How the Cabal took over EVERY Country in the World in just 100 Years - Conquer by Debt



Deaths and Side Effects

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How the Cabal took over EVERY Country in the World in just 100 Years - Conquer by Debt 

Video of this here.

The founders would not be proud right now.

The Flexner Report of 1910 transformed the nature and process of medical education in America with a resulting elimination of proprietary schools and the establishment of the biomedical model as the gold standard of medical training.

This directly led to the banning Natural Medicine and all those practicing it. This was an open door for the Rockefellers to patent and monopolize the medicine industry.

This same year, Rothschilds banking puppets, the Warburgs, Kuhn Loebs, Goldman Sachs, Schiffs and Rothschilds have intermarried into one big happy banking family.

These families devised a plan that would financially rob every American citizen for generations to come. Fractional Reserve Banking was considered a scam for centuries, but in 1913 the real scam began with the introduction of the Federal Reserve Banking System.

The Fed also had the job of watching US Debt or Inflation. Inflation is a Hidden Tax. the recipients of this inflated money were unaware that it was really worth less than they thought it was it is certainly “hidden”. And because the primary beneficiary is the government you can rightly say that inflation is a “hidden tax”. Every time someone has to pay an increased price for what they want they are paying this hidden inflation tax.

Meanwhile their families created their own Interest Free Banks using Whole Insurance Policy as their own family trusts keeping their money away from the corrupt Fed Reserve System.

This corrupt system gave the Cabal unlimited funds to wage war against all of humanity.

In 1921, after years of meeting in secret the Round Table Movement, a group that sought to re-unify America with the Crown and the Harvard Business School merged to become the Council on Foreign Relations. This allowed BANKERS to implement Government Policy.

IN 1942 the OSS- Office of Strategic Services was formed by the Cabal as an intelligence agency to fight the war.

OSS leader Alan Dulles helped form the CIA. The CIA quickly took over the Drug Mafias of the world, beginning in Sicily. The CIA is now the largest Drug Cartel and over thrower of nations. The Global Cabal is in control of ALL Intelligence Agencies of the World. They are using them as a Secret Army to carry out their Agenda.

IN 1954, the World Bank and the IMF – International Monetary Fund under the guise of fostering Global Growth. This was followed by the United Nations in 1945. This was all a plan to take over the world in the form of a One World Government.

The World Bank would train Economic Hitman who would go to World Leaders and offer them a deal that they couldn’t refuse...not because the deal was good, but because they would threaten their life if they did not accept. They offered a Massive Loan that was designed to ruin the Nation or they would be Assassinated.

The game is simple, conquer by debt and they do it to every individual. Once indebted to these corrupt banks they lose control of their own destiny. They are now controlled. They love it when we chew off more than we can handle. We are their slaves who give them hard earned money every day, while they devise plans to rob us more and to make us ill at the same time.

In 1951, Henry Kissinger founded the Harvard International Seminar. This was just another little global society of thugs who got together to discuss the future plans of the One World Government.

In 1954 the infamous Bilderberg Group met and it would take the public 50 years to become aware that they even existed. Henry Kissinger is totally gay, by the way.

In 1955 the Bilderberg Group discussed plans for the EU – European Union and the Euro, 8 years before they were introduced.

John F. Kennedy knew exactly about all of these Secret Societies and he knew the end plan was a One World Government. He was assassinated for not going with the plans.

Following the assassination the Agenda went into overdrive. Welfare programs were deployed making people more and more dependent on the Government.

In 1971 the UN votes to admit China and expel Taiwan. UN Ambassador George Bush accompanies Kissinger to open up business with the CCP, that same year, a young Klaus Schwab, son of a Nazi Industrialist and protege of Henry Kissinger formed the World Economic Forum.

Are you beginning to see just how long these guys have had this plan and how it was all set up?

The World Economic Forum or WEC for short, is made up of over 1,000 corporate entities but really represented by a consensus 100. The exact same ones that make up the Bilderberg Group. They are ONE in the SAME.

They gradually begin making their agenda seem like it was a normal, right thing to do.

IN 1974 Kissinger drafts the NSSM-200 The Kissinger Report. He calls for Worldwide Depopulation and just ONE later it becomes OFFICIAL US POLICY.

