The Secret Religious Society that Runs the World



Free Mason Signs and Symbolism 

This Video by Altiyan Childs - The Secret Religion that Runs this World

The Secret Society that Runs the World – 

This written from notes I took lecture from Altiyan Childs and I took it a bit further by looking up books, writings and other videos.  This should help connect a LOT of dots.

I personally am in contact with Altiyan and we do correspond regularly. He is getting a lot of attention for doing this video and deservingly so. Altiyan says that the Holy Spirit helped him put it together so we could all understand the truth.

Free Masonry – the secret satanic society that all politicians and entertainers belong to.

There is a secret religion that runs this world and if you think that one religion is Christian and for the good of the people you have some waking up to do.

Why? Because we all are currently following and looking up to this secret religion for leadership and for health care.

What if I were to say this secret group that runs the world really doesn’t give a rats ass about the people and in fact they look at the people like cattle ready for the harvest?

What if all the members of this secret religion had to swear an oath of silence never to tell anyone outside the inner circle?

What if the penalty for speaking about the secret religion is death?

What if almost ALL of our politicians world wide belonged to this secret religion?

Think of all the money and power they receive from belonging to this special secret organization.

Now, if you belonged to this secret group that had knowledge, power and money over everyone else, would you want to risk your life, your families lives and all possessions to share this secret to the mass population?

I’m guessing the common sense answer would be NO. It would take a very, very special someone to have the compassion and courage to do this.

What if the one main person to ever exist in this Universe that they hate the absolute most was Jesus Christ?

What if both Christians and Atheists are the ones who they hate the most in this world?

Are you in that category?

This secret religion sinks well below the depths of the ocean into invisibility where it cannot be heard or seen. If you don’t belong to this secret society your chances of ever having any kind of your own platform on the world stage is next to nothing.

Belonging to this secret group is a prerequisite for any kind of success on this planet as they have complete control of it.

This truth has been hiding in plane site right in front of us, every single day of our lives.

What are some of the signs of people belonging to this secret religion?

1. One hand covering the eye is one way. How many Hollywood stars have we seen pictures of when they have one hand covering their right eye? They do this to communicate that they are one of the elite in this secret group and to laugh and slap everyone else in the face. How many celebs have the eye tattoo? This is called the “All Seeing Eye”.

2. The Hidden Hand. If a celebrity is wearing a suit they will often place one hand inside the suit and some will do both the hidden hand and covering the eye or emphasizing the eye. In the political world this is often the case. Obama and Putin have pictures of this for just one example.

3. Secret Hand Shakes. It is called “the Grip” and it is a deceptive hand shake to let all the members know that the political figure is representing them and NOT the people. The thumbs will be on top of the hand – gripping it. Why have we become so comfortable allowing these secret society members to rule us?

What is the name of this religion?

The religion is within a fraternity. The name of this International Fraternity, the one that camouflages and cloaks the secret religion inside it is Free Masonry.

The square and compass is their symbol, it sometimes contains a G in the middle and sometimes has the all seeing Eye in the middle.

The Free Masons also place the all seeing eye on top of the Pyramid, have a look at your dollar bill. The Egyptian Pyramid is integral to their religious secret society.

Some members – well, pretty much everyone we see on tv and who is popular: Madonna, Chris Angel, Jack Nicholson, JayZ, seriously just about all of them who we label as popular.

The Free Masons are also just called The Mason’s for short.

The MTV headquarters have the words “Masonic Temple” on front.

The Free Masons believe the un-initiative or the people are stupid and undeserving. We are labeled the vulgar and the profane.

Anthony Fauci – one of the most evil men on the planet gives this gesture in front of everyone. For some reason most people in America worship the guy, which is unbelievable to me, but I guess can see things in plain sight that others cannot.

The hidden hand sign gesture is called the Sign of the Master of the Second Veil in Free Masonry.

What is the Ultimate Goal of this Secret Religion? A ONE WORLD ORDER.

On our Dollar Bill it says “novus ordo seclorum” meaning New Order of the Ages. This right here should tell you how long this PLAN has been in order.

This one eye occult religion has their marks on almost all currencies.

They want our destiny to be that we lose everything we have, everything we love until we lose our will to survive.

The symbol of free masonry isn’t what it appears – it is a square and compass but it conceals something.

All of our favorite actors and rock stars and anyone who has a platform had to take the secret society oath. Most of them that take these oathes are just like you and me, out of the true inner circle and have NO idea what really is behind all of this. But one thing is made perfectly clear: The Oath Always comes First. No matter what.

Duncan’s Ritual of Free Masonry – a book that is NOT intended for the masses or the free public.

Richardson’s Monitor of Free-Masonry – another book that lays out the rituals. Some of the penalties they swear to are having their tongue cut out of their throat, their bowels cut out and burned or their throats cut. Total obedience and loyalty is required.

When they are initiated they must remove all clothing and rings. You are blind folded because you resemble someone in utter darkness before you are awakened or illuminated into the light of free masonry.

The secrets that are released to members are secrets that are in plain sight in our daily lives.

The wife and daughter are kept in the dark about all discussions unless they are also initiated. So if you know someone that is in Free Masonry and you believe you know about this person – you don’t know shit because they are under oath with the penalty of death NOT to speak one word about it.

The whole system is focused on deception and the art of lying to their own members of lower degrees. These are the people who run our world down to the local and city councils – these are the people we trust to do the best for us.

In the Knights Templar the penalty is to have your head cut off if you ever speak a word about the secret society.

The Knights Templar was Developed by 9 men to run the Banking System of the World. They were 9 Free Masons that put together the entire World Government System. They put together the Vatcian, London City and Washington D.C. which acts as the Military Branch.

You don’t join this secret society just for the fun of it, and be very careful who you invite because most of the outsiders – the public is vulgar and profane. They are very selective on who is invited.

When they initiate 33rd degree masons you drink wine from a human skull.

In the 30th degree part of the ritual involves stabbing skulls.

Before you are revealed the TRUE BELIEFS of the religion you get you take numerous oaths and go through numerous rituals. So you really do enter blindly before they reveal to you, this is a Satanic Cult and by the time you told this, it is way too late to get out of. Yes, you will see many free masons going to church but they haven’t been awakened to the fact that their group in the higher degree of order worship Lucifer – their God of Light.

Albert Pike – one of the top 3 Free Masons of all time, who helped construct the rituals of the 33 degrees of Masonry. A very greedy and just hideous man, who by the way Donald J Trump was supporting, which brings the question, if Donald Trump supported a man like this, who was blatantly against the normal average every day individual, then is Trump just playing the greatest role in Free Mason history?

Pike was buried in the House of the Temple Masonic Lodge in Washington. He was called the Grand Commander Sovereign Pontiff of the Universal Free Masonry. He was a Confederate General who has his own statue.

Who were the Confederates? The ones who fought for slavery. They wanted to keep slaves.

Abraham Lincoln who wanted to free slaves was murdered by a Free Mason – John Wilkes Booth.

Albert Pike wrote the Bible of Free Masonry called “Morals and Dogma.” “The truth must be kept secret and the masses need a teaching proportionate to their imperfect reason.”

The secret of Free Masons is Sublime Wisdom or Hidden Wisdom.

Once you are accepted as a Free Mason you are granted access to International Success.

Free Masonry was imported from the east into the whole world.

According to Albert Pike – “the sages (enlightened ones) always has an esoteric creed taught only in the mysteries and unknown to the vulgar (mass general public). He goes on and says that the vulgar HERD (sound familiar, herd immunity) sees, hears and comprehends nothing. So this right here will show you what the Free Masons are taught to think of the mass general public or herd as they label it. They literally perceive us as chattel and nothing more.

The secret religion of our politicians and of our television stars is beyond the understanding of the vulgar – meaning the average hard working people. Are they right? Are we really unworthy??

Other penalties for speaking out the secrets about their society include having your ears and hands chopped off to the stumps – exactly the words from the book. Being HUNG in your own home and having your skull cut off from the top so your brain is exposed and they place you in the sun so the sun cooks the brain. It is no wonder few dare to speak out if they desire to expose this group of Lucifer worshipers.

The real power of the deceptive phenomenon of Free Masonry is that it contains some real truth. They intertwine the truth with fiction and we have to be master deciphers of what is true and what is bullshit.

The Free Mason Bible has been around LONGER than the actual Bible. They believe it to be the foundation of everything. This is the Bible that justifies it all and guides their morals. They believe if they can fool the people then the people get what they have coming because they were so easily deceived.

Since the Free Mason Bible has been around longer than the bible they believe it to be purer, the real truth. It is the foundation in which their religion is built upon. This bible to them is the key that unlocks everything.

The secret religion and the identity of the eye. Hospitals and Charities are just a front for the Free Masons.

Manly Hall – who was a 33rd Degree Free Mason and was named Free Mason of the Century by the Scottish Rite Journal in 1990 wrote a book that said “Free Masonry is a fraternity within a fraternity, an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect.” HELLO people! Goes on to say “one visible and one invisible.” Even the lesser degree idiotic free masons have no clue about this.

The visible would be like hospitals and charities.

The invisible society is a secret one that whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum aranorum. This means mystery of mysteries.

So what this is saying is that there are REAL Masons and there is a Masonry for the little peeps who think and wish they were big peeps running the world. There are Masters and there are Puppets in the world of free masonry.

These little puppets or peeps in the free masonry say that free masonry is not a religion. They say this because they actually believe this and they are very low on the order of masonry.

Manly Hall writes “Masonry is essentially a religious order.” This means without any question that IS what Free Masonry is. He goes on to say “Every Masonic Lodge is a Temple of Religion and its teachings are instruction in religion.” Hello people!

Part of the symbols are there to initiate but he is mislead by false interpretations. It is NOT intended that he understand them. Their true explication is reserved for the Princes of Masonry.

What is this saying or what does this actually mean here? It means that ALL of Free Masonry is built on lies and deception. They want to sucker you in further and further by intertwining truth. The higher up one gets the more truths they shall receive.

The puppets in the lower order of free masonry are being used and they have no clue that their purpose is to be a lifetime puppet to disseminate deception – which they think is really truth. It is all built upon deceiving and using the puppets to help keep society confused and lost in the dark about the world of free masonry.

Manly P. Hall also wrote a book called “The Secret Destiny of America.” The front cover has that all seeing eye at the top of a pyramid. For those free masons on the lower levels who say that the symbol of the pyramid and the all seeing eye on the dollar has no meaning or association with free masonry are just buffoons.

A good website for MISINFORMATION and false definitions is That will also say that the eye at the top of pyramid will have no symbolism meaning in masonry. That is intentional misinformation.

John F Kennedy was a Free Mason, but he became wise to all of it and understand it was built out of lies, deceptions and secrets. Not only did he want out, but he wanted to expose them and bury them. He was murdered for it.

If you think you know these people, you don’t. They are under oath remember, they will never divulge anything about the secret religion.

It is designed from lies upon lies, cloak upon cloak and layers upon layers that all conceal the truth from the mass population.

What is the most powerful and the most hidden religion in the world?

Free Masonry.

Free Masonry is Satanism in disguise.

The 33rd Degree is the Highest degree in Free Masonry.

Albert Pike is the undisputed champion of Free Masonry. Albert Pike states that Lucifer is the Light Bearer, the strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness. Lucifer, the son of the morning. Is it he that bears the light? Doubt it not. So in other words: Lucifer is God and do not doubt it.

Albert Mackey – says the Pentagram depending on its position represents good or evil, light or darkness, victor or death, initiation or profanation, Lucifer or Vesper.

Lucifer is good, Lucifer is light, Lucifer is victory and Lucifer is true initiation.

If you are not initiated you are profane. So if you haven’t figured out that God is Lucifer you are stupid and profane.

This is the beginning of their big secret. God is Lucifer. God is the Devil. We are already in Hell right now.

Manly Hall – the Free Mason of the Century – in the “Lost Keys of Free Masonry” on page 76 – the Living Power is Lucifer.

The world’s hidden religion with its One Eye Symbolism is Satanic. It is slowly revealed degree after degree until you know the truth at the 33rd Degree. They prefer to call it Luciferism.

When Kennedy said that we are ruled by a Secret Society, this is exactly what he was referring to. All the oaths, all the rituals, the secret signs and symbols and all the penalties now finally make sense.

They make these oaths knowing NOTHING about what they are protecting or who is ruling over them. This is the OLDEST religion in the world.

What is the Royal Craft of Free Masonry? Witchcraft.

Witchcraft is reserved for the few.

Satanism IS Free Masonry.

If you think that your favorite politicians or idols cannot be a part of this, you are mistaken. You need to wake up and wake up now. This is the reality we are in right now.

If you think that you have just as good a chance as anyone else to star in a movie, you are mistaken. The world is run by Free Masons and they choose Free Mason’s to star in movies, to run for government and to lead every single position of authority on this planet.

To these people Lucifer is good, Lucifer is the liberator and Jesus is the Suppressor. Lucifer is pure love and Jesus is impure love. Lucifer left Heaven for you and Jesus was crucified because he was a false Messiah.

The world has always been deceptive and we have been magnificently deceived and we are being deceived right now with these v a c c in es.

Charles Darwin – the Father of Atheism, Rationalism and Darwinism was an initiated Free Mason. Look at his pictures. The vow of silence and the hidden hand.

They think we are stupid, vile and ignorant. So far, following these fake pandemic orders and mandates we have proven them to be right.

