PCR Test


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How the PCR TEST was used to Create a Pandemic

Video of PCR Test Deception by Rai Gbrym - watch this after you read this.

Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test who began to openly speak out on how it cannot diagnose Covid-19 and can be manipulated as they change the number of cycles of RNA amplifications. After Kary begin speaking out, he was found dead.

Kary openly said that Fauci didn’t know a thing about science and he had the President of South Carolina call Anthony Fauci to have a debate in front of the students at the college regarding the PCR test and other areas of science, Fauci refused.

See this video as it explains how the PCR test is worthless for testing Covid-19. This will open up in a new window so you won’t lose your place here.

The PCR Test is the most common test used globally. It is responsible for inducing the pharma industry to quickly formulate these mRNA vaccines. (Pretty sure they already had them on ice.) The PCR tests work by amplifying (cycling) DNA. 

 When more than 35 cycles are used, the accuracy is 0%. Yes ZERO percent.

Anthony Fauci even admitted this during an interview. You can never culture a virus from a 36 cycle, it will be dead nucleotides. Here is the catch, the more cycles used, the more prevalent Covid-19 will be diagnosed. This is why the media focused on CASES and not deaths.

Notice for those who questioned the CDC regarding flu statistics they said "we are seeing a year in which the flu has virtually disappeared."  It is clear that they substituted Influenza A and Influenza B along with many other deaths into the Covid-19 category. 

Back to the PCR cycles:  For example, let's say that 40 cycles are run on the DNA, the more cycles, the more the DNA is amplified, and with 40 cycles you will almost always find a coronavirus dna. So, the test will be positive and the diagnoses will be a Covid-19 case - remember watching the news and that's all they talked about was cases? That is how these cases were being diagnosed.

The problem is this folks: When the amplification is this high, as Fauci himself said, they are worthless, all you are looking at is dead nucleotides. Can it really be explained more simpler that this? It sure sounds like a fabricated, controlled pandemic to me.

FDA approved PCR tests were using more than 35 cycles. 

 The Gnomogen PCR test uses 39 cycles. 

 The GK PCR test used 40 cycles. 

 When they really wanted the case loads to skyrocket they used the InBios Tests which were 45 cycles, that will guarantee every test sent to this lab to be positive for Covid-19. 

 The Luminex Aires PCR Test also uses 45. 

If they really needed to be guaranteed positive cases they would use Quest as their PCR test used 50 cycles. The test would be guaranteed faulty at over 36 cycles but also would fit the agenda and be guaranteed positive. 

 So all of these tests fit in the 0% accuracy range, but they all would produce false positives - there would likely be some in there by chance that do have the flu, but 90% of the positives are false and no symptoms ever occurred. Hmmm? No symptoms? That's right.

Do you see how they set this up? The tests were even being ordered in the millions by countries a year before the "pandemic" or should I say the Plandemic. We truly are in a plandemic folks, there is nothing real about what we are going through, it is a man created epidemic.

Patient ZERO, the first patient ever diagnosed in Kirkland, Washington in January of 2020 was diagnosed using the PCR test. From that point on it all snowballed. A month later they were telling the world we were in a viral pandemic. The viral genome was then mapped and published by the NIH. They used the PCR test to conclude that the substance they found was the cause of a brand new disease.

Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR says "it doesn't tell you if your sick and it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with was really going to hurt you."

On January 20th, 2021 (Biden inauguration day) the World Health Organization changed the way the PCR test was being used, in fact they have done this on several different occasions in the varying testing facilities. They have lowered the number cycles from the 40's to around 10.

Now that the WHO has changed the rules the day Biden took over, they said that the pcr test can be decreased in cycles of amplification.

What does this mean?

It means that the fake pandemic will go away.


Because this test looks at dna, more cycles of dna amplification will yield higher positive diagnoses and lower cycles yield low numbers of covid diagnosed cases.

Your dna contains virus particles all the time. It is just how well they detect those particles that determine a diagnose of positive or negative. Knowing this right here should be a red flag.

