Masonic Signs and Symbolism
The Secret Society that Runs the World
Here are some the Free Masonry Signs and Symbolism and pictures of those belonging to this very secretive society.
*Note: Only those of the 33rd Degree are truly enlightened and aware of the ultimate secret. That secret being Lucifer is the God of Light. Absolute Darkness is their Light. Remember this.
I will try and put some commentary on these in the following days. Look for the Hidden Hand, the One Eye and the secret Masonic Hand Shake.
The Deal that dissolved the Constitution of the United States of America - Look at the Hidden Hand Symbolism to the guy to the right of Bush. These guys are evil.
One of the Free Mason logos is
The Double Headed Eagle – it is a symbol representing the left and
right paradigm, the 33 in the middle stands for the highest order of
free masonry. The left and right paradigm meaning the two opposing
forces ALWAYS feeds the one belly. So this bullshit scheme in our
Government of the Democrat and Republican was planned for the very
beginning. They both feed the same belly. The two heads always serve
the same Masonic Beast. They both are helping the Free Masons.
Abracadabra – a term of
incantation, a legitimate word used in witchcraft.
Hitler definitely belonged to this secret group and was protected after the war. He did not commit suicide but was taken to Antarctica and then to South America were he lived a long life of luxury.
Aerosmith - hidden hand. They all are Free Masons and belong to the secret society.
Free Masonry Symbol of Silence - meaning they belong to a secret group in which they have taken an oath of Silence.
Hidden Hand
One Eye - it seems to be a game in which celebrities come up with creative ways to cover the eye. It is just saying F you to the general population and they joke about it among themselves.
Hidden Hand gesture of Free Masonry.
Free Mason Hand Shake
No, this isn't a display of Love. This is pure Satanic and a display or symbol of the Devil's Horns.
This is NOT Peace, but this is resembling a backwards cross with the legs broken and the red of course symbolizes the Blood of Christ. These people are SICK.
Once again, being creative and the comment "Lipstick is smeared", what I missed in this picture is a tweet by Elon Musk below it admiring the creativity of the symbolic gesture.
Amy Schumer - the oath of silence.
Andy Garcia - the hidden hand.
This is symbolic of the Devil's Claw, also called the Lion's Claw - usually you clinch the fists.
An animated movie that has to do with the dumb rats - symbolic of the dumb people and the Master Toad.
Anthony Fauci - in front of the whole world letting everyone know who is he, what he belongs to and of course his Evil plans for the world. It is right here, in front of the world. Now you know what to look for. These people are stupid. Hidden Hand Free Mason Secret Society Gesture.
Pentagrams are often used in their satanic symbolism.
Ashton Kutcher went through a phase in which he felt special to be in the group. I think he had some oh shit moments when he found out everything.
The Baphomet - it doesn't get any more satanic that this.
The Baphomet - the symbolism for all 33rd Degree Free Masons. Most masons have NO clue that there society is of Satan, they want it that way as they slowly work on their minds during the degrees just as their plans to work on the people for favoring Socialism.
The barcode - all barcodes have 666 in them. All of them. This is what they will place inside the skin on the wrist or forehead. The Mark of the Beast.
The Beatles thought they were being sneaky and creative. They were HUGE into this secret society.
The Beatles and their upside down crosses. Pure Satanic.
Symbolism Galore by the Beatles.
Ben Stiller - thinking he is fooling the world and you see pictures of him often representing the secret society.
I think everyone knows that Beyonce went off the cliff long ago. She is big into it.
Pastor Billy Graham. He is nothing but a secret satanist as are almost ALL of them that they place on a world platform.
Brad Pitt – a member of the
Free Masons but almost all actors on the world stage are, wears a
free mason ring and often gestures masonry. Here is a direct quote
from Pitt, “I could really try on something different for myself.
That was Satanism. It’s working out really well. I made a pact.”
Britney Spears - she had no clue what she was getting herself into. When she found out she had a mental blow up.
Chequered black and white
floors are a masonic sign also. You will often see these in the
lodges. This means you cannot separate good from evil, they are one
in the same. Evil is good. Sin is ignored, there is no such thing as
sin. The only sin to them is breaking their vow of silence to the
secret society which is punishable by all sorts of twisted deaths. Chequred black and white floors are found in most masonic logdes.
This is George Sr giving his 666 Satanic Symbol. He will be remembered as on of the most evil men to walk on this planet.
Celine Dion - adrenochrome addict, pure Satanic, showing off the Oath of Silence gesture.
Satanic Free Masonry Symbolism is found in many of the well known corporations of the world. This is a double whammy - representing 666 and the all seeing eye.