You can NOT be a candidate for Free Masonry unless you believe in a Supreme Being. You HAVE to believe in a Higher Power.

Free Masons believe that to be an atheist one is a lunatic or a crazy ignorant person.

Charles Darwin DID believe in a Supreme Being. So all the bullshit spewed by Darwin was for the purpose of Deception.

They believe that Lucifer is our Intelligent Designer, the Supreme Being.

Free Masonry is constructed of lies by mutilating the truth. Mutilated truths make the most deceptive lies. This is how they sucker in their members who have NO freaking clue what they just go themselves into. This is the secret to their great success. They lie to their own members and to the general population.

Jesus described their God as the Father of Lies.

Charles Darwin is known as an influential figure by the Satanic Temple.

Lucifer is the power of witchcraft and magic. Magic works because there is a hierarchy or pyramidal structure in the Spirit Realm. These spirits can be conjured up and summoned by the practitioners of the Royal Art of Free Masonry.

Bob Dylan, a free mason was interviewed on 60 minutes and asked why do you keep doing this…. Dylan said “a long time ago, I made a bargain with the devil and now I am holding up my end.” May I ask who you made the bargain with? “With the Chief Commander” as he giggles. On this Earth? Dylan “on this Earth and the world we can’t see.”

How does one communicate with the Chief Commander, Lucifer? Witchcraft.

The Encyclopedia of American Religions - excerpt “Secrecy is bolstered by a system of initiations and degrees. The material that is kept secret is the Magical Knowledge of the group. This knowledge may consist of rituals and powerful formulations.” Hello people.

What about the author of Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling? Do you think she into Satanism? Do a google search for “JK Rowlings reveals inspiration for Deathly Hallows Symbol.” What was that symbol? The free masonic square and compass with the One Eye that all the “stars” flaunt. Time to wake up.

Do you think she is a member of the secret society? Unquestionably Yes.

JK Rowlings just got a tattoo on her wrist from the Baphomet that says SOLVE COAGULA.

Eliphas Levi’s book “Transcendental Magic – Its doctrine and Ritual – has an image of The Sabbatic Goat – goats head with two horns, breast and penis which has the words SOLVE COAGULA on the arms, the same tattoo on JK Rowlings wrist. Hmm. Time to wake up.

These words are important as they involve the process in which the New System will be implemented at unreal costs to the mass population.

J.K. Rowlings religion is Satanism. 100%. The sacred religion for the highly successful and the elite.

Eliphas Levi writes in the book Transcendental Magic “in the ceremonies practiced at reception by all secret societies, there are found indications of a doctrine which is everywhere the same and everywhere carefully concealed.” This is Witchcraft.

In the book “The History of Magic” it says that magic is the Royal Art, the Sacerdotal Art.

The inspiration for the Baphomet came from the Knights Templar – who are Free Masons, pretty high in the degree order.

Some of the members of the Knights Templar were executed for glorifying Evil.

In the book “The Satanic Bible” by Anton Szador LaVey – the Baphomet was worshiped by Templars as symbolic of Satan.

Where do modern day Knights Templar reside now? Within high degree Free Masonry.

From the book “Encyclopedia of American Religions” – “the continuing impact of speculative free masonry provided fertile soil in which new magical orders could flow. This magical orders means other branches of secret societies.

That is what Free Masonry is all about – SECRETS. Free Masonry is the King of secret societies. The oldest religion in the world has made a great comeback and is now on the verge of success, which Nothing can Stop it now.

From the book “Encyclopedia of American Religions” – “the groups for which ritual is the apex of magical activity wear ritual garb and use elaborate facilities. Such facilities may be anything from a Temple of a Magical Lodge to the circle of a Witches coven.” Where do Masons meet now? In a Masonic Lodge.

Some of them have a Pentagram on the floor and a chequered floor pattern.

Christianity is the one force between us and the inconceivable horror that is awaiting us.

The Skull and Bones (Yale) – also called the Order of Death which the Bush’s were members are nothing more than grooming the world’s next “leaders.”

Take a look at the artwork for Stanley Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange and Eyes Wide Shut – nothing but masonic and the title Eyes Wide Shut is directed at the Sleeping Sheep of the mass population who have no freaking clue that they are being mocked and laughed at by the very title let alone not recognizing the truth behind the movie.

Anton Szandor LaVey, the founder of the Satanic Church, in his book “The Satanic Rituals” which is a companion to the satanic bible says “satanic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments and virtually every occult order has many Masonic roots.”

There are just dots everywhere you look, all you have to do is be awake enough to realize they are dots and then you can easily begin connecting them.

Today, all governments are run by Free Masons which is why it was so easy getting the world to believe their bullshit lie about covid-19 and sucker the world to believe they needed to take the vaccine because these secret societies (governments of the world) have our best interest.

The Satanic Ritual is a blend of Gnostic, Cabbalistic, Hermetic, and Masonic elements. Wow, that is interesting because Free Masonry is a mix of all of these too.

Free Masonry is Satanism in disguise.

Every rite of the Black Order employed Masonic principles. One German rite is called Freunden Von Lucifer – which translates to Friends of Lucifer.

The numerous manifestations of Satanism in Masonic ritual, for instance, the goat, the coffin, and the deaths-head. Hello – are you getting the picture that this isn’t conspiracy theory as the Masons throw that word out there whenever someone is spot on.

So how did Free Masonry get away with this and continue to pull this off? Just like their number enemy Jesus said they would. By dressing the Wolves as Sheep. That is exactly the deception they are using with Fauci, Gates, WHO, FDA, NIH – which ALL are led by top order Free Masons. We will get to their evil plans later on here.

The Free Masons CLOAK themselves as Christians. This is how they get away with all of this.

PLUS – the run the educational system, the health system and their NUMBER ONE weapon has always been the Media. When people realize this, they will wake up, but it may already be too late to do anything to stop their plans.

Once again JFK attempted to tell us that we are opposed around the world by a monolithic conspiracy and he was assassinated for this very reason.

Did JFK know that Lucifer was the God of Free Masonry?

To really know what Free Masonry is you seriously have to be at the 33rd degree, even 32nd degree masons often are not aware that Lucifer is their God that they have secretly been suckered into worshiping.

The New World Order beliefs are that Lucifer is God of Light. So, yes, all in favor of the New World Order believe Satan is their God. They are all Free Mason Satanists.

There have been mason Grand Masters in the Lodge for over 40 years that were never invited to the 33rd degree and never knew what Free Masonry was even about. It is a select few who know the truth and those select few are chosen for “leadership” roles in the world to follow the Order.

Free Masonry is a Christian trap. They observe very, very closely and they know if one isn’t ready to embrace Lucifer as their God of Truth. Those that do not will never make it to 33rd degree. If you ever hear of someone being a 33rd degree mason, you now know what they are really about.

This is an ingenious system birthed by what must have been demonic inspirations.

Anton Szandor LaVey says that this ingenious system requires a philosophical commitment to be accepted into ritualistic activities, and this serves as a rudimentary screening process for organized Satanism. *Hello – can it be much clearer than this?

They are an extremely well organized secret society as they know when their members are ready for elevation to the next level.

The whole society is based off of a filtering process in which specific men and women are picked to be promoted to the world stage.

If you naively think that politics and magic do not mix, you are deeply mistaken.

How else have they pulled the wool over our eyes?

Herbert Spencer – “The ultimate effect of shielding men from folly is to fill the world with fools.”

Who is the biggest fool in the eyes of free masonry? An Atheist. One who believe there is no higher power.

What is this world full of right now? Atheists. This IS by design.

Brad Pitt – a member of the Free Masons but almost all actors on the world stage are, wears a free mason ring and often gestures masonry. Here is a direct quote from Pitt, “I could really try on something different for myself. That was Satanism. It’s working out really well. I made a pact.”

Remember Bob Dylan being interviewed by Ed Bradly on 60 minutes saying the same?

When you see the celebrities doing the little circle with their fingers, that means 666. They communicate with the like with symbolism and they do it all over and all of the time.

666 is Satans number and Jesus Christ did say this.

Remember, Jesus is who the Free Masons hate.

Free Masons are disciples of Lucifer. This is well demonstrated from half time shows of Super Bowls, celebrities gesturing on magazines, see them at professional games wearing their 666 clothing and during their interviews. They flaunt it right in our faces because they believe we are ignorant and inferior to them… they really, truly believe this and why not, look at what they got the world to do in 2020.

The one at the top of that Pyramid on the almighty dollar is Satan. The God of this world. So if you really love this world so much, why not love Satan?

Once again, Free Masonry is Satanism in Disguise. Most of the members don’t know this but most end up accepting because of their good fortunes in this world.

The high level Free Masons partake in drinking human blood from human skulls. The low levels drink wine. This is ritualistically done to gain magical abilities.

The right eye of Lucifer in the Satanic temple is darkened. It states this in the Bible Zechariah 11:17. Right eye darkened. The hatred for Jesus is because it is truth. Jesus Christ is the Good Shepard – not the Worthless Shepard with One Eye as in Zechariah.

Marilyn Manson – a free mason said “hopefully I will be remembered as the man who brought the end of Christianity.” There are likely a lot of good people that have been recruited or asked to be a member of the mason lodge but they have no idea what can of worms they are opening up. It is estimated that 90% have NO idea why they take oaths of silence and penalty, what they are serving, what they are doing there or even what the masonic lodges represent.

The film industry or Hollywood and MTV videos is nothing but free mason propaganda to influence the masses.

The propaganda of free masonry goes deep – they have infiltrated and taken over the authority positions of schools (education system), politics (legislation), tv (tel a vision), our favorite idols (sex, satanism, anti-christian) and they control the whole media of the world now. I would say they are perfectly set up for whatever plan they have and yes we will get to that.

The famous chef Anthony Bourdain, an open hater of Christianity was also a free mason.

When you see a free mason giving the finger over the lips gesture that means they have took the oath of silence under penalty and they can never promote Christianity ever again.

The upper free masons only associate, date and marry those of the secret society.

Many are always wondering if Elon Musk is a white hat. Amber Heard was photographed with a double masonic gesture in which her camouflage for the masses said “when you know your lipstick is smeared but you have to smile” as her hand covered her lips and one eye and Elon Musk liked it and commented “Good sign.” That should be a tell. Another tell is that one NEVER, EVER makes it big in the corporate world unless they are a HIGH Level member of the secret free mason society.

Christian Bale thanked Satan at an awards show. They are no longer ashamed or fear the public for doing this, they think we will continue to support them and even conform to their ideals.

Look at Motley Crue’s Shout at the Devil album cover. Totally Free Mason = Satanic, but if you don’t know the signs, symbols and gestures then how would one ever really know? They blatantly showed this off and thought nothing of the masses, in fact influencing the masses to hate Jesus. I speculate they are low level puppets.

Signs and symbols rule the world, not laws and they occur everyday, all the time, right in front of our faces – it is time to wake up and realize that there is secret communication between the free mason satanic secret society as they fear the Christians.

They love the darkness so much that they define it as light.

I beg you to observe that the Light of a Master Mason is Darkness Visible.” This is the most accurate description of Masonic Light.

So Masonic Light is Darkness.

Many 32nd degree masons do not know this and have never connected the dots yet, thus why they will never take that last promotion. Free Mason Lodges is ALL about the screening process, the filtering process, it is like the CIA looking for great recruits to do their dirty work. They want to find the greediest people on the planet to be their satanic puppets.

Most of the Grand Masters don’t even know what they are representing, but Hollywood was groomed from day 1 to understand it all, the power of darkness.

Satan – the all seeing Eye, Evil is Good and Good is Evil.

The Free Masons bury their truths – usually people bury their lies. Their truth is that God is the Devil and we are in Hell. They believe that Compassion is Weakness.

The book “The Secret Doctrine” by Helana P. Blavatsky – Doctrine means belief, so it is the secret belief – says “ The son’s of God, whom Satan was one, all those spiritual beings who were called the Angels of Darkness because that Darkness is Absolute Light.” Are you getting the picture yet? H.P. Blavatsky was a free mason, it is one in the very SAME. All Free Mason’s are Satanists, 90% do not know what they represent, but when they take that secret oath they are unknowingly signing up to represent Lucifer.

Free Masons love darkness rather than light.

This is no small cult, these are our hero’s the ones we all look up to, these are the ones who run our government, who run our world, who created a fake pandemic to push their poison into our veins.

The first Masonic Grand Lodge was organized in 1717 and that was the beginning of the grand master plan that would continue for generations. What is that plan? To overthrown Christianity and to rule the entire world.

These are the ones who have perverted our culture, with the hidden hand. They own charities, nursing homes, children’s hospitals retirement homes – they appear to be great people on the outside but what they represent on the inside is pure evil.

They politicize everything, the news, race wars, discrimination, our entire entertainment industry.

They are about to break everything down and make everything conform to their ideals – to their New World – to their One World Order.

A completely new system of life is coming on this planet. It has a LOT to do with these v a c c in es. What they are up to is unbelievable but very well planned, and very, very evil.

They call it Satans Master Plan – and there is a book called this. It is all about the destruction of Christianity.

Anton LaVey’s book “The Satanic Bible” – “waiting at the darkness visible, lifting our eyes to that bright morning star whose rising peace and salvation to the faithful and obedient.” The Bright Morning Star is Lucifer.

John Alexander – Free Mason – says the exact same thing.

Free Masonry is Satanism is Disguise. 100%.

