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Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

V a c c i n a t i o n – Important Questions to ask and points to know -2021

So you take a V that is NOT FDA Approved, so what does it do for you?

Will you still need to wear a mask? YES

Will you still need to social distance? YES

Can you still get COVID? YES

Can you still spread COVID? YES

So why are you taking the Covid V? Because you see you listen to the CDC on TV?

Do you really believe the V is not harmful?

Do you believe Bill Gates cares for humanity?

Dr. Madej said she was in a meeting with some very important people that have a lot of power in this world. She said they said they want to control the behavior with vaccines. These people said they have the authority and the autonomy to make this happen without anyone voting on this. See Dr. Madej’s video with Amanda Forbes at the 15:30 mark on. Is it right that a group of people make a decision for the rest of the entire world? Hello! Doesn’t this sound like a control grab? Is this best for humanity or is it best for those who believe they have the right to control humanity?

What does Bill Gates know about Health Care?

The only virus he knows about is CREATING Viruses on a computer and then CREATING the Anti-Virus.

Why would a guy who believes that the planet should only have 500 Million people be interested in V’s?

The PCR tests which cannot distinguish between Influenza A, B or Covid have even come up contaminated.

Most of the people that are aware of this are the people with the most common sense – I call God Consciousness.

How is it that 1500 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 with the PCR test and when actual real scientists attempted to reaffirm this, NONE of them had the SARS/Coronavirus but ALL of them had either Influenza A or Influenza B. So how do you explain that one?

What’s the deal with the masks? 10 micron holes cannot stop 1 micron or less viruses.

What about the virus entering the EYES? Why when there is a REAL virus that virologists not only wear gear to protect their entire face but gear that protects their entire body? When are people going to see the light?

How do we even know that people have COVID-19 when the virus has NEVER been isolated?

Better yet, how can we even have a V made in less that ONE YEAR without having an isolated Virus?

How was testing accomplished if the Virus has not been Isolated?

What IS the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine? Well, this is coming directly from the FDA website: “The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine that may prevent COVID-19. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19. 2 Revised: December 2020 The FDA has authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age and older under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).”

Doesn’t our FAKE mainstream media make it sound like there is an FDA Approved Vac -cination to PREVENT COVID-19?

But the FDA flat out says “There is NO FDA approved v a c c i n e to prevent COVID-19. They are now saying that they have AUTHORIZED the va cc-ination. What does this really mean? It means they are allowing the public to be the Lab Rats. Are you willing to be a Lab Rat when the survival rates are over 99% for those under the age of 50? 


Why is it that Americans can NOT sue these Pharmaceuticals if there are serious adverse side effects that result in disability or death? Would this LAW be beneficial to the people or to the pharmaceuticals?

Where does the word Pharmaceutical really come from? Pharmakeia.

What does Pharmakeia mean? the use or the administering of drugs · poisoning · sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it

Hmm – Sorcery, Magical Arts, Poisoning.

Wait a minute: Poisoning? That’s exactly what they are doing. This V has NOTHING to do with a virus and everything to do with controlling the population. It may take a dozen or so of these new mRNA’s to completely sterilize the masses, but the point is that they will and that IS their intention.

What are the ingredients in the COVID-19 V A C C I N E?   Name of V a c c i n e: Tozinamerin – Brand Name: Comirnaty. INGREDIENTS: mRNA, lipids ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose

Let’s break this down:

mRNA – this is the ACTIVE ingredient and has to do with transcription proteins – do your research on this one, this alone should make you never want to put this in your bloodstream. Could this have something to do with Bill Gates 060606 patent? I don’t think there is any doubt if you dig into this patent, and it may take some time to comprehend the big picture because the technology is new and very futuristic in the ideal. Anyway this mRNA is supposed to carry a single Spike Protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and it is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles (the fats, just like liposomal vitamin c) and they carry that into cells. Why have SEVERAL pharmaceutics attempted to use mRNA technology but have abandoned these trials due to SAFETY and problems relating to the mRNA entering the cells? And our good, kind hearted, caring FDA has “Authorized” Moderna’s and Pfizer’s mRNA tech in less than one year. Please Wake up and do a TON of research. Everyone should do a solid month of research of previous trials of mRNA and go through the Trials on the site. This is WAY too dangerous to give authorization for a virus that has never been isolated, thus they don’t even KNOW that it is the Coronavirus causing the symptoms. Anyone ever believe it could just be the FLU and the Media has run the Narrative of delivering the message of this “Non-Existing” Virus? Wake up. Trials began in April of 2020 – these trials should last a minimum of 8 years and just 8 months later they are allowing this to the public. Unheard of. But it appears the American public has NO idea how Clinical Trials work and how long it really takes to produce a REAL vaccine. You can’t just randomly choose a single spike protein from a viral envelope and think that will prevent the actual virus, I mean, what a freaking joke.

