UN AGENDA 2030 Exposed & Explained – Rosa Koire
UN AGENDA 2030 Exposed & Explained – Rosa Koire
***MUST SEE → One of the Most Important 20 Minute Video Presentations you need to see. This is what it’s all about. This is the foundation of all the bullsh*t we see going on. Really, there is ONE man behind it all.
Rosa Koire, a former government employee, delivers a shocking, eye opening, mouth dropping, stunning presentation that should awaken and anger all of us.
Agenda 21, Agenda 30 & Agenda for the 21st Century are no Conspiracy Theories – they are Planned Conspiracies.
So, what is the Agenda?
It is the Inventory and Control Plan.
The inventory & control of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information and all human beings on the planet.
This plan was agreed to by 179 Nations back in 1992.
It is a United Nations Plan.
It is called the Agenda for the 21st Century.
They have crafted their wording very artfully, disguising it as a plan to save the planet and everything on it.
Their foundation that they are selling is called “Sustainable Development Goals” – 17 of them.
It sounds very good doesn’t it.
Isn’t that about recycling and taking care of everyone and everything?
The what is it really about?
It’s about moving people from rural areas into Concentrated City Centers called “Smart Cities” also referred to as “15 Minute Cities” and “Freedom Cities.”
Notice all the “positive” wording?
They have to use these words to deceive the masses into believing it’s a good thing for them.
You know who else had this plan and ordered people be removed from rural areas into concentration camps? That would be Stalin during the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
It’s a plan to totally control us after they destroy everything else and we really have no choice but to accept their nefarious offer. The only thing different about plan is that it is a worldwide plan and they are not using force yet.
It’s a plan to totally control us after they destroy everything else and we really have no choice but to accept their nefarious offer.
Their plan of course is to make everything look natural. The animals are getting sick with some disease and they need to be euthanized, the fires of food plants, the cyber attacks, home taxes, home prices, land prices, land taxes, the pandemics – they are all natural happenings, right?
Oh no. These “events” are unnatural and have been meticulously planned for multiple decades.
Rosa Koire spent her career as a Legal Expert Witness for the California Department of Transportation.
Rosa is an expert in Land Use and Land Valuation.
Her specialty is in Eminent Domain.
Eminent Domain is when the government can legally take private property for certain projects, like road projects or pipeline projects.
Rosa says that land was very difficult in evaluating what it was truly worth because we didn’t know what we could do with it because landowners were being restricted from using their property.
Rosa found out that this wasn’t just in the San Francisco Bay area where she was working, but was all across the nation and the world.
Once Rosa dug into this, she found out what was behind it all. Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development.
The “Community” is constructed of Non-Governmental Organizations, Corporations, and Government. It is these entities that have influence on how the “community” is shaped and formed. We as individuals have very little influence.
We have to go along with the community laws and “standards.”
Has anyone ever received a censorship notice from Facebook saying your post went against “Community Standards”?
Did you have any say in how those “standards” were constructed?
Remember the community standards for all the Covid bullsh*t?
Six feet social distancing, wear a mask, take a vaccine, and a special standard protocol for how doctors and hospitals treat “covid” patients.
Did we have any say in developing those “standards”?
What happen to people and doctors who objected to these community standard protocols?
They were censored, rejected, publicly shunned, and labeled an “outcast.”
If you go along with the community standards everything is hunky dory.
Now they have these Regionalization Plans. Let’s combine the USA with Canada.
There is a plan to create 10 Global Regions or “Kingdoms” of the world. It is part of the stepping stone of building their New World Order with a Single One Government.
See this for more info → ***Trump Ushering in the New World Order – 10 Kingdoms of the World Plan Directly From “Club of Rome” -- https://rumble.com/v67jg7v-trump-ushering-in-the-new-world-order-10-kingdoms-of-the-world-plan-directl.html & https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/10-kingdoms-of-world-club-of-romes-ten.html
Globalization is the standardization of all systems. ALL Systems must be brought into harmony or “standardized” in order to control them all.