The initiated Queen of Free Masonry – Helana P Blavatsky says this “the knowledge of their members about full signification of their symbols is nil.” Few understand the significance of their symbols and what they actually really mean. Almost all of our celebrities give us the signs in their photographs, they laugh and brag about how stupid and gullible Christians are.

The Eye of the Free Masons is the All Seeing Eye of Lucifer.

I am not aware of one single celebrity that is not a Free Mason and dedicated their life to Satan. I hope there is at least one. This goes all the way back to the conception of television or tell a vision, which is what it was designed for.

One way to tell a Free Mason is to observe who they hang out with – they NEVER hang out with the uninitiated.

Lucifer is the Free Masons savior and his number is 666. Jesus Christ is the Oppressor.

The middle finger is for the sleeping masses, the Christians and to Jesus. Obama gestured this with the vow of silence.

Katy Perry flat out admitted in an interview that things just weren’t working out so she sold her soul to the devil.

Stevie Nicks is a well known witch. Many have seen American Horror Story – the one about witches in which she was revered.

Chequered black and white floors are a masonic sign also. You will often see these in the lodges. This means you cannot separate good from evil, they are one in the same. Evil is good. Sin is ignored, there is no such thing as sin. The only sin to them is breaking their vow of silence to the secret society which is punishable by all sorts of twisted deaths.

From the book “Rites of Lucifer” – On the altar of the Devil, up is down, pleasure is pain, darkness is light, slavery is freedom and madness is sanity.

The book “Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated V1 The Complete Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite” by John Blanchard – has illustrations of signs, symbols and gestures of the Free Mason.

We truly are in a masonic and Christian war. It is good vs evil and in my mind the two are very different. It is a silent war that the masses have yet awaken to.

From the book Satanic Rituals by Anton LeVay – Invocator – “His is the Lightning Flash.” What is on the Cover of AC/DC who are very well known Satanists and Free Masons? The lightening flash symbol.


Witchcraft – why do you think that witchcraft has disappeared? It hasn’t gone away, it was forced to go into hiding. What force? When Jesus arrived.

In their plans for their New World Order – they will get rid of Jesus and remove all of our rights. Sound familiar with what is happening right now in 2021?

Why is there 33 degrees of masonry? Because 33% of the Angels were booted from Heaven and that is who they represent. They were thrown out of heaven like lightening.

Free Masons run every major funeral home in the world.

Free Masons believe in Nature laws. Sounds great at the surface as does much of their deceptions, but they believe that they can do evil because nature allows them. They are very twisted in their beliefs. Only the strongest survive and thrive. There is no sin, there is only nature. Whatever happens, it happens because nature allows it to happen.

Remember, Lucifer is the Light Bearer for Free Masons.

The book “The Encyclopedia of American Religions” – “the continuing impact of speculative modern free masonry provided fertile soil in which new magical orders could grow.”

Testimony from a former free mason: “When I was initiated I was blindfolded and a spear was placed on my bear chest.” “A rope is around your neck and you lean forward and upfront at the Eastern end of the building is the Master and you kneel down before him as if he were a God. Then the mask if taken off and they tell you that you coming from the Darkness into the Light.”

Testimony from a former free mason entering witchcraft: “Through witchcraft we were initiated through a very involved ritual ceremony where in the candidate was led blindfolded bound by a rope to the edge of the magic circle. We were met by the high priest at that time usually with a sword to your chest. You then make an oath to the secrets of witchcraft. At the edge of the circle someone will ask: who goes there? The answer is – One from the world of darkness. Spells are released with the words – So Mote it Be.” So Mote it Be – just means so may it be.

Another testimony: “when I entered the lodge a sword was put on my chest and I was warned if I reveal anything you know what to expect.”

In order to join witchcraft you have to be screened and you have to be recommended by another mason.

Why is the initiation to witchcraft almost identical to free masonry? They are one in the same. Many free masons don’t even know this until they get in the higher degrees.

Kylie Minogue – has a photo of her doing the silence gesture with a magic book in her right hand. What is this telling the world? It is saying she is a practicing Witch.

What is Witchcraft? It is the Royal Art of Free Masonry.

The MAIN Point of all of this is to inform you the reader that Satanists are at the Helm of everything in this world, they are in total control, they have had plans for decades for this very time and yes, it all has to do with this Pandemic, yes it has to do with 5-G radiation frequency and yes, it most definitely has to do with vaccinations, especially the crafty mRNA Covid vaccination.

The ban was lifted off of witchraft in England in the 1950’s after 1500 years of being banned. This was about the time that they started to feel comfortable enough to come back out in the light. Their plans began for today 2021 around this very time back in the 50’s.

Witchcraft should be banned and it most definitely should be illegal. Even the so called spells to do good. Thanks to propaganda the craft of the with has been fabricated into the realm of fantasy. It is far from a fantasy.

Some people that witchcraft isn’t satanic or free masonry isn’t satanic. This is propaganda set up to create a false perception. Both witchcraft and free masonry are satanic.

Anton Szandor LaVey’s book “The Satanic Rituals companion to the Satanic Bible” it says they cannot afford any affinity to satan. So for now it is all deception, illusion and lies, but not for long because their plan on moving from Darkness to Light is just about complete and they will begin showing their true selves for everyone to see.

Justin Timberlake had his photo with a magic book and hat – he is quoted as saying “Satan is my master and he has always been.” There you go. But almost all Hollywood stars, music stars or anyone that has a regular television show is a free mason. The words free mason and satanist DO go hand in hand, there are one of the same.

Arthur E. Waite says “Out of Evil comes good, however, and the confusion of tongues gave rise to ‘ancient practice of Masons conversing without the use of speech’. Hello people. Wake up. It is good to do evil is what he is saying and we can communicate with our own non verbal language. Once you learn the symbolism, you will recognize it EVERYWHERE.

Tom Brady, 7 time Super Bowl winning quarterback, said this to his barber in the chair “So, man I listen to her. Right after the game she said. ‘See, I did a lot of work, you do your work and I’ll do mine. You’re lucky you married a witch, I’m just a good witch.’” Flaunting it right in front of our faces. His wife is Gisele Bundchen a Brazilian model and activist. Code for Free Mason witch.

Both Tom Brady and his wife have numerous photographs of them displaying their true religion, Free Masonry. His wife Gesele Bundchen is a witch. 100%.

The One Eyed Religion IS Free Masonry. Free Masonry IS Luciferian or Satanic.

Abracadabra – a term of incantation, a legitimate word used in witchcraft.

In the 100 year old book “An Encyclopedia of Free Masonry” it is described. Why would it be in a book about Free Masons, the people who run charities, hospitals, nursing homes and that secretly supply us with Popes, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and Queens and the bulk of our entertainers (stars)? Why??

What do they have planned? What are these Satanic Free Masons planning on doing to establish their New World Order and convince the masses to subdue to all of it?? We will get to this soon.

JayZ – a Free Mason who wrote a song called Lucifer, he wrote a song called Jesus can’t save you, Life Starts when Church ends. He wears a sweatshirt with the word “Do what thall whilt.” This is the adoptive motto of Free Masons which means do what you want to do.

Aleister Crowley – The Grand Commander of Free Masonry and outspoken Satanist. He was the founder of “Ordo Templi Orientis” he named himself the beast 666. He has writing called the Libri and he says “With my Hawks head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross.”

Why do they hate Jesus so much? These are the people we trust running our governments of the world, the people who hate Jesus and we expect them to treat us with dignity and respect? Come on People. Time to Wake Up!

The book “The Equinox” with the all seeing eye of free masonry – the book talks about the coming New Age, the New World Order run by Free Masons. They want to end Christianity and punish those who believe in it. “Do what thou wilt is the true nature.” They will do what they want.

If they believe in do what thou wilt, what do you think they will do to those outside their inner circle?

From a commentary on Aleister Crowley’s “The Book of the Law” – “the beast 666 adviseth that all children from infancy shall be accustomed to witness every sexual act, as also the process of birth.” These people are totally nuts.

Also from The Book of Law by Crowley – “Magic is the highest, absolute and most Divine Knowledge of Natural Philosophy.” It goes on – summarizing: Any living being has a storehouse of energy, varying in quantity according to the size and health of the animal and in quality according to its mental and moral character. At the death of the animal, this energy is liberated suddenly. The animal therefor should be killed within the Circle. That circle is called the Magic Circle. They do this so the energy can be captured and directed to serve the witch. This is a HIDDEN Science.

This is coming from Aleister Crowley, a 33rd degree mason, the highest of the order. “For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most suitable sacrifice.

By the way, The Beatles have this man on their Album Cover of Sgt. Pepper. Yes, the Beatles were Free Mason. If you turn the album just right you will see that they placed Crowley at the top of the pyramid and at the bottom they have symbolism of the testicles and vagina. Have you all seen the photo of the Beatles and they are all holding upside down crosses? Symbolism, you have to pay attention to everything from now on as you know what to look for. All the upper elite who have a platform of any kind are Free Masons.

Almost all of JayZ’s photos contain symbolism, he is one who really likes to brag about being in the secret society. To many it is like joining a gang, they perceive it as love they have never experienced before. If they only knew this is not love at all, it is hate of Jesus Christ and is absent of love.

Do you still think that Free Masonry is not Satanism in Disguise?

The book – Complete Book of Witchcraft – says this: “This is not a book for the idly curious. Some of the spells and recipes included may seem foolish, dangerous or disgusting. The knowledge here revealed has been forbidden through the ages, and caused suffering and even death to thousands accused of being witches – as well as to their victims. Be Warned!”

This secret group called the Free Masons believe it is their Biblical Destiny to bring in the New Age. They believe that time is Right Now.

The witch practitioner will drink wine out of a human skull. “This is done by dissolving or boiling the brains and heart of that animal in new wine, and give anyone to drink out of the skull, and while the force of the draught operates he will fancy every living creature to be a bear like to himself; neither can anything divert or cure himself until the fumes and virtue of the liquor are entirely expended, no other distemper being perceivable in him.” The initiator is encouraged to “Drink in the night at a springwater out of a skull of one that has been slain. Otherwise, eat a pig killed with a knife that slew a man.” So the skull they drink from is one from someone who has been murdered or sacrificed and the knife is one that has partaken in taking life. This is Free Masonry, this is the high level Free Masonry.

Other rituals including burning Roosters while they are alive. Yes, this is from the masons who say there is no evil in the world because evil is good and good is evil.

Also from the Complete Book of Witchcraft: “EUPHORBIA: a poisonous plant of genus Euphorbia used in ointments and potions of witches. Euphorbia is under the rule of Mars and is used in fumes, charms and potions for the working of the Martial Magic, usually for Death and Destruction.

There are potions for making your male or female enemy sterile or even causing impotence.

There are potions for killing them. Yes, there is a section “To Kill or Harm an Enemy.” There are no forensics involved in this. Hillary Clinton was said to be a top witch, no wonder all her enemies magically end up dead. These are great ones behind these vaccines and the ones who believe the world should have 500 million people.

There is the Black Magic spells and that is what they use for their enemies. In the black magic the circles, candles and linens are all black.

The use of blood and sex in ritual was considered helpful for obtaining the necessary energy to successfully work magic or achieve mystical insight.

Animals such as black cats or CHILDREN may be sacrificed. *Participants may drink the blood of the sacrifice. An orgy of participants often follows the mass. Hmm, sounds a lot like what we hear Hillary Clinton did ALL the time. (Speaking of Hillary an alt news article said she was executed yesterday on the 4-26-21.) Who knows.

The Royal Art of Free Masonry is the Science of Witchraft.

How many children go missing each year in the world? It is estimated that around 8 Million children go missing each year. Wonder how many were for the sacrifices?

Everyone Free Mason is under Oath, so even if they wanted to tell you, they would likely pay a great price for doing so.

Where does witchcraft originate from? It originates from the spirit realm. Spirit beings taught mankind the royal art of free masonry and this was well before civilization ever began.

The Knights Templar of today is in the highest degree of Free Masonry. History says they did some horrible and despicable acts – do you think they have changed?

Take a look at a Knights Templar’s hat. What is that? A symbol of the Baphomet.

The book – The Complete Book of Magic and Witchcraft by Kathryn Paulsen – “the hierarchy of demons occupies a more important place in both black and white magic rituals.” After these magic witchcrafts are carried out here on Earth it is carried to the spirit realm by actual demons.

This is the reality that is hidden from us, because if we found out that Satan was real, then that would have to make Jesus Christ real too. Jesus is the one they hate and if Jesus Christ is real, it changes everything.

Free Masons try to imitate what Jesus Christ did, but in reverse or reciprocal. They try to copy but yet they put their filthy touch to it. For example, the wafer used to imitate Christ is a consecrated wafer may be smeared with urine, menstrual blood or semen or the name Satan and magical characters may be written upon it.

So what are their plans for us? They want to introduce us to a new system of life after a number of shocking events takes place.

From book “Hierarchy of Demon” - Satanachia – is called the Commander in Chief – it is said he can make women do his will. Bob Dylan’s interview on 60 minutes with Ed Bradly said he made a bargain with the Chief Commander.

Only the gospels can shed true light: “You followed the Spirit of the Age in this New World System as dominated by the Commander of the Spiritual Powers of the Air.”

Satanists also know that spirits can live in the air. Any spirit can be summoned by name if you posses the Royal Art of free masonry – Magic or Witchcraft.

Witchcraft, Satanism and Free Masonry is absolutely real.

Demons are just like Satan, they followed him out of Heaven.

The demon Nebiros – is called the Field Marshall and Inspector General – has the power to work evil and to predict events; shows the secret powers of natural world.

