quacks”

Watch Video HOME  -  Blog Categories My Rumble Channel  -- Waking the World up TRUMP Truther Videos Vaccine Books Vaccine Ingredients  Please Visit my other Blog Sites -  Answers to Mysterious and Chronic Health Conditions   Psychiatry Benefits the Ones who Make the Diagnosis – “The True Quacks” Is Psychiatry a “Quack Industry?” Are the True Quacks the ones who get in a room and just make up b.s. unfounded diseases and conditions out of thin air? These doctors definitely believe so. Dr. Fred Baughman Jr. – “Psychiatry doesn’t have ONE Case Report of one Disease validated, not one.” Dr. Fred Baughman Jr. -- “What they do, is they meet at the American Psychiatric Association, they meet in the DSM Committee – Diagnostics Statistical Manual Committee, and they vote on making New Behavioral and Emotional Disorders and then they immediately start calling them Diseases.” Dr. Fred Baughman Jr. -- “They tell the public these are diseases. ...

Anthony William – Medical Medium Rumble Videos & Blog Content

  HOME  -  Blog Categories My Rumble Channel  -- Waking the World up TRUMP Truther Videos Vaccine Books Vaccine Ingredients  Please Visit my other Blog Sites -  Answers to Mysterious and Chronic Health Conditions     Anthony William – Medical Medium Rumble Videos & Blog Content: 1. ***Angels & Healing – “The Unknown Angels” – Anthony William 2. ***What is a SOUL? Does a Soul even Exist? Do I have a Soul? – SOUL TALK 3. I created a blog from Anthony’s old lectures -- a Goldmine of Information -- > 4. ***Anthony William - Soul Searching – Our Soul Takes Memories After We Pass

James O’Keefe was offered a Bribe not to Tell about “Replacement Migration”

  Watch Video HOME  -  Blog Categories My Rumble Channel  -- Waking the World up TRUMP Truther Videos Vaccine Books Vaccine Ingredients  Please Visit my other Blog Sites -  Answers to Mysterious and Chronic Health Conditions   James O’Keefe was offered a Bribe not to Tell about “Replacement Migration” Here is what AI says about “Replacement Migration”: “Replacement migration refers to the international migration needed to offset population decline and aging resulting from low fertility and mortality rates, essentially the amount of immigration needed to maintain a stable population size and age structure.” So, what on Earth could be causing “Low Fertility”, higher “Mortality Rates” and a “Decline in Popuation?” It couldn’t have anything to do with the “Jab Agenda” could it? James O’Keefe was informed by someone at the airport to check this out at 1211 Apache, a Secret Migrant Facility by Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. A group ...

LBJ’s Bizarre Phone Call to Jackie Kennedy Just Two Weeks After JFK was Assassinated

Watch Video HOME  -  Blog Categories My Rumble Channel  -- Waking the World up TRUMP Truther Videos Vaccine Books Vaccine Ingredients  Please Visit my other Blog Sites -  Answers to Mysterious and Chronic Health Conditions   LBJ’s Bizarre Phone Call to Jackie Kennedy Just Two Weeks After JFK was Assassinated A truly bizarre phone call from LBJ to Jackie mentioning “spanking” her. What is more shocking is how receptive Jackie is to all of this. She had to have known LBJ knew about this and was probably totally in all of this as he immediately went the opposite direction with the CIA, Vietnam War and the Federal Reserve right after the assassination. Was she just playing it safe as she knew LBJ was a dangerous man? What’s the deal with the Vitamin B shot? JFK was on a lot of drugs for his ailing back, was Jackie also on partaking? It is known that JFK had open orgies in the white house pool and dated some Satanists that all date...

Are Vaccines A Cause for Autism? – Dr. James Neuenschwander & Del Bigtree

  Watch Video HOME  -  Blog Categories My Rumble Channel  -- Waking the World up TRUMP Truther Videos Vaccine Books Vaccine Ingredients  Please Visit my other Blog Sites -  Answers to Mysterious and Chronic Health Conditions   Are Vaccines A Cause for Autism? – Dr. James Neuenschwander & Del Bigtree ***Spoiler Alert: YESSSS!!! Well, here you go – Dr. James Neuenschwander says that Vaccines ARE a Cause of Autism based on the experiences with the patients he sees. Based on the biochemistry and the underlying mechanisms of Autism. Dr. James Neuenschwander: “If I’m going to say 60% to 70% of kids have Autism because they have chronic brain inflammation, what is that?” “Chronic Brain Inflammation is encephalitis, not the infectious encephalitis, like from a virus like Equine Encephalitis that you can get from a mosquito, but an Autoimmune encephalitis.” “If you look through these package inserts on these vaccines, how m...

Inside Job 2010 Documentary - Global Economic Crisis of 2008

  Watch Video HOME  -  Blog Categories My Rumble Channel  -- Waking the World up TRUMP Truther Videos Vaccine Books Vaccine Ingredients  Please Visit my other Blog Sites -  Answers to Mysterious and Chronic Health Conditions   Inside Job 2010 Documentary - Global Economic Crisis of 2008 This documentary, narrated by Matt Damon, explains how the Global Economic Crisis of 2008 happened, which cost millions to lose their jobs, savings, and homes. In old days, banks loaned money and expected to be paid back. Some of these mortgage loans could take 30 years or more to pay back, so the banks had to be very careful and evaluate their customers with great detail to obtain potential risk. In the late 90’s, early 2000’s, things changed as securitization came into play. This is when banks sold the loans as fast as the approved them for huge profits, so they had NO worries if the loans were going to be paid back as they just sold them as...

The Battle for Your Soul – When Love & Hate Collide - “Soul Saving Information”

  ORDER Here from Anthony William HOME  -  Blog Categories My Rumble Channel  -- Waking the World up TRUMP Truther Videos Vaccine Books Vaccine Ingredients  Please Visit my other Blog Sites -  Answers to Mysterious and Chronic Health Conditions   The Battle for Your Soul – When Love & Hate Collides - “Soul Saving Information” A Summary of Angels, Demons & Spiritual Tools – by Anthony William This is an absolute mind-blower. It is a MUST Have Audible. This is LIVE scripture / prophecy / word of God – today and it provides us with Powerful Tools to rid negative energy. Do you think that negative things in your life just happen? You don’t think there could be any negative, dark force behind it? Think Again! There is a constant battle between Good & Evil – both sides want your Soul. One side is of Love and the other side is of Hate. This is information that can literally SAVE YOUR SOUL!!! Thi...