Voice of God Technology


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Voice of God Technology – also called Voice to Skull 

I do not know the date, but this lecture was when Obama was president.

Dr. Robert Duncan

Voice of God Video by Dr. Robert Duncan on Bitchute

Magnetic Nanoparticles are inserted into the body, likely through vaccines and these can be activated remotely with certain frequencies. This alters the neural pathways and they have studied this for 50 years, so if you don’t believe it that this is possible, well, it is.

Deciphering the Audio and Visual Cortex: Researches at California Berkley invented a brain decoder device. They use functional MRI’s. If you are reading a news article you hear a voice in your head. They learned a long time ago how to decipher these thoughts (words) from reading. They use functional MRI to decipher visual images also. They had mastered this decades ago, but they were just experimenting in smaller groups, now they are ready for a mass level. They perfected this by displaying thousands of images and recording the brain patterns. They also asked subjects to imagine images and a computer would decipher the thoughts and display the image they were imaging, so they know they have perfected this. So for those doubters, face it, it’s real.

A lot of this research was under Project Blue Beam. Project Blue Beam is a deep state project which aims to control the population by using this technology and others. Some of the plans outlined are making people believe there will be an alien invasion, making Christians believe the Rapture is about to happen,

Telepathy – they have mastered this and can put voice, thoughts and images into your head. They can make people think that God is talking to them. They do this by projecting extremely low frequency waves through the skull or head into the brain.

The alien invasion involves using Hologram technologies just as the one used in 911 to make people believe those were real jets hitting the twin towers.

Hyper Game – a DARPA project. John Nash, who the movie “A Beautiful Mind” with Russell Crowe – he created Game Theory which says one can achieve their goals if they do not deviate from their initial strategy. The bad guys like DARPA use a lot of his ideas and take it steps further into War Simulations and simulations like Bill Gates Event 201 which just so happened to be with a Coronavirus months before they did the real thing. The also use Hyper Game in the constant cyber war battles going on all the time in which they create a probability table in which they sample the different hacks and they apply it to something called mind hacking, where they know what a person will do before that person even knows. They also use this to find the right candidates that would fit their sick and twisted projects.

They now have the human genome deciphered and mapped out and now they are trying to decipher every possible thought that a human being could have and it goes across all cultures and languages.

Some of the technologies in Voice of God (which Dr. Duncan says is a nickname, another I have heard is Voice to Skull) – on technology is called the microwave hearing effect which was developed by neuroscientist Allan H Frey, it is also called microwave auditory effect or microwave Frey effect. The theory is that the brain expands ever so slightly with heat energy towards the ear, they experience with ionic resonances or frequencies and see how it effects a persons nervous system. They also use ultrasound in which the person will not hear anything, but if they beam another frequency that intersects with the ultrasonic beam they will hear it and this is called the audio spotlight. Duncan goes on to say that there are a lot of mechanisms to project voices into a peoples heads.

Telepathic Electronic Two Way Communication – Is it possible for images to be directed into the thoughts and the mind?

Dr. Duncan says Yes. If you are in the sensory deprivation technologies in which they deprive people of their senses, so these people’s minds seek any type of sensory stimulus, so when a person is completely deprived of all senses for a period of time, their dreams become their reality. So they really like to target people who are labeled low sensories. It is much more difficult to project images into a well stimulated target.

Dr. Duncan says there are other ways to subconsciously project images, but he didn’t get into this.

Duncan says it can be like a third eye, you see through the retina of your eye but at the very same time you see the images they project into the third eye.

Is there any way we can prevent this or protect against this? Duncan says “great question, I don’t know.”

He says you can dampen the effects like by stimulating your senses through music or any other sensual stimulants and also certain drugs can dampen the effects but no one has discovered a little tin foil hat that can prevent this yet.

Dr. Duncan hints that we are quickly moving to transhumanism in genetically engineering children. He asks the question “what is a friend on facebook?” You can’t shake their hand, you can’t hug them, in many instances you never physically even meet them, so is it socially correct to call them real friends?

Since the elite rulers and runners of this world are quite evidently malevolent the potential for this technology could be very dangerous. Dr. Duncan says “I think there may be an agenda to depopulate the world.” This is how the lecture ended.

I wonder if any of this technology was used in this Coronavirus bullshit fake pandemic that they did so we would all take their clicking time bomb vaccine.? I know this vaccine is one of their “end game” plans to weed out this crowded world and reduce the population to a maximum of 500 million world wide. I have seen the videos of the plastic coffins, the videos of mass concrete grave sites and am aware of the FEEMA detention camps with guillotines which were ordered in parts by Mexico for the 17 degree blades and platforms from China – in which if you declare yourself a Christian it will be off with the head.

I hope it isn’t too late for everyone to collectively see that we are in a very serious time right now, right this very second. If we don’t wake up now it is game over for humanity.


Deaths and Side Effects - HOME - scroll down to Deaths and Side Effects.

Links to Important Videos

PCR Test - this will explain the PCR test and demonstrate how it was manipulated to create this fearful, fake pandemic. 

Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

Dr. Carrie Madej - most important interview to see

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Where are the Double Blind Placebo Studies for V's?

Why wearing Masks is Dangerous

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

External Links / Resources

SPARS - The Next PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

Top Virologists says all Vaccinated will die within two years

The Secret Religion that Runs the World

Masonic Signs and Symbolism

The Secret of ALL secrets - hidden truth about the United States

The Greatest Hidden Secret on the Planet

Lance Collins - aka John Todd - An Original Top 13 Illuminati Bloodline Family Member tells all

Voice of God Technology

My Bitchute Video Channel

Please check out my other blogs not related to mRNA V's.



This site was developed by Jeff Linke.  It is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.  Not intended for medical advice.


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