Alex Collier - 1994 Private Interview

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Alex Collier – Interview in 1994 – Adromeda and Draconians

Recorded by Rick Keefe circa 1994

The One World Government is the design of the Draconian’s. They are between 8 and 22 feet tall, they are psychic, can read your mind before you even think it, they are super intelligent beings, they came from another Universe by entrance of a black hole, they were dumped here as they were unwanted elsewhere, they are responsible for child abductions as their food source is people and they prefer children and they consume them alive, they no longer can reproduce and they have very long life spans –tens of thousands of years.

Adromedans: They are 47,000 years more advanced on a Spiritual Level and on a Technological level they are 50,000 years more advanced. They don’t use time but can reference it for us. They don’t speak, they are all telepathic. If we go to 5th density we would still be physical but we perceive them as spiritual. We will still have physical form on 4th density when we move into it.

The differences in Densities is Consciousness. The higher the density the easier it is to manifest. Communication is telepathic. We can see light forms. Duality exists all the way to the 5th density, meaning polarity of dark and light. If you touch someone’s hand in 5th density you know everything about them instantly. We can see different light forms. We will have a court system based on judging energy.

Humans are made up of 22 different Extraterrestrial Races.

Adromedans are given everything they need to survive and thrive. They go through a birth system. The are taught sciences and arts for 120 to150 years, then they choose what to do. They live over 2,003 years. They are LEARNERS. Everything is about learning and educating and evolving on a spiritual level. Their focus is on Evolving, Educating and Learning.

Art and Music is important. Art is Creation to them. They create just by thought, that is Art to them. They have holographic tech. Their music is the sounds of the Universe and Galaxy and Constellation Star System sounds and they combine them to make their music.

Alex says they don’t require much sleep because they are not sick at all, they are already healed. There is no night and day and they are constantly trying to experience and evolve all the time. They are happy people and they don’t have the range of emotions we do. The humans on this planet have the most or highest emotions. They are happy until they are threatened.

They want to be completely at ONE with all that is all the time. There are 11 densities (now 12) and they want to move up the ladder, they want to continue to evolve. Now there is a 12th Density being added to our Earth. They know God exits but they do not know what it is, it is just a force that is there.

They are in contact with 9th and 10th Densities which are just pure consciousness. They are just light beings.

Abilities they have: they are telepathic, they are healers, they are whole, they know who they are, who they have been, they know past lives, and they see the improvement of life after life after life.

We have been manipulated for the past 14,000 years. It began at this time when the Orion group messed with our DNA.

We do contain a soul and that soul is part of all that is. We are spirit. Our spirit animates the physical form.

Andromedan Council – it is a political body that is representing by 133 races, it is like the UN here on Earth, but the Adromedan Council purpose is to facilitate all life forms to evolve on their own without manipulation. Which is not occurring on Earth and also happening on 22 other planets in our Galaxy, but they are not stuck like we are (were). We are finally moving forward now. It is about evolving according their consciousness.

Orion Wars lasted 600,000 years, between hundreds of Billion of humans and the Reptilians and there was no winner, they just became tired of killing each other. Humans and others make the Adromedan Council.

Orion has their own political council called the Orion Group.

The Adromedan Council Interaction with humans began in 1980. It began with the request of the Pleiadians who have been interacting with humans for thousands of years. The Andromedans are working with the Pleiadian’s and Sirus A ET’s.

The malevolent aliens or the bad ones are the: Alpha Draconians of Orion, the Orion Group, Greys, Zeta Reticuli, and some from Sirius B, Rigel and elsewhere.

It began with Nuclear Weapons. There were Nuclear Wars here on Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. After this, the Pleiadian’s had agreed to come back here to help raise the consciousness of the planet. When they arrived they themselves had just moved into a 4th and 5th density consciousness and they saw that there was all these malevolent aliens that were intervening and they knew this would be flat out war, so they didn’t do much at all because they didn’t want war at the time.

The Galaxy began changing faster and faster and the Andromedan’s asked the Pleiadian’s what they have done and they told them not much because we just came from civil war ourselves. The Pleiadian’s have a lot of Karma with our Solar System so they were not very Motivated to do much.

They did make contact with Earth Governments, but that didn’t go well at all, so they didn’t know what to do.

So, the Andromedan’s said okay, we will do it, we will take on that job, because it is important for the whole. The Andromedan’s were probably the better choice because they have no Karma ties to us… they are completely neutral.

