Alex Collier - Michael Jaco Interview


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Alex Collier – Micheal Jaco -2021

Alex Collier, a well know alien contactee since 1964 explains what the Earth is going through right now and how certain people will react to the shift.

Law of Consistency - all the knowledge one has is shared equally among ALL the people. We don't have this now. It is about Consciousness of the entire Civilization being equal and are in unison, we all move together. Where we go one we go all and that is real.

We are no longer conspiracy theorists, we will be the go to guys in the near future. The truth will come out. Disclosure will happen.

If you have followed Alex Collier, which most have not, but he has been through a lot. He knew this was a battle between light and dark since the 60's and he says "it's almost a miracle really, I didn't ever think it would happen". He is referring to the Awakening that is happening right now this very second. It is an awakening of consciousness which will allow Mother Earth Gaia to make the vibrational shift from 3D to 4D. The low 3rd density Draconian beings who have ruled over this planet for thousands of years can NOT take this higher vibrational frequency. They must leave Earth because they would die. This is why the truth will come out. The truth about our true history, about the technology being hidden from us, just truth about everything - about the other alien races, about food, about missing children, about underground tunnels, about everything.

Our development here on Earth is essential for the rest of the Galaxy. So the ones who were watching over us for decades were waiting for us to wake the hell up, well, it is finally happening.

Alex says the White Hats are clearly in control right now and we are about to turn the corner here with ascending and going into higher frequencies, but he says the worst is going to be behind us soon. Alex is convinced that the majority of the souls on this planet came from 5th Density which is why hey are stuck. They came here as System Busters to break this Paradigm of Control by the Draconians.

Pleiadians and Adromedans are helping us right now. Pleiadians are playing a great role (see my Kryon video). There are 139 Star Systems here right now involved in this transition from 3D to 4D and have either direct involvement or mentoring to some level. They are offering their knowledge and expertise and they are working with Teams underground to clear tunnels. They are going in and we are removing the bodies. All these underground DUMBS. There was incredible technology in these DUMBS. We have technology that is about 1,000 years in advance!!

Military Tech itself advances 40 years every year, so that should tell you something.

In America we talk about being free, but we are not and we don’t even know what it is like to be free.

Alex says we are Amazing Human Beings, we can create anything we want as long as we are clear about our intent.

The Court System is going to change a lot. It will be the Seers and they will understand if you are telling the truth or not. This will be the new court system. The system we have now is OLD. We are 400 years behind, the technology to travel in space was available in the 1950’s. A lot of the Sea Life we have now was from Uranus. They were genetically modified to fit/ survive our planet. Once the genetics were perfected they were lifted out and brought to our oceans here on Earth.

DNA is the CURRENCY of the realm out there.

When things got bad was back in the Lemuria and Atlantis days about 10,000 to 14,000 years ago. The Pleiadian’s were the guardians of our planet and they had to leave for their own civil war in their star system.

When the Pleiadians came back, Atlantis picked a fight with them. This was when the Asteroids were thrown from the sky.

Alex says that the ENTIRE Solar System is going to be Cleaned out, so that means the Alpha Draconians on Mars will have to go. It is the Orion group and Alpha Draco’s who are the really, really bad ones (Draconian’s are the reptiles and the long tailed ones are the higher ups) but there are others that are bad, but not as bad. Even the so called “bad” ones want to get rid of the Orion’s and the Draconian’s.

Alex says he was told they are going to be completely removed from the equation. This means no punishment, no jail time, they are DONE, FINISHED, GONE.

Alex says he believes there has been an exchange of technology to assist with this underground clean up and he doesn’t know if we will be allowed to keep it. Probably because we as a human race still have a lot of bad apples and malicious, greedy intent.

For those who don’t know: the Draconian’s are the ones who live off of human flesh… they have the Grey’s and their Human Puppets help them with providing this food source and they specifically prefer children and they eat them live, not dead.

The monetary system must go. Why should we have to pay for a planet that we were born on? If you own a property, you pay for it at least twice. That is wrong.

Free Will – we ALL have it, but what does it really mean? It is about being responsible for oneself without being coerced by a so called, perceived higher authority. There is NO authority higher than ourselves.

If we ask for someone to come and save us we are giving up our own free will. WE have to get out of this mess ourselves. We can ask for guidance on how to do it, but if we ask for someone to do it for us, that is not exercising free will.

During this Fake ass Pandemic we have completely given away our free will to a world government that couldn’t even provide us with a live sample of the virus they say is out there so independent scientists could do their own testing. No, we have to take their word for it? People have to realize they are giving up the ultimate gift of free will.

People need to wake up, take a stand and say NO, we are not going to do this. We are the ones who have the power to stop this and stop it quickly.

Most of our politicians were not even elected. We might think it was a fair election, but in most instances they are unelected. Why do we give them Authority anyway, even if they were truly elected. They are supposed to represent our own desires, not theirs and their masters.

The real lesson is we have the power within. They want our guns and everything we have in return for a solution that they will care for us. That is insane. They have NO care for us in the first place. They want our sovereignty.

Jesus said “these things I do, you can do even greater, if you just have faith.”

The average life span of an Adromedan is 2003 years of age. They go to school to learn for an average of 150 years. They have 1500 years of life to put what they learned into practice. We have the ability to live to around 300 years at least, but the toxins in our environment and the true viruses we now have beat our bodies down to an average life of about 80 years.

Adromedan’s are basically like us, they are human.

