Vaccine Books


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 Dr. Russell L. Blaylock and Neil Z. Miller were the authors that woke me up. Choose a half dozen or more of these books below and if you still believe vaccines are good for you and your children, you can go and get pricked. Can’t fix stupid.



***Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners, 2nd Edition: Guide to Immunization Risks and Protection by Neil Z. Miller and Russell Blaylock | Dec 1, 2011

***The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio by Forrest Maready – Jun 5, 2018 – PDF --

***Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Dr. Judy Mikovits, Kent Heckenlively, et al.

***Vaccines: A Reappraisal by Richard Moskowitz M.D. and Mary Holland | Oct 6, 2020

***Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained by Forrest Maready and Feels Like Fire

***Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk | Jul 27, 2013

***A Shot in the Dark Paperback – May 1, 1991
by H. Coulter (Author) -- 

You will never allow another vaccination after reading this book. Traces the developmnet of the DPT vaccine, describes its risks, and lists warning signs that a child may be sensitive to it. The book concentrates of the DPT vaccination; specifically, the pertussis vaccine.

The thing that makes this book moving is the stories from the parents. The stories of parents that their child had a negative reaction after receiving a vaccination. Part of it was describing the parent/doctor trust that was betrayed; the doctors and nurses gave the injection(s) then denied that the after-effects were a consequence of the shot, They told the parent not to worry or blamed them for being a bad parent; all this while the child is suffering temporary damage, permanent damage or will die.

A documentary was made about vaccine damage and had a very limited release; however, enough parents saw it to spread the word. All of these parent that had children damaged by vaccines and were told that the vaccine was not responsible recognized the story too well. The parents were furious and looking for some pay back for the evil that had been done to their child. These parents banded together to fight back.

***Vaccine Update 2009: Are Vaccines Safe? Audio CD – cd-4, January 1, 2009
by Dr. Stanley "Stan" Monteith (Author), Dr. Russell Blaylock (Author), Barbara Loe Fisher (Author), Neil Miller (Author) – Are vaccines safe and effective?

Why has the incidence of autoimmune disease, juvenile diabetes, autism, allergy, asthma, and many other childhood diseases increased since the number of vaccines administered to children has increased? Why do pediatricians administer the Hepatitis B vaccine to infants in the nursery when there is no serious danger of U.S. children contracting a Hepatitis B infection? Dr. Stan interviews three experts in the field of vaccines.

*** Dr. Russell Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon and has written several book and articles including Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life, and the DVD Behavior & Nutrition.

*** Neil Z. Miller is a medical research journalist and natural health advocate. He is the author of numerous articles and books on vaccines, including Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? *** Barbara Loe Fisher founded the National Vaccine Information Center in 1982 with parents of vaccine injured children. She co-authored the first major critique of what is wrong with America’s mass vaccination system, DPT: A Shot in the Dark, in 1985. *** This is one of the most important series of interviews that Radio Liberty has produced.

***Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers by Neil Z. Miller | Oct 16, 2015

***Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics by Edward T. Haslam, Jim Marrs (Foreword by) –

This revealing book presents a web of secret-keeping which swept doctors into cover-ups of contaminated polio vaccines, cancer outbreaks, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and a deadly biological weapon tested on both monkeys and humans.

***The Autism Vaccine: The Story of Modern Medicine's Greatest Tragedy by Forrest Maready

***Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives by Aviva Jill Romm | Sep 1, 2001 – 

Learning about vaccines is a hard undertaking and it takes sifting through lots of information that is often created by the very creators of the vaccines themselves. This book covers the history of vaccinations as well as goes in depth on a lot of common vaccines found in the schedule. It covers the potential risks of each vaccine as well as the risks for the illness itself. As well as some alternatives.

***WHAT YOUR DOCTOR MAY NOT TELL YOU ABOUT (TM): CHILDREN'S VACCINATIONS Paperback – March 16, 2010 by Stephanie Cave MD FAAFP (Author), Deborah Mitchell – Read this before Vaccinating!

Everyone seems to pressure first time parents on getting your child vaccinated without telling you all the risks and side effects to some of these vaccines. This book speaks in layman's terms and isvery easy to comprehend. It lays it all out for you the pros and cons and equips the reader with the appropriate information to make a sound decision for their child. Please read the book and do your research before letting your child one receive more shot. Also, do NOT default to your doctor. Hear what your Dr. has to say and get a second opinion on your own. There are too many doctors who have their hands tied by insurance and the CDC that they will not truly speak their mind about vaccines or even TELL you that you DO have the right to refuse vaccines for your child. If you let your child get shots, you MUST be informed.