Cher and her Devil Horns.
Cher - Oath of Silence
666 - The Hanks are 100% Satanic.
This tells everything you need to know about Chet Hanks.
You don't get to be a world leader without being in the Secret Society.
This one is surprising. I hope he doesn't know, but unfortunately he does. That is clearly the 666 Satanic Gesture.
Clinton - showing his devil horns. They would like to give the public the impression that this is Love symbol. NO. No way. Devils Horns. His wife was a High Witch and into Macick.
They have their own books on witchcraft and how to summon demons and even Lucifer.
Free Mason Crop Circle.
The Dalai Lama is a free
mason. I have saved pictures that clearly, clearly state this on
close to everyone mentioned. The Dalai Lama has posed for several
free mason gestures. Once again, as George Carlin said “it’s one
big club and you ain’t invited.”
Dalai Lama - this guy has nothing to do with God. Lucifer is his God.
Daili Lama - symbol of silence and he acts as if he is so happy being part of the group. What a complete buffoon.
666 symbol.
Almost ALL Magicians are Satanic, they get their Magic from Satan. David Blaine being one of them.
Once again, they try to outdo themselves with creativity. It is so stupid. The one eye symbol. All seeing eye.
Hidden Hand
Vow of Silence
Then you have this moron. Spade, showing off his membership.
Oath of Silence
666 satanic symbol. They truly get their meta-abilities from Satan. What the idiots do not know, Satan doesn't care for anyone.
The Double Headed Eagle – it
is a symbol representing the left and right paradigm, the 33 in the
middle stands for the highest order of free masonry. The left and
right paradigm meaning the two opposing forces ALWAYS feeds the one
belly. So this bullshit scheme in our Government of the Democrat and
Republican was planned for the very beginning. They both feed the
same belly. The two heads always serve the same Masonic Beast. They
both are helping the Free Masons.
Devil Horns
Oath of Silence
Hidden Hand
Covering of the Eye - which a lot of celebs try to display. They are made to believe they were Chosen to be elite. They themselves chose to be morons and Satan Worshipers.
Hello! Pure Satan here.
Proud Satanists displaying their Devil Horns for their secret society.
This Guy, Oh Boy. Double display of covering the eye with the Devil Horns. Pure Satanic and this one has clearly lost his way.
All the Roberts have been photographed with their Mason satanic gestures.
How many photographs have you seen of celebs on a chequered floor? Pure symbolic folks.
This is a double gesture as you see the claw with it covering the eye.
Another thing is that you will often see them covering their eye with a flower. Pure Symbolic communicating that they are in the elite secret society.
The Pyramid with the all seeing eye.
Frank Sinatra - Hidden Hand gesture
Little George - Devil Horns
George Jr - Masonic Hand Shake
They love trying to be sneaky, demonstrating the Devil Horns
George Washington - the Hidden Hand
The Google Logo - it is pure Satanic folks - it truly does represent 666, the mark of the beast.
Then you have this idiot they gave a platform to. Fits the role well. One Eye.
All seeing eye.
Oath of Silence
The Climate moron. She believes she is being creative and communicating with her secret society.
Nothing like raising your kids to demonstrate the symbolism. All seeing eye symbol.
Free Mason Hand Shake
Guillotine - FEMA has ordered at least 18,000 of these for the disobedient. The blades from Mexico and the platform from China.
George Jr. Showing off his Devil horns.
Well, we all know where she stands. 666 on her shirt and a double 666 with both hands.
Once you are in this group there is no turning back. These idiots have no clue what they are doing. They do love the extra sense of adrenaline they get from summoning the dark side.
This is clear also. Trump and Hannity with the Free Mason hand shake. That one makes you go -- Hmm??
Now we all know where Harrison Ford stands displaying his mark of the beast 666 gesture.
The Evil Witch herself.
She thinks she is being creative. How far did this get her? The covering
This symbol is often used today also. The Pyramid symbol. They just love to show off what they learn in "Satan School."
This makes you want to go and look at all the logos of the agencies of the world. Symbolism is everywhere and it will be their downfall. They are literally sick and stupid.
The Inverted Pentagram on the
back of the dollar bill makes the spelling of Mason. Start with M
and just connect, it makes an inverted Pentagram. This is the
ultimate give away in plain sight that the Masons secretly represent
Oh how creative you satanic freaks. Making a pentagram with your fingers. Very good. Satanic sociopaths.
Here is one who really thinks his sh*t doesn't stink. They are NOT allowed to succeed unless they follow the order and Jack is a loyalist.
Does it get ANY clearer than this one? The devils eye with the 666.
This guy is something.