To go a bit further with this mRNA – or Messenger RNA. What exactly does this do? It replaces nucleosides with synthetic nucleosides. What does this mean? It means that natural necleosides are Modified to Synthetic necleosides – thus the name of the pharmaceutical Moderna = MOD e RNA = Modifying RNA. This all relates to a Bill Gates patent on Synthetic DNA – that is a mind blower if you dig deep and really know where he is going with that one. Anyway these spike proteins – which are modified or from a Mutated form of SARS/CoV-2 – not exactly sure what this mutated form is, but these proteins are transported into cells and they can only attach to specific receptors but that is the case for almost all proteins, they are specific, that is how the body works and communicates with itself. Anyway, they believe that this modified mutated spike protein strain will cause an immune response within the cells which will fight off the covid by realizing the antigens proteins don’t belong or are foreign and they come up with a response of T cells and antibodies to fight it off. In my opinion it is totally unnecessary, beyond risky, and when they haven’t even proved that people really have this SARS-CoV-2 Virus as opposed to Influenza A or B then why in the hell would an educated human being want to take this v a c c i n a t i o n? It is so beyond crazy – I just cannot believe people haven’t figured out that our Media is working for the Bad Guys… our media is lying to all of us, they know it and they are doing it for lot’s of money and the promise of having a great future in the New World Order. One thing to remember is that a person can respond to an antigen, when it is a clear response they relabel this antigen and call it an Immunogen – so all antigens are not immunogens, but all immunogens ARE antigens. Their idea is that this V will produce specific immunogens to fight off the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This has NOT been proven. This is why some people can get really sick and some do not get sick at all. In my opinion it is best to trust the V that God gave us and that is called our Immune Systems. Plus, do we really want to modify our immune cells?

Continuing ingredients.

4-hydroxybutyl – in mice it causes HIGH Grade invasive cancers in urinary bladder. Its ROLE is a Carcinogenic Agent. Which means it causes CANCER. So this ingredients role is carcinogenic. Yes, another “HEALTHY” ingredient. Do some damn research before you take this V. Of COURSE this is going to cause the immune system to react, it is a POISON. Wake Up people.

Polyethylene Glycol – here are the side effects listed for this: A Feeling Of General Discomfort Called Malaise, Sleep Disorder, Abdominal Bloating, Dehydration, Excessive Thirst, Intense Abdominal Pain, Irritation Of The Rectum, Nausea, Stomach Cramps, Upper Abdominal Pain and Vomiting.

N-ditetradecylacetamide (ALC-0159) –

Cholesterol – nothing to worry about, that is why we have all those Blockbuster Cholesterol Drugs which are a complete joke. Cholesterol is produced by the body as a major warning sign that something else is going on and it is actually to protect us and yes too much cholesterol can cause blockage, but if we would realize the real problem in the first place, which is damage caused by viruses and viral byproducts then we wouldn’t have to worry about cholesterol in the first place, but our medical system doesn’t give a shit about real causes and real cures, they just care about recurrent revenues from drugs that will ease the symptoms and eventually cause more symptoms from prolonged side effects – in which we will come up with another label and come up with another drug to treat that – and it goes on and on. Our medical system is beyond a sick joke.

The LIPIDS – are to form the Nanoparticles I have been talking about this for ages that they want to place in v’s, this is there to get the mRNA into the cells, but this science is not proven safe nor effective and even if it was, it would be approved by the FDA who I personally have ZERO faith in as they are as corrupt as the worst politicians, in fact I would say the FDA is just an extension of Dirty Politicians because it is ALL about money and inside information of which trials will work and which will not work, it is pure Business and nothing to do with Health as people believe. They help get the poisonous materials into your cells and specially the mRNA to MODIFY your RNA. MOD e RNA – Moderna Pharmaceutics. Wakey, wakey.

Potassium Chloride – a salt that will lower blood pressure. I found this in 9 other V’s.

Monobasic Potassium Phosphate – a salt commonly used as an Inorganic Fertilizer. This is in 2 of the Influenza va c c i n  e s.

Sodium Chloride – salt, probably the least damaging so far, but we don’t know how much and what the reasoning behind it is. This is the only vaccine that has Sodium Chloride listed as an excipient (inactive ingredient).

Dibasic Sodium Phosphate Dihydrate – salt in anhydrous form – to remove water. God knows water is not good for the body. I only found this in 1 other vaccine and that was the Hepatitis B (Engerix-B) vaccine, but I’m not digging deep in this research at all, just giving some basic info that everyone should know.