***Jabbed: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family by Brett Wilcox | Feb 18, 2020 –

The Inconvenient Truth about Vaccines. So you have heard "vaccines are safe and effective " over and over all your life. You have heard vaccines cured polio and eradicated small pox. You probably didn't even ask questions, and you have believed that vaccines are a miracle of modern medicine. But now the covid vaccine is here, and it is highly controversial. It's experimental and some say dangerous. Now you want to know more about vaccines in general. This book will not disappoint.

The autism epidemic puzzles you. Why is autism 1 in 50 now whereas it used to be 1 in 10,000? There was a rumor that vaccines caused autism, but that was debunked, right? But wait, it has to have an environmental cause, because genetic diseases don't become an epidemic like that. What is the real story? This book will tell you.

Why do so many kids have allergies nowadays, and asthma, and learning disorders? Why has the number of people with chronic diseases and auto-immune diseases gone up so much in recent years?

***The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations Paperback – Large Print, May 28, 2021 by Eleanor McBean (Author) – Genocide in a Needle. Don't allow your children to be poisoned!

***Ending Plague: A Scholar's Obligation in an Age of Corruption by Dr. Francis W. Ruscetti, Dr. Judy Mikovits, et al. --

One of the Best books written on the jabs.

This book is absolutely frightening in how much of our lives are subject to the background ineptness and horrors of medical research. 

Researchers who don't follow the expected narrative have their lives compromised if not totally ruined because they want to do the right thing. 

Some of this was readily apparent during COVID but this book writes a lot about HIV/AIDS research and also about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 

God help us all. 

We are in the hands of some very evil people for whom money and power is all that matters. It gives a new meaning to "the love of money is the root of all evil". 

Problem is it is the health and wellbeing of us and our families at stake and in the broad scheme of things, we haven't a chance unless this is brought to light and changed.

***The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers by Eli Camp Nd Dhanp , Judith Thompson Nd, et al. -- Vaccines kill children.

This book is a must for any parent out there! Everything the doctors don't tell us parents is in this very important book. This book is a must own for all parents regardless of your child’s vaccine status. Believe it or not vaccines don’t give your child full immunity and in some cases can leave them more vulnerable to certain strains of the diseases/illnesses.

Traditional medical doctors typically don’t know how to treat many of these sicknesses.. sad to say it seems to be a lost art. This books has so many treatments and resources you should definitely have it on hand in case you ever need it!

***Baby Designed by God Paperback – November 22, 2013 by Amanda Hess (Author), Jeremy Hess (Author)

***Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth by Anonymous , Zoey O'Toole, et al. | Jul 16, 2022

***Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – August 29, 2023 by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Author), Brian Hooker PhD (Author), Del Bigtree (Foreword)

***Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness by Thomas Cowan MD, Madison Niederhauser, et al.

***The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child By Robert W. Sears

***I'm In Your Vaccines Paperback – June 26, 2020 by Adam Ringham

***Germs: Biological Weapons and America's Secret War Paperback – October 2, 2002
by Judith Miller (Author), William J Broad (Author), Stephen Engelberg (Author)

***Germs, Biological Warfare, Vaccinations: What You Need to Know - January 7, 2003
by Gary Null (Author), James Feast (Contributor)

***Death by Medicine – Dr. Gary Null – 2011

***Vaccines: Truth, Lies, and Controversy Hardcover – July 13, 2021
by Peter C. Gøtzsche (Author)

***Unvaccinated: Why Growing Numbers of Parents Are Choosing Natural Immunity for Their Children
by Forrest Maready and Feels Like Fire

***Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Brian Hooker, et al.

***The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Bruce Wagner, et al.

***Butchered by "Healthcare": What to Do About Doctors, Big Pharma, and Corrupt Government Ruining Your Health and Medical Care by Robert Yoho | Aug 13, 2020

***Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm – *Note: Amazon has removed this book.

Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.

Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.

Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden’s research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life’s work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone.