Who is the highest in every masonic lodge around the country? The Inspector General. Hmmm, same title as the living demon? Connect the dots people it’s not hard.

There are Magic Ceremonies in which anyone can Conjure Lucifer himself. You can conjure Beelzebuth which the Bible says is the Prince of the Devils. Both of these are listed as Superior Spirits in the book Witchcraft and Magic.

The Complete Book of Magic and Witchcraft illustrates the Seal of 7 which is just like the Free Mason seal on every lodge in the country.

The triple 6 masonic, satanic sign it make a circle with the thumb and index finger and hold the other 3 fingers straight up. It makes three, sixes.

Whenever you see those videos of people wearing shirts with the eye in the middle of a triangle, you know who they are what they represent.

Brujeria – it is spanish for witchcraft – Azealia Banks used this word in a video telling the world she is a practicing witch as she said “this is the result of 3 years of brujeria.”

Take not of the logo of the Church of Lucifer to the Logo of the Mason Fraternity. One in the same. Wake up.

The Local Masonic Lodges around the entire world are Filtering Systems for Satanists. That is ALL they are, pure and simple.

There is a hidden and guarded Science of Blood Sacrifice and they have been taking our children around the world for this very purpose.

If you think that Jesus didn’t know what he was doing or that he didn’t exist you are wrong.

Would they hate someone who never existed?

The Free Masons goal is to make every church in the world a brothel whorehouse. If you think this is not possible, take a look at the 501-C government programs as they are giving money to the clergy for favors like propaganda of communicating the vaccines are safe or bringing in immigrants by the thousands from foreign countries – yes, the Government is using them to do some very dirty work. Money is truly the root to all evil.

Once again, High Ranking Free Masons ARE Satanists and they are the ones behind all the world governments. They have worked for hundreds of years just to be in this position so they can have the Earth for themselves and won’t have to conceal everything they do.

One thing to look for inside the lodges is twin pillars. The sign of a mason. They use symbolism in everything they do, that is why once you have some basic knowledge of that symbolism it will be easy to see who they are what their true agendas are. Other symbolism is the chequered floor black and white tiles, the compass and square, pentagrams, covering one eye, inverted crosses and the all seeing Eye of Free Masonry.

Free Masons are sponsoring modeling sessions in churches and some of their models are dressed in satanic attire. The make up of the all seeing eye and many will use their own hair to make the two horns of the Baphomet. That is what they are doing in select churches now. They know exactly which ones they can get away with, the filtering process is not confined to the lodges.

The Masonic Advertising is everywhere and they are feeling VERY comfortable right now with the coming of their New Age.

Another thing that they are doing and have been for multiple decades is perverting society. Now they are saying the men dressing as women is beautiful and being gay is normal and showing a lot skin is fine, it is fine aborting babies AFTER birth - pushing the women’s choice b.s. and this isn’t considered murder. It is okay now for men to participate in women’s sports. It fine to encourage your children to cross dress. Gays are encouraged to adopt. Censorship for telling the truth about what is happening in the world. How can people not connect the dots to everything that is going on and for those that do, how can you remain silent? Do you think this will get better if you sit on your ass and say nothing and do nothing? It is going to take us all coming together but first everyone has to freaking wake up.

Do you think that Free Masonry and their peculiar morals are not behind the decline of Christianity? Wake up.

The appearance of Jesus Christ drove Free Masonry underground. Now they want their revenge. They have been planning on what’s coming for a very long time.

You can also identify a high level free mason as they will push the conspiracy theory when you get close to doing something that could effect their agenda.

Go and listen to John F. Kennedy’s speech regarding Secret Societies. It was true then and now they are about to unleash hell on Earth.

People have been so sound asleep while these evil creatures have been executing their plans for over 100 years here in the United States. It is so obvious now that a cave man could see it, but an average American, no way. Darkness is coming in the form of their Great Reset, their New World Order, their New Age. To them, they are moving from Darkness to Light. For Christians it will be just the opposite.

Welcome to The Masonic New World Order.

Do you think those Georgia Guidestones are just a joke?

They are not a joke, not even close to a joke and that should have been a sign to alert people back in 1980 when they were erected.

They were funded by a secret group – hmmm, guess who and by a man who called himself R.C. Christian.

On one stone it says “Let these be Guidestones to an Age of Reason.” Hmm, wonder what that could mean?

Thomas Paine – he wrote a book that was called “The Age of Reason.” This author was a hater of Christianity. You have to have an evil heart to hate Christians and what they represent. Atheism is one thing, but hating is another. Most Atheists are looking for science to answer their questions which was one of the absolute top main goals of the Free Masons who have total control of every science publication that basically has come out for at least 50 years. Control the funding of the science research and you control the results.

The Georgia Guidestones replaces the Ten Commandments with it’s own commandments for the new age.

The first commandment or Guideline is this:

  1. Maintain Humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with Nature. What type of event would have to happen to make this come true. What are they pushing to the world right now, this moment that hasn’t been FDA approved? Not that that would matter because all the three letter agencies are authored by upper level free masons who have been promised to be one of those numbers who will be in balance with “nature.” This would amount to a reduction of about 7 Billion Human Beings on the planet. Didn’t Bill Gates mention that we will never go back to normal until everyone on the planet is vaccinated? Hmm.

Let’s now take a look at R.C. Christian. This name represents the Rosicrucian Order or Order of the Cross. Whenever you see the word order, think of a society under free masons. That is just what it is, another secret umbrella society under the Free Masons. Which means, it really is the Free Masons who planned this and did this.

Remember: Free Masons are an extension to ALL Secret Societies, they created them for a degree or two of separation.

Thomas Paine – wonder if he was a free mason? Maybe one of his books could be the indicator called “Origin of Free-Masonry.”

There is a Satanic Spirit behind the Georgia Guidestones.

The WHOLE system is about to change people. The Great Reset is many things and one of them is going to the oldest religion in the world and it will be a One World Religion. You should know what one it is by now.

The World Governments are all in this – yes, I promise you, every single one of them. Even the ones the media portrays are in WAR with each other, you can always tell by the gestures they do at their meetings – the secret handshakes are the main giveaway.

There are only two societies in the world, the visible one which most of us are in and the invisible secret society.

The invisible one considers you profane, vile and vulgar. You are nothing more than a dumb animal. You are chattel. Where we go one we go all – they have united. We are divided.

We have become excess inventory to them. We are now a major burden to them and the time to depopulate is NOW.

A prediction by Information Technology and Research center called Gartner predicts that 1/3 of jobs will be replaced by technology like software, robots and smart machines by 2025… just 4 more years.

Robots will reach human intelligence levels by 2029 and by 2050 80% of all jobs will be eliminated by automation.

Since the Upper Order – Degree Free Masons control all the wealth, what in the world do you think they will do with all of us? Don’t worry, they are doing it right now and have planned on this year 2021 for a very long time.

They have a Utopia planned but it aint for you or me. As George Carlin said “politician are in place to make you feel like you have freedom of choice, you don’t, you have owners, they own you, they own everything, they own the corporations, the senate, congress, house, city councils, the have the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they can control all the news and information you get to hear. They got ya by the balls. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want someone smart enough to know they are getting fucked and have been thrown overboard 30 years ago. They want obedient workers. They want people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paper work and just dumb enough to passively accept all the increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, longer hours, reduced benefits and the vanishing pension. It’s a big club and you ain’t in it. The table is tilted, the game is rigged and nobody seems to notice and nobody seems to care. We continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck.”

Well, unfortunately, George is spot on correct. That is exactly what is happening but it’s even worse. It is way worse.

The New Age is now Dawning and we are NOT invited.

They will make it appear like we are part of it, like we are wanted, we may get our Universal Income, we may be promised all kinds of perks, but then once they give you the candy they will take it away faster than a pedophile takes candy from a baby.

These homicidal sociopaths believe that mass murder is a part of Nature. That is seriously their belief.

These are true satanists and you will have to accept this religion. It is truly time to wake up. Are you all going to be pussies and turn on Jesus Christ and accept this when it comes to this? It is coming, I promise you, I have seen the plans. The military is in on it as that is where a lot of the plans come from, I don’t know if it is all the military or part of it? I know that there are lot of great Jesus loving people in the military but the top levels are filled with Satanic Free Masons. There are many other names across the world, but the Grand Daddy of all – the Father is Free Masonry.

We continue to give these satanic criminals respect even though all they do is laugh at us behind closed doors and mock us. All the information is right before our eyes but we have been sound asleep. It is time to see with your eyes. It is time to wake up.

Jesus Christ said this New Age is a trap. This brings the question which I have been asking over and over – Where are the preachers? Why are they being silent on everything? It is unbelievable. We seriously have NO Leaders. None.

There is a new magazine called “The New Age” and it is run by the Supreme Council 33rd Degree Free Masonry.

They put people on the cover like Helana Blavatsky the person who says “Satan is the God of this planet, Hell is the Earth, and Darkness is absolute light.”

We are eating from the dirty spoons of these Luciferians. They are feeding us bullshit and we are eating it like it is honey.

Anton Szandor LaVey’s “The Satanic Bible” in 1966 outlined the New Age. This is the guy who vowed to help destroy Christianity and formed the Satanic church. He is a free mason who posed for the symbol / gesture called the Devils Claw. James De Rothschild displayed this gesture – another prominent free mason.

Annie Besant – co-writer of Lucifer magazine with H.P. Blavatsky in 1895 was a top 33rd degree mason.

A Free Mason started the Satanic Church.

What else is it going to take to communicate that this New Age, this great reset, this new world order is the plan of Free Masons?

Barbara G. Walker who wrote the book “The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets” says “a triple six 666 was the magical number of the Triple Aphrodite.” She calls it the miraculous number 666.

Christopher S. Hyatt wrote the book “Undoing Yourself – with Meditation and Other Devices” writes “as we moved closer to the well planned for and long awaited invocation of the Prime Minister unto the very King of Hell. The grand vicar of Lord Lucifer. Keywords are “very well planned for.” Their plan is here and it is now. He says “Opposites do not exist except for in the mind” in other words – evil and good are all in your head.

These are all the minds that took part in creating and developing this New World System.

Hyatt says “the new age will require new men, men of high consciousness and fortitude. All of our present dogma models will crumble.” So what is this saying? It is preparing us for the great new reset. Destruction of the old and the building of the new. Biden’s “Build back better.” Sound familiar?

Christopher Hyatt “those who would survive will do so by only grasping the vision of what lies ahead – the new wave which will bring to them an interesting future.” This from the guy who worships the Antichrist.

Christopher Hyatt says that both Satanic Cults and Christian Fundamentals are closer to seeing the truth than most normal people. So he is saying that Atheists are the most stupid people on the planet.

What is he referring to when he says dogma models will fail? The Christians will fail and crumble.

Robert Anton Wilson said “Christianity and Democracy have been among the worst disasters to ever befall on the human race.” These are the people behind what is happening right now. Does this sound like a person concerned with the human race by saying Christianity is a disaster? Robert Wilson was a free mason.

The term New Age came from Free Masons. The highest degree Free Masons. 33rd Degree free masons.

Knowing what we now know, do you believe the new system will be Democratic or focused on freedom and rights? NO Way.

The worst vice for a free mason is to have sympathy for the weak. Who are the weak? Duhh.

Friedrich Nietzsche – author of the book “The Antichrist” from wikiedia, says “his work has influenced modern intellectual history.” This is the guy who said “the domestic animal, the herd animal, the sick animal man – is the Christian.” He also wrote “Beyond Good and Evil” which is how the all seeing eye sees things.

No country will escape this new world age. The King of the New One World Government will be Lucifer. The victors will remain as the SEED of the New Race. They call this the New Sixth Race.

This is the race that Lady Gaga refers to. Her song “Born this way” is the birth of a new race – her own words.

The book “Threshold to Tomorrow” by Ruth Montgomery writes that only those open to the new One World will be around to enjoy it.

Are you all seeing how this all fits in perfectly with Vaccines? Are you beginning to see their plans? It clearly is MASS Depopulation.

Vera Stanley Alder who wrote the book “Initiation of the New World” – hmm, wonder if she is a Free Mason. Just look at another book and it is the tell all. She also wrote “The Finding of the Third Eye.”

John Randolh Price wrote the book “The Planetary Commission” wrote this: “How do you define the antichrist? Any individual or group who denies the divinity of man as exemplified by Jesus Christ.” He also wrote “Practical Spirituality” he said the population would have to drop by at least 2.5 Billion before entering the New Age.

Hello, are you seeing it yet? It is not just the vaccine man, Bill Gates who is talking about depopulation. A lot of the free masons are, but they are doing it not in such a public manner but communicating to their readers. Who are their readers? Upper level Free Masons.

Barbara Marx Hubbard wrote “Happy Birth Day Planet Earth”. She states that people will either change or die. What does she mean by change? It means you give your soul to the Devil, all Christians will perish.

The New Age will have a new Gospel. The true gospel will be disposed of.

In the book – “The Book of Knowledge: The keys of Enoch” the writer has a direct experience with two spirits regarding teachings of the new age that be fully manifest. It was the first book to point out the alignment between the constellation Orien and the Great Pyramid. This should be proof that Enoch and Metatron are true. It showed the direct relationship between DNA coding and the Divine name.

The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch says that those who govern the Earth are those who fell from Heaven and now dwell in the stars known as Ursa Major. He calls them the Masters who have fallen from heaven. They are the Masters of the Masonic New Age. The book has the exact same symbology.

