Behind Closed Doors – MONEY and MURDER in the Hospitals


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Deaths and Side Effects

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Behind Closed Doors  – MONEY and MURDER in the Hospitals

Remdesivir = ORGAN FAILURE - Kidney and Liver failure.

Ventilators = $$$ for Hospitals and contributes to Death.

90% of people put on Ventilators Died.

Remdesivir + Ventilators = MURDER

What really happened behind Closed Doors?

Hospitals receive a BONUS if someone is diagnosed with C - o-v-i-d, they also receive $30,000 for placing a patient on the Ventilator, they get a BONUS if someone is declared Dead by C-o-v-i-d.

Why would you give an Incentive to Declare a C-o-v-i-d Diagnosis and an Incentive to Declare a C-o-v-i-d Death? WHY???-

What were they using for these so called Diagnosis? The PCR Test which 100% can NOT distinguish if someone has the cold, flu, bacterial infection and definitely not C-o-v-i-d.

So how convenient to follow the c-o-v-i-d narrative than to use a Test which they can manipulate completely. The positive and negative diagnoses were completely controlled as the testing companies were pre-selected years in advance and they each specialized on the number of cycles of DNA amplification for the P-C-R tests.

An Agenda was agreed upon by the Corporation decades ago.

If a patient comes to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the head and they do a nasal swab and determine that patient "tests" positive for C-o-v-i-d then the patients dies -- what is the CAUSE of DEATH??

C-o-v-i-d of course, not from the bullet to the head. This IS what was happening in the midst of this crazy "plandemic".

Who made this decision and guided hospitals to follow this INSANE Protocol? The CDC.

Remdesivir and Ventilators were part of the "PROTOCOL" and if hospitals did not follow this "protocol" they did not receive the extra $100,000 in total for a C-o-v-i-d Patient. Which is absolutely beyond stupid and the fact that this ACTUALLY happened just shows how MONEY Hungry people are.

Why would Remdesivir and Ventilators be part of the PROTOCOL for receiving Incentives?

Testing for C-o-v-i-d = Hospitals get PAID $$ more.

Admitted for C-o-v-i-d = Hospitals get PAID $$ more.

Placed on Remdesivir = Hospitals get PAID $$ more.

When placed on a Ventilator = Hospitals get PAID $$ more.

And the KICKER - When a patient DIES from C-o-v-i-d = Hospitals get PAID $$ more.

Hello - Does this make sense? What happened to the Flu in the past three years? It magically disappeared from being diagnosed. Those flu shots must of worked great.

Patients were MISTREATED on PURPOSE for following an absolute INSANE protocol. Do you think that hospitals would of followed this "Protocol" from the CDC if they were not paid those incredible amounts of CASH??

The hospitals were taking money for following a "protocol" that was Killing patients and getting PAID $100,000 for following the protocol from Diagnoses, Admission, Treating to Death.

This all for C-o-v-i-d in which there was over a 97% Survival Rate for ALL diagnoses and they were following this protocol that resulted in "inflating" numbers to decrease survival rate.

Then when the patient was admitted family was not even allowed to go in to visit them and could not even be an advocate to make sure they were being treated with quality care.

This should be a time for reflection. Looking back at the insanity that took place and make sure we never allow this kind of insanity to take place again for another Media Pushed Plan—demic.

These patients were denied Priests during their final hours of life. They were forced to die alone. They were forced to be treated with the “Protocol”. They were denied other treatments like Iver—mectin and H-ydroxychloroquine, or Chlorin-e Dioxide.

Why was the most powerful Antiviral Ignored? That would be the Immune System.

Not one single mainstream doctor talked about Strengthening the Immune System. Why weren’t they educated the elderly on how important it was to take ZINC, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, L-Lysine, Quercetin and Glutathione or taking the powerful antiviral herbal tinctures or teas like Thyme, Cat’s Claw, Mullein, and Lobelia??

What is even more ridiculous is that the Coroners received EXTRA $$$ for putting C-O-V-I-D on the DEATH CERTIFICATES.

Hospitals were basically turned into Prisons during this FEAR Political Campaign.

FEAR just means false evidence appearing real and this was exactly the case. Isn’t it amazing how powerful the TV Media is?

Do you think this could of happened without the Media streaming the narrative 24/7 – for over a year straight?

July 25th, 2022 is the PLAN on which they will start the “Conditioning of the Minds” to Monkeypox. This will be another push. I wrote this on the Calendar a month ago and on this day ABC announced that “Monkeypox is on the rise”. It is a plan also. Do a Google Search on Monkeypox 2022 and look at all the fear porn in the last week.

We need to look at the facts: Excess Mortality Rate did NOT begin until AFTER the V a X’s began. That was a FULL Year into Co vid.

This is a Big Pharma Push and now Pfizer has filed Paxlovid for an FDA emergency use authorization and has signed a contract to provide 10 million courses to the U.S. government by 2022 for $5.29 billion.

Yep, our great and caring Government just spent another $5 Billion plus on something that has not even been approved by the FDA. The insanity continues with NO Resistance from people. When will we wake up?

In 2015 at the National Academy of Sciences, Peter Daszak was talking to the insiders privy of what was coming and he said: "To sustain the Funding beyond the Crisis we need to Increase the Public understanding for the NEED for MEDICAL Counter Measures such as a Pan-Coronavirus V-A-C-C-I-N-E. A Key Driver is the Media and the Economics will follow the Hype. We need to use that Hype to our Advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will FOLLOW if they see PROFITS at the end of the process."

This was in 2015 folks. 2015, 3 years before any talk of a Cor--onavirus Vax

Peter Daszak in 2015 actually stated that this "plandemic" was campaign of Domestic Terror to get the Public to accept the Universal Va-c-c-i-n-e using a known Biological Weapon.

Hello – “A Campaign of Public Terror to get the Public to ACCEPT the UNIVERSAL VAX using a KNOWN Biological Weapon.” PETER DASZAK

If you don’t know who Peter Daszak is, Google him.

He was saying to sustain “funding” beyond the “crisis” which was still 4 years into the future that they would have to “hype” which means to have the controlled media promote the fear in order to get people to accept the v’a-x-in-e and the $$ will follow all this bullshit.

It is time people begin paying attention to how things work in this world and how narratives can be pushed and controlled by the TV Media News outlets. They work together in Lockstep. *Look up Project Lockstep which helps explain how they pulled all of this off by have the World Governments work together in “Lockstep.”

Next they want people to take the Monkeypox Vxxx. Then off to Marburg and SARS after that and a continuation of the 26 Variants based off of the Draconians.

Remember when good ole Anthony Fauci said “we can get back to normal if we all could just take the vaxxene?”

Well, most took it, but then one turned into two and two turned into three and now they use terms like a “third booster should finally do it.”

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

We continue to ask no questions when in fact everything today needs questioning. Isn’t this obvious by now?

When you are brainwashed lies are much easier to believe than the truth.



Deaths and Side Effects

My Bitchute Channel -- Max2020 on Bitchute

My Favorite "GO TO" SOURCES

Please Visit my other Blog Sites - Answers to Mysterious and Chronic Health Conditions and Fairness and Correctness

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Bootstrap Farmer - All our Gardening and Growing Needs


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