So their involvement began in 1980 with the Pleiadian’s and Siriens from Sirius A. So that is what they are doing now, is trying to raise the consciousness. They went back in time to 1964 to contact Alex Collier and he is not the only one, there are others. The Acrturians are also involved.

They want OUR part of the Galaxy to Evolve and what is holding us back is our Solar System.

Here is the most important point we ALL need know: What is holding back our Solar System is the Consciousness here on Earth. The Earth itself, Gaia wants to move into 4th and 5th Density but she can’t yet due to the consciousness of humanity. The Adromedan’s say that humanity has to either grow up or be eliminated completely. If we were to be eliminated it would be a Violation of Free Will, so they want us to Wake the Fuck up. That said, they do realize that the Alpha Draconians (Reptilians) have done their part in keeping humanity sound asleep at the wheel.

Andromedan Council is now introducing new concepts, thoughts and energies to help raise consciousness on the planet. The leap in consciousness had to be done by July or August in 2001. So we did make that leap of consciousness needed.

Alex says the we are the one who determine and write our future and he says much of it is based off of our belief systems, like the Book of Revelations. He said our belief in this could literally create our own Demise.

We are not taking responsibility for ourselves. All of this prophecy bullshit is just that, it is bullshit. The end of times for humanity is a creation by the Alpha Draconians and was written down as they know the power of self-fulfilling prophecy. They are allowing us to destroy ourselves. They are super intelligent beings.

The divine plan is freedom. We cannot ask others to save us, that is a job we have to do ourselves but we can ask for guidance and knowledge.

The Grey’s and the Orion’s are the ones who are working together to destroy mankind and they are using their time travel to go back and change things to manipulate the future or now time.

The Greys have only been here 87 years but they have been able to go back in time to manipulate serious historical events.

Back in 1994 the Adromedan Council was in contact with 4 persons, one in the USA, one in Asia, one Europe and one in South America.

Alex says there are 170 other groups here that are involved on mediumship or spiritual levels. Most people still are apathetic that this could even be real or true. Everyone is worried about money and their jobs.

Vissaeus – an Elder male Andromedan ET – in which Alex Collier had contact with. Vissaeus has since passed away. He was considered a Sage in his world, he was a healer, very well respected, he is humble, soft, direct, he would be like a General as to compare respect with his kind, just very revered for his wisdom and insight. Alex said one of the most memorable moment was when he was crying as he left his ship and looked back and Vissaeus said “The Love that Withhold is the Pain that you Carry.”

When we leave our physical bodies we are not judged by God, but we judge ourselves. That is what we need to all understand, WE have the power within ourselves – just as Jesus did.

Morenae – another male Andromedan Alex was in contact with. Morenae is younger than Vissaeus. Morenae shows more emotion and will give Alex a hug and put his arm around him.

Alex first contact in Woodstock Michigan when he was 8 in 1964 when he was playing hide and seek. They do a physical check on the body and if not healthy they will tell you what is wrong and help. Second contact at age of 14 he was in bed and woke up with them as he said there was a soul recognition. He was given a ball of and it showed on a screen who he has been all his previous lives and he was asked if he wanted to help them. He could say no more at any time. Alex had previous incarnations with them as Alex says everyone on Earth comes from another time and place, all of the conscious souls in this universe came from Black Holes from other Universes.

All the contacts involved the Andromedan’s time traveling back to see Alex and preparing him for the responsibilities he would have in the future.

IN 1985 the visits became more frequent. It was about Earth History, Creations, 22 races colonizing Earth at one time, the Grey’s control, and probable future events as the future is changed every day just based on thought alone.

When they communicate flashes of colors we don’t even have here on Earth appear on their forehead (third eye) and they pulse. It is instantaneous communication. Multiple sentences at once. Sometimes there is nodding.

Remember here, the Andromedan’s are a Human race so they do smile, display happiness, sadness, and do have universal gestures like we do.

All that the Adromedan’s wanted Alex to do was disseminate information.

Now, the Bad Ones, the ones with Evil Agendas: Renegrade Grey Skin Reticulans, Giza Intelligence formerly of Pleiades, Reptilians from Alpha Dracona and the Orion Group.

There are 141 from the Orion Group and they are from Ursa Major star system area.

