SARS-CoV-2 Genome – Was This “Virus” Isolated From a Pure State Sample? Virus has yet to Isolated!


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SARS-CoV-2 Genome – Was This “Virus” Isolated From a Pure State Sample? Virus has yet to Isolated!

***MUST SEE → This is HUGE & EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO KNOW – READ THIS → This will Debunk their Entire Narrative!

I don't think most will grasp the significance of this and many don't care when it's really what everyone should be caring about.

IF - they don't have the correct Covid Virus - SARS-CoV-2 Gene Sequence, how can they have the correct PCR test & how can they say they have an "effective" vaccine.


A Foundation made of Sand will not support structure. This foundation is made of bullsh*t and stacked with more and more bullsh*t.

Do you want to know how they isolate a virus?

How did they came up with the Genome of Covid?

How did they came up with the “gene sequence” of the Covid “virus”?

After reading this you will come to the understanding of how FAKE all this was and how they are completely DUPING the entire Scientific World with these Computer Generated Sequences that are programmed to “fill in the blanks” with human set parameters to meet the AGENDA.

The “Virus” was NEVER Isolated. Never. Not one tiny shred of evidence that they isolated the virus they labeled “Covid.”

Dr. Tom Cowan: “Clearly, logic & common sense dictate that if you have not isolated the thing you are looking for there is no possible way to determine what the thing is made of or what it alone does.”

It is like finding a meteorite, breaking it open, and studying it’s contents and then defining everything about the planet in which it came from and claiming to know all about that particular planet.

It’s impossible.

It is filling in the blanks. The blanks are UNKNOWN. Those blanks cannot be filled in with anything that can be claimed to be scientifically true.

They are creating these computer generate genome programs and inputting ASSUMED data.

I would not call this a presumption because they are assuming the minute amount of DNA that they do obtain from nasal swabs is Covid, but it is not an isolated virus, they don’t even know IF it IS a Virus.

So EVERYTHING is based off ASSUMED Values.

How can you make a Vaccine that fights something that has never isolated?

They are just putting poison in the body to instigate an immune response resulting in Antibodies that match the fake “viral sequence.” It’s all bullsh*t.

It’s like looking for a fragment of a needle in a haystack and presuming that fragment of a needle is the needle responsible for the disease. But there may be hundreds of needles.

It is a complete guessing game, but it can fit any agenda of a viral pandemic they come up with.

Do people really think that the flu just disappeared in 2020?

All these PCR tests were correctly diagnosing Covid and none of them could have been the flu?

If you believe that, you have no idea how a PCR2 & 3 works and no idea how they “isolate” a virus.

There may be hundreds of variations of viruses & viral fragments in the cells found in that nasal swab, and they are claiming to find the exact one or tiny fragment of one that is causing the illness?

This is the argument that Dr. Kary Mullis (designer of PCR) used against the his own test he invented, the PCR test, which was the “standard” test used to “diagnose” Covid.2 & 3

The PCR works by amplification and if you go up enough cycles you will find just about anything.

It is a perfect test to fit their narrative of diagnosing whatever they want to diagnose and 99% of doctors have no clue how it really works. They are told as we are to “trust the science.”

The problem is that it is not science.

No one on the planet has isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

They have their computers at GenBank create their viral sequence which is done by “probability” to fill in the missing gene code sequences and then they release this “genome sequence” through so all the scientists of the world believe the virus has been isolated and correctly sequenced.

The CDC Virus Isolation Procedure: they start off with a swab, they add several toxic substance, then they observed that VERO cells or Monkey cells became damaged, they assume the vero cell damage was caused by a Human Virus, then they choose a virus from GenBank that they think it might be similar to, then they run several computer algorithms to make the data fit that model, a panel of “experts” tweaks the final result to publish what wil become known as the SARS-CoV-2 Complete Genome.

Isolate means to obtain a substance or microorganism in an uncombined or pure state.

Does it sound like anyone has produced an uncombined or pure state sample?

Absolutely NOT.

SO: Listen up – they don’t have the real Genetic Sequence to SARS-CoV-2 and then they use a Real Time PCR Test5 designed with the methodology for use in public labs WITHOUT having Virus material available, but it’s relying on “Close Genetic Relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS Coronavirus.5

Did you get that?

Without Virus Material Available. They never had possession of the true genome or the virus.

Is that f*cking science?

It sounds like GUESSING to me.

There is NO way in the world that this is the real Genome. NO way. 100% no way.

SO: They they start out with a Viral Gene Sequence (they say Covid-19) that Cannot be correct – 100% IMPOSSIBLE and then they test for this incorrect sequence by looking for something this Closely Related?

Are you seeing this??

Do you see how easily it really is to fool the entire world because 99% of people do not know this! Period.

That is your science guys. It’s NOT science, it is guessing, but guessing can sure be favorable when you are running a plandemic with released man made in the lab pathogens.

Do you understand that they could have labeled this whatever they wanted and had whatever sequence they wanted and still could have pulled this off with their PCR bullsh*t?

I hope people get this and understand the significance of this. They LIED. Big Time. All Fraud.

And the jabs, they had nothing to do with health of preventing any kind of disease.

Dr. Tom Cowan: “How does a scientist or virologist prove that a “new virus” is the cause of any illness? It is simple and how any human being proves the causation of anything. The first thing one does is find a number of people suffering from the illness in question. This could be Covid-19, Hep C or AIDS or any other illness. Then using standard and common virological isolation and purpfication techniques – techniques that have been in common use in every virology lab for decades. One would isolate the virus from every other substance in the blood, sputum and tissues of the effected person or animal. Then using Electron Microscopy one then shows the world, the pure isolated particles called viruses from each of these people who were ill. ALL of the viruses should look identical. The next step would be to analyze the genetic material of these Identical particles using Commonly available Computerized Genetic Sequencing tools, which has also been available for decades. These sequences should also be identical from one particle to the next. Finally these isolated purified photographed and sequenced viruses would then be introduced to test animals along with rigorous and appropriate controls to see whether the test animals develop the identical illness that the original subjects have. Then and only then, once these steps have been performed can we say with confidence that this new virus is the likely cause of this new illness.”

This is how it should be done. There has yet to be a SINGLE published study that even attempted to perform these simple experiments.

What does Pfizer say about their mRNA Vaccine?

Pfizer says the DNA Template used does NOT come directly from an Isolated Virus from an infected person.

Pfizer also said: The DNA template, SARS-CoV-2 was generated using a Combination of Gene Synthesis and Recombinant DNA technology.

ALL of these Big Pharma’s used FAKE SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence Templates to develop their mRNA’s.

It’s all a big HOAX and the CDC is recommending these poisons to our children.

It is a crime against all of humanity.

See this next → What is in the Mysterious Fog?  Is it Toxic?


1. Stephanie Xrn -

2. ***The PCR Test – Absolutely Worthless in Diagnosing COVID-19 – PCR Diagnosed Patient #1 in USA – FAKE!

3. ***PCR Test Does Not Diagnose SARS-CoV-2

4. Proof the SARS-COV-2 virus does not exist: worldwide FOIA requests --

5. Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR – “No Viral Isolates” OR Download the PDF here --

and another version from FDA here →

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END. 2/2/2025 9:00 PM




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