“Rulers of Evil” – Secret Societies Exposed – Walter Veith



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Rulers of Evil” – Secret Societies Exposed – Walter Veith

***This is Good, Good, Good! **Must SEE! → Freemasons, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Skull & Bones, Society of Jesus – Order of the Jesuits:

Who is the controller, how did these originate, why are there so many secret societies?

Does the Catholic Church believe in Jesus Christ?

The same Jesus Christ that the Protestants believe in?

The Jesus Christ that died for humanities sins?

Walter Veith answers all of these questions and MUCH more.

Secret Societies began in the Antediluvian era – before the flood.

Albert Pike, in his book Morals and Dogma, traces the secret societies back to Enoch. The chronology indicates it is the son of Cain and not the son of Adam.

Secret Societies educate by degrees.

In Masonry, according to Albert Pike’s – “Morals and Dogma” it is revealed that Lucifer is their God at the 32nd and 33rd degrees.

Walter Veith says that Universities all started out as schools of Theology.

Protestants believe that Salvation is through Jesus Christ.

The Esoterics don’t believe this.

They are constantly at war with each other.

The Esoteric’s created the Order of the Jesuitis by Ignatius Loyola – with the aim to get rid of the Protestant version of the Bible – it’s also called “The Society of Jesus” which is inverting their true beliefs.

This Jesuit Objective still exists today and their philosophy is that Lucifer is the True God but they hide this belief in Christianity.

They are FAKE Christians.

Their beliefs come from Pagan Deities.

They control the Banking System.

The Templar’s were an organization to secure the Temple. They worship Baphomet, the Androgenic deity, Lucifer.

Bill Clinton was very prominent in the DeMolay movement.

The Order of DeMolay's rituals use symbols such as jewels, crowns, swords, school books, and the Bible. The Bible is used as a symbol of the spiritual foundation that DeMolay members are required to have. However, the Bible is not intended to endorse Christianity over other religions.

The Rosicrucian’s – model themselves after Jesus Christ and his Disciples – the number 13 is important, you have Jesus in the center and the 12 Disciples around him. But it is just like all the secre societies, the MIMIC Jesus and Christianity.

The Jesuits decided they needed to reinstate Papal Supremacy. The first Council that was called to oppose Protestantism was The Council of Trent.

Protestants believe that the Bible stands for what one believes. Catholicism says no, the Bible can only be described in tradition.

The Arch Bishop of Di Reggio said “you protestants say the Bible is your standard, then why do you keep Sunday as the Sabbath which is the command of the Roman Catholic Church. You are actually obeying the church.

This was actually true but the protestants did not rebut this.

The Jesuits expanded and slowly worked themselves into positions of power. The Jesuits became Counselors of Kings.

They started the movement to become the “School Masters” of Europe. They became the Center of Learning. They created school after school after school.

Even the Protestants sent their children to these Roman Catholic Jesuit Schools.

Now the Protestants were not aware of this because they believed these were Protestant schools, like Cambridge and Oxford for example – BUT they had been infiltrated and the teachings were “adjusted” to Jesuit.

The Masons are an organization that at its basis should be Protestant. But guess what? They were infiltrated also.

Rome officially banned the Masonic Order and said it was of the “Devil.”

Guess what? Every Single Cardinal in the Vatican is a Mason. That is the Roman Catholic Way.

Two of the Main Catholic Secret Societies are:

1. The Jesuit Order – it’s General is the Black Pope. He has absolute authority. Their power is absolute. This is a military order.

2. The Knights of Malta – also a military order of the Roman Catholic Church – Vatican. They are subject to the Jesuits in the order. They do work in Unity.

Then there are many sub orders like Opus Dei – who swear allegiance to the Papacy, the Knights of Columbus, promising to bring Catholic ideas into politics.

Georgetown, Fordham University - Roman Catholic controlled.

The Knights of Malta are a huge organization. They call themselves the hospital of Saint Johns. All of these “organization’ has some form of the Maltese Cross – symbol of honor & protection.

How do people get involved in these secret societies? MONEY!

Paula White, the Evangelical Spiritual Advisor of Trump – the one where those carefully crafted pictures were taken of them all together with hands and arms around each other praying – is a FAKE as all of them were and is is ALL about Money.

Here is what Paula White said – 38:51 mark: “There is a department of treasury in Heaven, which says God is watching over everything you do and you are storing up eternal treasure that will go so far beyond what we can even imagine. You need to send in $35,000, you need to send in that $100,000 check, if you do not write that PO Box and do not call that Toll Free Number and if you do not become a Ministry member you will not receive sustainment in your life and your dream will die and your call will die.”

“I want you to hear from God. God already spoke to me what I’m going to write out. You’re going to write your checks to Paula White Ministries,” White preached. “If God tells you to give $12.99, do it. Whatever the Holy Spirit speaks to you. If you need to give by credit card, do so.”

Does this not say it all about this women and how she really fits Trump?

It’s now a no brainer why Trump chose her, he LOVES people that can deceive on his level.

It was Trump who chose her in 2002. They fit like a glove together. They both are all about money.

These secret societies are all about “philanthropy” and doing good in society. They do BUSINESS with each other.

The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are “feeder” organizations that precondition to minds to join when the opportunity arises later on in life.

Once you are in, you are constantly covertly screened and the higher up you get, the more you are watched.

When you are in the 32nd degree as a mason, it is revealed that their Jesus Christ is really Lucifer, that is their son of God.

Also at this level, you can join what is called “The Shriners.” The Shriners swear allegiance to Allah.

If you go to a mason lodge and up on the Altar you will find ALL the religious books and teachings

At the HEART -- ALL Secret Societies are a Rebellion Against God.

The Rulers of the World are the Rulers of Evil that have the Authority by the lineage of Cain.

Catholicism says the Mark of our Ecclesiastical Authority is that we have transferred the Sabbath to the Sun Day – Sunday. Therefore if you obey the Sun Day you are paying homage to the Authority of the Roman Catholic Church.

It is the Roman Catholic Church, that through their secret societies control humanity.

Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit who founded the Illuminati.

It is all leading to a One World Religion, a One World Military, a One World Government & a New One World Order.

The Antichrist is one who negates the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Who is negating the true teachings of Jesus Christ? The Roman Catholic Church.

The GREAT DECEPTION is to get the masses to believe they are doing the work of Jesus Christ, when in fact they are doing the work of Lucifer.

That is how far they have INVERTED Christianity.

The Rothschild’s – come from a German word meaning “Red Shield” which means Bankers of World. They control the Banking system.

There are only 3 Entities in the World that Independent of Political Systems:

  1. The Vatican – Religion Arm

  2. London City – the Center of London – Financial Arm

  3. Washington DC – The Military Arm

The White House is on Jesuit ground, not even part of the USA.

Christians have been caught in systems in which they have no idea of the origins.

You give up your sovereignty when you join those secret societies. They are Antichrist.

Jesus said “I have done Nothing in Secret.”

 If you Enjoyed this video, these are MUST SEES:

***SECRETS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH – How Was The Catholic Church Created? Why Was It Created? The Lies!



***How The Jesuits Deceived Over 2 Billion Christians – Hidden History



***Walter Veith & Martin Smith – Presidents of the USA are Powerless – Secret Societies, CIA & FBI


Source: Clash of Minds -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73VwKe3ullg


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END. 12/20/2024 6:00 PM



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