Dr Madej interview with Kammalpreet Singh


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Below is the Transcript to this Video Interview with Dr. Carrie Madej with Kammalpreet Singh

Dr. Carrie Madej - 20 years of research on vaccines and she has been in meetings with some of the powerful health "rulers" of the world. They discovered that heart blockages was caused by Dental Bacteria and the drug in development by Pfizer worked so well that they knew they couldn't use it. Dr. Madej was threatened and told not to tell anyone.

She talks about the mRNA gene therapy they call a vaccine. It is really a gene editing code. They don't know how long it works because there is no off button. All animal studies have failed because they changed their immune system which made the body have a cytokine effect. All the animals died when they came in contact with the very virus it was supposed to treat.

This mRNA should of had 10 to 15 years and Moderna bragged about making this in just 2 DAYS. What we are doing is crazy.

If anything becomes synthetic in our genome, by law the patent holders could actually own YOU. This is the truth and I know it sounds ludicrous.

The same mechanism is used by Monsanto in developing plants and the plants are not healthy and they are not fertile, they are not able to reproduce. Also: any animal that is genetically modified becomes sterile. Why do they think that this will be different in humans? Or maybe that is their objective.

The endpoints in studies not to prevent or transmit disease. So what is the point? Then Pfizer says that the immunity might only last for two months. This is beyond sick. Why risk an experimental vaccine for two lousy months. If you accept this injection you are in a stage IV research project which by law the medical field should be informing us.

There are 18 subunits of HIV-1 in this so called vaccine. We know that many subjects are testing positive for this after the vaccine. They are saying these are false positives and not to worry. How do they even know this?

There is also a lot of human code (placenta for example) in this vaccine. What does this mean? Your body learns to attack anything in that particular code. Your body will learn to attack Chromosome 8 which is placenta gene code, and I have seen many cases already where this happened. The rate of infertility will go up, the rate of mutations will go up (cancers), why are they doing this experimental vaccine when the lowest rate of surviving covid-19 is 94.5% and that is in people over 80, the death rates are no different world wide than any other year.

What is Transfection? Transfection is the way that people make genetically modified organisms. Everything has a code which is called a genome. It is like a language and everyone can read it, it can actually be decoded into a binary code which can be read. This can be read like sentences. So what they are doing is taking out like a word, we have a technology called CRSPR, which is going through the genome and cutting out a word for example or even a sentence and then put in a different word, this gives it a different meaning and has a different effect. This is genetic modification and can be done quite easily. Now when we do this, it can be temporary or it can be permanent, pending how it is used. This is the same technology in these new vaccines. That is transfection.

They are telling this is only temporary, but this is only in a petri dish. This is experimental. They are being correct in that but they are being sneaky though. Our bodies have enzymes called Reverse Transcriptive Enzymes. In our bodies our enzymes will take this and it will go backwards and reverse it so it enters our nucleus and then it enters our genome, our dna code. There is research to prove that it can become permanent in a human now. What’s bad is that the scientists know this but they are manipulating their words so all of us don’t know this. This is beyond unethical and our science has gone to the dark side with the dishonesty and manipulation. This is very serious.

What is Hydrogel and what is Luciferase?

Luciferase is a name given to a bioluminescent crystal, there are two – neon green and luciferase. These are smaller than a cell and they can be injected into the body. They use these to produce the vaccines, whether they still exist inside the vaccines is unclear, they obviously won’t list it as an ingredient. Anyway, when they go inside the body, they prove whether or not you have been transfected. So this little tiny crystal will be inside the cells that are transfected or genetically modified. Just an application on your cell phone could scan this and see it. It is not seen by naked eye, but they do have applications for cell phones to see whether or not a person has been transfected. So the Luciferase (Lucifer) is for proving that a person has been vaccinated. This was part of the plan that I saw years ago and Dr. Madej says that this is what they propose to use on us eventually in upcoming vaccinations. They also want to use this as a Digital ID or Tattoo that will give everyone a number so that we are individually known to ANY computer system or Smart Device. They want us to have an ID so we are a part of what they call the “Internet of Everything.” The idea is to give us a bar code, just like a product in a store. Then everywhere we go we wouldn’t need a wallet or any form of ID, this would carry all of our currency/money and all of our information. This would make our body a commodity, we would be connected to everything just as our cell phone or other smart devices. In essence, we would become a smart device ourselves. This is really why they are pushing 5-G all around the world. 4-G was plenty fast, but this is what the true purpose of 5G is and they of course do not want to tell us this as we may not agree with it. DUH. It is about knowing everything about you in real time, where you are, what you are doing. It also would be able to know what medicines are in your body, how much medicine, knows if you are sleeping, if you have alcohol in your body and they can also know if you are LYING.