***How to End the Autism Epidemic by J.B. Handley and Chelsea Green Publishing

***"Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 (Children’s Health Defense) by Ed Dowd , Gavin de Becker, et al. | Dec 13, 2022 – "The definition change turned these new COVID products into therapeutics, not vaccines."

***The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years Paperback – August 23, 2016 by Paul Thomas M.D. (Author), Jennifer Margulis (Author) – Every parent has a duty to read this book to obtain informed consent before vaccinating their child.

The vast majority of parents don't know that there are upwards of 1200mcgs of aluminum, a known neurotoxin, in each round of vaccines based on the CDC schedule starting at 2 months. Even the hepatitis B vaccine given to infants on the first day that they are alive has between 225-500 mcgs of aluminum depending on the manufacturer. An infant does not need the hep B vaccine - they are not going to be sharing dirty needles or partaking in licentious activities. Injected aluminum from the vaccines goes into the bloodstream and can cross the blood brain barrier, which is far different than aluminum that is consumed and then excreted.

Here are some of the most important, helpful, and interesting parts of the book with page numbers:

5 - Toxins that may be implicated in ADHD, Anxiety, Autism
7 - Tylenol and autism
16, 17. 18, 19 - Aluminum information
22 - Plan for avoiding toxins
24 - Toxin questions
33, 34 - Nutrients during pregnancy
34, 35 - Vaccines during pregnancy
45 - Plan for pregnancy
59, 60 - Hep B vaccine
76 - Plan for newborns
113, 114 - Autism awareness
133 - Tylenol reduces glutathione, increasing risk for autism
135 - Plan for two month olds
166 - Plan for 4-9 month olds
189, 190 - MMR information
222 - Plan for toddlers and preschoolers
297 - How to support your child’s immune system naturally
303 - Vaccination plan - choose vaccines based on real science
320 - Pediatrician search advice
326 - Autism Study
329, 331 - Toxins in vaccines
339 - Dr. Paul’s alternative vaccination plan

***Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children Paperback – Illustrated, September 1, 2012 by Louise Kuo Habakus (Editor), Mary Holland (Editor), Kim Mack Rosenberg (Editor)

***VACCINE RESEARCH COMPENDIUM Sayer Ji SCARCE MEDICAL PUBLICATION 2017 – *Note: You may have to search to find this one.

***The Vaccine Court 2.0: Revised and Updated: The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (Children’s Health Defense) by Wayne Rohde and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | Jun 29, 2021

***Vaccine Voodoo: Extra and deeper explorations of the vaccination voodoo faith (The Voodoo of Vaccination) by Mr Chris Hemmings | Jan 30, 2017 – This is the follow up to "Vaccinology - Voodoo Science", and works to provide further evidence together with further conclusions. It also includes a whole lot of debate and even philosophy, to help lodge the conclusions upon the firmest foundations

***The Vaccine Watchman Paperback – September 14, 2022by W. D. Stokes (Author) – W. D. Stokes, a Medical Botanist claims that the smallpox vaccine harmed more people than smallpox itself. He claims that taking matter from humans and passing it through animals causes more harm. W. D. Stokes discuses natural remedies and the problems with the medical profession in the eighteen hundreds.

***Doctored: The Disillusionment of an American Physician – Paperback – August 11, 2015 by Sandeep Jauhar (Author) – All doctors need to read this. The practice of medicine has been corrupted from the very top.

***The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal by Doctor Joseph Mercola, Ronnie Cummins , et al. | Apr 29, 2021

***Lies My Gov't Told Me: And the Better Future Coming (Children’s Health Defense) by Dr. Robert W. Malone | Dec 6, 2022

***The Vaccine Court 2.0: Revised and Updated: The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (Children’s Health Defense) by Wayne Rohde and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | Jun 29, 2021 -- Eye Opening Read.

Valuable insight given to the tragedy of vaccine injury. Not only do you have to deal with the injured child you have to fight the government in a corrupt kangaroo court in a David and Goliath style battle. It was interesting to learn about how the government doesn't pay out if you say your child has "autism" but if you call it "encephalitis" they will pay out even if the symptoms are all the same as autism and your child is clearly autistic in the "courtroom" right in front of the "judge." They just don't want you to call it autism because they don't like it to be on the record that they're paying out for that because then they can continue pushing their lie that vaccines don't cause autism. That's one of the MANY dirty tricks the government has to hide the fact that vaccines are the cause autism. Another dirty trick they have is that according to the FDA and CDC, less than 1% of vaccine injuries ever make it into the 99% of the real injuries aren't being compensated, this allows them to claim the damage is less than it is! The name of the game is to deny vaccine injury as much as possible and it starts at the doctors office. Nobody should be surprised that a government system as well as our medical system is rigged against the very people it is supposed to serve. Seems par for the course nowadays. Learn the dangers of vaccines and the inner workings of this beast of a "court" system and avoid pain and suffering for your family.

