(CFR) Council on Foreign Relations – The Secret Globalist One World Government



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***(CFR) Council on Foreign Relations – The Secret Globalist One World Government

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***MUST SEE → The origins of the Council on Foreign Relations lie in the so called “Trauma” of 1920. After WWI, the US could have taken over the Global Leadership Role for the first time, but the Senate decided against joining the League of Nations.

International Bankers founded the Council of Foreign Relations – the CFR.

Important figureheads of the CFR:

Edward Mandell House – personal advisor to President Woodrow Wilson and was the decisive force of the RIIA – Royal Institute of International Affairs. This was an organization founded in 1919 to build an Anglo-American World Empire.

According to Cecil Rhodes – The British were the leading race of the world – he said “I contend we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit, the better it is for the human race.”

Walter Lipmann – considered on of the most influential political writers of the 20th century. At the age of 26 he was calling for US global supremacy and the influence of American corporations over International businesses. He said that a specialized group of people need to be in charge of advising policy makers and they should master the Art of Persuasion in order to make it appear to the people that the decision being made are the right ones.

This was how the Shadow government was formed. Make it look like the visible politicians are the ones making the policies when in fact, the visible ones had just been turned into puppets following the ones running the show behind the curtain.

This will not ever work if the people do not cooperate.

The Shadow Government is all about making us believe we have a Democracy and it is the People’s Voice running the show, but in reality it is all an illusion and we just have their agenda planted in our minds and explained to us in a way that sounds to be excellent for humanity and for democracy.

When in reality democracy has already been removed and decisions are being made for us but presented in a way in which we believe we are making them.

Walter Lippman was a member of the Fabian Society, a socialist organization that Advocated Eugenics.

Eugenics is nothing more than choosing which humans get live and which humans must die. It is labeling and classifying humans are Useful or Useless.

They use this good gene – bad gene scheme.

The useless will be exterminated. Thus, that is what we see going on right now as they are trying to convince us that the Covid mRNA jabs are safe, effective and healthy for people of all ages.

Paul Warburg – this scumbag initiated the establishment of a Central Bank in 1903 and with his idea, the Federal Reserve Bank was born in 1913 under the Federal Reserve Act.

This is a Central Bank owned by Private Bankers would loan money to our Government.

This made the United States Government the Federal Reserves Debtor.

It made the US Government DEPENDENT on the Global Bankers for survival.

When one is dependent – one is EASILY controllable.

James Warburg – Paul Warburg’s son – and CFR member also, said – “we will have a World Government whether we want it or not, the question is will it be achieved by consent or conquest.”

The influence of these Banking Elite became so great that it took no time for them to control ALL policy that was being written in the United States.

The Bankers brought in the principles of the UN, World Bank and the IMF – International Monetary Fund. This was all the work of the CFR – who you can interchange with the Global Bankers, because that is who controls the puppets working at the CFR today.

The ONE PURPOSE of founding / establishing the CFR is to lead America to join a One World Global Government, which the people LOSE their Sovereignty and they lose their Freedoms.

The CFR really didn’t hide what they were doing, not even from day 1.

They just were not questioned by the people and still are not today, when in fact they ARE the Government, they are the Policy Makers, they have Jurisdiction over EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in the United States.

Who is THEY – the Foreign Global Bankers.

So, President Woodrow Wilson was either the worst President in history and was just completely a retard or he was a complete total sellout traitor to the USA. Either way, we all would have been much, much better off without him. He wasn’t a leader at all.

Let’s be really clear – it’s about the People Running the Government or the Global Banking Elite being the Government that runs and imprisons the people.

That was the choice that Woodrow Wilson had.

He choice to destroy to imprison the people and listen to his communist advisors.

So who else is in bed with the CFR? The Bilderberg’s. Another group of Bankers – just a little lower in order of the top echelon’s who meet to decide what our future will be.

They are the Agenda Proposers.

It is all about rank and order. They create agendas and they ALWAYS are about achieving their one Goal of a One World Government – New World Order. The agenda information is disseminated down the ranks all the way to the local school boards and city councils.

Charles D. Jackson – CFR member – who founded the Bilderberg Conference in 1954, where a select few of the bankers from around the world meet to make plans for how they will run the world and of course running it in the shadows. They are the ones who tell our PUPPET selected – NOT elected, Presidents what to do and what to say.

The Agenda is all about Control. It is controlling EVERYTHING.

Once again, to make it clear – it is all by rank and order. The top people of ALL the major corporations are IN on the Agenda. 100% or they wouldn’t be allowed to run that company.

Who else does the CFR Control?

They have their “PLANTS” – meaning their “club members” in the top leadership positions of:

  • ALL Corporations

  • Leading Multi-Term Politicians (which is why I have saying to Vote Out ALL incumbents, especially the ones who have been their, seemingly forever.)

  • The Military – YES, they 100% control our Military and if you don’t believe me watch the Kay Griggs video in Source #2 below first and then #3 and #4. *All these Wars are an evil circus show of manipulation also, will all lead to a one world military – focusing on protecting us from “aliens.”