What is coming will bring a complete reorganization of the Earths Life System. The Free Masons are labeling this the Great Reset.

In The Book of Knowledge it says “I was given to use specific light and sound harmonics of 6-6-6, 9-9-9 and 12-12-12. These numerical sequences are to be used by means of a pyramidal focus, created by the hands over the third eye. The pattern 666 is used to identify you to respect of the Earths vibration. The pattern 999 indicates that you have picked up a Merkabah vibration and you are receptive to whatever instruction is at hand. The 12-12-12 pattern is the vibration of consciousness transportation.

This counterfeit religion of this secret society known as Free Masonry has now been prevalent for 300 years. They believe their time is now. They have knowledge and technology that the masses are totally unaware of. They are antichrist.

Why would the people behind the New Age be referencing Biblical terms frequently? Could it be that there is truth to the Bible?

Why do they refer to their Savior as the Anti-Christ? Doesn’t that make Jesus Christ real?

The Academy for Future Science by J.J. Hurtak – the book is supplied by – that should be the tell all sign that this is a book about the secret society.

Could this all be Conspiracy Theory? Really?

The fallen angels – the demons, are the ones who taught man magic.

Lucis Trust – it is nothing more than a front for Luciferians. It was founded in 1920 as the Lucifer trust. They are a consultant to the European Union. Yes, the EU is all one religion, as it the WHO (look at the logo for them, total Satanic symbolism), and the CDC. These are the heads who are currently occupied with inaugurating the New World Order and I would say they are doing their jobs exceptionally. The sheep are listening very well.

In the Lucist trust website it says that two thirds of humanity will stand upon the Path at the close of this age, and with that, one third will be held over for later unfoldment. What is that? Held over for later unfoldment? What does this mean? It means one third will die.

The European Union is flat out stating that 2.5 Billion people are about to be killed off. Wake up folks, this is no joke, they know they have the world sleeping and they can put it right in front of everyone’s face because they truly believe we are stupid. They are brainwashed with this idea from a young age and even the peons in the local lodges are gradual conditioned.

The Simpsons predicted ¼ of Americans will fall and yes, this is a cartoon, but the people who understand what I am talking about know that there little predictions come true. It is truly unbelievable. We are going back over 20 years when they made these predictions, so anyone following that, that is another mystery.

Alice Bailey, the founder of the Lucist Trust – formerly Luciferian Trust, wrote a book called “Education in the New Age” she had telepathic communications to assist her in her writings. In this book she will educate the free masons on mass population deduction. They have this right in front of our faces but if you don’t know where to look, who to look for and know a little bit about their communication style it may remain difficult to comprehend.

Here is an excerpt from Bailey’s book The New Age: “when a form proves inadequate or too diseased, or too crippled for the expression of that purpose, it is from the point of view of Hierarchy, no disaster when that form has to go. Death is not a disaster to be feared; the work of the Destroyer is not really cruel or undesirable.”

Okay, let’s put this in true simple to understand context – the book is about the New Age which they have been preparing for hundreds of years, literally. They summon demons for help of understanding of the universe, the Earth and magic, and they are following the Demons advice on how to form this New Age and they are saying a Mass Murdering Purge is necessary. Do you not see what is going on right now in this moment of time? Wake Up!

The Destroyer is Lucifer and death isn’t bad – it’s good. Yeah, it is easy to say when you are not on the murder list.

Who do you think the crippled and the diseased are? Why are they making sure every single person in the nursing homes and mentally handicapped homes get vaccinated?

This has been the plan for a long time – even the plan of PREPARING THE DISEASED. How have they done this? From the vaccines from the early 1920’s until now, but it used to be that the vaccines just had a little live virus in it that took 20 to 30 years to cause disease or health problems, which they labeled disease after disease and they treated these with drug after drug; but now, this vaccine, is the ultimate one they have been preparing for and they have placed actual spells in the various vaccines. This is true folks, I spend over 12 hours a day reading and have for the past couple decades and I have the ability to discern good from evil. The average person over 65 are on six pharmaceutical drugs. These drugs are designed to treat symptoms and nothing more while they slowly poison the body which causes more symptoms which they label as another disease to give you another drug to treat that array of symptoms. Slow, our bodies no longer can keep up with the minimum amount of detoxification necessary and we die. We don’t die of Old Age, that is what they would like you to believe.

From all my studies, I have learned that yes they are smart in a lot of ways but they are also very, very stupid too. They, themselves can be the most self-destructive individuals on the planet, but what can you expect from a group of Satanists. They actually believe that Lucifer loves them. Lucifer is void of love. The only ones they really are fooling is themselves. All those lies, all that deception, all the illusions, all the black magic, but at the end how does it really help them? It doesn’t.

Alice Bailey goes on to say “The Lion is really the King of the Beasts.” **Note: Makes you wonder when you see all these animations of Trump being the Lion. Makes you seriously question if he is the Anticrist figure.

Alice Bailey also wrote “Labours of Hercules” – “the number of physical plane activity, is called the number of the Beast. This idea seems to have a horrible fascination for many, but what it really means is that Virgo is a simple of the triplicity, 6 on the physical plane, 6 on the emotional plane and 6 on the mental plane, not 666 at all.” The freaking deception. They believe their own lies, that is how pathetic and how far away from God – Jesus they really are.

The Lucist Trust, the slush fund for the European Union, says this: “The coming of the Avatar and the advent of a Coming One are the keynotes of the prevalent expectancy.” Are you seeing this was planned?

These are the people that we are trusting. Is there anyone in our legislative branches that have not been corrupted to the point in which they do not really know what is going on?

We have a One World Government plan, a Depopulation plan and the ruling of the physical plane by 666.

Those who are not included in this depopulation kill off, will receive a mark in their hand or forehead and they will not be able to buy or sell. Everything will be based off of a social system in which we are rewarded for obedience and loyalty to the One World Government. We do what they want period. That is their Utopia, we all will be rewarded greatly for Compliance. The currency will be the chip in our hand, just a digital value assigned according to societal behavior characteristics.

The Pandemic or Plan-demic was created to crown the King and bring in the New Age, the One World Order. Now you know some of their plans for this new world order – the scariest is that we now know this entire plan was by Satan and that he has plans of a mass murder to those who are weak, diseased, disabled and non-compliant and it is perceived by his followers as Natural just a normal act of nature because if it wasn’t nature wouldn’t allow it.

Do you not see we are literally being governed by careless psychopaths? Especially at the very top levels, because in their belief system they believe the 33rd degree masons are the ones fit for top world leadership positions.

The greatest secret is that Free Masonry is all about Satanism and they are really one in the same. It is a secret to 90% of their own members are Unaware of, until they get to the 33rd degree. It is all a screening process, it’s all a play in other words that is secretly being critiqued.

Take a look at all of George Orwell’s books. What is on the cover? Oh, that All Seeing Eye. Once again, what does that represent? The one good eye of Lucifer.

The Free Masons are in control. We are in the process right this moment of moving right past Socialsim to extreme Communism and the people are sound asleep. We have gradual been led into socialism and the people of America just don’t see it. I don’t get it. If someone tried to rape you, would you just say Ok and bend over? Well, the government is trying to do something even worse, they are trying to steal your life, your children’s life, your grandchildren’s life – they are literally fucking you in the worst way and America is just bending over and saying Awww. Wake up and wake up now.

George Orwell was in a secret society called the Fabian Society which is just a branch of Free Masonry with similar initiations. The Fabian Societies logo used to be a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing. I bet that they are trustworthy group. ALL secret societies stem from Free Masonry and all of them are evil at the core but at the surface level they look good. As John F Kennedy said, they are repugnant. Look the Kennedy secret society speech up, he knew exactly what was going on, because he himself was a free mason, but he had a great heart.

We have been under attack and most have no clue. We have been and currently are under a MASS Propaganda Attack. From magazines, newspapers, online ads, censorship, radio, our politicians and their main weapon the World Television Media. We are in effect slaves right now, they got us. Who are our slave masters? The Free Masons.

The Grand Pontiff of Universal Free Masonry, Albert Pike in his book “Morals and Dogma” it says: “the blind force of the people is a force that must be economized and also managed as the blind force of Steam. This force must have a brain.” We have been so mis-taught, so under educated in what we should know and understand that we are truly blind to comprehending the writings in all of these books laying the outlines for the future. The brain of the force is Free Masonry.

The Force IS Free Masonry.

Albert Pike said this in Morals and Dogma book – “the rough Ashlar is for the people as a mass, rude and unorganized.” The ashlar is the lower corner part of the mason stone. They allow it to be rough in certain symbolic statues and buildings to remind them of the plan and to remind the 33rd degrees that there will be a New Age coming. Some of this is very difficult to understand for the untrained eye or one who has no knowledge of upper level free masonry. Once you really understand the plan for the past few hundred years and you really understand the magically world they summon, you understand why they think NOTHING of the masses.

The stone on top of the bottom Ashlar is smooth, this represents the Free Masons.

Trump said that he wanted Albert Pike’s stature to be protected. I wonder why, the guy was an open evil man. Pike said all kinds of derogatory statements about the people, we are just vulgar and vile and chattel. It does make you question if Trump truly is playing a role and acting like he betrayed his Free Masons. I hope not.

Pike says: “the Papacy and Monarchies will become the heritage of the Temple. The world will soon come to us for its Sovereigns and Pontiffs. We shall constitute the equilibrium of the universe, and be rulers over Masters of the world.” What is this saying? It is saying that the Papacy will be theirs, their inheritance, they are saying they will rule over the world as Masters themselves. The temple is the Free Mason Temple.

That was from a book that was written a 150 years ago. This has been a long term plan, I have always said that the technology they hoard – we see glimpses 50 years after. These are the ones in upper, upper 33 degree that are tight with knowledge outside this world.

Okay, listen to this from Pike: “Intellect and regulated by the RULE of Rite, Justice and of combined and systemic movement and effort, the great revolution prepared for by the ages will begin to march. The power of the Diety himself in equilibrium with his Wisdom. Hence results harmony.” What this is saying is that they will have Justice on their side when the revolution of their new age movement begins and they will have the force with them. You know what the force is to them. Their Light Bearer. The rule of rite – just means the the rule of the 33rd degree.

Albert Pike writes in another book called “Legenda and Readings of the Ancient Scottish Rite of Free Masonry” – “and thus the warfare against the powers of evil, that crushed the order of the temple goes steadily on and the freedom marches ever onward toward the conquest of the world” Now that you know who and what Albert Pike stands for, what do they think evil is to him? The evil is the Christians and Jesus. The Order of the Temple were knocked down in the 1300’s by the Christians.

Where in the heck are the Christians now? Our churches and preachers have been infiltrated from the top level down by the Free Masons. Joel Osteen, the famous tv preacher IS definitely a Free Mason and just look at his possessions, that should tell everything. So we have famous preachers that people cannot see through that are put in place of power to act as a figure of Jesus, when in fact their own beliefs and plans are as Anti-Christian as can be.

The true Christian Leadership is sleeping and the rest has been taken over the sheep in wolves clothing.

When Pike talks about Freedom, he is referring to free from Christians and free from Jesus.

One of the Free Mason logos is The Double Headed Eagle – it is a symbol representing the left and right paradigm, the 33 in the middle stands for the highest order of free masonry. The left and right paradigm meaning the two opposing forces ALWAYS feeds the one belly. So this bullshit scheme in our Government of the Democrat and Republican was planned for the very beginning. They both feed the same belly. The two heads always serve the same Masonic Beast. They both are helping the Free Masons.

There is another double headed Eagle that doesn’t have the 33 but it says on the bottom “ORDO AD CHAO” which means out of chaos. The ultimate way of achieving sinister goals and they look like hero’s to the public as they appear to do this in a charitable fashion. It’s all a ruse.

Why do you think almost all of the Free Masons pose with the Hidden Hand Gesture? Because on one hand they provide charity and on the other hand they destroy. The hidden hand is the one that concepts destruction. Then the helping hand will come to the rescue. It is the Master Mason Illusion. The ultimate Right vs Left. Democrat vs Republican. BOTH are Guilty and Both play the Innocent roles.

So this Universal Income plan will seem like a great plan, it will act as the Good Hand, but remember, the end goal is destruction, so it is the same hand that we believe is good is the one that will be the ultimate destroyer. This is Free Masonry. Most in the lodges have no clue what part they are playing in all of this as they have no idea it is all about Satan. Free Masonry is Self-Serving period, end of story.

The same hand that pats you on the back for reinforcement is the same hidden hand that whacks you on the ass.

They are the ones who create BOTH the Order and the Chaos. They ALWAYS play both sides of the fence. They fund both sides of wars and they put the Christians in the middle to do their fighting while they sit back and watch and mock at how stupid and gullible we are for continuing to fall for their lies, time after time after time.

They plan crisis before they ever occur. Bush Sr used to advertise in the paper back when he was younger in the CIA for crisis actors. George Soros does the same today.

The same with the entire CIA false flag operations that are occurring today with all the shootings. Most of them, if not all, they had some planning in all of this. Their goodness or savior game is to try and get the guns out of the hands of the public so there will be no more shootings/killings. It has nothing to do with helping the common people but everything to do with achieving the objective of removing another right.

The solutions to the crisis are planned before the crisis itself. It is time to wake up.

The Government will create a problem, then they exploit or attribute blame to others, the people react by asking the government for help, the government already had the solution before the problem was created. They LOVE to divide the people.