This is as Satanic a gesture as you can get also. Usually they attempt to at least make it look like they are decent people. Yes, I do not believe people who worship Lucifer are decent people. These are selfish people.
Here is one that is in the top of the top. Jacob Rothschild. Pure Evil. We seldom see any of the top families. They stay far away from the media. These are the ones who abduct humans and the put them on their land and have hunting parties. They need removed from this planet.
Here is one for ya. What Jay-Z doesn't know is that they really, really HATE Blacks and they use them in the order for propaganda. They use them in the free masonry secret society to be their puppets. They are slaves in a different way and they are too stupid to realize it because they do allow them to have a world platform and become very wealth, but as far as doing good for humanity, they are being used and will NEVER be anyone in the New World Order once it gets going. They will be phased out.
Jennifer Connelly - the hidden hand and a lot of women will have part of their hair cover one eye to represent the free masonry all seeing eye. 100% proof right here she is with the New World Order and has ZERO care for the average people.
John F Kennedy was a Free Mason but he realized what they stood for and was going to oppose them and would of probably led to getting rid of them. They immediately killed him. If JFK wouldn't of been killed we would live in a wonderful world right now because they didn't have as much control back then and they could of been defeated.
Jimmi Hendrix - 666 and all seeing eye gesture. 100% telling the world who he worships.
Jodie Foster - same gesture as Jimmi Hendrix.
Joel Osteen, the famous tv
preacher IS definitely a Free Mason and just look at his possessions,
that should tell everything. It is time his congregation knew just what this guy is. How they haven't figured it out by the way he lives is beyond me. Christians, it is time to wake the heck up and stand up for Jesus. So we have famous preachers that people
cannot see through that are put in place of power to act as a figure
of Jesus, when in fact their own beliefs and plans are as
Anti-Christian as can be.
Yes, even the Mafia was in this secret society. It is NOT a society for people who believe in Jesus, although 90% of the members do NOT know this and they could spend their entire life without knowing. But the top Free Masons - the 33rd - they are enlightened. They know. The are Luciferian and you can NOT become a 33rd degree Mason without taking an oath to Lucifer.
John Gotti showing off his true religion and his true beliefs in Satan.
For the love of Jesus. Wake up Christians.
Here is a Hollywood Star that is just into big time and shows it off constantly. They love displaying their true selves when they do magazine covers. This is Johnny Depp showing off the hidden hand free mason gesture.
This is Johnny Depp showing off the 666 satanic gesture along with the all seeing eye.
Stalin, Hitler all of them belonged to the secret society. When people wake up to the truth and realize we are living in a matrix - a synthetic world ruled and ran by an elite secret religion, they are going to want out of the matrix. The only way out is for us all to wake up. Once we realize that wars are fake and to depopulate. We are at an end of a thousand year silent war of good vs evil. Forget about Dem vs Repub, that was one of the free masons objective, own both sides, keep the public focused on one hand while the other hand takes their freedoms and rights.
Here is a special family that believe they are here on Earth to rule. Granted she was in some great movies, but remember how she got there. It wasn't due to her Christian beliefs, put it that way.
The Lions Claw gesture. He raised his son this way also.
Here is Justin Timberlake, a seemingly good person on tv, signaling to the world that he gets his successes from SATAN and he uses Magic. For you atheists, there is NOTHING like Jesus - nothing compares, no way, no how. These satanic morons know this also but they give up Jesus for a good life her on Earth. They are selfish, and self destructive. They literally sell their soul. The older you get, you have to ask yourself, "why did I do that?"
Here is a family that just loves being in the spot light. You can tell by watching an episode of their show that they have no conscious of Jesus, none. They have more ups and downs than basketball.
Katy Perry - here is one who just went over the deep edge and never returned. She is one lost soul and she thinks everyone admires her. It will be that everyone will feel sorry for her.
The Matrix Man himself demonstrating that he belongs to the secret society.
Keith Urban - the shirt says it all.
Kelly Osbourne - was raised this way from mommy and daddy.
Lil Kim - yes, as mentioned - almost all leaders are in this society. You can NOT believe ONE single thing you hear on the news regarding these countries because the leaders are in a society together, they secretly work together.
Almost all Rock Bands are in this secret society.
Kobi Bryant making the Pyramid gesture. I am unsure if Kobi was for this society? I know LeBron James is 100%.
There is a special one. She is as lost as Madonna, and Katy Perry. The oath of silence gesture and the 666. Lucifer is her God.
Here it is. LeBron James is 100% saying that Satan is his God. They invite these guys at young age and they work on them and work on them, before you know it they are representing them just like this and will push their agenda's of getting the kill shots - vaccinations.
