What is the Mysterious Fog? Is it Toxic?



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 What is the Mysterious Fog? Is it Toxic?

*All Sources Listed Following this Article.

The TRUE reason that the fog is TOXIC is the Chemtrails. You are being Gassed.

Some people may be effected by the fog and some people may not.


It all depends on the individuals immune system.

It all depends on how close that immune “scale” is about to tip.

If the immune system is healthy, one may escape feeling the ill effects of the toxic fog.

But, on the other hand, one may be nearing tipping point. It’s death by a thousand little cuts and one is nearing that “thousandth cut.”

These are the ones reaching “chemical sensitivity.” There body has reached the tipping point in which the toxins can not be neutralized and disposed of quickly enough.

We are being POISONED from every direction imaginable by a group of evil ones on this planet.

Those who were effected by the toxic fog and became sick already had many “cuts” and had a “stealth” underlying problem lurking that was already in the making, already in the works and this toxic fog was the last straw that broke the camels back. It was the thousandth cut. It was the tipping point.

The fog is fog, with the exception that the evildoers are spraying chemicals in the sky and they are dropping and the molecules and compounds are biding with the fog, making it “poisonous fog” or “toxic fog.”

That is the “Mystery.”

It is biological chemical warfare. 100%.

There may be people only on their 100th cut and are not affected at all by the fog. The ones nearing that 1000th cut, that tipping point of the scale, are the ones who will become ill.

Our immune systems are under constant pressure from all the toxins in our food, water, air, medicine and even our supplements.

The globalists are in the “culling” mode.

So, what is causing the underlying stealth problems that many don’t see until they reach that tipping point?

Pathogens and Toxic Heavy Metals. 100%. There are more but these are the main top 2.

The chemtrails? They are FULLY LOADED. They contains lots of mixtures of toxic sh*t.

They are spraying chemtrails really heavy right now.

Those who believe that there is this White Hat Military Operation going on right now, guess what?

The military are the ones in CHARGE of spraying this sh*t.

The VERY FIRST thing that needs to be done, IF there was such an operation is to shut down this secret operation that is poisoning us.

As if the jabs were not toxic enough, now they are double dosing the trails.

Once again, two people can be right next to each other and be exposed to the same toxic sh*t and one may get really sick and the other may not be affected at all, YET.

It ALL depends on what “Cut” you are on. The ones effected have reached that 1,000th cut and will become sick.

It’s not like those who are on the 200th cut are immune. Oh no, those cuts are adding up quickly.

It won’t be long before EVERYONE is feeling the hurt.

Some are still decades away, the ones on the 50th to 100th cut and some are one decade away on the 300th cut and some are just a few years away from becoming chronically ill.

Chronic meaning your body has tipped the scale and it can no longer maintain normal neurological functions and one may experience fatigue, brain fog and loss of vitality.

It is ALL about the LIVER.

ALL diseases begin in the liver.

The ones who are becoming sick means that their livers are just filled with too much toxic sludge. There livers are maxed out. They have reached that 1000th cut, the tipping point of the scale.

That sludge may include Viral Toxins, Derma-Toxins, and Neurotoxins.

Why are chemtrails in the Fog?

They have sprayed so much toxic chemtrails for so long, since the late 70’s that our skies are literally “chemical” skies. There are chemicals in the sky 100% of the time and everywhere. They are toxic brews when they combine with clouds and fog.

Do you think that the chemtrails are just Barium and Aluminum?

Hell NO.

Barium and Aluminum are bad enough, but it’s MUCH worse.

The “Chemtrail Project” isn’t what people think it is.

The truth is that chemical industries all around the world, have private deals and they literally are “PAYING” for the service to dispose of these chemicals.

They once tried the land, but the chemcials made their way to the waters and killed EVERYTHING they touched.

They then decided to spray them in the skies, hoping they would “Harmlessly” disperse in the oxygen.

It may sound bad and it is, but if they would have dumped it in rivers, lakes and landfills like they used to, that would have ended life already. That is how toxic these chemicals are.

Millions of birds are being killed all over.

PLUS they are “infecting” birds hoping that the they will spread disease to us.

The bees are being killed off.

We only have 30% of the bees we did since the 70’s and it’s going down fast.

Guess where a lot of these chemicals come from?


Most clinical trials fail in big pharma and fail horribly because of Toxicity from their chemicals. They have to get rid of these chemicals.

