The Next Pandemic - SPARS-2025-2028


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THE NEXT PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

The next "Plan-demic" is scheduled for 2025 to 2028 and that is to be called SPARS. They already have those vaccines ready to roll. Welcome to the new normal.  They will keep giving you drugs, filthy chemicals that will keep you ill.  It will happen over and over and over. Look up the Spars Pandemic 2025 to 2028. This is your children's future because you gave in so willingly to the LIE.  Event 201 - a "scenario" that explained everything they have done from 2019 to today March of 2021.  They don't even hide it anymore because people are hypnotized by the world mainstream media. 

The SPARS Pandemic - 2025 - 2028 - A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communications. You can download this for yourself.  Dr. Carrie Madej was in a room with some of these powerful people who said what they were going to do with the Covid pandemic and they said they would do it without any consent of the people of the world.  They just did it.   

Now go to page 9 of this little booklet. This has 89 pages 8+9=17.  By then the plan is to have the world in fragmented communities and they will be isolated.  So it sounds like something HUGE happens from now until this date - could that have to do with the millions that will die from the v a c c i n e s?  Something BIG occurs here in the United States, that is for certain. 

This exact format was done with Covid, they had EVERYTHING planned to detail.  Well, the same is now planned for this "plandemic".  They had the dates of everything already planned and they do in the next pandemic also.

It starts like this from the St. Paul Chronicle dated October 17th, 2025, this is their script, their narrative of what will happen.  "By late November the CDC reported an initial SPARS fatality rate of 4.7%, by contrast the WHO reported the overall fatality rate was 14% to 15% and over 50% for those over 64."  This is EXACTLY the way they did it with Covid, they already had the statistics, all they had to do was use the Media, use the the yearly flu and use PCR tests which are 100% controllable just by changing the cycles of DNA amplification.  That is exactly how they created, controlled and convinced the world that this was real.  

Page 16 - they show that it will SPIKE during the Holidays, hmm, sound familiar?  It goes on to say that SPARS now spreads beyond the MidWest, due to more people leaving their homes. It was spread by those who had not yet become symptomatic.

They plan on causing Food Shortages all around the world.

It goes on to say "In 2021 a Coronavirus caused an Outbreak in Region 7, South East Asia, hoofed mammal population."  So they are going to do something with the animals. 

The future from this day forward is constant vaccination, constant supervision and constant control by the world governments. 

It says "In early March 2026 the UK authorized the emergency use of a new antiviral called VMax to treat SPARS. VMax had been considered in the United States but a drug trial at the beginning of the SPARS outbreak did not show efficacy."  Study from January 31, 2020 (look it up).   *NOTE: This same scenario was created for the Covid pandemic.  **Time to wake up.

VMax is supposed to be used in 2026. This is how they create these agendas and these vaccines. They are on the inside so it makes investing pretty simple for these guys, when they already know years in advance what is going to happen. 

Corovax is another v a c c i n e that they are going to introduce.  This was all planned in 2017.  I was told about a future pandemic in 2011 and I am assuming it is this Corona Fakedemic. So they plan these years in advance. 

A study on Corovax can be found HERE.  It is from Thomas Jefferson University on April 7, 2020. 

The people of the world are being played.

Corovax is made from the SARS/COV-2, the virus we have now.  HMMMM??

Corovax is planned to be introduced to the public in 2027.  The company is called COROVAX LTD and they are a brand new company as of March 12, 2020 in London, England.  Purpose: Experiments on Biotechnology.   Sounds very similar to the story of Moderna.  Hello people.  They think the public is so dumb and I guess rightfully so.  Unbelievable.  Just like in 2003 when the CDC filed for and obtained the patents for the Coronavirus and the testing of the coronavirus. Then they filed a petition to keep this confidential so the people of the world would not know and could not independently research this. 

Remember from what Dr. Madej said as she was in on a meeting with some of these powerful people behind the plans, they want to control the behavior and the health (as in keep us in fear of pathogens) of the people of the entire world and they want to do this by vaccines. 

CODEX DNA - Welcome to the Future - Build Genes, Build Clones and Build Libraries. This is the future and what they are doing.  They are making synthetic genes and synthetic DNA.  By now most are well aware that Bill Gates has the patent on HUMANS who have synthetic DNA as humans or live beings that NATURAL cannot patented.  For those that have been out of the loop of what's going on this may seem difficult to believe or understand but believe us, it is real, just look it up, that's all you have to do. Look up the 666 patent also. 

They want to have pandemic after pandemic.  Is this what you want?  Is this what you want for your children?  For your grandchildren?   If no, stop being a compliant little sheep.  Do YOUR job and learn this stuff so you can quickly educate your friends and family.  Once enough are awake this will NOT happen as we outnumber them 100,000 to 1 but we are allowing the very few at the top to rule as.  They call us Goyims, they call us Chattel and they watch us wear the masks and go with their evil plans on TV and they laugh at us.  Literally calling us Dumb Cattle.  Listen to Abe Finkelstein tell us how dumb we are and how they put humans from their ritualistic sacrifices in McDonald's sandwiches - this is the short version that begins at .58 seconds - it focuses on McDonald's subject, I will upload the longer version also.

How are they getting away with this?  They are the leaders of the Corporation.  

What is the Corporation?  It is the United States.

In 1871 the United States Corporation was founded.  Since then, the plan on the New World Order, Agenda 2020 has been in place.  We are living it right now.  It is a 100 year plan.  

We need to return the United States into a Republic, instead of United States of America it should be United States for America.  Hopefully enough people will wake up before it is all too late. 

The people behind this honestly, really think of us as Cattle, they say Chattel. 

Our votes do not mean a damn thing, they own the software and they put their people in not our elected people. 

Wearing these stupid masks is killing our immune systems, that is one of the reasons they want this, there are more but I won't get into that now.  The longer we wear these dumb masks the lower our immune systems get and the more recycled bacteria we breathe in makes our immune systems work that much harder.  Bacterial Pneumonia will become a risk the longer we wear them as our immune systems wear down and become weaker.  Wearing masks is constantly lowering our oxygen levels which is just horrible on the body and at the same time raising our Carbon Dioxide levels.  A science teacher demonstrates that just 10 breaths while wearing a mask raising your levels over 10,000 - you should always be under 1,000.  Click here to see his short video.  

Why are we doing this for a covid virus in which even people over 70 have a 94.5% chance of surviving and this is with NO treatment whatsoever?

Survival Rates for Covid-19:

0 to 19: .0003% = 99.7% chance of surviving without treatments.

20 to 49: .0002% = 98% chance of surviving without treatments.

50 to 69: .005% = 95% chance of surviving without treatments.

70 and over: .054% 94.5% chance of surviving without treatment.

What a CRAZY world.  Let's start standing up for one another!


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