The United Nations Nefarious & Evil Agenda 2030 – End Private Property Ownership – “The Land Grab”


***The United Nations Nefarious & Evil Agenda 2030 – End Private Property Ownership – “The Land Grab”

***This is a MUST SEE! Who is the ONE Man Behind Agenda 21? The United Nations has a plan to implement Land Use Policy changes around the world, in every single state, city and town.

The UN is behind the WEF’s Sustainable Development – which sounds so good on the outside. But the real plans are VERY different.

There is ONE man behind the entire Agenda and many may have never heard of him before.

Maurice Strong – former director of the UN Environmental Program and Chairman of the World Wildlife Program. His main beliefs were that capitalism cannot meet the needs of the population and must be replaced by Socialism.

You can call Maurice Strong – “The Man Behind the Agenda.”

“The Founding Father of the Global Agenda.”

He is the man behind the plan to completely literally DESTROY America. He flat out says it, more on this in a bit. But he is the one with the plan to CRASH the Economy and steal the commonwealth.

The term “Sustainable Development” was coined by Maurice Strong.

Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of future generations.

Well, that sounds pretty good. Nothing to argue about that.

Maurice Strong wrote a book in 1987 called “Our Common Future” which talks about all the rights that the masses will have to give up and everything that they will put us through for “sustainable development.”

He took this common future plan to the United Nations and they liked it and they worked on developing an Action Plan the next 5 years.

1992 – this “Action Plan” was unveiled in 1992 and it was called “AGENDA 21.”

Agenda 21 was the artful concoction of how they were going “protect the environment.” It was how they would put a lot of lipstick on their true agenda and sell to us to make us feel like it is for humanity.

This action plan is to control all land, all minerals, all water, all plants, all constructions, all information, all energy, all production, all law enforcement and all human beings of the planet.

BUT of course they can’t flat out say that or the sheep might throw a little hissy fit.

So they have to make up a bunch of sh*t to make it appear that this is what truly is best for humanity and that is to have a ONE World Government to make each and every decision for us.

George Bush Sr signed us on to Agenda 21, along with 178 other countries.

This women states the Donald Trump took us off of Agenda 21 – maybe he did (I never heard this and would like proof), but he is an AGENDA Author for the WEF and his daughter Ivanka is a Klaus Schwab puppet – a Global Young Leader – global young leaders PROMOTE and ABIDE by the Agenda so something is not adding up with her statement.

Maurice Strong explained in a 1991 UNCED report:

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class—involving high MEAT intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, Ownership of Motor Vehicles, golf courses, small electric appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns.”

Let me add, this is complete bullshit and this Maurice Nazi is likely a puppet of the Global Elite doing their bidding for them as though he was the one behind it and they just magically loved his idea, but none the less we do know that he did say this sh*t and that’s how it all got started – “officially” anyway.

We have energy devices the size of a shoe box that can tap into the Aether and power a city block, there are hundreds of other free energy inventions that these thugs have destroyed and prevented so they can push this agenda.

This agenda is not about the environment or helping humanity it is all about controlling humanity, keeping the technology suppressed and keeping the sheep as dumb as possible all while filling them with toxins in the food, air, water, supplements and medicines.

Maurice Strong -- In the 1992 pamphlet “Stockholm to Rio: A Journey Down a Generation,” he suggested that nations would have to surrender sovereignty:

“The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of environmental security.”

Strong was instrumental in founding, advising or supporting numerous organizations, and joined the boards of many, among them:
Aspen Institute, Bretton Woods Committee, Commission on Global Governance, Earth Charter, International Institute for Environment and Development, International Institute for Sustainable Development, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Rockefeller Foundation, University for Peace, World Wildlife Fund, World Economic Forum, and World Resources Institute.

When all the CEO’s of all these BIG Corporations meet in DAVOS, it is to get their instructions / orders and if they don’t play they will be removed in a heartbeat.

Their orders /instructions in 2018 were to get ready to cut their product box sizes, cut their product weights, and raise prices by about 25% -- which really if you calculate the new small packages it is an instant 50% price increase – overnight and while we were focused on Covid, that is when they did all of this in Lockstep.

It’s not just the Corporations but all the leading politicians of every nation get their present and future instructions and all will work in Lockstep, as this is a Global One World Government and they are all signed up with it since the early 90’s.

Everything that is going on, it’s a f*cking plan.

Maurice Strong then asks this question: What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principle risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? He answers it himself -- So, in order to save the planet, the group decides, isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?