  • The Media – the main engine that propels their master illusion – it is PROPAGANDA. They control ALL of them and have for over 30 years. What you see on TV is their SHOW of lies for you to believe so their desired reality is Manifested by YOU.

  • Academia – At ALL levels, University and down. ALL Medical Schools – all funding is through THEM and ALL science is “predetermined” – desired outcomes are met to match their Agenda. Studies are deliberately designed to be manipulated so the desired outcomes can be met with ease and with few questions.

  • 3 Letter Agencies – CIA – FBI – agenda gets filtered to the top ranks of other 3 letter agencies like the CDC, FDA and NIH.

  • Politicians? -- No need to Attend – they (top long-termers) receive direct orders from the CFR and many were members and groomed at the CFR.

Chatham House Rule: Contents may be discussed but the Identities remain secret. The public never knows what takes place or the contents discussed in these meetings. This is a group of UNELECTED officials deciding our Fate.

The heads of Mainstream Media attend these meetings so they can all get on the same page of the plans and what propaganda will be pushed out for the year, everything is planned to almost the second of everyday. You seriously are watching a scripted play / movie when you watch CNN or the Nightly News and now they are restricting local news so they have to have permission to do anything “unscripted.”

In 2010 after the public demanded answers to what was going on in these Bilderberg meetings, they put up a website – source #6 below – but what is true and what is not will never be known.

Trilateral Commission – established in 1972, an addition to the Bilderberg Conference. It is the same purpose, with a lot of the same people but it now extended to the Asian Regions. 400 members from USA, Europe and Asia meet annually.

Some of the attendees include: Larry Fink (CEO of BlackRock) – currently making sure our property taxes and home values remain high, while having unlimited Central Bank Money to purchase real estate and land, as the governments just plan on taking it – and they are using good ole Larry to do this.

Other notable players in on this land grab acting as global puppets are Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

You also have these Social Media Platform heads who attend these meetings, but as always, it’s an order – so some may attend and they give their instructions down the order to the other “competing – wink, wink” social media platforms. Instagram, Facebook, Bitchute, Rumble, Youtube – all receive their orders.

This is why it is called “The New World Order.”

They have to follow these orders or they will likely be Epsteined.

You can’t talk about Rulers of the World without mentioning the Rockefeller’s and Rothschild’s.

David Rockefeller – “Intellectual Father of the Trilateral Commission” and a CFR director.

You ever hear of NAFTA?

That is a David Rockefeller Operation, done through the CFR through the Clinton Puppets.

This led to the destruction of the US Manufacturing business – making them LEAVE the US, all preparing for the destruction so we will have NO manufactures to make sh*t when they decide to pull the plug on the USA. *See Source #9 below.

David Rockefeller said in his book Memoirs – which can be found in Source #8 below on page 483 -- “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

David is admitting to the Agenda and that Agenda is to remove the power from the United States and move and to create a One World Government.

US Administration – US Gov Departments / Agencies

John J. McCloy – a former Chairman of the CFR. He said: “Whenever we need a man in DC we just thumbed through the roll of the Council Members and called New York.” CFR Headquarters are in NY.

8 Presidents and Vice Presidents, 17 Secretaries of State, 20 Secretaries of Defense, 18 Secretaries of the Treasury and 15 CIA Directors were affiliated with the CFR.

You can call the CFR the “Selector’s.”

People believe that head of companies are chosen from their college or former employment. The heads of companies are people who were MEMBERS of secret organizations and have been groomed to abide by the Agenda.

The CFR provides a great opportunity as those who come up with the best ideas on how to implement the agenda quickly can move up the ranks and be in position to be selected for something somewhere, whether that be President of a University or VP of a corporation of groomed to be a Political puppet.

Isaiah Bowman – on of the founders of the CFR – some original goals were to maintain “world security” (protection for the criminals taking over), retaining power over weaker territories (kill, steal, and conquer weaker nations but make it appear they are fighting tyrannical leaders) all while publicly renouncing imperialism.

That is how they do it to make sure everyone believes their lies. They use the media to convey lies to convince the people that military action is required to “help” other nations achieve a republic – authority derived from the people vs a dictator or tyrannical gov.

Once the media has the people believing that the USA is going to be helping another nation remove imperialism, fascism or dictatorship then the military is called up. But it’s not what we are told on the television. It is just the opposite, but they have to make it look and sound real and this is called a military PSYOP – psychological operation. PSYOPs are created to influence the people to favor, back and support military actions.

Transatlantic Networks – the faction of the CFR overseas, in Europe – France & Germany. They create leaders – like Emanuel Macron and Angela Merkel.

Are you beginning to see how this is all possible yet?

The CIA, FBI, UN, WEF, WHO – all focusing on the same Agenda that was given to them by the Dark Force – the Spirit World. Yes, it is all Esoteric information given to them. They are deep into the worship of Moloch – Baphomet, they practice sacrifices to gain favor from force of darkness – the demons, Satan.