Here is the Titanic Man himself, Leonardo DiCaprio telling the world that he worships Satan and Lucifer is his Light. They are lost souls and if they didn't commit to this free mason society they would not be allowed to continue with their successes. They are all just puppets for the upper echelon of 33rd degree masons.
Just like her daddy.
The Knights Templar - a society of the free mason worshiped the Baphomet - the Sabbatic Goat.
Madonna receiving oral sex from Lucifer or a group named that.
Oath of Silence. Madonna.
The women really went ALL in when she was invited to the secret society. She really goes all out and represents. She is just a totally lost soul looking for love. She will never find it when she chooses Lucifer over Jesus.
Madonna teaching her children how to love Satan. Nothing like adopting children and just destroying their souls. Once you feel the difference between Jesus and Satan you will know what love really is.
The above were reviews for the Manawa Masonic Lodge. It says "perfect layout for covid vaccinations" I have a feeling whomever wrote this, wrote it with sarcasm and was probably in the know with what is going on.
Marylin Manson - this individual is just messed up period.
No creativity for Mark.
Mark Wahlberg displaying who his allegiance is to. Hidden hand gesture.
hidden hand
Martin Scorsese - hidden hand
Sneaky - All seeing eye.
This is BLATANT - flat out saying the Devil is my God. Mark of the Beast symbol and smiling for the Ad.
Chequered black and white
floors are a masonic sign also. You will often see these in the
lodges. This means you cannot separate good from evil, they are one
in the same. Evil is good. Sin is ignored, there is no such thing as
sin. The only sin to them is breaking their vow of silence to the
secret society which is punishable by all sorts of twisted deaths. It also represents equilibrium of the universe.


In a 1962 edition of the New
Age magazine, top level highly authorized free masons admitted free
masons designed the Seal one dollar bill.
Symbols in a One Dollar Bill – which many have already looked up
but here are few just in case.
Leaves in the Olive Branches
Bars and Stripes in the Shields
Feathers in the Tail
Letters in the “E Pluribus Unum”
Stars in the Green Crest above
Long Feathers representing the 32nd degree in Masonry
Granite stones in the Pyramid with the Masonic All Seeing Eye
completing it.
Letter in the Annuit Coeptis, “God has prospered.”
the Front of the Dollar Bill is the Seal of the United States made up
of a key, square, and the Scales of Justice as well as a Compass
which of course is an important symbol in Masonry. James Walker 31st
degree mason.
The Inverted Pentagram on the
back of the dollar bill makes the spelling of Mason. Start with M
and just connect, it makes an inverted Pentagram. This is the
ultimate give away in plain sight that the Masons secretly represent


Pyramid with the all seeing eye at the top.
The all seeing eye with a masonic ring covering it.
Mila Kunis - flower over the eye. We see this a lot with celebs these days.
Here is one who truly SOLD ALL of her Soul so she could perform to her highest level. Have fun now Miley, because you made a deal with the devil and he will want repaid.
Motley Crue - satanic.
Mason Ring - the Toad was wearing it on the third finger.
Obama telling the people of the world to fu ck off while indicating he took the oath of silence.
Obama - Devil Horns. They love sharing this with their buddies as they love their positions of power and believe they are there due to Satan. Which they are.... for now.
Obama - masonic ring.
Obama - hidden hand.
Paris Hilton - proudly saying "Look friends, I'm in."
Mr. Psycho himself - the devils claw with the pyramid.
Phil collins - All seeing eye. Now that you know all of this, look for it everywhere.
Gaddafi - the former Lybian leader. He was a member of the group, but he didn't want to follow the rules of the One World Order. He did a lot for his people and they actually loved him, it was just the opposite as the lying United States and World media said. He went against the NWO and he was murdered. Just like John F Kennedy.
All Popes are 33rd Masons. Their God is Lucifer. Hidden Hand gesture.
Folks, this is a Pope flat out giving the mark of the beast symbol of 666. Once you know what it means it is very easy to pick out. And he is saying his God is Lucifer.
Here is Prince Harry - giving the Devil Horns Symbol while being photographed with Melania Trump. Frankly, this is sick and disgusting.
Prince Phillip letting the world population know how much he hates us and wants to kill us. It is scary knowing that this secret society has a hidden agenda for the mass population. I believe it has to do with 5-G frequency or some other frequency and it will react with the mysterious additives of the covid vaccinations. ALL the corporations are signed up with the NWO and they HAVE to go with what they are told to do, so if they all are told to place this in their food or drinks, they have to do just that. Don't ever think this isn't possible because they own the leaders of the FDA. How do you think they got the FDA to approve a vaccine with no safety or efficacy data? It is as immoral, careless and flat out dangerous as can be. It is a 10 out of 10 on the danger level.