This group of world leaders form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse. It’s February. They’re all at Davos. These aren’t terrorists. They’re world leaders. They’ve positioned themselves in the world’s commodity and stock markets. They’ve engineered, using their access to stock exchanges and computers and gold supplies, a panic. Then they prevent the world’s stock markets from closing. The markets can’t close. The rich countries – Strong makes a slight motion with his fingers as if he were flipping a cigarette out the window.”

The Global Biodiversity Assessment -- this was written by 1500 scientists who were hired by the UN and this shows what the world will look like under Agenda 21.

When looking at the UN – WEF AGENDA 21 – we need to focus on the word “SUSTAINABLE” – which means the ability to maintain development – so then we need to ask an important question. What do they deem as “unsustainable?”

Here is what they label unsustainable: Private Land, Private Vehicles, Air Conditioning, Appliances, Golfing, Skiing, Fishing, Gardens, Eating Meat, Roads & Concrete, Dams, Legal System, Consumerism, and last but not least, PEOPLE.

The UN is made up of Unelected people who control our supposedly “elected” people – which makes all the leaders puppets of the UN One World Order.

The agenda is being implemented right now.

One of their goals is public – private partnerships which means these public social companies like Youtube, Rumble, Bitchute, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and Telegram take orders from the government to censor whatever they are told to censor.

ESG Score – Environmental Social Governance – they want to END capitalism and have Social Equity where no one has any more than anyone else.

On page 773 from the book Global Biodiversity Assessment (Free Download Source #8 below) - "An 'agricultural world' in which most human beings are peasants, should be able to support 5 to 7 billion people, probably more if the large agricultural population were supported by an industry-promoting agricultural activity. In contrast, a reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be one billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2-3 billion would be possible."

There are two options: Live as Peasants or Reduce the population by 80%.

They want to put the wealthy peasants and the poor peasants together with bot being equal in every way.

Agenda 21 is for open borders.

It is for Monitoring, Metering and Restricting Energy and Water use via Smart Meters.

Public Lands will be declared off use and they already are starting that in Colorado as you now need reservations to to go hiking in many of the once popular places. Such B.S. but it is happening now.

This used to be called the Wildlands Project, now it is called the Re-Wilding Project – part of Biden’s 30x30 plan, where 30% of our government will own the lands by 2030.

Close to 90% of what is available to humans now will be off limits and it is starting right now and speeding up rapidly. I believe the completion was in about 30 years.

The population will be down, most will be infertile, and many “events” will have taken place in which we “choice” to go along with the “plan.”

We will own nothing and be happy” as Klaus Schwab says. People believe Trump isn’t part of this. Complete, complete b.s.

The Trump’s will own smart cities – will be called “Normal Use Zones of Cooperation.

Private Property will be restricted to a select few – guess who those select few will be?

Private Land Ownership will be considered “Social Injustice.” These guy are f*cking insane.

Why are the big corporations now buying up all the land at land auctions?

People are being taxed out and offered high amounts of money – prices are skyrocketing on real estate and land – it’s all a plan from this lunatic, Maurice Strong.

The chosen ones like Larry Fink, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Warren Buffet will be Private Land Owners and will live like Kings being free from the sheep. It won’t happen in their lifetimes but in about 30 years if we don’t wake up, this is what it will be like and there is an “Event” that will trigger everything.

They will collapse the economy, have multiple cyber attacks, electric grid attacks, food shortages, inflation to the point where most will be dependent on gov, then you add in climate change as we will have a mini ice age around 2040 and gov may disappear and go undergfound and just watch how society functions without them during this event.

They know that most of society will die in less than two months without an organized government and having no financial system, so it won’t matter if one has millions of dollars.

They are making all these synthetic humanoids and they will likely be programmed to cull the land owners. (Theory).

By the time the gov comes back online and lights come back on, everyone that is left will gladly accept their proposal. The population will be significantly reduced as many will die during this “down time” as many dependent on “medicines” like insulin and other biosimilars will have died.

Now, hopefully there is some kind of white hat plan for when this happens, especially so we don’t lose power for very long, but they plan on knocking the entire grid out while they go to their underground bunkers and watch the movie happening on the surface.

Before most of this occurs they will implement hight CO2 Gas Taxes which will help get rid of business owners.

They want us completely off of oil and go all electric.

They will destroy our Dams, and get rid of our Roads.

How are the roads looking now?

The infrastructure of the US is being destroyed, it is not being maintained or updated.

Agenda 21 will introduce what they call Regionalism – where they round up the sheep, (the people) and get them into what they call “regions.”

Some names they have right now are: Green City Centers, Mega Districts, Human Settlements, Islands of Human Habitation, Urbanization Projects, 15 Minute Cities.

Trump has a plan to build these cities, will include link in the sources, they are called “Freedom Cities.” YES, that is in his plan. *See Source #9 below.