***The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed by Mary Holland, Kim Mack Rosenberg, et al. --

This book describes how the HPV vaccine was heavily promoted and even mandated by some govts; and how anti-HPV vaccine activists have been denounced for questioning the safety and necessity of the vaccine. Since 2007, millions of young people (mostly teenage girls) have received 3 shots of the HPV (Human Pappilloma Virus) vaccine (e.g. Merck's Gardasil), which is primarily meant to prevent cervical cancer. ~1 out of 1000 people suffered serious adverse effects, which range from neurological damage, chronic fatigue/paralysis and even death. HPV proponents counter the adverse effects are either coincidental or even psychosomatic. This book also surveys different countries (the USA, India, Australia, Ireland, the UK, Denmark, Japan, and Colombia) and how their governments have responded to anti-HPV vaccine activists. (Japan has stopped recommending the HPV vaccine.)

The HPV vaccine clinical trials were far too short to determine if the vaccine actually prevents cervical cancer (which would take decades) so the trials used the prevention of cervical lesions as a "surrogate endpoint" to "prove" the vaccine works. (But it was never proven that lesions are a valid proxy.

Women who were recruited for the trials were told the placebo group would receive a benign saline solution but instead the placebo group received the same Aluminum adjuvant (Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulphate) that's in the HPV vaccine. (This was deliberately done in order to mask the vaccine's adverse effects.)

Aluminum adjuvants are the "dirty little secret" of vaccines as described in CH20. Vaccines with an "inactive" (dead) antigen need an adjuvant to "force" an immune response. Al was found to be an effective adjuvant in the 1920s but the underlying mechanism of how Al adjuvants “work” remains a mystery today. CH20 also describes the latest research which shows that Aluminum is highly neurotoxic and is likely responsible for most of the adverse effects.

The HPV vaccine and the Hepatitis B vaccine (which also has Al) are both products of the failed "War on Cancer", which was started in the 1970s.

***Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical ... Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense Audible Logo Audible Audiobook – Unabridged Torsten Engelbrecht (Author, Publisher), Claus Köhnlein (Author), Samantha Bailey (Author), Stefano Scoglio (Author), Dr. Samantha Bailey (Narrator) --

This book gets down to the science of many of the previous medical scares going back to the 1918 Spanish Flu. How many of these fear mongering events were real? Were there other totally ignored and disavowed reasons for death and injury associated with these many epidemics and pandemics and diseases?

The authors present serious and well researched alternatives to the standard platitudes which have explained the many plagues which supposedly have haunted mankind over the last 100 years or more. The stark reality is that we have been duped and coerced into believing the many lies that big pharma and the medical community have created merely to sell drugs and gain control of our lives using intimidating fear and outright panic.

If all these terrible diseases and viruses are real, then why aren't we all dead? If they are everywhere all the time, everyone would be infected and few would survive. But we haven't been eliminated (yet) from the planet because most of us have immune systems that work around the clock to keep us alive and healthy. The immune system can never be replaced or improved by any drug or vaccine...otherwise after the last 70 years, there would be no deaths from these terrible diseases and viruses.

Viruses and killer diseases sell fear and fear buys drugs and vaccines with the hope of surviving. Yet there is absolutely no proof that these diseases and viruses actually exist and that the drugs and vaccines used to save us from them actually do that very thing. There are no studies that prove vaccinations work better than not being vaccinated. NONE! It's all become a shell game and the recent covid-19 event has been the mother of all cons.

This title asks a thousand legitimate questions for which the medical experts have few definite and truthful answers. For those willing to explore beyond the usual big pharma and medical mafia hype, this is a book well worth the time. You may likely end up with deep reservations the next time the medical health experts try and pull a fast one on us.


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END. 10/31/2024



Deaths and Side Effects -- the Fauci Ouchie

My Rumble Channel -- Waking the World up

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