How to take the world Hostage in 10 Steps


Deaths and Side Effects - HOME

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝟏𝟎 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬:

Step 1: Fund gain of function research and create a more potent common cold virus.

Step 2: Provide the public with fake video footage (tipping over Chinese in Wuhan and piles of coffins in Bergamo)

Step 3: Create a fraudulent test that results in >80% false-positives.

Step 4: Discriminate scientists who speak up against the madness. The Science ™ becomes the only truth.

Step 5: Keep testing the whole world to justify totalitarian measures with so-called 'cases'.

Step 6: Come up with experimental vaccines whose admissions are based on falsified data. Claim that they're the only solution to get back to normal.

Step 7: Run a 24/7 marketing campaign and discriminate against those who reject to be Guinea pigs of the global elite.

Step 8: Suppress the truth about effective therapies such as vitamin D, melatonin, ivermectin etc. and call them quackery.

Step 9: Implement a compulsory vaccination by denying unvaccinated access to grocery stores and threatening them to lose their jobs.

Step 10: Declare unvaccinated people as murderers and terrorists. The door to totalitarianism and mass murder is wide open.

END.   Please visit my other links on this blogsite below.

Deaths and Side Effects - HOME - scroll down to Deaths and Side Effects.

How to take the World Hostage in 10 Steps -- 11-9-2021

Covid-19 Vaccination Stories -- 11-9-2021

Marburg Virus - The Next Plandemic -- 11-8-2021

Young Athletes Dying after the JAB -- 11-8-2021

6 Phase Plan to bring in the New World Order -- 11-8-2021

The Spartacus Letter - The Pandemic Explained in a Nutshell -- 9-29-2021

How Long do the Vaccinated have to LIVE???  -- 9-19-2021

How and Where to get Ivermectin -- 9-17-2021

Remdesivir is Killing Covid Patients  -- 9-17-2021

Covid and the Vaccines are Bioweapons -- Proof - 8-23-2021

Links to Important Videos

PCR Test - this will explain the PCR test and demonstrate how it was manipulated to create this fearful, fake pandemic. 

Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

Dr. Carrie Madej - most important interview to see

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Where are the Double Blind Placebo Studies for V's?

Why wearing Masks is Dangerous

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

External Links / Resources

SPARS - The Next PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

Top Virologists says all Vaccinated will die within two years

The TRUTH revealed for first time in history on CHEMTRAILS

The Secret Religion that Runs the World

Masonic Signs and Symbolism

The Secret of ALL secrets - hidden truth about the United States

The Greatest Hidden Secret on the Planet

Lance Collins - aka John Todd - An Original Top 13 Illuminati Bloodline Family Member tells all

My Bitchute Video Channel

Please check out my other blogs not related to mRNA V's.



This site was developed by Jeff Linke.  It is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.  Not intended for medical advice.


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