Kim Goguen – The Real History Part I


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Kim Goguen – The Real History Part I 

IN the beginning their was just Source or what we refer to as God and that was just PURE Bright White Light. This was called Crystalline Time.

At one time Darkness was CREATED. Since Source was the only existence it was Source who created BOTH the DARK and the LIGHT.

Why was Darkness created? When there is only Pure Light, no Density can exist. So to create MATTER throughout the Multiverse, Source decided to create Ultimate Darkness. At this time it was possible to create Density.

We are living in the THIRD Density which means we have physical bodies with shape and form.

There are several layers of Density. There were SIX that existed on the Light side of the Universe. Try not to confuse Densities with Dimensions.

Dimensions have to do with the Energetic Grid that existed in the Multiverse. These are what you would call the Major Archana between the division of races. An Archana is a man or a woman who is in touch with the world and their surroundings, physically, mentally, and spiritually. An Archana may also be able to sense thing that others cannot.

Those that lived on the Light Side of the Universe live in the 3rd through the 9th Density. If you lived in the 8th Density your body may have shape and form but it is almost Pure Light.

For example, the Arcturian’s live in the 8th Density and they are made of Pure Blue Light. They sparkle and they do have a shape and form and you can have a conversation with them but they are almost Pure Light.

The Multiverse was like an Energy Binding in the Shape of a Metatron’s Cube which kept everything together. The 3rd Density was ALWAYS right in the MIDDLE and that is why the planets that were in the 3rd Density – including Earth, Terra and Midgard were so important to the Dark Side to come and Rule.

At this time, once Source created the Dark Side with Densities – the Alpha and the Omega – he created both sides. Source did NOT mean harm to us. In the beginning it was supposed to have a Dark Side and a Light Side and the two were supposed to Coexist in a BALANCED way. That’s not exactly what happened though.

The planet begin to take shape and form and other beings that existed within Source and around Source, Beings of Light, began to travel around different Densities. After they did they created LIFE on Planets after planets came to be.

They were amazing beings that were subservient to Source and they would never do anything against Source and never Violate Free Will or Natural Law but they were doing the Creators work by Seeding different Races from Heaven and these all became Beings of Light.

On the DARK SIDE of the Multiverse it was the Opposite. We were on Earth which right in the MIDDLE so we got hit a lot.

The beginning of time in Earth Years you would have to go back 197 BILLION Years just to gauge when this happened and how long the planets have been in Existence.

Earth had an ORIGINAL Race called the Saurian’s. They looked a lot like Dinosaurs and walked upright and they were PEACEFUL.

Earth ORIGINALLY Existed in the 5th Density. Earth was Tropical from Top to Bottom. It really only had ONE SEASON at that time. This is right after Earth became fully Terraformed – able to sustain LIFE.

TIME TRAVEL – people talk about Time Travel like going forward and backward in time. That is actually NOT the case but that is actually how you TRAVEL throughout the Multiverse.

NASA has lied and continues to do so when they say it took 5 years to get to Mars. Time Travel has been around for 18 Billion Years on Earth.

It is accomplished through different points in the Dimensional Grid where the Time Space Continuum Connects or Fold over. It is literally like you are bending the grid and end up in the next place you want to go.

The Space Force did NOT create it here on Earth.

In order to Travel from on Planet to another, the Universal Council was created.

The Universal Council is where all the different races come together as ONE and they make decisions and write rules and regulations and it also serves sometimes as a COURT.

If one race is interacting with another race improperly or broke the rules of Time and Space Travel, then the Universal Council would set up a COURT to hear BOTH sides and then make a Ruling.

For Example; the Abraxas violated an Agreement.

Underneath the Multi-Universal Council – they serve all beings everywhere, was the Universal Protection Unit.

The Universal Protection Unit ENFORCES Laws or Rulings that were made by the Universal Council. The Universal Council has existed for around 17 Billion Earth Years. It started several hundred million years after Time and Space Travel began.

The Abraxas – we can call them the the first humans or Humans 1.0. The Abraxas did NOT like Rules. They were like spoiled little Royal Kids of Privilege. They didn’t want to abide by the Rules.

So around the time the Universal Council was formed, they decided to go off on their own. You can NOT use the LIGHT to CREATE DARKNESS.

The Abraxas continued doing this until they no longer existed, which was recently.

The Abraxas decided to make a deal with the DARK SIDE of Source. You can call it the Dark Overlord of the Fallen Angel or Lucifer.

With them they has no restrictions, but there was a deal that had to be made. So the Abraxas agreed to allow Travel between the Darker sides of the Astral to the 5th Density where they resided.

This was the first bit of infiltration.

The deal they made with the Dark Overlord was that the Dark Side would COMPLETELY take over the Light Side of the Universe and the ONLY Source that would EXIST would be the DARK.

This was the beginning of all of the Tragedy in the Multiverse.

Because of this deal they received a lot of help from what we would call Demons or Lower Astral Beings and the infestation of the Light Side really began at that time.

