Kryon 2022 - The Rules



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Kryon 2022 – The Rules

Kryon begins at the 2:55 mark.

Channeling is the free flow exchanging of Love. It is not understood as we live on an Earth filled with rules.

The rule is this: God loves you more than ANYTHING. Inside you is the Source, you are made in the IMAGE of God meaning there is a part of God IN you.

There are more and more awakening to the idea that all of the rules are contained in love. The one rule is love.

Masters all over this planet showed up to give us this information. One or two of them became famous for giving us this information. There is a love here and it is a ONENESS with all things, the soil, rock, trees, plants, animals and humans.

Find the light in your life if you haven’t found it yet.

There is no hierarchy of Angels. You have 100% connection if you want it.

Ask Spirit this: “Dear Spirit I am ready to see the Light, please take my hand.” Spirit will say “It’s about time.”

The Creative Source is in EVERY human being and we were created of Love and we ALL are Family.

Q & A begins around 21:40 mark.


Future of Transportation: The future is Artificial Intelligence. It will help us not run into each other. If there was an intelligence behind every vehicle we would never be all clogged up. It will go a lot smoother. Mass Transient should always be present also. Inventions coming and the biggest one is when we discover how to Manipulate Physics. Right now we base physics off of a set of rules. Mass is manipulative and it has to do with POLARITY. Then we will be able to control things and you can have Floating Cities. The Grand Kids may see this.

Transmissions from other Galaxies: Things outside the galaxy, including where have our past lives been. This is what we do. How long has our soul been doing this? Forever. This Galaxy is unique. The benevolence, the creative source, Kryon says stay away from talking about other galaxies. Other galaxies are not the same. Our Grandfathers are the Pleiadians, Orion’s and Arcturians and eventually there will be quantum entanglement. We will meet the Pleiadians and Arcturians.

Entanglement Theory and Twin Flames: It is more of a past life relationship. Entanglement is there and something that we will understand and use. Twin Flames – it is like entanglement with consciousness. Is it possible that there is an arrangement between souls that is so strong that you will recognize people from different countries? It doesn’t have to always be romantic. You realize that we have been together for a long time. That is Twin Flames and that is entanglement in a conscious way.

Time Capsules and Vortexes: They are very different. Time Capsules are the Nodes and the Nulls of the planet created by the Pleiadians. A time capsule described by Kryon in a Node and a Null is a place where the time capsule will open at the right time. The will begin opening past the shift of 2012. There is a quickening of intuition right now. Most of our major inventions happened very close to the same time. The Wright Brothers only beat the French by two weeks. The invention of the Radio is still contended. Tesla was a wild care and an exception. Time Capsules are a release of KNOWLEDGE at a specific time. Desalinization of Water and Electricity will be a couple that will come soon.

Pollution of the Planet: We are not the ones causing major weather change. Pollution – yes, we will destroy ourselves but not the planet as the planet is resiliant. We are starting to see privately funded projects that will help the planet. Funding is going to come. There is a 45 minute special on Youtube called BILLIONS in CHANGE the guy that invented the 5 hour Energy change became a Billionaire almost overnight and he didn’t know what to do with his money and he loves our planet. He is offering money for great ideas to help the planet. For example digging deep for the heat to produce electricity. If it is practical and it works this guy will help. See Billions in Change.

Sick and Suffering: Getting sick and suffering is not just a human condition. Colds are for Rejuvenation and we need it, it is suffering for a little while. But the Flu, we do NOT have to get. It is all about the level of Consciousness. It is NOT common to have the Flu. WE are in charge of our own Biology and we don’t need to follow the PROGRAM of getting sick. Disease has Vibration. What if we are vibrating higher than the Disease? It can’t touch you. Cancer will be in History Books because it won’t exist in the future. It can’t touch a human who is vibrating at a higher level.

Happiness: Happiness is Light. We are in a battle between Dark and Light right now. We are winning the battle and everything dark will lose. The worst is yet to come when we discover what is going on to the Sexual Trafficking of Children, it wouldn’t be here showing us if we didn’t have the light exposing it.

Near Death Experiences: NDE’s are a benevolent program of death given to us by the creator. Almost all of them are identical – they come back NOT being afraid of Death anymore. It is so we don’t go into FEAR when we realize we are shutting down and dying.

Magnetic Field: The only time humans went outside of the Earths magnetic fiels is when they went to the moon. What happened to the men who went to the moon and back? Things started happening. Most quit and went into separate fields. The magnetic field right now is beginning to lessen. It has moved more in the past ten years than the past 100 years. This is why the Whales beached themselves as the magnetic field have changed.

Education and Learning: Indigo Children are going to be our Teachers in the near future. There will be a slow, gradual change in education for the better. The old system will die slowly.

Ownership and Capitalism: There will still be both. We can have a system in which EVERYONE wins. Google is an example, when it came in online, how where they going to make money when they were giving everything away? They didn’t know at first, but they figured it out with Google Ads and Youtube ads. It is a brand new paradigm in which everybody wins. More people will win in the process of selling a product. You can place your own video content on Youtube and become known much quicker than ever before. Also, the amount of talent is increasing. We now have micro-funding and many more things to come.

Artificial Intelligence taking Jobs: Kryon says there are things that are coming that will need to be manufactured and batteries will be dead never needed again, ever. It will have to do with Magnetism producing electricity. We will have better politicians which will result in manufacturing closer to home and not in China. Politicians will also be more compassionate to each other. We will see it start but it will start very slowly. What is happening today is what we don’t want and will encourage change.

5G and EMF Frequency: It is wrong and inappropriate and it is harmful and needs to be stopped. There are too many gadgets for children that are dumbing them down. Mathematics need to be taught differently and not by calculators.

Hono Pono – a forgiveness process.

Water, Rain, Weather Cycles: There will be cycles of more and less. We are seeing a change in weather and weather means water. In some places where there was once desert and drought you will see water and in places that normally received a lot of rainfall will see very little. This means we have to prepare and conserve better. In Australia they are having hot summers now. This is all part of the weather shift.

Kryon is a Futurist – the Ice Age is in 15 years and he says we will know it when it gets here for certain.

Things are coming to LIGHT very fast now. The Vatican has been molesting children forever and just now it is becoming known to the world and not just the minority few.



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