The goal is a One World Government and total Control of ALL systems. The word systems, means EVERYTHING related to living – food, water, medicine, supplements, animals, land, air and all resources.
They want it all.
That is the Agenda.
Right now about 75% of the people in the USA live in large cities. The goal is to move everyone out of the rural areas and into the large dense cities.
They want to destroy Representative government. They don’t want anyone representing us, the people, they want the corporations to have the power, not the people.
They don’t want ELECTIONS. They want to Appoint their own members to lead.
It’s all about the removal of Individual Sovereignty and Rights.
They want Jurisdiction to all the land in the world.
As Zbigniew Brzeziński said in 1995, you can’t just impose globalization as a total movement, it must be introduced incrementally.
The way to do this is through “Regionalization.”
Every nation that signed on to Agenda 21 back in 1992 hat it’s local agenda 21 plan. People here in the USA are totally unaware of this. Even the ones that are running the programs because they weren’t the ones who came up with the idea, they are just getting paid to follow directions.
That’s why nobody knows what the f*ck is going on. Everyone is just following the leadership of someone else, but we never know who the “leaders” are.
The globalists have turned Americans into unknowing, but willing participants in the plan to destroy themselves.
The plans have been so well crafted, designed and disguised that the true intentions are not discerned, perceived, or acknowledged.
People have NO clue that they are little puppets with strings attached being completely beguiled and controlled by a Luciferian System of Governance.
It is a well architected plan as it merges Non-Gov agencies, Corporations and Governments which removes the individual completely out of the equation.
The individual is the one that is supposed to have the power. This infiltration occurred so slowly, one drip at a time since the 1930’s and now they have established their foundation. They implemented it so slowly that it appeared everything occurred naturally without internal or external manipulation.
We are in a big mess, a cob web of lies.
The people still have some power, but it is waning by the day. We need to become conscious and see what is going on in our local communities not a local plan at all.
The 3 Pillars of the AGENDA:
Social Equity sounds great, everyone will be treated fairly.
It’s about impoverishing huge portions of the population and bringing DOWN the developed nations.
How can such a HUGE Operation being occurring Worldwide and Nobody is even noticing it?
You slowly take the power away from the people and give it to the corporations – it is a Corporatocracy. Ow
Now you can call it Technocracy as the Big Tech wizards run just about every corporation and government agency.
The corporations want to move their goods throughout various countries with no regulation and they want to reduce wages and replace workers with technology. That is your “Social Equity.”
When you hear ANYTHING coming from the UN tyrants, you can expect it to sound really good but be really bad. That’s just the way it is.
These tyrants believe in the Kabbalah, which is all about Balance and remaining Harmony. They want balance in the economy, ecology and equity – for them, not for us. Putting us in a smart cities has no benefit to the sovereignty, liberty, freedom or rights of the people. It will be a prison with NEVER-ENDING propaganda of how good we have it and that is why Klaus Schwab says we will own nothing and be happy – they will be our “caretaker” and make us believe that it is for the best.
We need to snap out of this coma, this spell we are all in and become conscious of this agenda and the lies of the past, present and the planning of future lies.
It is 2025 right now and I would gestimate we have about a 10 year window to stop consenting to our own demise.
It’s a now or never scenario. It’s time to help others realize the truth before we hit the point of no return and we are totally powerless.
They want a Totalitarian State – where they are in total control from the outside, we never see them, but they see us ALL the time and we are under constant surveillance, 24/7.
Our most important private property is our BODY.
They are attacking our body, just as they are attacking our infrastructure.
These pandemics are not by accidents, they are plandemics. You can go to people like Rima Laibow who desperately tried to warn us over a decade ago that the plans were to create a pandemic with the main objective of getting everyone vaccinated.
Why on Earth do you think that the all Nations of the world suddenly, in a heartbeat agreed on a brand new novel, untested, experimental vaccine without even attempting to try anything else?
This was a LONG-TERM plan with these 179 nations. Project Lockstep / Operation Lockstep was the training they did worldwide to get everyone in synch or in “Lockstep” for what was coming and then they had simulations like Event 21 and several other Contagion simulations where they literally “played” this whole thing out.