The Hydrogel helps envelope the mRNA in the genetic code. But it has many different functions, it is not just to deliver the drug. It also has bio-sensors in there. The bio-sensors help gather the information stated above like where you are, what you are doing, what medicines are in your body, blood sugar etc. It also can detect your thoughts.

Where does this data go? They have proposals in which it will go to the 5-G Cloud and then a computer can analyze it. Then for the “Best of Humanity” it would give us cryptocurrency or social credits. This is where the New World is heading. They want to rid all the money and do a reset. In this reset there will no longer be physical money and the money we have will be digital in this cryptocurrency form, inside our body. How much rewards or “money” we get will be based on their perception of what a good human is. A good human to them is one that doesn’t resist the government in any way, shape or form. If you are caught in a lie they will punish you by taking away your “Social Credits” and they can even take away other “Privileges” like education, the kind of car you want, the kind of house you desire. Who they to say that to us? This is part of the New World Order which has been planned for multiple decades.

Bill Gates and Microsoft filed for and obtained a Patent for all of this. The plan is to do this to all humans by the year 2030.

Dr. Carrie Madej happens to know this is TRUE because she went to business meetings here in the United States (Georgia), called Business Owners Meetings where they talked about doing this here. In Atlanta Georgia would be a pilot city, they planned to launch this last year. They are behind schedule. They really want to do this quickly and they are one of 12 cities that would launch this but would start officially in Atlanta. They said that they didn’t need the approval from any of us. They said that ALL the software is ALREADY in Smart Phones.

The missing link right now is to get these Bio-Sensors in that Hydrogel. *Note: Nanolips and Hydrogel are the same, just interchangeable wording. ALL that they need is to get this INSIDE our bodies. Then all they have to do is flip the switch.

Once they flip the switch, you INSTANTLY lose your privacy, your freedom and you lose your independence.

Dr. Madej believes that this virus or the Fake Pandemic was created to push the Agenda of getting these vaccines in our bodies.

Why? Because inside these vaccines is a way to CONTROL Humanity very quickly. This is what they label the “Great Reset.”

They want the power of the world in just a few hands and they want the masses to become their slaves.

Depopulation was at the top of the agenda.

Is there a mechanism in these vaccines to depopulate the world?

Absolutely. We know there are two main ways that these vaccines can cause infertility.

  1. It attacks Chromosome 8 – the placenta chromosome which is a major part of our fertility. Also in Chromosome 8 is our intelligence, so it could dumb us down, but we don’t much on this one. Dr. Madej says it may make us more docile. *Look at the Bill Gates CIA video in which he proposed his vaccines for this very purpose to Mid East.

  2. There is a code in the vaccine that attacks a protein called Syncitin. Syncitin is in a women’s placenta and a man’s sperm. This means that your body will be programmed by this vaccine to attack the women’s placenta and the man’s sperm. The rate of infertility will be very high. This is a quick way to get a grip on population control. This is why they are pushing this on our children right now. They want the next generation to be the ones who are sterile and to begin the depopulation process.

What if this vaccine will modify our Genes? By law, we will become property or a commodity. This can happen quickly. Bill and Melinda Gates already have the patents. Why do you think that Bill Gates is saying that the world will not go back to normal until the 7 Billion people are vaccinated? Do you think he is saying this because he just loves us? Why has he talked about if the world is vaccinated that the world population can be controlled – Yes, he has said this NUMEROUS times, just look it up. Why does Melinda Gates often wear an upside cross necklace? Because they are very high up in the Satanic Order. These are the people behind these vaccines. Bill Gates is the second largest investor in the World Health Organization – which is a HUGE satanic cult, just look at their emblem. The symbolism alone tells this and look at the head of the WHO – a guy who is a murderer. How can people and our medical field accept this and just go with it?

We literally will become like a COW to them. In fact, they already call us Chattel or Goyim. It is unbelievable how trusting the masses are to the people who want to take our sovereignty, why are we making this so easy for them?