The goal of these cities is to get everyone off of their property. They will tax you and regulate you out of your homes.

This is why we need Tax Caps right now and to get off the Federal Reserve Central Banks as soon as possible. We need to have control of the money, not the Global Cabal.

The average living space they want is 600 square feet when they relocate everyone. Humanity will be confined into small apartments and everything they “need” will be right by them, grocery stores on the lower levels.

They want all transportation by railway.

ICLEI – International Council of Environmental Initiatives – this is the council behind the implementation of Agenda 21. This was started by Bill Clinton. All federal agencies support Agenda 21.

It’s ALL about Population Control – it’s obvious.

The Global Agenda cannot be implemented unless they have everyone at the Local Levels sold on it. Those who make the local decisions determine the direction of society.

Most of the locals are buying in on this because they don’t know or understand the true intentions and consequences of future generations.

We need to tell them the whole picture of what is planned and why they are doing all of this which sounds so good from the outside.

If we can get the locals to understand this then their plan FAILS.

Agenda 21 was changed to Agenda 30 in 2015.

Every major city in the United States has an Agenda 2030 plan. This has really been planned for multiple decades and it is very well organized, Worldwide.

The World Economic Forum is an arm of the United Nations, they are UNELECTED but yet they are effectively governing the entire world.

Yes, we are governed with thugs that are unelected. They have control of policy and definitely have control of the political arena and all top leadership positions are UN Agenda 2030 supporters.

They are bypassing campaigns and true questioning so they don’t have to answer these type of questions as more and more are slowly waking up and realizing that the USA has been taken over and it’s just now a process of gradually guiding the sheep into their prison.

World Economic Forum to Establish Global Centre for Urban Transportation in Detroit – The WEF has chosen Detroit to be the pilot program in the USA. *See Source #11.

That witch of a governor in Michigan was a keynote speaker at the WEF and she is making sure this happens.

Look, all the politicians are in on this and Trump may talk like he is against them, but that is the plan, that is how they were “trained” and educated to keep the people dazed and confused while they rape and pillage America.

How did Hitler get an entire country to do evil?

How did the World Government get the Medical Industry to do evil?

The Hegelian Dialectic -- a philosophical interpretive method that describes how ideas change through their own contradictions and internal tensions, and eventually take on concrete forms that overcome previous oppositions.

It's often presented as a three-stage process, or dialectic, that involves a thesis, antithesis, and synthesis:
1. Thesis: The introduction of a concept in its most immediate form

2. Antithesis: The identification and negation of the limitations or contradictions of the thesis

3. Synthesis: The resolution of the tension between the thesis and antithesis at a higher level of truth, often by combining the truths of the previous two stages into a more comprehensive understanding

That’s how they say it on Google.

It is creating a problem, presenting it to the people, and offering a solution to solve the problem.

The solutions almost ALWAYS involve convincing citizens to relinquish rights for the good of the whole. It’s a TRICK. We have been falling for one false flag after another.

911 yielded the Patriot Act – HUGE step in the tyranny we see today. We allowed this sh*t to happen.

Another example is the Covid Plandemic – they put up 5G towers, release a lab made virus, mix in the flu, inflate the numbers via propaganda and create a fraudulent “vaccine” via a presidential Executive Order under the guise of proving a “healthy, safe & effective” solution.

Another example is the Climate Change Bullsh*t. Climate is changing but it’s going to be a cool down and not a warming. We are just experiencing the heat now which is natural occurrence prior to a mini ice age. This will be completely visible to all in 20 years.

Another example is Bird Flu – they want to decrease the food supply, what better way that to say our animals have their own pandemic and we have to euthanize them.


1. Good vs Evil --

2. Maurice Strong and the Earth Charter --

3. Remembering Maurice F. Strong Tributes and Reminiscences --

4. Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future--

5. AGENDA 21 - Earth Summit - 1992 --

6. Maurice Strong - Opening statement to the Rio Summit (3 June 1992) --

7. Sustainable Development: Maurice Strong --

8. The Global Biodiversity Assessment -- *Note: This takes a while to open, it’s over 1100 pages. This shows how the “New World” will look after they are finished. OR download from WEC website →

9. ***Trump Promotes 15-Minute Smart Cities As Freedom Cities – Patrick Wood

10. Regional Plan Association --

11. World Economic Forum to Establish Global Centre for Urban Transportation in Detroit --

12. Angela Small – this presenter in this video -- -- Email:

Mark Zuckerberg cautions his staff in 2021 about taking the mRNA Covid Vaccines but at the same time censors members of Facebook who post the exact same thing and promoted them every single day as “safe & effective.”

Source: Dia Sol --


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END. 8/30//2025 3:00 PM



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