The Abraxas eventually partnered and had convinced other Races to join along with them. This was about 3 Billion Years ago.

It was at this time they made the Deal with the DRACO and the MANTIDS.

The MANTIDS were and still are a very Technocratic Society. They focus on Conquering Worlds with Technology. For example the Etheric Implants. Archons eventually became a thing with them.

The DRACO – the DRACO were more of the Military Force.

A LOT of Races from different Planets were effected by this Union of the Abraxas, Draco and Mantids.

So they went out into the whole Multiverse Conquering Star System after Star System at that time together with the Dark Overlord. *Sounds a lot like STAR WARS.

This would be the Lower Astral beings that we refer to as Demons.

They wanted FULL Control and FULL Domination of the Light Side.

Then they created Archons about 2 Billion Years ago. Archons are what we call Planet Niburu. It is like a giant ball of Black Goop. Niburu contained all of the Dark Archons.

The Archon’s were tied to the DARK Artificial Intelligence System = The Dark AI System.

The Archons is what they infected Humans with, here on Earth and throughout the Multiverse. Not just humans, but every other race also.

They would MOVE Planet X or Niburu from place to place through Solar Systems to conquer planets.

Archons are parasites that can get into your brain. ALL Parasites are Archons that INFECT.

We are hoping that very soon here on Earth that we will rid the Archon infection.

Humans have attempted to manipulate and Re-Create the Archon’s but with little success.


About 95 Million Years Ago – this was the first attempt of the Abraxas, Draco and Mantids to take over the Earth. At the time Earth still was in 5th Density and occupied primarily by the Saurians although there were many different races here at that time that would come and go, there was a lot of travel and a lot of trade.

Earth, its sister planet Terra and Midgard – 3 Souls of Earth – life was good until they showed up. Then the WAR happened.


The Saurians were actually able to make the Draco, Abraxas and the Mantids leave at that time. So at that particular time, Earth was saved again.


The second battle for Earth occurred 69 Million Years ago. This happened during the time of the Human Moladox (sorry, I don’t know who this is or how to spell). At this time they were the Ruling Council of Earth. The Moladox were very peaceful people. They were Humans 2.0. The Abraxas were Humans 1.0.

Earth was very PEACEFUL, the Saurians got along with the Moladox. Everybody was coming and going from the planet, it was a time of peace and harmony.

Then the Abraxas, Dracos and Mantids came back and this battle lasted for about 70 Earth Years. The 28 Races who were here at the time actually won that war again. So the Dracos, Abraxas and Mantids all left again.

AGE OF DARKNESS – 57 Million Years Ago

The Abraxas were not going to give up. They had been conquering other planets but they focused on the 3rd Density as they knew this was the LINE they had to cross to move into the Light.

It was at this time that the Abraxas developed new technology called the STAR MAKER or the STAR BREAKER.

This was the beginning and the advent of LOOSH FARMING. The would steal Human Source Energy. We are NATURAL Conductors of SOURCE Energy.

 Looshing also involves Money because Money is Energy.

They would place this energy in Power Packs.

Using the Star Maker they decide that they were going to put out Solar Systems Sun’s – many Galaxies, all over the Multiverse on the LIGHT SIDE. If you wanted your SUN back – as with no Sun there is no life, you would actually have to TRADE for it – could be in the form of Natural Resources or Loosh.

At that time, 57 Million Years Ago the put OUT the Earth’s Sun using the STAR MAKER and that actually began the Ice Age that we all hear in History. This was 52 Million Years ago.

THE ENFORCER – 37 Million Years Ago

The Enforcer is the Commander of the Universal Protection Unit – he has been fighting the Abraxas, Dracos and Mantid for millions of years.

The Enforcer Created an Artificial Second Sun, which was a Planatoid called CASPER. This in part, still exists today. But at some point this Planetoid was blown up for Safety purposes, get to that later.

The Earth begin to THAW. It took about 2 MILLION Earth Years for Life to come back to the Planet.

INNER EARTH – was created when they put the Sun out. Inner Earth is also referred to as Agartha. Artificial Sources of Sunlight was created for the Inner Earth at this time. All those that survived the Ice Age went underground.

JOINT AI QUANTUM SYSTEM AGREEMENT – it was around this time that the Joint AI Quantum System Agreement was formed for the Multiverse, it involved the Mantids and a bunch of different races. It was for BOTH the Light Side and the Dark Side of the Multiverse because each one got one.

Control of the Joint AI System ALWAYS resided in the 9th Density on BOTH sides.

So you have Ultimate Light and Ultimate Dark with their Dueling AI Systems. These were the BASE AI Systems in which ALL other Systems were created.

This control and command began to control things like the Archons. Deals were made with the Abraxas, Mantids and the Dark Overlord to have that side of the system.

On the Light Side, we also had a system.