They want to make us a Product.

Dr. Madej said that in these meetings they stated that they would like to use this Nanotechnology for Predictive Policing. Just like the movie “Minority Report” starring Tom Cruise. They want to know your thoughts, measure them and predict whether you will be a risk to their agenda.

What if you are having a horrible day and you just think some negative thoughts about someone? We all have negative thoughts but we seldom if ever act on them. The computer will instantly pick up these thoughts and the Thought Police could quickly show up.

They desire to remove the human out of us and turn shape the way we act and think.

Bill Gates and Microsoft have actually proposed to use this “Predictive Policing.”

This would make Private Thinking illegal. You will not want to think anything anymore because every thought will be monitored by these Super Computers.

So basically you will have the rights to thinking your own thoughts removed. All privacy removed. This is all about control. Is this the future you want for you kids or your grandchildren?

Dr. Madej then talks about another scientific meeting that she attended. One of the scientists said “what is God, he creates, now we create, now we are God’s.” They believe that they, not us, but they can be Gods and they can control the little people around the Earth. In this meeting he talked about patenting and owning humans, he also said if they were able to own humans they were writing their names inside of the genome, giving us a brand. This is very concerning but this is what they would like to do.

We are humans and we have rights, and we need to speak up. We need to know that something in medicine happened in the last ten years and that is all morals, ethics, light and goodness have been thrown out. It is gone. The true health of humanity no longer matters.

It is us to the masses to quickly wake up and begin speaking for our rights.

Why are we blindly giving our trust over to what is happening right now? It’s crazy to just trust the medical field right now. It is not the same world as 20 years ago.

It began with masks, then contact tracing, then shutting down businesses and the goal was to quickly shove these vaccines on us before we know what is even going on. They want to make this permanent, a perpetual state of taking away our freedoms. It will not stop until we at the very least recognize they are deliberately doing this and stand up for ourselves instead of just sitting here and looking at others doing nothing and thinking “well, they are not saying or doing anything, so everything must be fine.” NO, it is far from fine.

There are International Laws that protect everybody in the world. This stems from WWII and is the Nuremberg Code. In this it says that No Human should be forced into an Experiment. This is exactly what they are doing to everyone right now and it is all around the world.

These vaccines are experiments and they shouldn’t be forcing them on the people of the world.

They say that “this is an emergency” when in fact it is simply not an emergency, not even close to an emergency but with controlling the world media they instilled fear across the globe and they sold it well.

Under the Emergency Acts around the world, they are saying because this is an emergency all other laws are thrown out the window.

This is a LIE.

They are banking on all us not knowing what our Human Rights are and what the International Rights are. We also have constitutional rights and bills of rights. They are hoping that we don’t know these rights, we will not learn them and will keep our mouths shut and just go with it.

The businesses forcing these masks don’t even know the true rights of the people. So a lot of this is educating everyone.

We need to be doing everything that they are telling us not to do. They tell us not to hug, we need to hug, they tell you to wear the masks – take the masks off, they are dehumanizing all of us by this mask bullshit. Humans have a lot of power when we are together and close. We have love and heart energy that makes us very powerful and the ones pushing these vaccines are afraid that we will wake up.

The average human heart electromagnetic energy radiates out SIX FEET. Some with extra light and the most beautiful hearts on the planet can go out miles and this energy is much more powerful than negative energy and can beat it out. This energy is very healing to others. The 5-G energy is horrible energy. The powerful ones running this shit show know this, thus they desire us to be six feet apart.

The CIA was able to analyze deep spiritual people and they were able to find the common gene in all of them that was overactive. They call it the God Gene, it is the VMAT-2 gene, the one that Bill Gates targeted with vaccines in the Mid East (Please see that video on this channel) . People that have the VMAT gene are very spiritual, these are the ones who can affect people over distances by just praying. They are healers. So Bill Gates made a so called vaccines to target these highly powerful individuals.

They used this in a military sense and said “what if we knocked out that gene?” We could probably overcome them much easier if we did this. This is the sick kind of thinking and actions the people behind the scenes running this world are doing. They don’t give a damn about the people and they want to depopulate the Earth to around 500 million. That would wipe out over 6 Billion people. That is the true purpose of these vaccinations, these 5-G towers, the fluoride in the waters, the chemicals being sprayed out of jets all the time, the cancer causing ingredients found in our foods. It is time to wake up and realize what is going on here. The people we believe are trying to protect us are really trying to kill us. Until people wake up to this simple and true fact, nothing good will happen, we need to wake up now.