During the 1980’s the CIA sold cocaine to Los Angeles street gangs to fund an illegal war, while Big Pharma was doing what they do best – kill people. They were prescribing AZT to AIDS patients. The AZT was killing them. HIV was created in a lab and deliberately released in 4 cities. Dr. Fauci was directly behind this.

In the 1990’s they planted the seeds of today in which they said that Loyal Patriarch Americans are Terrorists. Then NAFTA was drafted.

1992 – Schwab established the Global Leaders for Tomorrow School, later re-established as the young Global Leaders. These include all the major players of the elite today with covid and the lockdowns.

IN 1982, Bill Gates was head of the largest Software company. He attended Klaus Schwab’s Globalist Leaders Schools in 1993. In 1994, Gates begins his life in global “health” research.

It was all about experimental vaccines and depopulation.

IN 1998 Jeff Bezos attending Klaus Schwabs school.

911 – was used as the Catalyst for Destabilizing the World and Taking more of America’s Liberties.

We are now witnessed the Great Reset plans and the Build Back Better plans.

Before they can do their Great Reset they must Destroy. They must destroy civilization so much that we collectively accept them and their tyrannical plans of Corporate World Government.

Mirrored from Rumble:  100 Years of Deep-State Conspiracy to Destroy American Freedom & Humanity (

Other Sources:

 Inflation: The Hidden Tax (

The Flexner Report ― 100 Years Later (

The Hidden Tax


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Deaths and Side Effects

My Bitchute Channel -- Max2020 on Bitchute

My Favorite "GO TO" SOURCES

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How the Cabal took over EVERY Country in the World in just 100 Years - Conquer by Debt  - 1-9-2022

Playstation Game tells ALL about the Virus and Pandemic  - 1-8-2021

Senate Committee on State Affairs  Questions the Covid-19 Vaccines - Shocking  - 1-7-2022

ICU - Medical Doctor says Every Covid Death should be considered a MURDER - 1-7-2022 

 Dr. Ryan Cole – Spike Protein IS the Toxin - It IS the Disease  - 1-6-2022

Reincarnation Part I  --  1-5-2022

DNA - What does Deoxyribonucleic acid actually mean?  1-5-2022

**SHOCKING - What is really in the Vaccines?  - 1-4-2022

Athletes who have Collapsed or Suffered Heart Complications or Blood Clots - 1-3-2022 

1994 Depopulation Agenda signed by 160 Countries   1-3-2022

COMIRNATY is NOT Approved in the USA and is NOT being Administered – Here is How and Why - 12-28-2021

AGENDA 21 Commissioned in 1994 - 12-22-2021

Lockstep - 12-22-2021

Director of the WHO – Tedros Adhanom confronted by Brazil President - 12-22-2021

Congressman Jim Jordan Questions Dr. Makary on why the CDC has notdone a single study on Natural Immunity - 12-22-2021

Covid New Cases - 2781 out of 3784 FULLY Vaccinated - 12-21-2021

Dr. Zelenko explains why Zinc is the KEY to Stop Viruses in their Tracks  - 12-19-2021

 HIV in Spike Protein – Dr. Richard M. Fleming and Dr. Luc Montagnier - 12-19-2021

Could this be the True Storm Trump said was coming? When the reporter said “What Storm” and Trump replied “You’ll See.” Hopefully it is the PREVENTION of what you are about to read. The Blackout Event12-18-2021

FDA Mysteriously Approved Intravenous Heart Medication to beCombined with the 5 to 11 year old Children’s Vaccine.   12-18-2021

Emergency Room Doctor says that Vaccines are Permanently Damaging Children - 12-16-2021

Dr. Robert Malone - invenotr of mRNA technology issues DIRE WARNING - Absolutely do NOT Vaccinate your Children  12-16-2021

Aladdin – Who or What is it? It is Wall Street’s and the One World Gov best kept secret! - 12-16-2021

The COUP of the United States of America happening NOW.  Mel K with Thomas Renz- 12-15-2021

Henry Kissinger says "we thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services." - 12-15-2021

FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real  - 12-15-2021

RED FLAGS – Covid Vaccine Red Flags - 12-14-2021

FAUCI - says "Vaccines could make people Worse." - 12-14-2021

Dr. David Martin – Exposing the Coup and Plot to Steal America  - 12-13-2021

Vaccines Double the Risk of Heart Attacks - 12-13-2021

Funeral Director John of Milton Keynes - 12-13-2021

Hospital Payouts for Covid-19 - 12-12-2021

Deagel Cabal Forecaster Predicts 200 Million will Die by 2025 - 12-12-2021

Pfizer's Criminal History - 12-12-2021

 Blood Samples of Vax vs Un-Vax and more Organisms found in Vaccines  -  12-12-2021