Do people really believe those jabs were to prevent a so called virus they called COVID-19, in which over 97% of people survived with no medical attention needed and the average age of a Covid death was 84, but they want to give it our CHILDREN, Pregnant Mothers and even to those who were already sick in the hospital with no covid issues?
WAKE UP People.
Stop contributing to humanities demise.
The first thing we need to know is the Evil exists. Then we need to know that Evil People are behind the Agenda. They do NOT care about you, in fact they want to slowly kill us off down to a very manageable number.
We need to REFUSE to cooperate with their plans. We need to EXPOSE those collaborators like Justin Trudeau, Donald Trump, Gavin Newsom, just about all the leaders in our political arena are traitors to the people of the USA.
Why would they do such a thing?
They are grandfathered in the plans to be players in the management of these “regions” or “kingdoms.”
We can refuse. They tried to mandate the vaccines, but thankfully there were enough awake people who said “F*ck You.” Yes, it took a good six months of standing the line, but they caved in.
The mainstream media is owned by 5 corporations so you are NOT going to hear the truth from them. It is for entertainment purposes – the news is propaganda and drama entertainment designed to keep everyone in a state of FEAR – making that False Evidence Appear to be Real. That is FEAR.
Since the media isn’t doing their job, we need to be the media. We need to be the ones spreading the real news.
Our children are being Indoctrinated from Pre Kindergarten to POST Graduate and Doctorate School.
Most people don’t even know we are in a fight. Not only are we in a fight, we are in the fight of our lives. The fight to survive. The fight to protect our children. The fight to make a brighter future.
Right now were are moving into Regionalization. The US is divided into Cities, Counties and States and then the Federal Government.
The Goal for Agenda 21 is that the leaders of counties, cities, states and federal governments will not be elected but be selected. That way we the people have no say in sh*t.
How is this Regionalization happening in the USA right now?
It is ALL about FEDERAL FUNDING. The government is granting hundreds of millions of dollars to local governments to develop regional plans.
The plan cannot succeed without control of land and land use.
The federal government controls via grants as they steer ALL development in the planned regions by providing grants for development in specified areas and deny grants and discourage in rural areas.
You see this kind of control with Blue Cross Blue Shields Medicare Advantage. They are losing funding for RURAL areas and thus they are dropping coverage for seniors who live in rural areas. It’s a f*cking scam all funded and controlled by the federal government, who really pays for insurance.
Obama federalized insurance.
You have Medicaid, Medicare and Medicare Advantage – they are all gov funded.
You will soon see “Rewards” come into play for just about everything. Special rewards for shopping at this large chain corporate grocery chain, special rewards for dropping your small bank and joining a corporate bank like Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase or Citi.
The Agenda is using MONEY as their #1 weapon and they control the corporations, if a corporation would disagree with or contest the agenda they would be destroyed and would not exist within a 3 year period and everything would appear like the fall was “natural.”
They will begin “consolidating” everything, from schools to entire counties.
It’s amazing how the Federal Government has money for all these Smart Technologies, like smart meters and 5G but when it comes to North Carolina after the flood, they are still being ignored to this day in 2025 and there are lines of miles of vehicles just trying to get propane.
Why aren’t they helping these people in the small rural mountain towns? Because their Agenda is to get them OUT of the Rural Areas in the first place, which definitely makes one think about if the floods were a “natural” event. Hmm.
You wonder what the Bilderberg people talk about? It’s this stuff and it is the SAME for EVERY Country.
They want funding to go specified Concentrated Areas. These smart cities will be like “Concentration” camps because all the population is densely concentrated in one small area.
This is not like the Nazi days or the Bolshevik days when you get thrown on a train and your land is immediately stolen. This is a much better plan. A plan to get us to voluntarily give it all up ourselves.
Another way they plan on doing this is through bullsh*t Red Tape Regulations. Your well water will be monitored and if everything is ok, they will make sure it isn’t “wink, wink.”
They will make these city locations much more attractive for business and for doing things.