The Adromedan’s had to leave Lyra as the Alpha Draconians took over and they didn’t have the natural resources to make their ships so they would capture Asteroids and small moons, they would hollow them out, they would terraform them so they could grow food and have water and place propulsion on the outside of them to make them ships. It is a remarkable story. These are our forefathers of our human race that did this, this is our own ancestral history.

The Draconians want to own us and if they can’t own us, they want to kill us because they are self-serving beings that have no care for human life.

When a new Solar System or a race is brought into a Federation of Planets, they have a Parade. The parade is on a neutral planet and they bring star ships to the planet if they don’t have ability to do it themselves (ourselves as speaking for Earth) and we will put samples of all different life forms on these star ships and the different cultures we have on the planet. Then we are taken to the this neutral planet and we introduce ourselves, we play our music, show our culture and display the life forms that are indigenous to our planet. At the end of this parade, this ceremony, the people of the Earth are made part of this Alliance and we are part of the Family. From that point on, there will always be support and guidance for us. We can ask for medicine, health technology, space travel technology, environmental technology for cleaning up our planet and so forth.

Alex says there is technology that could clean up the Earth’s atmosphere and all the radiation within 30 days, that is all it would take.

There are mineral that were brought into our solar system from Jupiter and Saturn have a bunch of new moons and many of these new moons have minerals and these special mineral can be used to clean all the ocean water of all the radiation. The refine the minerals and place it in a device that draws all the radiation to the device. You can place it on barges and drag it all across the ocean and when you are finished you pull it out of the water and you burn it with high heat and all of it is just gone. This is from a mineral that is on these moons around Jupiter and Saturn. The mineral is specifically used just for this purpose.

One of the most important things that Alex Collier said he learned from the Adromedan’s is this “The Love that you Withhold is the Pain that you Carry.” “You get what you Give.”

We have to UNLEARN all the bullshit that we have been taught that does not serve us.

Alex says that the Adromedan’s are all about LEARNING. They are constantly Learning. Learning expands the mind, it opens consciousness, it opens areas of the brain which allows imagination and if you have a good imagination you can create ANYTHING in your life.

The mainstream media is trying to program people what to think and no one is using their imaginations anymore.

You are only limited by the limits you put on yourself.

They are trying to condition us to give our power away. They want us to give up our free will. Don’t do it.

Alex says “Earth is boot camp for the Soul.” How true is this?

Alex says there are a lot of Star Systems that collect our music because there is so much emotion in it.

Final encouraging words from Alex Collier: “Wishing is where the heart wants to go and doing makes the dream come true.”

“Once you know what you want, the only thing in your way is you.” Alex Collier.

There really are no obstacles but they want you to believe there are giant ones. What we need to realize is this… almost 95% of us want the same thing, safe environment, our children to be safe and health and for everyone to have shelter, good food and water. We have given these corporations the power to control our lives.

There should be co-op farms in every city and every small town in world. We should be growing fresh fruit and vegetables everywhere. Everyone should contribute something in some way and that’s all it takes folks.

Why do immigrants get $15,000 and a great place to stay when the homeless remain hungry and without shelter. Our politicians are not going to do it. They ALL need to go. We need honest people.

Alex Collier Website:


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Alex Collier and Micheal Jaco Blockbuster Interview -- 11-28-2021

Medical Coverup - Ann Vandersteel with Karen Kingston - FDA wants 55 years to release Pfizer Vaccine Data.  11-23-2021

TWO Groups of People - The Awake and the Normies.  Why are YOU Awake and so many are Sleeping?  11-22-2021

8 WEEK Cycle of the Vaccinations - from 1st shot to the Boosters - What Happens?  11-19-2021

The Narrative is Crumbling in Florida -- 11-18-2021

AstraZeneca Vaccine Manufactured in 2018 - Covid is supposed to "Novel" and out in November of 2019 - This is Impossible to not have been PLANNED - see the video.  11-17-2021

CDC Worker says "Do NOT take Vaccine, you will have 3 to 6 years to live." 11-16-2021

Dr. Sucharit Bahakdi - Great Explanation of Vaccine and Immune System 11-15-2021

Dr. David Martin - If you don't know who ANSER is, you are still sleeping. 11-14-2021

How to take the World Hostage in 10 Steps -- 11-9-2021

Covid-19 Vaccination Stories -- 11-9-2021

Marburg Virus - The Next Plandemic -- 11-8-2021

Young Athletes Dying after the JAB -- 11-8-2021

6 Phase Plan to bring in the New World Order -- 11-8-2021

The Spartacus Letter - The Pandemic Explained in a Nutshell -- 9-29-2021

How Long do the Vaccinated have to LIVE???  -- 9-19-2021

How and Where to get Ivermectin -- 9-17-2021

Remdesivir is Killing Covid Patients  -- 9-17-2021

Covid and the Vaccines are Bioweapons -- Proof - 8-23-2021

Links to Important Videos

PCR Test - this will explain the PCR test and demonstrate how it was manipulated to create this fearful, fake pandemic. 

Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

Dr. Carrie Madej - most important interview to see

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Where are the Double Blind Placebo Studies for V's?

Why wearing Masks is Dangerous

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

External Links / Resources

SPARS - The Next PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

Top Virologists says all Vaccinated will die within two years

The TRUTH revealed for first time in history on CHEMTRAILS

The Secret Religion that Runs the World

Masonic Signs and Symbolism

The Secret of ALL secrets - hidden truth about the United States

The Greatest Hidden Secret on the Planet

Lance Collins - aka John Todd - An Original Top 13 Illuminati Bloodline Family Member tells all

My Bitchute Video Channel

Please check out my other blogs not related to mRNA V's.



This site was developed by Jeff Linke.  It is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.  Not intended for medical advice.


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