Stew Peters with Robert F. Kennedy Jr - True Pfizer Vaccine Data - 12-12-2021

LIES - 12-11-2021

Doctors are being FORCED to Vaccinate those who have already been Injured by the Covid-19 Vaccine -- it is not about health.  12-11-2021

HIV GlycoProtein 120 Spike Proteins Integrated with the Coronavirus - 4 Sequenced HIV Spike Proteins fused with Corona/SARS Virus -  12-11-2021

Mask Label says: "Masks will not provide ANY protection from Covid or ANY Viruses" - 12-11-2021

Stew Peters Show - HIV Spike GlycoProtein 120 is in the Vaccines - 12-11-2021

Glenn Beck - NIH and Moderna owns the mRNA Vaccine since 2015 - 12-9-2021

Attorney Thomas Renz - PROOF - We Got Them - 12-9-2021

Alex Collier - Intel Update - 12-9-2021

Omicron - David Bowie in 1999 Omicron Video Game - 12-8-2021

Behind the Walls of Windsor - The Truth of the Royal Reptilian Family by Jeanette Archer 12-9-2021

Elon and May Musk - Evolution of Technocracy - 12-7-2021

Dr. Matt Shelton - Vaccination rates are unrelated to covid case numbers - 12-7-2021

I was WRONG.  Pfizer VAX is 100% Effective  - 12-6-2021

India is FREE of Covid-19 after prescribing Ivermectin - 12-5-2021

Alex Collier - The Private Interview in 1994. Andromedan's, Draco's and Greys. 11-30-2021

Alex Collier and Micheal Jaco Blockbuster Interview -- 11-28-2021

Medical Coverup - Ann Vandersteel with Karen Kingston - FDA wants 55 years to release Pfizer Vaccine Data.  11-23-2021

TWO Groups of People - The Awake and the Normies.  Why are YOU Awake and so many are Sleeping?  11-22-2021

8 WEEK Cycle of the Vaccinations - from 1st shot to the Boosters - What Happens?  11-19-2021

The Narrative is Crumbling in Florida -- 11-18-2021

AstraZeneca Vaccine Manufactured in 2018 - Covid is supposed to "Novel" and out in November of 2019 - This is Impossible to not have been PLANNED - see the video.  11-17-2021

CDC Worker says "Do NOT take Vaccine, you will have 3 to 6 years to live." 11-16-2021

Dr. Sucharit Bahakdi - Great Explanation of Vaccine and Immune System 11-15-2021

Dr. David Martin - If you don't know who ANSER is, you are still sleeping. 11-14-2021

How to take the World Hostage in 10 Steps -- 11-9-2021

Covid-19 Vaccination Stories -- 11-9-2021

Marburg Virus - The Next Plandemic -- 11-8-2021

Young Athletes Dying after the JAB -- 11-8-2021

6 Phase Plan to bring in the New World Order -- 11-8-2021

The Spartacus Letter - The Pandemic Explained in a Nutshell -- 9-29-2021

How Long do the Vaccinated have to LIVE???  -- 9-19-2021

How and Where to get Ivermectin -- 9-17-2021

Remdesivir is Killing Covid Patients  -- 9-17-2021

Covid and the Vaccines are Bioweapons -- Proof - 8-23-2021

Links to Important Videos

PCR Test - this will explain the PCR test and demonstrate how it was manipulated to create this fearful, fake pandemic. 

Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

Dr. Carrie Madej - most important interview to see

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Where are the Double Blind Placebo Studies for V's?

Why wearing Masks is Dangerous

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

External Links / Resources

SPARS - The Next PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

Top Virologists says all Vaccinated will die within two years

The TRUTH revealed for first time in history on CHEMTRAILS

The Secret Religion that Runs the World

Masonic Signs and Symbolism

The Secret of ALL secrets - hidden truth about the United States

The Greatest Hidden Secret on the Planet

Lance Collins - aka John Todd - An Original Top 13 Illuminati Bloodline Family Member tells all

My Bitchute Video Channel

Please check out my other blogs not related to mRNA V's.



This site was developed by Jeff Linke.  It is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.  Not intended for medical advice.


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