Alex says there are a lot of Hidden Agenda’s here. The Draconian’s did not evolve as a life force in our Universe. They were dumped here. They are incredibly intelligent, they are psychic, incredible builders but they are Bullies. There is no race in the Universe who can beat them up or wipe them out, they don’t have to choose light or dark, they can just do as they wish.

The Orion Group have been genetically manipulated and deeply entrenched in Draconian Belief Systems.

The Grey’s of Zeta Reticuli are enslaved and controlled by the Reptilians of Alpha Draconis.

There is a class system or system of order or hierarchy which discriminates by ranks, from Royals to Workers to Slaves.

There are 5 different sub-species of Grey’s – the Reticulum. Not all of them are evil. The benevolent ones look like children and the long nosed greys are the bad ones.

They (the Grey’s) have been so genetically altered by the Orion Group that they are sterile, they can NOT reproduce. They were told by the Orion Group to come to Earth to set the stage by breaking down the social structure so that when the Orion Group and the Draconians come back there are two groups of people – the Royalty and the Workers /slaves. This is exactly what they are doing. The focus has purposely been on the United States.

The Greys have been attempted to breed with us by using our genetics and combining them with theirs so they have some genetic stock to continue as a race. According to what the Adromedan’s are saying is that they are destined for extinction. So the Grey’s are desperately trying to do this before the other two groups get here.

The Grey’s also want to be free from the Orion Group just as we do.

The Adromedan Council wants them all just to leave us alone. But unfortunately this isn’t going to happen until some changes occur.

We need to wake up and unite as a race with the spirit of love, peace and non-violence. When our conscious increases, mother Earth’s vibration is allowed to increase and that increase of frequency makes it tougher for the survival of these evil beings.

The bottom line is all we have as a race is each other, period.

There is a Quarantine in our Solar System in which the Zeta’s have violated. That is NO intervention with an evolving race. The Grey’s technically didn’t violate our free will because our Government traded technology for allowing them to abduct us and the Gov even is helping them with this.

A treaty was signed at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico in 1954 between the U.S. Military and several Grey’s of Orion. Our military took the bait. All they would have had to of said was Go Away and the Grey’s would have had to of left. It was President Eisenhower who actually fucked up and signed this deal.

The Adromedan’s also said that in 1933 when the Grey’s actually arrived on Earth they approached the Germans with this same deal and the German’s said NO. But, don’t think that the Germans were better because they already had a deal made with Gizeh Intelligence.

There is currently a war going on between Sirius A and Sirius B. There is also 20 other star systems at war.

There is an increase of Universal Galaxy Energy right now. Fear and Love are just coming to a blow and the intensity is escalating.

Love conquers all, love alone can make the shit in consciousness. Love of self, love of Earth and love of Race.

The Grey E.T.’s of Zeta Reticuli 2 are enslaved to Reptilian E.T.’s of Alpha Draconis.

Phobo’s is an artificial moon of Mars and that is where a lot of conflict is occurring also.

Our moon is artificial also and was brought here by Ursa Minor between 11,000 and 12,000 years ago. Our moon was used as a satellite and a base which they evacuated a long time ago. It came from a solar system that had 21 planets and it was one of 4 moons and it was brought here. It is older than the Earth. There are ruins everywhere. There are bases underneath. It is everything we are told it isn’t.

The Grey’s of Zeta Reticuli 2 are trying to create a sub-race of humans and their race. They are creating a hybrid race but they have not been very successful. One of the things they are trying to do is look for the soul. They don’t understand the Soul and they don’t understand our Emotions. There have been a lot of emotional problems with their hybrids.

The Grey Zeta Reticulan 2 feed off of our energy, they are literally Vampires. They can even bottle Energy and use it at times of need or desire.

Human Sacrifice once took place in stadiums of numerous people and they would vampire energy from these stadiums.

Alex says it is a must to get the book “The Gods of Eden” by William Bramley. He says the book is over 80% accurate and will bring you up to date with what is going on. The inaccuracy as Alex says is around the soul of the being we know as Jesus.

The Grey’s have technology that is 2,500 years ahead of us, so manipulating our Governments was easy. Also, because of the Greed factor, certain groups of what we call elite are in touch with them in physical and many of them are actually implanted in their group doing their dirty work for them and committing horrible crimes against humanity. Implanted meaning they are nothing but CLONES and the Adromedan’s don’t consider clones humans.