The great reset is planned in this fashion.

As mentioned – they have a good grip on Christianity as most of the well known big pastor names are free masons themselves working in disguise.

The founders of TBN – Trinity Broadcasting Network founded by Paul and Jan Crouch – who are Free Masons. Don’t allow the word trinity fool you. They believe in the trinity but it is the Luciferian Trinity.

There is a picture of Paul Crouch shaking Billy Graham’s hand. Guess what the handshake was? The Free Mason shake. Their plan has been executed to perfection with the help of Lucifer.

They are in perfect position for the kill shot of Christianity.

Billy Graham was photographed giving the Free Mason handshake to Harry Truman, former president.

So, if you believe the Graham family is on Jesus Christ’s side, you are wrong. Also, all the politicians were hand picked. We haven’t had a true election by the people possibly ever. The presidents were picked and I could write a book on the information I have come across on this unbelievable process, which is beyond mind blowing.

Billy Graham was also photographed shaking a Muslim with the Free Mason hand shake. All the leaders of the world are Free Masons, even Kim Jong-Un.

Free Masons are great planners. They plan decades ahead and sometimes centuries.

Albert Mackey’s book “The History of Free Masonry” – Billy Graham was mentioned in the forward.

Billy’s son Franklin Graham is busy taking selfies of himself eating at Voodoos Donuts where they sell special donuts of inverted crosses and some even have Jesus painted on them, they sell pentagram donuts and cock-n-balls donuts. That is what happens when Christians allow themselves to be taken over and are too stupid to realize it.

Another popular “Christian” Evangelist – John Hagee is photographed giving the devil horns – multiple times.

Father Jim Sichko – is on the cover of his book giving the secret 666 satanic gesture. I mean they really must believe we are sleeping sheep. The upper catholic church is 100% free mason, including the Pope unquestionably.

Ray Comfort – a New Zealand Evangelist was asked if he was a free mason and he said he wasn’t. He was filmed giving a perfect free mason handshake.

What preacher, pastor or evangelist has come out AGAINST Free Masonry?

The Christian radio hasn’t said a word. Either they are stupid and don’t pay attention to the Bible and the signs that are here OR they are already taken over by free masons.

Satanism is ALL around us, it is prevalent now more than ever. They are popularizing it all around the world both openly and sublimely.

The One World Government is a TRAP.

Pope Francis – multiple masonic photos of the hidden hand, sign of the second master veil, the panda black eye club. Really bad one he is.

In Forbes Magazine it says “Vatican calls for World Government.” How can any Christian not realize what is going on, obviously they are not versed in bible but when the bad guys are in control of the church the last thing they will teach us is about what Jesus said about the One World Government. Wake up people.

Whoever bends their knees in these masonic lodges and call other Master are flat out sick people with corrupted minds. Master mason, Grand Master, Most Eminent Grand Master and Most Worshipful Master – these are some of the internal names given. A true Christian would NEVER conform to any of this. True Christians are far and few between now days as the greed and corruptness has taken over the minds of Christians and polluted their souls.

Matthew 23:8 But be not you called Rabbi. For one is your master; and all you are brethren. 9 And call none your father upon earth; for one is your father, who is in heaven.

What about all those Oaths the masonic lodge imposes and asks you to do? What did Jesus say regarding oaths?

Matthew: 5: 34-37. But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.

*Note: Some Bibles have the word Swear and others have Oath. Anyway: Do not swear or do not take oaths, just say yes or no. Anything more than this comes from evil. You hear that Masons – EVIL. You greedy, corrupted sheep in wolves clothing who secretly believe their God is Lucifer and their Light is Lucifer and that Darkness is absolute Light. Know what you are getting yourselves into.

The free masons lie from the very beginning. The second they take that oath to conceal, what in the world do you think this means? Hello, it means I swear that I will lie and lie and lie.

True Christianity has been taken out, it has been removed from families and especially the churches. This was their MAIN goal from 300 years ago when the Christians made them go underground. Now that is what they want to do to Christians. What is horrible, the average church goer is absolutely fine with this, they are just oblivious to the fact that the government has infiltrated and taken control of church just like they have control of the masonic lodges. Everything is about instant gratification.

Churchgoers have lost their spirituality, they have lost connection with God. They are just going through the motion of going to church for socialization purposes and other hidden purposes.

The pastors have become cowards and submissive to the sins of the congregation.

The Masonic Calendar is not the same as ours is. The real date can be found by adding 4,000 to the Vulgar Era.

What is the vulgar era? It is the Christian era. The beginning of Jesus Christ. That is the masonic vulgar year. Wake up.

The year in the Masonic world is actually 6021.

The current Age is coming to an End. By Design.

Joseph Stalin murdered around 20 million people. Stalin was a free mason, clear as day. He was photographed giving the Sign of the Second Veil of Free Masonry.

Vladimir Lenin – paved the way for the Bolshevik Revolution which killed 60 million people. Lenin was a proud free mason.

Guess who else belong to this elite club? Wait for it …. Adolph Hitler. Hitler displayed all kinds of masonic signs and so did his military commander. By the way – they lied to us about Hitler by saying he committed suicide, NOT true. He was taken to Antarctica and then lived the rest of his life in South America. He lived into the 90’s. I can’t recall or find this data right now but this is a super secret. Another hint: The Bush family worked with Hitler and Merkel of Germany is his daughter. *Everything that has happened and is happening is ALL tied and connected.

Hitler used to show off the masonic triangle, the one that Jayz flaunts all the time. They are so proud.

Hitler was all part of the grand plan that was unbelievably thought out with the help of demons, but that plan was created for TODAY!

I compare Hitler to todays Donald Trump. Why? Because at one time 70 Million Germans adored Hitler and look at the monster he really was. Hitler was Time Magazines Man of the Year. Trump has about that many people who love him also.

The only question that matters is this: Is Trump playing a Grand Master Free Masonry Role as other whistle blower free masons have said? I don’t know? But Melania Trump had her picture taken with Prince Harry who was giving devil signs in the photos, Trump shook hands with Hannity with the Free Mason handshake, and there is a lot of suspicious behavior of Trump regarding Operation Warpspeed and the Capitol riots and much more.

Trying to understand free masonry is very difficult. Just pick up a book and try to read it. Their minds are sick and twisted and literally lead by the devil. For those that say there are good masons and bad masons, remember, there is is no difference in their beliefs.

Free Masons will make friends with their most hated enemies just to lure them in to be fooled and manipulated for their end goal.

They manipulate the English language so much with their camouflage that the average person won’t even attempt to try and understand. Just read the crap by the EU, WHO and that Lucist Trust site. Try reading their patents. The legislation. They want us in a constant state of confusion and dismay. On one hand they create charities and foundations on the other hand they steal from them and put money in their own pockets.

They are liars who love to tell the truth and truthers who love to lie. They play both sides and they own both sides.

90% of it’s own membership is there for a shield for them because they have NO freaking clue what they are in to, they just feel special they were invited to a secret group.

Climate Change – it’s all a lie, just one of their schemes of creating order out of chaos. The chaos is changing climate and the pacifying order will be all their solutions for dealing with this. The Green New Deal and all that bullshit. It sound great from the surface but just beneath the surface it will be destructive to the people of the world. The things they have planned will inflate the economy and crash it.

Who brought up this climate change thing back in the 90’s? A free mason named Al Gore, also vice president.

Who are they using big time to promote climate change and raise public consciousness? The 18 year old Greta Thunberg. Yes, she is a mason and a smart girl, thus why she was chosen. She has a couple very creative photos that only free masons would recognize as the sign, but when you know what you are looking for it is easy to spot and clear as day. She is 100% free mason. Which equals – satanic. She knows her role well in other words. She comes from a Jesus hating secret society family that taught her from birth.

Mikhail Gorbachev, former Russian president said this in 1996: “The threat of an environmental crisis is the ‘international disaster key’ to unlock the New World Order.”

John 5:19 – “the whole world is seated in wickedness” I think this is becoming clearer and clearer.

Whoever is born of God, the wicked one toucheth him not.

Alex Jones and David Icke are both free masons who will lead you in every direction and if you follow them long enough you will need some aspirin.

The Dalai Lama is a free mason. I have saved pictures that clearly, clearly state this on close to everyone mentioned. The Dalai Lama has posed for several free mason gestures. Once again, as George Carlin said “it’s one big club and you ain’t invited.”

The symbol in Dalai Lama’s Temple when he was teaching was the Pyramid with the all seeing Eye on top with the sun behind it. The sun represents the Fallacy of all of this world, Lucifer the light bearer. The one eye transcends everything.

For Dalai Lama members to understand this they have to endure initiations. Yes, Buddhism has been taken over by free masons also. This is a master plan for the world as you can see they easily implemented their pandemic plan. Now they know what they can do, they know that their centuries of planning is about to come to fruition. As they themselves have been saying, “this is our Harvest.”

The Dalai Lama’s personal representative was a consultant for the movie “Lucifer Rising.” How would he be a specialist in Lucifer? If you look at the poster of this movie you will see the Symbolism. You should know it by now. The pyramid, the eye. A scene from the movie has the free masons square and compass on a bed mattress. Once you become familiar with this symbolism the dots will become easy to connect and when you wake up you may be shocked.

The Buddhism symbol and the chequered floor of the masonic lodge. Compare them. This is the symbol of equilibrium of the universe.

The Harvest is the invocation of the crowing of the Prime Minister of the World – Lord Lucifer.

Buddha – how does Buddha fit into to all of this? In Buddha’s highest manifestation seeing the illusionary world through the all seeing eye, which is what they call the third eye, would not interrupt a rape if he happened to walk by.

Jesus – would sacrifice himself to stop that rape.

They hate Jesus because he would give his own life to just save one other. They cannot understand this at all. They are self serving, they are planners, they love greed, the love corruption, they love lust, they love the darkness, and they love evil. Love is not the right word as they know nothing about love as they have no compassion, so it is more like they are attracted to these materialistic things.

If you were being raped, who would you rather have walk by?

Every leader of the world belongs to the same secret society that Hitler did. Is this not scary or what?

We need to take our Blinders off and take them off right now.

If you think that Hitler, Stalin and Lenin killed a lot of people. You have not seen anything yet because the guys at the top want over 7 Billion off the planet.

Aleister Crowley’s “The Book of Law” – “We have nothing with the outcast and the unfit: let them die in their misery. For they feel not. Compassion is the vice of kings: stamp down the wretched & the weak: this is the law of the strong: this is our law and the joy of the world.”

Do you see the people in charge of our world? This IS their beliefs.

Aleister Crowley was a 33rd degree free mason. In another one his is books here is what he says: “There is a Magical Operation of maximum importance: The Initiation of a New Eon. When it becomes necessary to utter a Word, the whole planet must be bathed on blood. Before man is ready to accept the law of Thelema, the Great War must be fought. This Bloody sacrifice is the critical point of the World-Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child, as Lord of the Eon.”

Do you see what this is saying? They want a massacre to happen to bring in the New Age. This is from one of the all time top Free Masons. This evolves around a divine plan not from this world. Blood means so much more that we realize or are aware of in this world.

Blood sacrifice is of the utmost importance. The beings in the other realm desire this. It feeds them energy.

The Blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ takes on a whole new meaning now. Jesus gave his blood for US. We Christians win in the end.

Blood is like the financial monetary system of the spirits. That is their greed, that is their corruption.

God brought us back from the Legal Ownership of this World through his blood. The demons hate Jesus for this reason and they communicate with the Free Masons and Satanists to hate him also.

Jesus was born in the flesh to produce blood of his own.

George Orwell in the book “1984” said “if you want a glimpse of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

He is referring to the New Satanic Age.

The satanic free masons progress were stopped when Jesus hit the scene. Remember, the Free Masons religion is the oldest on the planet.

NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM located below the Pyramid on the dollar bill is quotation taken from the Roman Pagan Philosopher Virgils Fourth Eclogue which was borrowed by him from the Sibylline which were ancient articles delivered by an oracle through witchcraft or divination. What the phrase actually says is this: “a mighty order of ages is born anew.” “Both the prophetic virgin and the Saturnian kingdoms now return. Now a new progeny is lead down from the lofty heavens. Favor, chaste, Lucina, the boy soon to be born in the iron age shall come to an end… and the golden one shall arise in the whole earth.”

It says that the Saturnian Kingdom returns – that means it has been here before.

A new progeny is lead down – meaning a new seed, a new race is coming.

A boy will be born which will bring the Iron Age to the end and the Golden Age is about to begin.

What is the Saturnian Kingdom? It is the Satanic Kingdom.

Marilyn Manson – a free mason and satanist wrote a song, if you can call it one – called Saturnailia which is about demons, eating the young and blinded by blackness – which to them is absolute light. I don’t know the true meaning of the rest of the song, it’s twisted and probably was really written with the help of a demon.

The point is that this is the origins for the words on our one dollar bill. The origin is Satanic.

Lucien Mars – claims to have direct contact with Lucifera and can aid the transformation of vampires. He says that Satan is Saturnian in nature.

The Fraternitas Saturni: History, Doctrine, and Rituals of the Magical Order of the Brotherhood of Saturn - a book that goes through the history. Talks about the 33 Grades – which means the 33 degrees of free masonry.

ALL Secret Societies work for the SAME entity – Satan. They all have the same spirit.

The difference between the Saturnian or Satanic community and the mason community is that the lodges are veiled and camouflaged filtering systems for future satanists. What the people in the lodges don’t know is that they are being gently conditioned for Satanism. The real religion begins at the 33 degree.

