Vodafone Executive Whistleblower Connects Dots with 5-G and Coronavirus -2022



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Vodafone Executive Whistleblower Connects Dots with 5-G and Coronavirus 

 He was the head of the largest business unit at Vodafone from 2013 to 2015. He knew of the 5G tech was dangerous but didn't know the correlation with Coronavirus...until NOW. He wants to explain what is happening.

First of all 5-G will allow the IOT or Internet of Things and Smart Devices to communicate much faster.

With the aid of AI, ALL Smart Devices, whether it's your car or your phone or television or computer or refrigerator will be connected as ONE. The 5-G must be rolled out Globally.

Radio Spectrum Frequency is a frequency that can penetrate building to allow the signals inside the building to be just as strong as they are outside in the open.

The 5-G Frequency is VERY HIGH Frequency. It is just below the classification of a Weapon.

When the 5-G Signal comes in contact with the Human Body it causes CELL POISONING.

Our bodies try to fight this Radiation entering the body damaging the cells. So our cells are being poisoned our body reacts by attempting to remove these toxins out of the cells. This causes SICKNESS. It may not even be a virus but we all do have viruses in our body which can proliferate if the immune system weakens.

This guy says the illness is caused by these 5G Towers and Satellites emitting all this radiation. This is what is causing the pandemic he says. He says this is the largest Global Coverup in History.

He says this is what is really killing people.

5G was FIRST Ubiquitously rolled out in WUHAN China. They said it began in some Fish Market which was complete bullshit. It started from Radio Frequencies at a High Level creating radiation that was toxic to cells.

Because it has FLU like characteristics, they are using Coronavirus to try and hide the fact that people are dying from 5G. He says it takes SIX Months for this to impact the body enough to cause severe illness.

Here is the ORDER of 5G Rollout: Wuhan China, Spain, Italy - this is the same order of TRANSMISSION of Covid. Italy has had more deaths than anywhere else because they are DENSELY populated with 5-G. The elderly are affected the most because they don't have the immune functions as younger people.

It is the Radio Frequencies that is killing people.

They are choosing 5-G because we are heading to a world run by AI systems.

What happened ALL over the USA during the Lock Down? Who were the ONLY ones outside working? What was going up EVERYWHERE and they even camouflaged them? Yes, 5-G Towers.

The CRUISE Ships just had 5-G installed. What happened? Many became ill and were "DIAGNOSED" with Coronavirus. Of course using a PCR test which can be completely manipulated to fit the "WAVES" by simply changing the NUMBER of CYCLES of Amplification.

This fooled EVERYONE.

Hospitals, Airports and Major Cities now have 5-G.

3 Pandemics in the past 120 years:

1. 1918 - Spanish Flu -- this is when they implemented radio waves globally and increased the electrification of our Universe. Result = Millions died SIX Months later and they labeled it the Spanish Flu.

2. WWII – Radar Equipment went up Globally as well as Satellites went up in the Van Allen Belt where they store them.

3. 1968 – Hong Kong Flu – the Roll Out of OVER 100,000 Satellites in the Van Allen Belt - when they turn a number of these on they killed people.

4. 2020 – Coronavirus Pandemic – Roll Out of 5-G Worldwide.

What Country has had the FEWEST Deaths from this Fake Plandemic? RUSSIA.

Why? Because they have not implemented 5-G on Public use yet.

It is very cold in Russia and that is one place one would think would be the HIGHEST number of cases and fatalities.

What are they doing in the USA with 5-G? They are placing 5-G towers right BESIDE schools. This is going to severely damage the cells of our children.

What is different from the other Pandemics is this one the Radio Frequencies can be TARGETED on INDIVIDUAL levels and the frequencies can be quickly manipulated.

Why are they doing this? So they can have Digital Currency and EVERYONE on the Planet can be tracked so they know EXACTLY what we are doing at ALL times.

This guy from Vodafone says they are spreading the virus from the TESTING with Swabs and this is to Cover Up the fact that many will die from excessive Radio Frequency.

There are implementing 3 New Satanic / Luciferic Strategies by the Globalists NWO:

1. VACCINES – consist of chemicals that light you up to respond MORE to those 5-G Frequency Signals which enables the mortality rates. Now they are buying time to build for Warehouses and Mortuaries to house those who will die – according to this dude from Vodafone. They also have mRNA to modify DNA.

Frequencies affect since of Well-Being.

2. Vaccines will come with a Tracking Device – inserted with the Vaccines. These are the Nanochips. They will present this as to know who has been vaccinated and who hasn’t. It will be presented FOR our Health, which is bullshit.

3. Implementing Digital Global Currency – beginning the USA and move all around the world.

They are hurrying as fast as they can because they know there is an Esoteric Awakening occurring.

So now they want to destroy the economies.

They want to make as MANY people as possible UNEMPLOYED to be DEPENDENT on the Gov. They want to create the largest WORLD Recession ever seen so they can bring in the new blockchain currency but we can ONLY have this IF we comply to the Vaccines.

They want to take Control back from Entrepreneurs. They want to control the money. If they control the money they can control the people of the world.

Bill Gates is responsible for a lot of this. He is innovating for the DEMISE of HUMANITY. He is advocating for this very harmful vaccines.

We will see a change of church. They are making way of the presentation for the Anti-Christ. When we pray we create a positive frequency. They know this and don’t want this. We have Spiritual Might or Energy. When we pray we can literally heal our body and our cells.

They do not want people to PRAY.

Best thing to do is to raise our frequency and eat right so we are less vulnerable to the radiations.

Evil prevails when good people do and say nothing.



Deaths and Side Effects

My Bitchute Channel -- Max2020 on Bitchute

My Favorite "GO TO" SOURCES

Please Visit my other Blog Sites - Answers to Mysterious and Chronic Health Conditions and Fairness and Correctness

1/2 Teaspoon Boosts Metabolism By 728% (Slow Metabolism Loophole)

Bootstrap Farmer - All our Gardening and Growing Needs


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