Trump’s Words: “I want the whole world to know that we are doing everything we can to fight the China Virus and keep the world safe. Through Operation Warpspeed we will deliver a Vaccine in record breaking time, we are doing very well on the vaccines, many, many different vaccines being studied right now. Many which are looking really good. We are going to distribute the vaccine when we get it.”


He said many are looking very good. What did he mean by this? How would he even know this as at the time that he said this they were barely studied. Trump IS the one who signed an Executive Order for mRNA being used IN Vaccines. Think about that one folks.   

Trump said this when reading from a script and he seldom reads from a script. He was chosen by the Rothschild’s to play his role in the plan-demic.

The bickering of what we see in the media is a show to keep us divided and they plan on bringing Trump back as another Savior Role. They constantly play good cop, bad cop. Do some good things that make people love them and then the other side does some bad things to make us dislike them and then reverse roles and then they do both good and bad.

It is to keep us in constant confusion and keep us bickering among ourselves. Best thing to do is become conscious of this and figure it out for yourself because it very well could be that NO ONE is going to save us but WE the people ourselves.

Trump’s Words: “We are mobilizing the military and other forces, but we’re mobilizing our military on the basis that we do have a vaccine. You know it’s a massive job to give this vaccine, our military is now being mobilized so at the end of year we are going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly.

The plan is to have CONSTANT Universal Vaccines for one Pandemic and State of Emergency after another. If we do not comply we will be “Marked” as a “DANGER to Public Health.”

Yeah, how do you like that they are placing the blame on we the people when it is their genocidal game of mass vaccinations and it is them who planned the pandemics and there are more to come. Monkeypox – which I had the exact date, Marburg and SPARS coming in 2025 to 2028. Then they have a list of 26 Variants of Covid based off of an Alien race called the Alpha Draconians.

Income will be Universal and based off of a Social Credit Score based off of Vaccination and “Health” Compliance.

Currency will be Digital so they can shut off our “income” if we do something that they do not like.

All Natural Treatments for illness will be controlled and many will be banned and the medications that work will be banned. This has already happened as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and the supplement NAC and they plan on having the FDA have full control of our supplements and Vitamin C will be targeted in the near future.

They will make EVERYTHING appear like they are standing for Public Health. It is an illusion, a lie, a deception on a grand scale that has been PLANNED for decades and decades.

It goes so much deeper and it really has been planned for Centuries but for Newbies we will say decades because the whole picture is truly mindblowing how it is and has been being orchestrated and the real mindblower is who and what is behind it all.

The leaders and generals in the Militaries of the World are ALL puppets. But they are puppets that receive fragmented instructions / orders and none of them know the whole plan but they are told that if they do this or that, that they will be able to have Power, Wealth and Control.

These NWO Globalists are the ones who create both the Problems (Health Pandemics) and they create the Solutions (Vaccinations). But the Solution is actually WORSE than the problem.

The plan is depopulation and controlling the animals, the sheep – which is the masses.

If you take the Vaccine you have just decreased your Lifespan and if you don’t take it, you will be on the “wanted list” and will not receive your digital income in the future.

You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

The solution for humanity is just becoming CONSCIOUS of what really is happening. The magic of collective consciousness will make this ALL disappear and go away. It is not really magic because that is how the Universe works.

They do NOT want us to know how much power we have on an individual basis and they DEFINITELY do not want us to know how powerful we can be when we unite and form a Collective Consciousness.

We have to be able to discern what is True Love and what is Deceptive Love. The leaders, media and government is “acting” like they love humanity. True Love is on an individual basis not a political basis.

Love is a frequency that can destroy evil in a Heartbeat. First we must become conscious of this and start caring for one another instead of being dependent on our so called leaders to be our savior. They are not. They are part of the genocide. There may be a handful of good ones, but I am not aware of who that would be at this time.

Maybe the 2024 elections can get at least some truly loving human beings that truly care about the masses.

Our consciousness can pave our own future. If we become united on the same level of consciousness our future will be brighter than we can imagine. It can happen very fast.

When the world media is talking about Vaccines and how they will prevent disease they are lying to us. The vaccines contain toxins and DNA modifying mRNA and it is like playing Russian Roulette – you may die fast or you may die slow, but they are designed for control and depopulation.

Just KNOWING this will start the positive change for humanity.

The power of Love on a Collective level will defeat all of this and will do it rapidly.

For those thinking that Trump is doing this Devolution Operation – I guess there could be a chance, but what I am saying is it doesn’t have to be this way.

 Trump is the one who signed the Executive Orders declaring a National Emergency opening the door for previously executive orders by OBAMA to be implemented to use Tax Payers Funds and to BYPASS FDA protocol for testing Vaccines.  Not only that it gives the President powers of Tyranny and opens the door for FEMA to do as they please, which we haven't seen this part of the movie yet and that may be the scariest.   

Trump is power hungry and money hungry PERIOD. A guy that has Gold plated Toilet Seats doesn’t have his heart and soul aligned with True Love.

The Universe works in mysteriously esoteric ways and things CAN go away without “physically” making them go away.




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