It is like looking at the moon with a telescope compared to the eyes. Pretend that there are viruses on the surface of the moon. Now would you see the virus better with your eyes or a telescope?

The telescope of course. So when the WHO on the day of Biden’s inauguration said that the number of cycles can be decreased from 40 to 10 it means there will barely be anyone that is diagnosed.

It truly is like looking at the surface of the moon with your eyes. It is impossible. You can’t see it. The same goes with this test – the higher the magnification the better you will see it. It is totally fake. The bad thing about it is that it can be totally manipulated.  If they want a "Wave" they will send those tests to the companies that are using higher amplification - using a higher number of cycles.  When they want you to believe that a v a c c i n e   is working they will send to the companies that use lower cycles or they will make a rule like they did on Jan 20 that mandates all the companies to a standard and that standard just happened to be where almost no Covid-19 will be diagnosed.

So now what will they come out and tell the people of the world through their 100% controlled media?

They will say that the V a c c i n e s are working.  They will say that they are very effective.  It can be controlled any way they want to.  They will very likely come out with a new strain. I saw the plans and they want this to continue on and on.  So be prepared for them to announce some new strain and expect it to come from a Democratic controlled state like Washington, California, Colorado, Michigan or New York.. be on the watch for this. 

The pcr test was never designed to test for viruses. It was deliberately chosen to control the narrative.

What is the nartative?

The narrative first was to convince the masses that there was a true pandemic. Now the virus is a real virus, but it truly is more like a bad cold virus. It can be deadly in the elderly but what most are dying from is a strain of either Influenza A or Influenza B. The scientists who did the 1500 positive covid sample looked at this and not one of them has the SARS/Corona virus, most had Influenza A or Influenza B.

Okay, once they have the masses believing this by labeling every death including suicides, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, even car wrecks as a covid death and by paying hospitals up to $50,000 for each diagnoses and even paying the families of those who died, the next step is saying a vaccination needs to be developed. This will be the way to defeat this virus. They then use the media as their tool of propaganda to spread their narrative world wide. They focus on it by displaying the number of cases and how it is always affecting other areas of the world. This creates FEAR.

Then they say that the only way of getting back to "normal" is by the vaccine. Developing a vaccine or any medicine should take a minimum, and I mean minimum of 8 years which includes animal studies. Well, the few animal studied that were completed never saw light of day due to the horrific adverse side effects and deaths. By now they likely have manipulated the data to favor their narrative.

It is all lies. But unfortunately everyone bought into this. Now when the cdc lowered their "standards" of testing AFTER these vaccines were being dished out like pancakes at Ihop they will say it is the vaccines that are responsible for this miraculous recovery.

That is a lie.

Since this miraculous recovery occurred on Biden’s watch, he will be labeled the savior by our controlled biased media. Biden will receive all of the credit.

This also is a Lie.

These vaccines are to slowly develop illness and disease which sets up their narrative to introduce another virus or another strain. That leads to more vaccines and illnesses. This is Agenda 21. A plan of depopulation by 2030 as the elites who run the world believe too many people are waking up and realizing they have been a slave to them for hundreds of years will they hoard technologies that are unimaginable to most. It is the classic good vs evil. That is where we stand right now.

They also falsely say that using masks will help the spread of this virus. All the masks sold on the market wouldn’t have a chance of stopping an airborne virus. The smallest hole in a mask is about 10 microns and the largest viral particle is about 1 micon. Do the math.

The masks only complicate health problems. In less than 20 breaths with a mask on and you will have a carbon dioxide level over 10,000 and it is dangerous after 1,000. It is beyond crazy what we are doing here.

We breathe in through our nose because it acts as a filter to trap pathogens and kill them right then and there. We breathe out with our mouth because we want our wastes to be forced as far away as possible.

When you wear a mask it hinders the natural process.

It is time we all wake up to the fact that this is a controlled and planned event.

Video of PCR Test Deception by Rai Gbrym  -- Now Watch this.


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