Kryon 2022 - Love - Purpose - DNA Instructions - Regenerating Limbs - Imprinting - Time Explained


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Kryon 2022 - Love - Purpose - DNA Instructions - Regenerating Limbs - Imprinting - Time Explained

Multi-dimensional Truth is filled with intelligent design, love and purpose.

We define things that are outside our imagination as a miracle.

Energy is information. We can address the DNA portion of the Human Body to Change its Informational Structure. Scientists says that 5% is chemical and gene producing and 95% is junk. One DNA loop has 3 billion chemicals in it.

Example: You are born with a Deformed Heart, in your learned reality you may be on drugs and die sooner. ALL of the Organs REJUVENATE time and time again over your life. So why do they produce a deformed heart every time? Because the information is STATIC. Without changing the information it will be the same.

You can literally change the information systemically and subconsciously as to who you are and why you are here. Addressing the Information Energetically so the Stem Cells are perfect. Slowly the heart will become a Functioning Heart and this is not science fiction.

Why can a Starfish grow back an arm and you cannot? Because the information has been instructed that these kinds of things can only be done in the womb and the stem cells repeat. There will come a day when we can grow back a limb. But right not the instructions say we can't. The information has to be changed.

When the Spinal Cord is severed there is chemistry that races to the severed so it won't grow back. There is a hormone that actually keeps it from growing back. How does this serve humanity? It doesn't.

Nerves are designed to Grow Back. There will come a day where we can reprogram stem cells. Stem Cells exist everywhere in the human body. They are responsible for a human that is predisposed to disease and that predisposition will be carried to the child. It will continue and continue UNLESS it is Reprogrammed. It is Multi-Dimensional Energy. New technology will be able to reprogram pieces and parts of the body.

Once reprogrammed it the new DNA will be passed from generation to generation with the new instructions to be disease free and defect free.

Informational Energy is the answer and there are systems of informational energy on the planet.

Imprinting - The Power of the Information of the Akash. Human Consciousness carries and imprint that effects the planet. Human Consciousness is what is going to change the planet. Human Consciousness is Information. It is information you develop based upon what you think and it is powerful.

23:30 -- The Crystaline Grid of the planet is a Multidimensional Grid in which we cannot see it. It holds energy and information. When the planet is measured for Vibration, it is the Crystaline Grid that is measured. The grid ONLY has on it what Humans have put there. It will replay this information over and over. It is information.

It is like a HAUNTING. A scenario that repeats.

What is occurring is a change in the Magnetics, the Light and even Time. It is a Multidimensional event imprinted on the planet that plays over and over.

This is how hauntings occur. They are imprints. Can they be recorded? Yes.

Let’s say this haunting is in your house, how do you get rid of it? You are going to have to present an Energy that is Stronger than the Imprint. You cannot ORDER it away.

The energy must be presented that is stronger than the haunting. What is Stronger? Love. Make a little love in that room and the power of intimacy is more powerful than two of you. It is stronger than the haunting.

What about Demon Possession? There are NO Demons.

The Devil is a METAPHOR of what a Human can Conjure up. We are powerful.

What about talking to the Dead? If they are dead and they have already came back again, how is this possible?

They haven’t left. The human part left but the IMPRINT of them and their entire life, their consciousness and their knowledge goes right into the Crystalline Grid.

We can talk to the IMPRINT.

Imprinting -- when a person dies and leaves their corporal body they leave an imprint that is recorded into the Crystalline Grid of the Earth. You can access information from this person's imprint.

We are a piece of GOD.

We can ask our DEAD relatives questions and find out anything about them as their consciousness and knowledge is imprinted in the GRID. We can access the WISDOM of the Ancients and ask them what they knew and what they felt and where the TREASURE is buried.

We are moving into a multidimensional state.

How does TIME work? We really do not have the ability to understand this completely.

First, there are NO Multiple Times. It is a singularity. We have only ONE Time.

Let’s pretend that time is like a train track. A track that goes all the way around the Earth. So time will be in a circle. We can step off the track, we can speed up on the track or we can slow down on the track. Let’s say the your Lifetime takes about 100 feet. Not very long on this track that goes all the way around the Earth. Let’s pretend we drove all the way around the track and eventually we would run over the Energy of what WE USED to be.

If we went around several times we would run into what might BECOME. This would mean the FUTURE affects the PRESENT. We think that the Future hasn’t happened yet, but it HAS in a Quantum Multidimensional Sense.

Is it possible that the Future could give you information NOW? YES.

You can stop the train and get information from the FUTURE or the PAST.

As the energy and frequency of this planet shifts, we are going Multidimensional – we are graduating from 3D.

We can create Time Fractals which are points in time that can be marked or mapped and accessed.

We are receiving a Vibrational Increase right now which will allow us to SELECT where we want to go.

PROPHECY is based on ONE track that does ONE thing OVER and OVER. Prophecy is 3D.

As soon as we begin to come Multdimensional, information becomes Energy.

We are entering a state of Entanglement with a Reality that is OUTSIDE of our Dimensional Perception.

We are becoming Quantum and we just created it.

Information is Energy and in a Multidimensional state, ANYTHING is possible.

We have lived and lived and lived many lives for this. We have incredible wisdom in our Akashic Records.

We ARE our Ancestors. Ponder that one.



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