This plan to use vaccines for the military was back in 2003, so if you think that they wouldn’t use it around the world right now you are horribly mistaken.

Dr. Craig Venter is one of those who believes in patenting Synthetic DNA and that is the goal of these vaccines to modify our DNA – Moderna = Mod e RNA. Dr. Venter tried to patent our genes but he couldn’t because our genes are natural. BUT if you modify them just as they do in their genetically with fruits and vegetables our DNA WILL be patented. Scary thought.

Then he went ahead and verified that if something is synthetic in a human that it could be patented. This Dr. Venter is Athietst, he doesn’t believe in God, but he believes HE can be a God. These are the people behind our vaccines. These are the people behind these so called scientific breakthroughs. These are the evil scientists that are spearheading what is going on in the world of vaccines today.

He doesn’t believe in a higher power within humans but he believes he can manipulate that intent that is inside each of us.

They are attacking that beautiful thing light inside of us, they are literally attacking our souls. This has been proven by science.

They think that they can make us live forever, but in a terrible way, they think that can upload our memories into a computer and that they can download any memory into a digital form of us. Yes, they are attempting to graduate us into synthetic robots. They can even clone people. They hoard this technology from the good true scientists of the world.

We are sovereign souls. We don’t need them and they have no right to try to modify us in the way that they see fit.

So back to Bill Gates, how does he profit out of all of this?

First of all, if they can patent us we are just a commodity to them. They have the Nanotechnology to do this with the vaccines.

Look at the patent called 2020060606, a patent that includes almost every country around the world, you will see a diagram. In this diagram there is a person there and this person has the Biosensors inside of them, which will be administered through the va cc ines. The biosensors will be monitoring everything about us, it will send it to our Smart Phones which already as of NOW has these applications in them, once in the phones it can be instantly sent to the 5-G cloud, then sent to their central Super Computers to be instantly analyzed and it would determine on the biometric data on how much cryptocurrency one shall receive. If you are a good human and play strictly by their rules you will be rewarded and if you are a bad person it may delete some of your currency. This is a computer that makes this determination of how good or bad you are and what you will receive or what is taken away.

This has ALREADY been proposed and they are currently, right now – testing this out in Africa. They are doing this through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and through Mastercard. So this is NOT in the FAR future, they are doing it right now this moment. Once they perfect it in Africa it will be launched world wide.

The World Leaders are saying by the year 2030, they would like us to be part of the Internet of Everything, which is this cryptocurrency program. So this is just in NINE years of their timeline.

Knowledge of the truth is power and the truth can set us free. It is time for people to awaken to this game they are playing on humanity and stop the conspiracy crap because it is not a “conspiracy.”

They are very fearful of us awakening to this and thus why they are pushing these vaccines so very quickly.

If we were just biological entities it would already be game over, but we are spiritual entities and we can overcome things that are never going to be explained by science.

Nothing is EVER insurmountable, our genome is the blueprint for life, our bodies NEVER forget the way that they were supposed to be, the way that they were created. That memory is always there. Just as negative frequencies can effect it negatively, positive frequencies can effect this positively.

A study in Russia – they took genetically modified plants in which their genomes had been corrupted, they placed them in ground in the exact dimensions as the Pyramid of Giza, within just two generations the plants genome changed back to the wild type, the original genome. They remembered what they were supposed to be!

How can we get out of this big mess? We all need to share this information, tell everyone you know, tell them about our human rights, about the Nuremberg Code, tell them about what these vaccines are designed to do, tell them to look up the people behind them and what they stand for, the answers will come quickly once the truth begins to spread. The truth literally will set us free.


Deaths and Side Effects - HOME - scroll down to Deaths and Side Effects.

Links to Important Videos

PCR Test - this will explain the PCR test and demonstrate how it was manipulated to create this fearful, fake pandemic. 

Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

Dr. Carrie Madej - most important interview to see

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Where are the Double Blind Placebo Studies for V's?

Why wearing Masks is Dangerous

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

External Links / Resources

SPARS - The Next PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

My Bitchute Video Channel

Please check out my other blogs not related to mRNA V's.



This site was developed by Jeff Linke.  It is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.  Not intended for medical advice.


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