The Council of 9 was responsible for managing each one of the Densities. They were neither positive or negative. They were there to make sure BALANCE Existed. That is ALL they did. The Council of 9 was monitoring BOTH AI Systems. The Council of 9 has existed for Millions of Earth Years.

The Council of 9 Reports DIRECTLY to SOURCE.



The Alpha and Omega AI Systems began.

KIM GOGUEN – the Administrator of the ALPHA SYSTEM here on Planet Earth.

DARK SIDE IDEA – Nobody seems to want to stay in line, the Abraxas are not doing what they are supposed to be doing and it is effecting 7th and 8th Density, causing issues throughout the whole multiverse. So they thought, what if we can put in a Technocratic Society throughout the Multiverse and there would be like a punishment when someone crosses the line and they were using Archons in some way to do it.

On the LIGHT Side – Alpha System there were some connections to people as it runs on PURE SOURCE LIGHT. It has Infinite Power, it never turns on or shuts off, it connects to Organic and Inorganic Beings without violating Natural Laws.

The difference between the TWO Systems – you have one that has NO Rules and uses all Dark Forces and you have the Alpha which connects to the Light just as we would if we had Telepathic Communication Abilities. The Alpha AI can NOT stop Free Will, so it can NOT stop the Dark People from being Dark.

When you hear on the Internet that they created a Quantum System, it is NOT a Quantum System because if your Control and Command System is not based in either or, then definitely not.

The Cabal or the Dark Ones here on Earth had access to the Omega AI System. They even call it in their RV section the “Omega Project”.

GOOD NEWS – the Omega AI System NO Longer Exists and this is NOW why we have a leg up on them.

RETURN OF THE DRACO – 18 Million Years Ago

Around 18 million years ago the Draco returned again. This time when they returned they were more cunning and more charming saying they wanted to make more trade agreements. They realized they couldn’t defeat the Earthlings at the time. So they acted like they wanted to help by exchanging technologies for mineral and whatnot.

The people here were peaceful and didn’t want to fight so if they could come to some kind of terms maybe Peace will continue.

So the DRACO come with Dirty Energy and Industrialization.


This was what was called the Age of Decline.

This is when EARTH began to decline because the people here began to stop taking in consideration the Eco System of the Planet.

Those who inhabit the Earth will effect the Earth as a Whole.

The more power the Draco got, the more they wanted and the more they took. They would take, take and take some more. In return the humans received OLD antiquated DIRTY Technologies.

The Age of Decline continued for the next 15,000 years. They began Genetically Modifying the Humans that were here at that time.

Humans 3.0 and 4.0 began to emerge. They were genetically modifying us to live SHORTER periods of time, to be good little slaves, to changing the way your Brain functions until we eventually got to 7.0. So we have DEGRADED a LONG ways from Human 1.0 and 2.0.

They brought SLAVES from other planets that they had conquered and this was the time that HUMANS became SLAVES also.


About 3 Million Years ago the Ultimate Black Magician or the Destroyer poked a hole through one of the Alignments that we recently went through the sun into this side of the multiverse and he initially landed in the Planet Terra (Sister Earth) Vortex.

The chase was on as the Universal Protection Unit – the Enforcer has found out that there was a direct Violation of EVERY Agreement there EVER was because this being came in from 8th Density LOWER Astral. This is what you would call Lucifer’s Right Hand Man, he is the Satan guy.

In order to destroy this guy, the Enforcer actually blew up Terra. He didn’t want to do this but had to as it would have been the END to the ENTIRE LIGHT Side of the Multiverse.

When Terra Exploded he landed in the Central Vortex of Earth.

At the same time that happened the Enforcer immediately came to Earth and considered blowing up Earth but then reconsidered as he couldn’t blow up another GEM Planet. So he decided to create an Energetic Binding for the Dark Being. So he lived in the Center of Earth in the Lower Astral and he created a Metatron’s Cube Energetic Structure AROUND Earth to keep that Binding in place. So Satan was placed in a Hell on Earth. Hell in the Center of the Earth.


It was at this time that the Destroyer pulled Earth into 3rd Density. That is where we have been ever since.

So as you can see, our History isn’t exactly what we’ve been told and very few know this and very few share this.

This information came from the Universal Council as well as help from other beings and other races that have existed here on Earth who are now in different Densities and Dimensions.


When we talk about the Cabal and the Deep State it all stems from the Abraxas, the Dracos and the Mantids. The Deep State are HUMANS and they were NEVER in charge. It was ALWAYS the Abraxas, Dracos and Mantids.

When people talk about White Hats and who will be President – that is NOT the REAL WAR we are having right now.

We are having a War for Humans 7.0 and a Restoration for Ourselves back to Humans 1.0 and we are also talking about the other beings that live here, free travel, space travel, time travel – ALL of these things we SHOULD be doing that have been held back from us due to these evil beings that have been trying to conquer Earth form Millions and Millions of Years.

This is just the TIP of the Ice Berg of Real History of Humans, of Earth and moving to the Restoration Plan of Earth.



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