All you have to do is look in the sky and you will see how they are getting “rid” of their toxic chemicals.

The chemicals that are not quite as toxic are sold to us at astronomical prices and they call them “Health Products.”

This world needs to change. Big Pharma needs to go down. They are not only poisoning us and trying to convince us they are “healthy drugs” but they are dumping their byproducts over all of us.

The poisonous fog is a “BONUS” for the evildoers.

They also do want to block out the light, they don’t’ want our crops to grow. They want to have full control of our food and design foods.

Whether you are in great shape financially right now and have a big farm and fertile ground – this is warning, because they are coming for you. They are coming for all of us. They want to make us conform with their ideas and their vision of what the world should be.

It is a world that destroys nature and is synthetically designed by them.

What are some of the other things these planes are dumping in the sky?

Mercury, Aluminum, Cadmium, Lead (from years ago that has been stored), old Petroleum / Diesel that has expired and is no longer useful (so toxic it cannot be burned), outdated Herbicides, Fungicides, Pesticides and Fertilizers and the backlog of Agent Orange.

That makes one healthy environment.

These guys are INSANE. In every way imaginable.

It is just like the Vaccines, it is a game of Russian Roulette.3 & 4

You NEVER know which batch your getting. You never know if that jet above your head is dropping aluminum, mercury, lead, agent orange, fertilizers, pesticides and you never know which jab is the one – 1 our of 200 batches were found to intentionally deadly.3 & 4

You never know.

We the people must become aware of this and demand it all be stopped.

They are dumping old herbicides that have sat in storage bins for 70 to 80 years.

It is poison.

What about our EPA – Environment Protection Agency. They have been hijacked years ago, just as our military, government, FDA, NIH, CIA and CDC.

We are under a World Government, not a USA government. This all can change. The reason we are under world government control is because WE ALLOWED it to happen.

It’s time to wake up and take OUR Power back. Let our light shine on the darkness. They will run away like the insane imbeciles they are.

These chemtrails are now combing with others in the air and making a “Witches Brew” in our clouds and fog.

This “witches brew” is falling on us 24/7, even when we don’t see those beautiful trails in the sky.

They have poisoned our entire atmosphere.

The toxic fog was NOT planned. It is just a BONUS thing that occurred. Our atmosphere is reaching the tipping point and that is what is happening.

Who is doing this?

People WAY ABOVE the Governments.

Take a choice of names – the Illuminati, the Jesuits, the Global Elite, the Global Cabal, the Secret Societies, the Rothschild's, the Rockefeller’s – they all are connected and united to perform the evil works.

What people don’t understand is that this is a Satanic Cult and ALL governments of the world are Powerless because they control all governments and militaries.

They are the ones putting on the show that makes it appear there is so much opposition in this world. They control the wars. It’s a GAME to them.

Could Trump stop this?

I don’t know??

I don’t think any human in their right mind would not want to stop this.

I don’t think Trump has that much power, I sure hope I’m wrong because this has to stop now because EVERYONE is being harmed.

Most of this information came from Anthony William. I have a blog about him and his work with tons of his lecture notes.

All his websites listed below.

***His Books are the absolute BEST books on the Planet, bar none. You can get them on his website here – https://www.medicalmedium.com

He has the protocols from GOD – to remove the toxins faster than they are coming in.

I have my own story of healing on my blog about him below.5

See this → The Truth About Chemtrails2 -- https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2021/09/truth-about-chemtrais.html -- 1/13/2021


1. Anthony William – Medical Medium Podcast -- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/083-toxic-fog-is-the-fog-hurting-people/id1133835109?i=1000687193965

2. The Truth About Chemtrails -- https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2021/09/truth-about-chemtrais.html

3. ***“Hot Lots” – Deadly Batches PROVE that this was Intentional – “1 out of 200 Were Deadly”



4. ***RFK Jr – DTP Vaccine Caused Brain Injury & Death in 1 out of 300 Children – 10X more Death in Vaxxed


5. My Blog on Anthony William -- https://healing-health-notes.blogspot.com/2024/11/life-changing-angels-anthony-william.html

6.  Anthony William – Medical Medium Information & Websites:

Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/medicalmedium

Telegram -- https://t.me/MedicalMedium

Youtube -- https://www.youtube.com/@MedicalMediumAnthonyWilliam

Anthony’s Main Website -- https://www.medicalmedium.com


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***PLEASE FOLLOW My BLOG → https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/

END. 1/31//2025 9:00 PM



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