“Everybody is a Star” – Become One With Satan



Everybody is a Star” – Become One With Satan

Celebrities are considered “Super Stars.”

Aleister Crowley said “Every Man and Every Woman is a Star.”

What did that mean? It meant that every man and every woman was a God.

Aleister Crowley is a known Satanic Freemason who conjured demons and wrote books with the esoteric information from them.

The two horns of Satan – black magic – the blazing star – found in the 28th degree of masonry – it is symbolically installed as the letter G – represents an entrance to knowledge.

It all sounds great, but that knowledge is esoterically coming from dark forces. Lucifer – the Fallen Angel, is the “Light Bearer.”

The 322 in Skull & Bones reference Genesis Chapter 3:22 – And the Lord God said “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

They believe they are Gods among us, they have this knowledge and we do not.

The Book “Transcendental Magic” by Eliphas Levi – says the Pentagram represents two horns in the ascended represents Satan or the Goat of Sabbath. The horn down represents the Demon that is intellectual subversion, disorder and falling.

Esoteric – the black and white – as above so below – polarity – duality.

The Star symbolized man as a Deity. It stand for Sirius.

Sirius is know to be the Brightest Star. The planet where Satan dwells. It stands for the Demonic God, Baal. The God that children are sacrificed to.

The Pentagram is symbolic to the Deity of the Underworld.

Freemasons are given a Jewel Ring – Mason Ring – that jewel is said to be able to hold “Magical Powers” said to be able to invoke or invite Spirits and to work Spells. This is according to Albert Pike – another one of Trump’s “boyz.”

The Jewel is said to have powers to invoke.

Albert Pike mentions the Kabbalah Pentagram which has the power of commanding spirits of the elements and says it is necessary to know how to use it. It is used to invoke spirits and to cast spells.

Take a look at how many Corporations around the World use the 5 Pointed STAR as part of their logo.

It represents the Pentagram – which represents Conjuring Spirits and Commanding them to perform Spells – Black Magic.


The Star is an Occult Symbol.

The US Military – Army – uses this Star. Yes, it’s about America.

NO. It’s NEVER been about America. The military is just a Division of the Satanic Trinity of Power.

1. The Vatican – controlling the faith and religion through Jesuit Order and Secret Societies

2. London City – controlling the money

3. Washington D.C. – controlling the Pentagon, DoD and the Military.

And you thought Washington DC, where the “Capital” of the United States sits, is really controlled by Americans for the best interest of Americans?


Technically, the Congress is supposed to have “Jurisdiction” over District of Columbia, but Congress has been taken over by infiltrated foreigners long ago, a special world treaty with the Mars Germans or the Antarctic Germans – the Nazis, member of the Jesuit Order.

Columbia – supposedly named after the “founder” of America, Christopher Columbus – which is a laughing joke also.

Once you start looking for the 5 pointed star, you will begin seeing it everywhere, these are occult symbols.

These Satanists have their Covens casting SPELLS on us every single day, all the time, 24/7.

How many of these “celebrities” have this five pointed pentagram stars tattooed on them?

Do you think they don’t know?

The Freemasons may have once started out as a good organization, but it has been controlled for hundreds and hundreds of years now.

The Eastern Star – a so called Freemason society for women, completely designed for Satan.

Yes, over 90% have absolutely NO clue, they just believe they are receiving “special” Godly knowledge and secrets. Most, if not close to all the members join when they are young and dumb and even the so called “educated” like the doctors, lawyers, prominent businessmen were “mis-educated” in a Satanic Educational system that was infiltrated by the Jesuits also.

Have a look at this video that does a good job at introducing this → ***The Pyramid of Power – Chapter 1 – Origins of Compulsory Education



Pay Attention to all the Pentagram Symbolism. It’s everywhere. Once you know, you know.

I encourage you to go through some of the videos in my videos below on how our Government is a Satanic Run Government.

The Satanic – Luciferism World Government – Rumble Videos & Blogs -Yes, our Government is run by a Luciferian System and it is VERY Organized.


Source: Herding Humanity -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELjuVW8z1YQ


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***PLEASE FOLLOW My BLOG → https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/

END. 12/26/2024 6:00 PM



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