From the Saturnian system, you are a student of Satin from the very beginning, from the first degree. In the lodges, they conceal their true identity because they often recruit Christians and graduate them degree by degree, slowly conditioning them to think and establish belief systems towards the 33rd degree. 90% do not even see what is happening. The lodges are more a conversion. The Saturnians can quickly escalate up the ladder of degrees of free masonry.

Some of the Saturnian teachings include sex magick, Nietzschean Thelemism – Friedrich Nietzsche – the free mason who said the weak are like sick animals and need to be destroyed. The guy who wrote “Beyond Good and Evil.”

Aleister Crowley – from his book “Magick in Theory and Practice” says to initiate the new age the whole planet must be bathed in blood before man can accept the Law of Thelema. This is coming from the highest degree free mason there is. Aleister was a 33rd degree mason.

One thing you will never see is a 33rd Degree Free Mason who is a Christian!

So that little phrase on the dollar bill means a lot of Devilish things are coming with the new age. Wake up.

The term of the new age coming – they say it will be forever.

The Saturnian Brotherhood – dedicated to magick, Lucifer, Satan, Blood, Sex, Sacrifice, the number 666, and of course last but not least – Free Masonry.

Free Masonry – the secret society that all politicians and entertainers belong to.

When you see a beautiful sunrise, smell the fresh air or hear a great song or see a great movie – know who is involved in this world.

When you hear Jesus Christ’s name being used in vain, remember where it originated from and why.

Is 666 revealed on the dollar bill? Look at the letters on the bottom of the pyramid. MDCCLXXVI. Now add them up. They add up to 1776. M=1000. DCC=700. LXX=70. VI=6.

1176 – the year America became the country we know it today.

1776 was also the year of a birth of another secret society that was formed into Free Masonry after it was banned in 1785.

The base numbers: M=1000 C=100 X=10 now subtract the base numbers.

1776-1000-1000-10= 666.

Or simply remove the Roman Numeral which represent the base numbers.

DC=600 LX=60 VI=6 = take away the zeros = 666.

Do you think this all hasn’t been planned?

It is on other foreign currencies also, which I can share a picture later on. It is all about symbolism and on this particular figure they have dark shadow man – this is representative of Lucifer and the new age.

Australia has numerous secret societies since the early 1900’s.

The World Economic Forum – where I get a lot of my information from – it has the PLANS hidden in plain sight, but you have to search well and know what to look for and how to read it, but it’s there. Anyway, look up the Logo for this. It has a half arch or half circle that is slashing through the O’s – what would this represent? Of course, 666. The slashes through make 3 – 6’s through the O’s.

The Bar Code is the system that Jesus predicted would evolve around the Beast. The base of EVERY bar code in the world represents 666. It has 6 long bars, every one of them. Wake up.

In the Google logo, there also three 6’s. Now that you know what you’re looking for I bet you can find them quickly and easily. This has been the secret. ALL corporations traded on the stock exchange are run by Free Masons.

The Google logo comes from an old occult symbol – meaning the beast.

In some Masonic Lodges there is a Square and Compass located in the middle of a Hexagram. This is a symbol used in the Royal Art of Free Masonry. What was the royal art? Magic and Witchcraft.

The Hexagram can be broke down to represent 666.

The Manawa Square and Compass – has the United Nations symbol on top.

How many segments does that logo have? 33. Hmm, wonder what that could represent? Yes, of course the 33rd degree of free masonry.

Going back to MANAWA – I did a Google search for Manawa Lodge – in Manawa Wisconsin and I read a few reviews. Here are a couple: “The identifi signage was not visible from the street” another writes this, which I though was very creepy “Perfect layout for Covid Vaccinations”. You think that person doesn’t know what’s going on? Bullsh*t.

There have been crop circles with the Pyramid and Eye and the 33 Sun rays coming off the Eye. Hello?

In a 1962 edition of the New Age magazine, top level highly authorized free masons admitted free masons designed the Seal one dollar bill.

Masonic Symbols in a One Dollar Bill – which many have already looked up but here are few just in case.

  1. 13 Leaves in the Olive Branches

  2. 13 Bars and Stripes in the Shields

  3. 13 Feathers in the Tail

  4. 13 Arrows

  5. 13 Letters in the “E Pluribus Unum”

  6. 13 Stars in the Green Crest above

  7. 32 Long Feathers representing the 32nd degree in Masonry

  8. 13 Granite stones in the Pyramid with the Masonic All Seeing Eye completing it.

  9. 13 Letter in the Annuit Coeptis, “God has prospered.”

On the Front of the Dollar Bill is the Seal of the United States made up of a key, square, and the Scales of Justice as well as a Compass which of course is an important symbol in Masonry. James Walker 31st degree mason.

The Inverted Pentagram on the back of the dollar bill makes the spelling of Mason. Start with M and just connect, it makes an inverted Pentagram. This is the ultimate give away in plain sight that the Masons secretly represent Satan.

This same pentagram appears in the European Union Logo.

The European Union building mimics the Tower of Babel. That was the tower in the Bible that God destroyed thousands of years ago.

Nimrod was one of the original founders of magick and witchcraft tried to unite the world under one world government.

The construction of the European Union building is a clear statement to God who intervened, saying “Not this time.”

MI-5 secret service logo in a triangle – represents a pyramid with the word Intelligence and of course at the top the Eye of Lucifer.

Lucifer is their God, he is viewed as the most INTELLIGENT entity in existence and all the secret societies believe this. The masons have a pretty good screening process in which they use the lower level Christians who join as a shield. A shield of protection from society because society sees them going to Christian churches and the torch is passed from generation to generation, that is how they use their own members in deceptive disguise. Only about 10% will every pass their screenings to be promoted to true knowledge.

Informational Awareness Office – DARPA – check their logo out. The eye of Lucifer, the Pyramid, the Light pointing to the Earth. You know the representation by now. These are ones who are hoarding the most advanced technology. They also look for threats by monitoring all information from cell phones and the internet and likely various other ways. It is not threats from other countries who they are truly worried about, it is threats from people waking up on a mass level, that is about the only thing they are concerned with, so they monitor the masses.

Edith Roosevelt writes about the erection of a Temple in Washington D.C. in which the symbolism planned for the building dates back to the Black Magic practiced by the High Priests of Ancient Egypt. The building will contain a Giant Eye. Hmm, sounding familiar yet? Come on, wake up people. This is going to be a battle between the Christians and the Free Masons. Christians are now burning down masonic lodges in Canada. There are a few that are waking up, but not many.

Look at the 1982 horror film called Eye of The Evil Dead. What symbolism is on the cover? Look it up, it only will take 10 seconds or less.

The writer and director of this movie “Gray State” was killed along with his wife, daughter and his dog – all before the production could begin. It was made to appear as a murder suicide and was only briefly on the local news. It is about society rebelling when Martial Law is declared. The movie was to tell about the Secret Destiny. The second American Revolution in which our One World Government removes all rights and freedoms. Who was the writer of this movie? David Crowley.

In this movie there is an executioner using a guillotine and he was wearing a free mason robe. That was purposely there for a reason. The apron had the all seeing, eye, compass, square and the pillars.

Manly P Hall wrote the book “Secret Destiny of America”. What was the secret destiny of America? To take away all rights and take our guns so we have no way to resist. It is entering the New Age.

Andrew Jackson was a Grand Master Free Mason and he grew up in poverty but became wealthy by embracing slavery. He had his own and they made him wealthy.

Harry Truman was also a 33rd degree mason. Who dropped the bomb on Hiroshima? Truman.

Free Masons are behind every revolution, the French, Italian, Russian, takeover of the Vatican, American revolution – it is the Grand Master plan that was set up by Lucifer – he gave them the plan on how to do it and it goes all the back to when Jesus was here on Earth. This is a plan of revenge and they call it the New Age.

In the Bible, in Revelations 20:4 – “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and such as worshiped not the beast, neither his image, and received not the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand; and they lived, and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”

Speaking of beheaded – FEMA ordered 16,000 Guillotine blades from Mexico. FEMA agents traveled to Juarez Mexico where they placed an order for 16,000 sharp shear blades. The word guillotine was left out on purpose. This is coming from one of the agents who were in on making the deal. The purchase order omitted the word guillotine but instead said 16,000 shearing blades, each one 30 inches, by ¼ inches by 15 inches with a razor sharp edge ground at a 17 degree angle. Each blade will be constructed of solid state mono steel, the exact same composition as the ones that are stored at FEMA camps nation wide.

Hmm, remember when Trump makes some of those air Q’s? The number 17 with the guillotine? Hmm, doesn’t an air Q kind of look like cutting off the head??

Jose Lopez, the owner of the shop, accepted the deal only after FEMA paid the money up front. The request was that the blades be manufactured ASAP and unmarked 18 wheelers will pick up product at regular intervals until entire order is fulfilled.

FEMA ordered from Mexico due to if they would of did this in America there would be an identifiable paper trail. The deal was made on a money exchange and handshake.” Masonic Handshake??

When asked how FEMA crossed the border? “US customs and border control are asked to overlook FEMA vehicles that enter or exit the United States.”

The agency is very careful procuring equipment that will be used against Civilians, we, they avoid both public and Congressional scrutiny. The guillotine platforms were purposed in China and the blades in Mexico.

The focus of the guillotines are on current hot spots, in areas 6, 7 and 8. These are the areas FEMA expects the most resistance when Martial Law is Declared. The blades will decapitate unruly citizens who have been herded like cattle into FEMA internment camps. Guillotines are more effective than bullets at forcing opposition.

FEMA has studied this and determined that a crowd of people become more frightened seeing a persons head cut off than seeing them placed before a firing squad.

How does FEMA know this? During Hurricane Harvey, a bunch of homeless people disappeared. Hello? Are you not seeing the Plan yet people? Wake up.

When asked if Trump was aware of this? He said Trump may not know as FEMA is autonomous. FEMA is immune to congressional review and answers to nobody, not even the president. I think Trump is in the know on this.

When asked about the time table of when Martial Law would be enacted, they didn’t know. But added, that FEMA has been preparing for this day since the early 1990’s and now they are ready at a moments notice.

The Guillotines are built by Chanel – the perfume company and ordered from Shanghai China. They are sneaky ones, aren’t they?

Have a look at the Chanel Logo. What is that right in the middle? The Lucifer Eye.

Chanel also has a red bloody drip design. Who is in charge? The Free Masons are in charge.

The war between good and evil has never ended and it is coming to a climatic end soon.

HB-1274, a bill in the Georgia House of Representatives back in 1995 for the death penalty by Guillotine. This bill has been sitting for all these years, because this IS truly how they sneak them in, it is all a plan.

The 7 Universal Noahide Laws – a Jewish Talmudic designation for seven biblical laws given to Adam and Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai and consequently binding on all mankind.

These were signed into U.S. Law on March 26,1991 George H.W. Bush. Every single president since H.W. Bush has resigned this annually. This will become International Law. The president of the European Union called for the acceptance of these in 2014, now many other countries are following.

What is bad about this? There is a law against Idol Worship. Who do you think the Free Masons will label Idol? Yes, Jesus Christ. They are coming after Christianity to place the final nail in the cross.

It says that the punishment for calling Jesus God is decapitation. This is labeled blasphemy.

The One World Order will be governed by a World Court, just as it says on the Georgia Guidestones. There will be NO appeals court.

Who is behind these laws? When George Bush sr signed this into law, there was a photo with a bunch of Jews behind him and one of them right to his right, was clearly displaying the Hidden Hand Free Mason gesture. I could write ten books about the Jewish involvement in all the plans. I don’t want the anti-semitic label.

Who designed the Guillotine? Joseph-Ignace Guillotin. He was a physician, politician and yes, of course – a Free Mason.

Once again from Revelations 20:4 - “And I saw thrones and they that sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them. And I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast, nor his image, nor had received his mark upon their foreheads or on their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”

On the Internet it will that the director and writer of Gray State was not murdered but “conspiracy” theorists believe he was murdered. He was murdered for clearly touching a topic he was asked not to touch.

The book cover on the book “The Mark” – a Triangle – what was the Mark in the Gray State? A triangle upside down.

Jesus described this new system as the beast system and we will end up having to have the mark of identification to participate. Think what they are trying to do with the “Vaccine Passports.”

Something chaotic must happen to which the solution will be the Mark. I’m sure they have this planned and is a short time away.

The masonic way is that destruction precedes construction. Construction is always to their favor and not the peoples.

Destroy a tree to create a log cabin.

They have a new financial system that is ready to go, but first they must destroy this one. It is coming soon.

David Spangler – a philosopher, a writer and is considered one of the FOUNDERS of the New Age and is very tight with the United Nations wrote “Reflections on the Christ” and he tells all about what is required to step into the New Age. What is really required is the understanding of Lucifer, the fallen one, the Dark Angel. Lucifer will be in charge of the One World of the New Age. This is truly what the Free Masons stand for.

Here is a quote from Spangler’s Reflection of the Christ’s 1978 edition, chapter 4, pages 44-45 – “"Lucifer comes to give to us the final gift of wholeness. If we accept it, then he is free and we are free. This is the Luciferic initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation into the New Age . . . No one will enter the New? World Order unless he? or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless they will take a Luciferian initiation."

Hello people – are you now seeing that the New Age is all about accepting Lucifer??