Eventually corporations like Wal Mart will not be a service at all near rural areas.
Then, eventually will come the Wildlands Project.
The Wildlands Project – is a plan to remove livestock grazing, mining, oil and gas, timber production and eventually recreation, from the western federal lands, and prioritize these areas for wolves and beavers.
Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act (Inflation Act) that included $20 Billion for the climate crisis conservation programs, the radical left was rolling out the next targeted phase of their attack to achieve 30×30 (permanently protect 30 percent of our lands and oceans by 2030). This one is focused on the western federal lands.
These bills have been written decades in advance and only parts of the Shadow Government knows what is in them and their true intentions. The are so long and extensive that there is no way a congressman or one their incompetent staffers could come close to comprehending the hidden crap within the layers of crap, it’s all one big stack of bullsh*t.
They have identified 11,500 square-kilometer reserves that total approximately 13.5 million acres. These reserves are to be connected, with additional federal land acquisitions and conservation easements on private lands, to create continuous wildlife corridors from Mexico to Canada.
You still believe Dear Donald Trump isn’t with this Agenda? Combining Canada with the US and talking about acquiring Greenland. ALL part of the plan.
This is how they introduce the concept, then they monitor the reaction and see if they can push it further or if they slow drip it. Since it appears hardly ANYONE recognized what Trump is really doing, they may push this a bit further during his second term.
If you think that you are an exception to the rule and they cannot move you off your land. Think again. There are NO Exceptions. All the proud landowners of today who plan on passing it down to their sons and daughters will lose everything. It doesn’t matter if the land is completely paid for and been in the family for a century.
They already have a plan in how they take it, no matter where in the US it may be.
The War on Terror is a war on YOU.
They perceive WE THE PEOPLE as the true terrorists because we the only ones standing in their way and pose a potential threat to the plan.
Expect a lot of “happenings” from 2025 and onward.
Expect a lot of “weather” events being blamed on global warming or “climate change.”
They know that we are waking up and they are going to speed things up.
Expect indirect or direct attacks on our food industry,
Expect home prices to continue to climb. Property Taxes to continue to go up. All part of the plan so we cannot afford to live in homes and will have to eventually accept their offer to live in the city.
They have set up the ENTIRE Economic Market to FAIL, to fall down.
The next time the banks fail, there will be NO bailouts. There will be Bail-ins.
Wake Up – The Power to Change is Within Each Us!
**Watch This Next – More on Agenda 21 & Agenda 30 → ***The United Nations Nefarious & Evil Agenda 2030 – End Private Property Ownership – “The Land Grab” -- https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/the-united-nations-nefarious-evil.html
1. Erez Ashkenazi – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2kkaSnXISk
2. Agenda 21-- Earth Summit Ninety Two: The United Nations Conference on Environment & Development Rio de Janeiro 1992 -- https://annas-archive.org/slow_download/67c466ecb4ec017ca68b61f073de6040/0/0
3. Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 – by Rosa Koire
The Post Sustainability Press, 1st Edition, USA, September 2, 2011 -- https://annas-archive.org/md5/091bbfe6dcdc578e493f6de876138153
4. Our Common Future: The World Commission on Environment and Development – Maurice Strong -- https://annas-archive.org/slow_download/5e9e3564e7aa0285661ed81d2157288c/0/0
5. The United Nations Nefarious & Evil Agenda 2030 – End Private Property Ownership – “The Land Grab” by Angela Small -- https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/the-united-nations-nefarious-evil.html
6. Lawsuit Filed To Stop Agenda 21 Takeover Of San Francisco -- https://www.offthegridnews.com/current-events/politics/lawsuit-filed-to-stop-agenda-21-takeover-of-san-francisco/
7. The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership – Zbigniew Brzezinski – https://annas-archive.org/slow_download/678e0bd7ef275be261260d5e1526bb29/0/0
8. The Wildlands Project Returns by ASL Admin | Sep 15, 2022 | -- https://americanstewards.us/the-wildlands-project-returns/
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END. 1/17/2025 6:00 PM
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