Those who are still human play the game because they can achieve wealth and power. They accept the fact that the Grey’s are here so we can maintain our privilege here on Earth so we will form the new Priest Hood. They are the Middle Men between the Workers and the God’s (Grey’s). We have human beings who are out for power who are selling out their own race. It is disgraceful. Selling out the human race for their little moment of glory in time. They feel privileged to be with the God’s or the Aliens really… far from God.

They use their technology to go to the moon, space travel, TIME TRAVEL, they totally sold us out for their brief moment in the sun. 103:16

ALL that Humanity has to do is to make a true commitment to LOVE and not choose wars and killing each other. That will raise consciousness and raise the frequency of the planet. Once again, the dark side cannot take higher vibrational frequencies. They will HAVE to leave because they won’t be capable of dealing with the vibration.

The Grey’s even plan on a Second Coming Act in which they Clone Jesus. The Soul will have Holographic Imprints but it won’t be a true soul. We have been led to believe the Book of Revelations and this is how it has to happen. NOT True. God did not write the Bible, man did and some ET’s did tell those souls what to write. We have been led down this path where we will sell our free will and become subservient.

The sell outs, the Priest Hood, Greed has control of the media.

We will NEVER be Free again if we allow this to happen. Right now we do have a window of opportunity to break free. We just have to wake up with truth and the spirit of love.

We need to realize we are being manipulated in a huge, huge way. They are mocking at how stupid we are and we are not stupid, we have been brainwashed. WE are God’s ourselves, we have to look within. Jesus said we all can do what he does and even more. We need to wake up and realize our own power.

The enemy is NOT Human so why are Humans fighting with each other. It is another race that is here feeding off of energy, hoping we choose to self-destruct. The Alpha Draconis are the real culprits, even above Orion Group, who is above the Greys and the Gizeh Intelligence are not here anymore and not a factor anymore. But they did play God’s on Earth.

If you would happen to see one you stand your ground and say you will not break my free will.

Adromedan’s say there is NO race better than us, just because they are more evolved doesn’t mean they are better or less, we are all equal. If you want to worship somebody, worship the God within YOU. If you want a Tyrant, be your own tyrant. Be yourself, because you are part of God. Because of our genetic makeup of 22 races and because we are spirit, the Adromedan’s actually consider us Royalty. We have so many capabilities and they really consider everyone of us Royalty.

The Reptilians from Alpha Draconia were the first beings on this planet. Call them Reptilian’s or as Alex calls them, the Alpha Draconians. They are explorers and genetic engineers. They are colonizers, they take samples and set a flag and claim it is theirs, just as we did on the moon. They go from planet to planet and they take what they want and then they move on to explore some more.

Originally these Reptiles were DUMPED in Alpha Draconis because they originally were sucked out of another Universe when it shifted densities and the beings in this new universe did not like them and sent them to our universe… Alex says that is how they arrived in our galaxy. Alex says that nobody knows where they actually really came from and he says nobody in their own Ancient History knows either. They were left in Alpha Draconis because this solar system offered the highest probability of survival. From there they were able to create crafts and space travel and they were magnificent in what they were able to do. But they are truly bullies and no one can beat them up or wipe them out, they are very intelligent, psychic and powerful beings. The Adndromedan’s consider them the Ultimate Warriors.

The Adromedans say there are 1,833 Alpha Draconian Reptiles on this planet. They live between 100 and 200 miles beneath the surface of Earth. They have life spans of thousands of years, they are carnivorous, they are not kind to mankind – in fact they eat humans and prefer life young children. There are tunneling systems everywhere, they are being helped by the Grey’s and they are being helped by humans. So humans do the abducting. They in turn give the human children to the Grey’s and the greys in turn give them to the Reptilians.

The deal is that they won’t come up as long as we feed them down there. It is the elite that is selling humanity out. The needs of a few outweigh the needs of all of humanity.

The reptilian Alpha Draconians do not like us. They do not respect us whatsoever and this goes back to the wars from Lyra. When they arrived to Lyra they saw this human race that could do all kinds of agriculture and had plenty of food. Humans real essence is nature and not living in big cities and being denatured.

Physical characteristics of Draconian Reptilians: They are 7 to 22 feet tall and can weigh 1,800 pounds. The ones that have no tail are the ones in the Warrior or Worker Class. The ones who have longer tails are the ones of Higher Rank.