There is NOTHING Christian about these people. Nothing. You all should read his book, as it truly is simpler to understand than the others, maybe that’s because it actually comes from him and not being tranced from the spirit world, but the guy is total Luciferian and not a believer in Jesus as he flat out states in the book.

Spangler describes Lucifer as a being, an angle and a great planetary consciousness. He also says he is the light.

We are going to have a choice to make. That choice is do we believe that Jesus is our God or do we believe that Lucifer is our God. The Atheists are screwed regardless as they will be dismissed and they are the ones who Luciferians and Free Masons call the Stupid ones.

They are stupid because they have been conditioned by the Luciferic educational systems around the world.

Spangler says: Lucifer stands at a man’s consciousness and knocks just like Christ. If man says go away, I’m scared, Lucifer will play tricks on that man. If that man says come in, I will give you the treat of my love and understanding then Lucifer becomes the ultimate treat, he becomes the light. Lucifer is literally the angel of experience. Lucifer is the Angel of Light. The light that reveals the path to the Christ is Lucifer. He is aptly named Morning Star because his light leads to man’s greater consciousness. To enter the new age we need to take a Luciferian Initiation.

The Christ he is referring to is the Anti-Christ who will manifest on this planet as one man.

Lucifer is the Savior of ALL Secret Societies. Time to wake up. Especially for those in the societies who don’t know this and call themselves Christians.

David Spangler also says “the solar system is simply the manifestation of the consciousness of the very great being known as the Solar Logos, and that from his creative spirit emerged the energies that are required to bring in manifestation a solar system.”

They truly believe that Lucifer is the Savior of Humankind. It says this in the book “Satan’s Brother.”

These are the people who are above us making decisions for us on a daily basis. They own the media and tell us what they want us to hear and learn, they own the corporations so we can help make them wealthier and they own the world political arena. They have been working on this plan since Jesus walked the Earth planning this day of revenge and crowning the new King.

The one and only person in the world that has warned us of this is Jesus Christ.

In the Animation called “Flushed Away” the Villain Toad wants to have a genocide on all the rats in the world and replace them with a superior species, a brand new species. (Think mRNA – Mod -e -RNA, Modify RNA). No one is aware except for this one rat who is briefly seen in the beginning, he is a crazy Christian rat that tries to warn the other rats of the impending doom coming. The twist hidden in plain sight, the villain toad, planner of the New Age is wearing a Free Mason Ring. Hello people. This is nothing new, as they always use their animations and almost all movies as a tell to what they are doing and planning. They believe they have to tell us in several ways, it is the Luciferian way, they have given us plenty of fair warning, but still the sheep sleep.

The toad wears the Master Mason ring on the exact finger also. The Master Mason wears the ring on the Third Finger on the Right Hand and only master masons should wear a ring. Has it become obvious yet guys?

It ends up that the conspiracy theorist, that nut job, crazy Christian rat was right all along, but the other rats were sleeping. Exactly the scenario we are in right now.

Christopher Hyatt wrote this, as stated once previously but worth restating: “Both satanic cults and Christian fundamentalists are closer to the truth than most normal people.”

The silent spiritual war continues and there always has been one from the very beginning. Most people have no idea of this war going on behind the scenes, but soon enough it will come to light, real soon. If you don’t know about this war, how can YOU be winning this war. It is time.

The real war is being wages in the spirit realms. The secret societies have tapped into the spirit world’s supernatural powers.

What is the common denominator of all secret societies? They are Anti-Christians. They hate Jesus Christ.

Why are they so anti-Christian? They have taken Jesus out of almost everything, including the Church.

When is the last time you saw a group of Christians protesting what is going on? Christians have fell for the wolves in sheep’s clothing and they fell big time. Christians are sound asleep.

Does the church even educate about Satan or Lucifer or the Fallen Angels, the Demons, the plans that they have?

Are the Christian Churches even aware what is going on? Are they really that stupid?

The fake Christian churches we see on television are the devil in disguise. There might be one that sneaks by but they don’t last long on the air. The Free Masons control the air waves so what we see is what they want us to see.

Since they have control of almost everything regarding Jesus Christ, why do they still hate him? Because Jesus Christ is real.

Guess who ultimately wins? Jesus. Jesus Christ wins.

Go back and read Revelations 20:4 again. The ones who live by the word are the winners. Those who follow Lucifer will never be truly enlightened, it is as good as it gets for them right now.

Brace yourselves for what is coming: The One World Order is coming and with that comes a cashless society, constant vaccines to change our bodies into synthetic bots that can be patented, vaccination ID passports, removing of guns and ammunition, a brand new financial system after the destruction of the old, the chip with bar code that won’t allow us to buy or sell unless we are obedient to the orders desires, and grand finale will be the manifestation of the beast.

What does the Bible say?

Hosea 10:2 – Their heart is divided; now shall they be found faulty: he shall break down their altars, he shall spoil their images.

Deuteronomy 16:2 – You shall not set up a sacred pillar, which the LORD your God hates.

Free Masonry is all about Secrets.

What does Jesus say?

John 18:20 – I have spoken openly to the world, Jesus replied. I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret.

It is obvious what Jesus believes regarding secrets. This should be emphasized in churches.

If you choose to join a secret society because it makes you feel like you are better than the next person, you yourself are a self serving Luciferian.

What did Jesus say about making an oath?

Matthew 5:34 “But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne;”

Jesus doesn’t want man to make an oath to another man and he doesn’t like secrets. There is two strikes for the free mason who are conditioned whether they are aware of it or not to distance themselves from scripture.

You can’t become a mason if you are broke, blind, maimed or have a criminal record.

Jesus said – Luke 14:13 – “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind.”

Free Masonry is hungry to rule the world. The gospel says that their destiny is destruction.

As you have learned, the free masons call evil good and good evil.

What does the Bible say about this? Isiah 5:20 – Woe until them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light; and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet; and sweet for bitter.”

Once again, where are the leaders of Christianity? Why are not they speaking out in unison?

Free masons are all about exalting themselves.

What does Jesus say? Luke 14:11 - “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."

This defines a Free Mason – Proverbs 6: 12-19 – “a trouble maker and a villain who goes about with a corrupt mouth, who winks with his eye, signals with his feet and teaches with his fingers, who plots evil with deceit in his heart, he always stirs up conflict. Therefor disaster will overtake him. He will suddenly be destroyed.”

They most certainly teach with their hands and fingers and feet. They do create chaos and conflict to achieve their objective of bringing in the New Age.

If Jesus Christ wasn’t real, Luciferians wouldn’t be ruling the world.

People who believe that Lucifer is God run this world from top to bottom. They make the movies and they star in the movies. They write the song, they sing the songs and they dance to the songs. They are the trend setters. They are looked up to and idolized. They do practice magic and witchcraft. They do participate in blood sacrifices.

Witchcraft is real and has been before civilization. Ever since Lucifer was kicked out of heaven. Propaganda has stupified the world into dumbness and people don’t know what to believe anymore. The good people have lost their way. They have literally forgotten about God, the father of Jesus.

If Jesus wasn’t real the Luciferian Free Masons wouldn’t be doing everything in their power to create the Prophecy.

If the scriptures were written by the Catholic church, then why isn’t the Pope in the scriptures?

If Jesus wasn’t real, then why would only the true Christians be IMMUNE to Witchcraft? They have NO power over true Christians.

If the gospels were an invention by the Catholic church then why does Jesus say “call no man father except you heavenly father Matthew 23:9?”

Why are Catholic Priests called Father?

Why would the Luciferians burn William Tyndale at the stake in 1536 after he translated the Bible into English?

People need to become HUNGRY for the Truth, for the Word. People need to wake up.

Even our enemies think the Atheists are stupid for not believing in Jesus and Satan. That was one of their goals, to cause confusion on a mass scale, take control of the world Universities and create common core education for the children, this was to divide everyone from our Heavenly Father and create Non-Believers. Why? Non believers are so easy to convince to believe the lies created by manipulated science.

Bruce Lipton proved the existence of God through science. Has anyone ever heard of him or studied him? The media will never focus on him, that is a guarantee.

It is time we acknowledge that a secret society is running the world and that secret society is doing so with the help of Lucifer. It is time we realize that all the entertainment world was invited into this special secret club.

It is time to realize that this secret society has planned on a mass genocide.

Now we know that they create the Chaos and they find a solution for the chaos, and that solution was created way before the chaos.

Prime example is the vaccinations. I personally saw the plan.

One word that has not been mentioned much is communism. It can be substituted for the New World Order. It was a huge part of the plan and I have tons of notes and information on how they shaped it from the late 1800’s till today. It is the very SAME people. The exact secret society of free masonry.

The rituals performed by these sick free masons are evil. Ever heard of Skull and Bones, just another free mason secret society but with this one, they focus on conditioner their members to take governmental roles.

They use the entertainment free masons for propaganda.

How many entertainers have you seen come out against the vaccine?

How many have you seen promote the vaccine?

I am working on another article right now with the unbelievable evil plans regarding this mRNA vaccine, but it is not really a vaccine at all, it is just filled with witchcraft curses, nanoparticle, mRNA spike proteins designed to cause pathogenic priming and synthetic DNA. That is literally the tip of the iceberg of what is in the vaccines. Yes, ALL the pharmaceuticals are ONE and all of them have their own satanic twist to the vaccine.

Is this really that hard to believe for the sleeping sheep? It is time to wake up.

Why do you think that the free masons take all these oaths? New members will likely have no clue and about 90% will never know themselves, but the answer is to protect their secret belief in Lucifer.

Once again, these lodges around the country are just being used as dog and pony show to make people believe that free masons are good people. There is NO secret society that is GOOD. The members are being used a puppets for the show and not only are most oblivious to it, but they feel empowered as they are doing good.

Most of these members have no clue that they are a front for a Mass Genocide of BILLIONS of people.

How do you think they will do this? Hint: they already have started.

What people really need to wake up to is that Jesus came to this hellish Earth because he truly loved us. He didn’t care about money, possessions or power. He cared about his people. He was full of compassion, joy, love and light.

We have categorized so many entertainers as our idols. They live and breath the same chemtrailed air that we do. We have lost our connection with God. We have lost our consciousness with God. When I say it is time to wake up, it is time to realize the history of this world and know that the material world is of Satan.

It is time to realize the promise that Jesus has made to us. All we have to do is try to live like him, trust him and be loyal to him.

How many people these days would risk their life earnings to go save some children from these homicidal maniacs performing the sacrifices?

We have become a society that adores sin. We can join secret societies and we can turn around and go to a Christian church the next day. That is what you call a free mason, they play both sides but their allegiance is only to the self serving side.

The mindset has become as long as we do more good than evil we are ok. NO, that’s not how it works. A little good doesn’t conquer evil, but a little evil contaminates all good. That is what we must understand. There is no playing on both sides.

One bad apple can contaminate the whole bunch. So if you have a dozen good apples and one bad apple, and they are together, the whole bunch will be bad in a day or two.

It works the same way with your soul. You can’t be a member of a secret society that takes secret hidden oaths to protect Lucifer and then go to church and portray you love Jesus. It just doesn’t work this way. The soul becomes contaminated with poison and it will lead a sublime conditioning. The masons know this and they have perfected this. They can turn a decent person into a leader for their clan. A single sin can take root and grow deep. Remember that when you have a choice to make.

Once we wake up and see the truth to this world, we can break free – because just knowing will cause such a vibrational shift which will increase the frequency of the entire Earth to a frequency that demons cannot function on. This means the free masons lose their magic and withcraft. Speaking of witchcraft, why do you think they wanted Kamala Harris as VP, beside the point that she is very well versed in how the Quantum System works? She is a witch.

I don’t understand Luciferians, maybe it’s because I know the endgame result, but from reading some of the books, they never sound happy, they always are plotting on how they will get more and how they will conquer the world, maybe that is fun for them, but it is temporary here on Earth. Also, nothing is promised in their world except you better keep your mouth shut and keep everything secret. Most of them do have a lot of money and can do a lot of things with that money and they do seemingly have a lot of friends, but is it worth it in the long run?

Temporary vs Forever?? Which one are you going to choose?

Atheists think that they don’t live in a cult of society, but what they don’t understand is that the scientists and doctors are controlled by the secret society. The papers that these scientists and doctors write have a life of their own, a belief system of their own. So if you are buying into this fictitious “scientific” world you are living in your own fantasy world.

We are told the distance from the sun, we are told there is no life on Mars, we are told that vaccines are safe and effective. Being told this and believing it is a faith all of its own. It is a religion all of it’s own.

We need to be very vigilant of the belief systems we adopt and synthesize.

Until we all wake up and realize that we are slaves of a controlled free masonry system and realize that we are living in an environment created by them – we will only continue to be a product of that very environment. We are slaves to the free masons already, but their plans are about to become visible and the chains will only get tighter and tighter.

It is time we wake up and make the environment a product of us.

Whatever they have planned, it is getting real close.


Deaths and Side Effects - HOME - scroll down to Deaths and Side Effects.

Links to Important Videos

PCR Test - this will explain the PCR test and demonstrate how it was manipulated to create this fearful, fake pandemic. 

Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

Dr. Carrie Madej - most important interview to see

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Where are the Double Blind Placebo Studies for V's?

Why wearing Masks is Dangerous

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

External Links / Resources

SPARS - The Next PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

The Secret Religion that Runs the World

Masonic Signs and Symbolism

My Bitchute Video Channel

Please check out my other blogs not related to mRNA V's.



This site was developed by Jeff Linke.  It is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.  Not intended for medical advice.


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