It’s all one huge Cult.

The “Antichrist” will be ushered in for their New World Order.

People believe that Reuters or the AP – Associated Press are “trusted” news outlets.


David Schlesinger – Editor-in-Chief of Thomson Reuters was a CFR member.

Isaac Lee –on the Board of the AP – member of the CFR.

If these top dogs are not directly associated with the CFR, they are indirectly through another CFR affiliate organization.

The Transatlantic Network makes sure that the right people the top positions in media in Germany and the rest of Europe.

Humanitarian Organizations – even humanitarian organizations are sometimes influenced by the CFR.

Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and National Endowment for Democracy are led by CFR Members.

Yes, one would think that an organization called “Human Rights Watch” would be FOR human rights – they infiltrate these to make sure there are no Martin Luther Kings or others who could make a big splash and make some noise exposing the true human rights violations being perpetrated.

The CFR has maintained its own officer training program for decades, so that it is now estimated that about 75% of all Senior U.S. Military Officers have been trained by the CFR, including nearly all Chiefs of Staff, NATO Supreme Commanders and area commanders since WWII. In this way the Council has built up an ideologically trained, imperial armed force of a kind otherwise known almost only from totalitarian regimes.”

Economy – The CFR has their hands in every cookie jar.

The CFR has around 5,000 members and many others in sub-organizations like the CIA, Federal Reserve and World Bank.

They are in the Investigative Commissions, one being the Warren Commission – which made up that b.s. report on the JFK assassination.

They are in the 911 Commission – which was another b.s. report.

But these dubious reports are designed to make the government appear squeaky clean and non-involved.

The CFR has created a web that covers the entire USA, they have their trained “traitors,” who are loyal to the agenda of destroying America from within, EVERYWHERE.

They have NO commitment to the people but the to Agenda – which is to steal the wealth of the people and give it to themselves and their already very well-off world bankers, to empower international corporations.

Let’s make it crystal clear, the dominoes were falling in the USA before the CFR with the Military Industrial Complex & the Federal Reserve – they were formed to strengthen both of these with their trained traitors and they were formed to send their traitors to infiltrate ALL leadership positions – from corporate, political, medical boards, school boards, city councils, mayors, governors, presidents, vice presidents, cabinet members, etc -- to deliberately mislead the divisions they are in charge of and to publicly spread false information.

One name that should have been mentioned earlier is Henry Kissinger – he was an instrumental figure and a MAJOR “leader” in the CFR and was responsible for a lot of the Military Actions taken – a main player in spreading diplomatic and political propaganda.

He was a professor at Harvard teaching Government Foreign Policy. He also served as Secretary of State under Nixon and Ford. He was a war criminal but put on pedestal by the Cartel Members he served.

They influence their inferiors with lies and persuade them to join the party and spread them to the public as though they will benefit the people.

The CFR is a major working part of the Shadow Government – in a way they represent the Shadow Government.

That’s the TRUE PURPOSE of the CFR.

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***Another Outstanding Explanation of the Shadow Gov → EX-CIA WHISTLE BLOWER – EXPLAINS THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT AND THE DEEP STATE IN DETAIL -- https://rumble.com/v2b3svy-ex-cia-whistle-blower-explains-the-shadow-government-and-the-deep-state-in-.html


1. Awakening World – Truth & Secrets Revealed -- https://rumble.com/vzf12p-cfr-council-on-foreign-relations-the-secret-globalists-one-world-government.html

2. ***KAY GRIGGS - Illuminati Kay Griggs tells ALL - Military is Run by Homosexual Deviants - *Hidden GEM – https://rumble.com/v2arw8a-kay-griggs-illuminati-kay-griggs-tells-all-military-is-run-by-homosexual-de.html

3. ***War Castles – Military Insider – SERGEANT ROBERT LEROY HORTON – Huge Hidden Secret Revealed -- https://rumble.com/v3e0lai-war-castles-military-insider-sergeant-robert-leroy-horton-huge-hidden-secre.html



5. ***Dr. Rauni Kilde –They Plan on Eliminating the Middle Class & Remove 2/3 of the Worlds Population


6. https://www.bilderbergmeetings.org



8. David Rockefeller – “Memoirs” -- https://ia800904.us.archive.org/35/items/DavidRockefellerMemoirs2003RandomHouse/David%20Rockefeller%20-%20Memoirs%20%282003%2C%20Random%20House%29.pdf *See Page 483 under Populist Paranoia.



10. ***Another Outstanding Explanation of the Shadow Gov → EX-CIA WHISTLE BLOWER – EXPLAINS THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT AND THE DEEP STATE IN DETAIL -- https://rumble.com/v2b3svy-ex-cia-whistle-blower-explains-the-shadow-government-and-the-deep-state-in-.html

11. ***Who Controls the USA – Statements From Former US Officials at the Highest Levels of Government



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END. 11/5/2024 – 3:00 PM



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