13 Powerful Illuminati Bloodlines



13 Powerful Illuminati Bloodlines

The Bloodlines

Behind the Curtain of all this evil, lurks Ancient Satanic - Luciferian Bloodlines who control EVERYTHING.

They manage Wars, Economies, Corporations, Media, Education, Worldwide "Healthcare", Militaries, and the main one - Religions.

They were taught the "Mystery Arts" by the Fallen Ones, The Nephilim, the Fallen Angels - they are of their Bloodlines also.

Their bloodlines go back to Pre-Antediluvian era - to the time when the Anunnaki spliced the genes to create the races.

They try to follow the "Laws of the Universe" - the ying - yang, the black and white checkers on mason floors are representative of this, trying to remain "Balanced" and in "Harmony" within the bipolar magnetic grid of the world.

There are only around 500 Families that have an ORDER like you can't imagine and that order is built with Covens and they are all around, influencing almost all bills that are ever introduced and passed.

They function as bees do in a hive, working as a collective soul to achieve one purpose and that is world domination.

We can point the finger at Biden, Schwab, Harari, Trudeau, Fauci, Trump, all the so called "leaders" of nations, but they are simply order takers, it doesn't matter who sits in the position we call President, they are all chosen and with the order.

Voting has been an illusion to pacify the masses to believe they have a say in how the show is run.

There is a chain of command and the orders are acquired by summoning the Force of Darkness - the Grand Architect, the Light Bearer and passed down from rank to rank to the parents and to the covens (family masters).

From the Mothers of Darkness, to the Special Chamber Councils (consisting of Council of 5, Council of 7, Council of 9, the Council of 13, The Council of 21), to the Grand High Priest and Grand High Priestesses who are assigned "regions across the USA", they are the "overseers" of the Masons, the Jesuits – Catholics, the Mormons, the Satanists and the Kabbalah.

These families are behind the secret societies like the Freemasons, Illuminati, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Skull & Bones, Society of Jesus, Order of the Garter, Order of the Jesuits and Order of the Black Sun.

The 3 pillars to their control and power are the Vatican, London City and D.C.

They are the ones who will orchestrate the global financial collapse.

They are referred to as the "Untouchables" as they are immune from all laws and are under no jurisdiction.

These bloodlines were told they are the "Special Ones" the "Originals" as the from Adom - or Adam, meaning first man or first humans.

They contain the "Original" DNA and we do not as our DNA has been tinkered with and continues to be.

This is why they "keep it the family" as Lord Rothschild once said.

It's a slap in the face when you realize everything has been a lie

The Satanic Bloodlines behind the Secret Societies

Astor Bloodline











Van Duyn


There are many other powerful bloodlines, like Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Reynolds, McDonald, Krupps, Grey, Sinclair, Bauer, Disney, Whitney, Duke, Warburg, Solvay, Sassoon, Wheeler, Todd, Clinton, Taft, Goldschmidt, Schiff, Taft, Wallenberg, Guggenheim, Bush and many others, said to be around 500 families.



1. From the Books by Fritz Springmeier -- “Bloodlines of the Illuminati – Volumes 1 – 3”

2. The 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Paving the Road to Hell – Robin de Ruiter – https://stopworldcontrol.com/downloads/13bloodlines.pdf

3. From Every End of this Earth: 13 Families and the New Lives They Made in America – Steven V. Roberts -- https://annas-archive.org/slow_download/c50b66521597d6c39f885163dbdc6a08/0/0


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END. 1/17/2025 9:00 AM



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