Sucrose – basically table sugar. Sugar can instantly stimulate the adrenal glands to secret adrenaline, the purpose is likely to feed a live virus to keep it “stable” – they used to use egg protein for this. Whenever you see “stabilizing agent” in a V it has to do with keeping a virus active. I guess in this case they are referring to the mRNA. Supposedly there are no live viruses in this vaccine or attenuated virus. I sure in the hell wouldn’t believe this for one second because it is under so much control no true independent will ever be allowed to study these v a c c i n e s.

I have heard that Trump made the Pharmaceuticals sign an NDA in which they cannot place Fetal Cells (MR5-cellular proteins), Luciferase, Live Viruses or the micro nano-chips designed by Gates in these v’s. He is allowing the FDA and the Pharmaceuticals to judge the safety, and I think this is some kind of set up for future exposure.

This is definitely not a deep dive review, this is about 20 minutes of research and knowledge from other research on v a c c i n e s, but I have sat in on many FDA conference calls for at least 50 trial reviews and they seldom have people that are truly independent. They have the scientists from the Pharma, the scientists from the FDA and they have the so called “experts” that are Independent. Trust me, those so called “independent experts” are often either flat out ignorant or have been paid off by the pharmaceutical company because we used to chat online live about how flat out stupid they are and how they seldom asked a question and when they did it was a question that investors already knew. So from 16 years experience with clinical trial reviews with the FDA I can say that it is as fake as mainstream media.

How about relying on what God gave us to fight from viruses, our immune system which is flat out incredible.

How about using some damn common sense – if 99% of the people under 50 recover just fine from the so called COVID-19 then is it really worth taking something that has not gone through appropriate testing?

If I am going to take a specific V for a specific Virus, I want to know for sure that this specific virus is for certain causing the illnesses reported. I have yet to see ONE single case that verifies anyone with the SARS/Corona Virus. I have saw the study in which top Virologists looked at 1500 people who were diagnosed with COVID-19 but they didn’t find one single case of Sars/Corona virus but they found ALL of them had Influenza A or Influenza B.

Why is the CDC NOT reporting Influenza cases this year? Could it be that ALL influenza is being labeled and diagnosed as COVID-19? Now that would be the Hoax of a lifetime, no facebook censors, I’m not saying this as fact, just hypothetical.

How can they test in ONE year that efficacy of the vaccine can make it 100% of the people will live under 50? They say that the vaccine is 95% effective when our immune systems are 99% effective. So what’s the purpose again? It is crazy. If people can’t realize by now that this may be a fake pandemic with a so called virus that has not been isolated or proven to be found in one American then maybe that V is right for them. Maybe it will do them some psychological good in the near term.

This is a live massive clinical trial on the world population, just as the Gates Foundation did in India and Africa when years later those poor people ended up dying or disabled and they permanently banned Gates from ever entering their countries.

Why are hospitals getting paid more for diagnosing Covid-19?

Why does Medicare pay 20% more for diagnosing Covid-19?

Why were hospitals getting paid up to $39,000 for placing COVID-19 patients on ventilators? Could it be because they knew that over 90% placed on ventilators would die and that would “pat” their death stats??

Do you think that the $100 Billion available for the “Pandemeic” under Health Care Grants have anything to do with diagnosing COVID?

Why are pastors with large congregations being offered $30,000 to suggest to their congregation that they get vaccinated?

Why do hospitals get $13,000 for COVID diagnosis? Have these patients been tested for the Influenza A or Influenza B, because I have this feeling that MOST would have this rather than COVID???

New York nurses have been offered $10,000 a week, that is $40,000 a MONTH to go with what the hospitals and the CDC says and signing NDA’s stating that they will not say anything that disputes the statistics and data disseminated.

The ones who take this V are literally the Lab Rats. Do your studies on the safety and efficacy history of mRNA’s don’t trust a medical system developed by Rockefellar who based it on Military Order in which if you question the orders you lose your license. Research how they changed healthcare into Medical Care. How they went from treating with Naturally to making the decision to use Chemicals. That story is unreal in itself.

Don’t count on discovering much information on the side effects as history has shown us that they make it very difficult for doctors to even classify an obvious side effect caused by a v a c c i n e and then if they just happen to follow the strict guidelines on making this classification they have to do a bunch of paperwork, which takes TIME. Doctors do not have time or often don’t want to spend their own free time on filling out paperwork. Then if the paperwork is completed there is follow up paperwork and possible phone calls. Do you see where I’m going? They make it as difficult as they can for a doctor to file a valid v a c c i n e side effect. Then they do their best to convince the doctors that it is something else. It is not a winning situation, period. The only winning situation may be to not participate.


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