Prince showing off his oath of silence and it appears he is forming the 666. OK, Prince, that one was creative and I haven't seen it displayed this way before. Prince always did have more creativity that most artists.
Kissinger - one the most evil men ever on this planet shaking the hand of Putin. I heard that the real Putin was murdered and replaced - his wife said this.
Bill Gates and his wife (manly looking wife) announced divorce recently....I am wondering if they played a Putin here and the Bill Gates now is a different Bill? Just wondering? Just a thought?
The Reptilian Queen. Masonic Handshake.
It doesn't get any clearer. NONE. 666 and oath of silence.
Some people are just too stupid to be in a secret society and most of them are stupid, but this one takes the cake.
Richard Pryor
Devils Claw
Devils Claw
Oath of Silence
Rihanna telling the world she is Satanic.
Robert De Niro displaying he was accepted into the secret society.
Devils Horns
Edith Roosevelt writes about
the erection of a Temple in Washington D.C. in which the symbolism
planned for the building dates back to the Black Magic practiced by
the High Priests of Ancient Egypt. The building will contain a Giant
Eye. Hmm, sounding familiar yet? Come on, wake up people. This is
going to be a battle between the Christians and the Free Masons.
Christians are now burning down masonic lodges in Canada. There are a
few that are waking up, but not many.



The Sabbatic Goat – goats
head with two horns, breast and penis which has the words SOLVE
COAGULA on the arms, the same tattoo on JK Rowlings wrist.
These words are important as
they involve the process in which the New System will be implemented
at unreal costs to the mass population.
The inspiration for the
Baphomet came from the Knights Templar – who are Free Masons,
pretty high in the degree order.
of the members of the Knights Templar were executed for glorifying
the book “The Satanic Bible” by Anton Szador LaVey – the
Baphomet was worshiped by Templars as symbolic of Satan.
do modern day Knights Templar reside now? Within high degree Free
Saturnian Mist -- Saturnian= Satanic Kingdom Returns
The book “Scotch Rite
Masonry Illustrated V1 The Complete Ritual of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite” by John Blanchard – has illustrations of
signs, symbols and gestures of the Free Mason.
The Complete Book of Magic and
Witchcraft illustrates the Seal of 7 which is just like the Free
Mason seal on every lodge in the country.
Masonic Handshake
Hidden Hand
Sign of the Second Master Veil
They get these young kids, they corrupt their hearts and they steal their soul. They act like this is such a fun and privileged secret society. It may be at first but when you are dealing with Good vs Evil and you are in the process of choosing evil, the compassion, love and light are sucked out of the body and before you know it, you have lost yourself.
Oh, you're just so cute Selena - I can see the devil stealing your light. These poor young fools.
Shaquille O'Neal showing off his membership. "I'm a big boy now." Sorry Shaq, you were likely born a big boy. Now you are just a soulless boy.
Once again, they are using the Blacks. The secret within the secret is that they absolutely hate blacks. They hate the race. Blacks are used by Free Masons more than any other race.
This sign is called The Sign of the Entered Apprentice - meaning that you are entering an oath of silence and if you speak, the penalty is death. Cut the throat.
Sign of the Master of the Second Veil -- The Hidden Hand sign.
Bush - The Skull and Bones - Yale. The Skull and bones is another secret society umbrellaing from the Free Masonry secret society. Very much the same as are the Knights Templar and many other secret groups that are created for degrees of separation to if someone goes after one group and destroys it, they are still alive and well with other secret groups/ societies.
Child Pedophile - Satanic Member, Secret Society Member - Stephen Colbert.
The Seventh Sign - Sign of the General
The shirt with the All Seeing Eye. Always pay close attention to their clothing.
Triple six - 666 and the All Seeing Eye.
World Health Organization - right there for everyone to see. Representing the 33 degrees of Masonry.
Upside down cross. Very symbolic that they hate Jesus.
Franklin Graham is busy taking
selfies of himself eating at Voodoos Donuts where they sell special
donuts of inverted crosses and some even have Jesus painted on them,
they sell pentagram donuts and cock-n-balls donuts. That is what
happens when Christians allow themselves to be taken over and are too
stupid to realize it.
Are you seeing that EVERYONE of TV is only on TV because they are in a Secret Society and that secret society has no room for Jesus Christ.
World Economic Forum -- see the half circle go through O's? It is symbolic for making Sixes. Three sixes. 666.
Masonic Handshake. The Good Ole Boys Club of the World.
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