There is a way to kill them if you can’t cut off their head. They have two hearts and they are located under both armpits. Right above the groin area is a very large liver and can wound it to slow it down a bit. There is not way beating it one on one, they are intelligent, incredibly quick, incredibly strong, incredibly psychic as they know what you are going to do before you do it and if they get here in mass we have real problems.

If you encounter a Draconian Reptilian, leave it’s space immediately.

Eating meat or animal flesh lowers the bodies vibration.

Alex says another book besides “God’s of Eden” is to read George Andrew’s books – he has a lot of good ones like “Extra-Terrestrials Among Us” another book ‘Clear Intent,’ by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood.

The One World Order or New World Order is an Alpha Draconian Reptilian plan and is being carried out by who we label the elite, the one with the money and power. They want to make us slaves and depopulate the planet of humans.

Violence in movies also keep our vibration low.

Alex says that you cannot believe a single word coming from Washington D.C., he said the monetary system is a fraud. We are the only race in our Galaxy where we have homeless people and starving people. Even the Draconian races take care of their own. Humans on this planet are the only ones who allow homelessness.

There are people that know what is going but they do nothing. Kennedy wanted to beat these guys and was killed for it.

We are selling out our own humanity for power and money.

The Mars probes are gone and were destroyed. IN March of 89 there was a human colony of 300,000 one underground and one on surface. 100,000 Alpha Draconian Reptilians came there and destroyed everything the humans were doing.

Why don’t the Adromedan’s just come and save us? We need to take responsibility. The Adromedan’s don’t want to babysit us in any way. We need to naturally evolve. They look at how we trash our Earth and they say we can’t even treat our own Mother Earth well at all, we trash and destroy Earth.

In the Revolutionary War, only 4% took a stand to fight and the other stayed home and were spectators. These 4% changed the entire world. We need to take a stand and fight now.

They are building concentration camps, the UN has 300,000 troops, our military troops are being sent outside of the country so they won’t be here when this happens, they plan to dismantle the USA. We have to remember that each state is a republic, but in 1992 there Congress approved the UN Charter and it is a Treaty that Supersedes the Constitution of the US. Articles 55 and 56 says the US Congress no longer abides by the US Constitution and they are not going to tell us until they take our firearms away.

The Alpha Draconians do not want our Galaxy to move into a 4th and 5th density of consciousness because they lose complete power. The Draconians are 3rd density just like humans are on Earth. They can only survive or move into 4th density by Mechanical Means.

If we move into 4th or 5th density, they have lost their control.

The Universe has created it’s own way of removing these super powerful beings – the Alpha Draconian Reptilians.

In the Beginning – the History of our Universe: As the Universe began to accelerate in light, there are pockets. Things that do NOT choose to ascend in consciousness get very, very heavy in weight. These pockets are like sacs and these sacs break and they shoot out to form other Universes. This is how black holes were formed. The black holes are just portals or roadways to other universes. There is new energy being formed right now and pockets of resistance are being formed all through the universe. In our galaxy right now it is between us and Sirius.

So when the frequencies get higher with the shifting from 3rd to 4th density, from what Alex says, this energy will suck the Draconians out.

So the Draconians were brought to this Universe and did NOT Evolve here because they were brought here in physical form. All other life forms in this universe evolved here. So the Alpha Draconian Reptilians were created someplace else.

The Adromedan’s say that mankind has been manipulated for over 5,700 years. Most of the Pharaoh’s of Ancient Egypt were under the control of the Alpha Draconian’s. Alex Collier says we need to go back and look at Mythology and give it a second look, hint, hint.

One thing to remember is this: Whoever wins the war writes the history and their accounts of what really happened may not be so accurate and may have intentional manipulations. It may be written for their benefit to glorify themselves.

The entire economic system is run by HUMANS and not the aliens – they have NO need whatsoever for money. We have a very small group of people who have complete control of the entire monetary system of the whole planet. The Federal Reserve is PRIVATE. Our Debt is NOT Real. Past presidents have sold us out for control and money. All the banks should be NATIONALIZED under the US Treasury and be backed by Silver and Gold or other precious metals. Everyone needs an opportunity to get back on track and eliminate the illegal interest and debts.

The U.S. and Britain have worked together with a secret space program to develop bases on the dark side of the moon.

