Ashayana Deane – Earth History, Fall of Metatron & The Fallen Ones



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Ashayana Deane – Earth History, Fall of Metatron & The Fallen Ones

I still have a difficult time wrapping my mind around what Ashayana Deane says.

This is about the Fall of Metatron and how we got to where we are. Deep stuff, I have included some free PDF books below to help further understand what she is saying.

The Metatron System is one of the very few things ever created that can be permanent.

The Cube Matrix is a created Life Field – like Artificial Intelligence as it is created without a Soul – meaning no connection to source.

There will always be a resetting of the Cosmic Divine Blueprint which ensures that anything that became disharmonious or any black hole systems that were made will be severed from the original matrix.

This is Gods way of Cleaning House.

Once the dirty matrix – the AI matrix – black cube matrix – the soul-less matrix uses up all its resources and energies it will collapse upon itself, will implode and become part of the particle field – the particles that make up the dimensional fields.

The units of consciousness will then be cleaned or purged and will return to innocence and will then re-assimilate into the original matrix from within they fell. There will be NO memory of the Fall. There will be no memory of who they were.

We are in a position right now where a cosmic cycles is coming to an ending and a new beginning.

The Wesadek’s are another Fallen Race.

Source God created the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters created the Rishi. The Rishi created the Avatars, then Christos Founders Races which created Humans.

The Antichrist is a Collective, not a singular.

These Dark beings have to live off of others because their ONLY destiny is implosion, UNLESS they tapped into other systems. Ascension for these Dark Fallen Ones is no longer even a possibility. The only way to be healed and go home is to go back to total innocence, which means a death and a rebirth with ANY memory or consciousness.

That is what the dark ones know and that is why they fight the light. They want to keep their consciousness.

Survival of the fittest is one of the things that happens when a race figures out it is finite. The only way to survive without being returned to particle “space dust” is to take energy from something else.

They are living a reality in which their Creator Gods, one being Jehovah, another called Brahma, they are Dimension 11 Avatars – they are Collectives – meaning they are not one consciousness but a collective of consciousnesses matrixed or webbed together to function as one.

Universe – Time Matrix constitutes:

1. 5 Densities

2. 15 Dimensions

3. 12 Stargates

These beings are not just moving bodies around, they are moving galaxies around with their science. They are moving solar systems and suns through the stargates they have created.

The Black Cube of Saturn – designed to suck our Source and Spiritual Energy. It is also called the Metatron Cube. It is a link to the Fallen Ones.

This is where the term “Satan Worship” really came from. It is Saturn Worship or worshiping the Fallen Dark Angels.

Saturn’s Hexagon is home to a Fallen Collective - the Yahweh Collective and the Metatron Collective. The Fallen Ones.

We are dealing with self-appointed creator Gods from a Fallen Matrix. These fallen ones have created a technology that is known as the beast – the 6-6-6 Beast System.

They are doing everything to disconnect us from Source and steal our source energies.

We will win in the end as the true Universal Reset is coming which will split the original from the contaminated – the good from the bad.


1. Divine Born Angel --



4. Angelic Realities – Ashayana Deane -- - Free PDF Book by Ashayana Deane

5. Ascension Mechanics – Ashayana Deane - PDF --

6. Link to multiple Ashyana Deane PDF Books -


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END. 12/15/2024 3:00 PM



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