The human men who think they are God’s of the man on Earth believe they can cause a Polar Shift by detonating nuclear bomb under the South Polar Ice Cap causing it to slip which would cause the poles to flip or reverse. In just a 24 hour period about 80% of the entire population would drown.

The Adromedan’s say they will not allow this to happen by man, if it ever happens it will be by Mother Earth Gaia’s own doing. That is a possibility in our future.

The Adromedan’s want us to wake up, grow up, take responsibility for our own lives, take responsibility for our planet and realize this is our home and we can’t keep trashing it like we are.

If we are SINCERE to make the EFFORT to EVOLVE they will meet us half way, but they are not going to come in here and clean everything up just for us to dirty it back up immediately.

“The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry.”

We HAVE to come together as a race and we HAVE to stop allowing ourselves to being manipulated. This current Covid-19 bullshit with all the variants, the newest one being Omicron is all bullshit to get people to take a vaccine that has NOTHING to do with a Virus and NOTHING to do with the health of mankind.

We can reach out to the Andromedan’s or the Pleiadians by prayer of meditation. They are not God, we have to help ourselves.

What happens to the beings that do not make the shift from 3rd density to 4th density? They will go somewhere else. Those that do make the jump or the shift – they will move into 4th and 5th density. We will become new teachers and can go to different worlds and teach them what NOT to do. If 10% of the planet can wake up it will create the 100th Monkey Syndrome where we all wake up. This will happen.

The plans that they have for us: A Second Coming of Jesus in which they clone him. Holographs in Space resembling UFO’s. A mock UFO battle.

We can NOT take anything at face value. Make them prove it. Believe NOTHING you hear and only half of what you see.


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Alex Collier - The Private Interview in 1994. Andromedan's, Draco's and Greys. 11-30-2021

Alex Collier and Micheal Jaco Blockbuster Interview -- 11-28-2021

Medical Coverup - Ann Vandersteel with Karen Kingston - FDA wants 55 years to release Pfizer Vaccine Data.  11-23-2021

TWO Groups of People - The Awake and the Normies.  Why are YOU Awake and so many are Sleeping?  11-22-2021

8 WEEK Cycle of the Vaccinations - from 1st shot to the Boosters - What Happens?  11-19-2021

The Narrative is Crumbling in Florida -- 11-18-2021

AstraZeneca Vaccine Manufactured in 2018 - Covid is supposed to "Novel" and out in November of 2019 - This is Impossible to not have been PLANNED - see the video.  11-17-2021

CDC Worker says "Do NOT take Vaccine, you will have 3 to 6 years to live." 11-16-2021

Dr. Sucharit Bahakdi - Great Explanation of Vaccine and Immune System 11-15-2021

Dr. David Martin - If you don't know who ANSER is, you are still sleeping. 11-14-2021

How to take the World Hostage in 10 Steps -- 11-9-2021

Covid-19 Vaccination Stories -- 11-9-2021

Marburg Virus - The Next Plandemic -- 11-8-2021

Young Athletes Dying after the JAB -- 11-8-2021

6 Phase Plan to bring in the New World Order -- 11-8-2021

The Spartacus Letter - The Pandemic Explained in a Nutshell -- 9-29-2021

How Long do the Vaccinated have to LIVE???  -- 9-19-2021

How and Where to get Ivermectin -- 9-17-2021

Remdesivir is Killing Covid Patients  -- 9-17-2021

Covid and the Vaccines are Bioweapons -- Proof - 8-23-2021

Links to Important Videos

PCR Test - this will explain the PCR test and demonstrate how it was manipulated to create this fearful, fake pandemic. 

Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

Dr. Carrie Madej - most important interview to see

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Where are the Double Blind Placebo Studies for V's?

Why wearing Masks is Dangerous

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

External Links / Resources

SPARS - The Next PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

Top Virologists says all Vaccinated will die within two years

The TRUTH revealed for first time in history on CHEMTRAILS

The Secret Religion that Runs the World

Masonic Signs and Symbolism

The Secret of ALL secrets - hidden truth about the United States

The Greatest Hidden Secret on the Planet

Lance Collins - aka John Todd - An Original Top 13 Illuminati Bloodline Family Member tells all

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Please check out my other blogs not related to mRNA V's.



This site was developed by Jeff Linke.  It is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.  Not intended for medical advice.


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