Committee of 300 - How 300 Men are Running Everything

 Committee of 300:  How 300 Men are Running Everything - FBI, Illuminati, CIA, MI6, Mossad, Politicians, Media, Governments -- DR. John Coleman


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Committee of 300:  How 300 Men are Running Everything - FBI, Illuminati, CIA, MI6, Mossad, Politicians, Media, Governments -- DR. John Coleman

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Dr. John Coleman

True Definition of Paranoia – it is a man or person who has the ability to link events who seemingly are not connected. They call us “Conspiracy Theorists.” So yes, I am one. I can connect dots.

The problem is quite simple, Anarchy and Chaos prevails because DC is passing laws that are 100% Unconstitutional. This leads to TYRANNY.

The Committee of 300, known in the intelligence agencies as “The Olympians.”

In 1986 John Coleman wrote Mind Control Metaphysics Extremely Low Frequency Radiation and Weather Modification. In this, John said that the Very Top Intelligence Agency was the National Reconnaissance Office, which is far bigger than the CIA or any other intelligence agency.

Liberty is based on Individual Freedom. We are individual people. WE objected to a tax of just ONE Penny a pound on Tea when King George of the Venetian Party of the North, which is really what the party of King George was called. Where are we today, we are on our knees getting raped with a tyranny of taxes, which is just trampling on the second greatest document in history, our Constitution – the first being the Bible. We rebelled at that time against the most powerful force in the world, King George and the Party of Venetians. If we did it then, we can do it now. To comply is to die in slavery.

King George the III of the Venetian Party of the North sent Adam Smith (beloved by Marxists, Socialists and Liberals) of the British East India Company to formulate a policy in which he called Free Trade.

Dr. Coleman says that free trade is piracy and we must reject this constant brainwashing.

The British East India Company played a massive role in the history of the United States. They made their money from Drug Trading. They moved opium to China and turned China into a nation of addicts. The profits from opium trade to China was 3 times the profits of Ford Motor and General Motors combined when looking at the year 1970.

ALL of these profits were shared by 300 people. That was the committee that ran the British East India Company, they all had equal voting rights and they were sworn to secrecy. The descendants of the East India Company today run the United States.

They had their hands in everything in BOTH the United States and China – they ran Hudson Bay in USA and they ran the Missionaries in China that pushed opium on the Chinese population. After the Vietnam War their goal was to make the United States drug addicts just as they did China.

Only 3% of the people stood up to fight King George III and his most potent Army.

These 300 men who still run the world today are extremely wealthy. Their wealth cannot be measured. They are so wealthy they make David Rockefeller look like a peasant.

On July 4th, 1789, George Washington told the congress to impose a tax (tarrifs) to protect our own manufacturing companies here in the USA this was on barricading free trade. Free Trade is nothing but allowing other countries to dump their worthless cheap products on our markets. Free Trade is a one way street that doesn’t favor America because we lose jobs and we lose quality. The trade barricades were continued by Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley. All three paid with their lives. They realized that if we were to progress we could not be the dumping ground of the world.

Benjamin Disraeli was pissed off at President Lincoln for blocking Globalism and he went to MI-6 – British Intelligence and ordered his assassination. MI-6 would publicly execute John F. Kennedy at a later time.

Our Founding Fathers and Presidents saw the Value of Trade Barriers. We were not to be the dumping ground of garbage for the world.

The United States of America grew great on the hard labor of those living HERE, – NOT from Global Trade. Free Trade is nothing but piracy and a one way street that allows other countries to dump their trash on us and it hurts US.

The Committee of 300 knows NO boundaries has NO laws and they do whatever they want with no regard to other humans who happen to be in their way.

Walther Rathenau was a Jewish-German industrialist, writer and liberal politician. Walter was also the financial advisor to the Rothschild’s.

IN 1934 Walter said there is a Committee of 300 men who rule the world, they are known only to each other and NOTHING happens without their consent.

Just how powerful are the Committee of 300? When former President of Russia Mikhail Gorbachev built his library here in the United States – CNN was covering this and he let it slip when he said “this is approved by the Committee of 300” and then CNN cut it right there. This shows us that the Committee not only was the boss of Gorbachev but they had full control of the media then as they do now.

The SECRET that they do not want us knowing is that we have the Government with think we have with Presidents and Congress and then we have the REAL UPPER Echelon Government – Shadow Government that is run by the Committee of 300. They are the ones who are calling the shots and they are the ones who are making decisions that effect our lives. They are the ones behind the Covid Vaccines. They are homosexuals for the most part and they are Satanic.

Who are the conspirators who serve the mighty all-powerful Committee of 300? The better-informed of our citizens are aware that there is a conspiracy and that the conspiracy goes under various names such as the Illuminati, Freemasonry, the Round Table, the Milner Group.

The main objective of Committe of 13 is a One Wold Government. It began with King George the III who wanted a ONE World Government and had lined up 50 Countries already.

The goals are to make the world into a New World Order Dictatorship controlled by the Committee of 300.

How is it that they can do this?

They do this by their INCREDIBLE WEALTH. They literally control almost EVERYTHING and that is the TRUTH.

Everything in the Insurance World is controlled by them. ALL insurances. Everything is run out of Venice Italy by this Mafia of Gangsters.

Venice is important because we have the Black Nobility. It has NOTHING to do with skin color but the word Black – literally meaning EVIL because they are just that.

They gained complete control of the Democratic Party in 1980 in secrecy behind closed doors based on the Communist Manifesto of 1948.

This committee of 300 literally has ownership in every major corporation traded in the world, enough ownership that they can call a lot of the shots. That is how incredibly wealthy they are and we NEVER see them or hear about them unless some moron slips up.

They carry out their goals through their controlling all these existing organizations and corporations. Money Talks.

Royal Institute of International Affairs – Chatham House London, the Club of Rome, the Ditchley Foundation, just all the Secret Societies which there are HUNDREDS are run by the Committee of 300. It is the Ultimate Hierarchy of Organized Crime that takes incredible planning and organizational skills.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs is the Executive Branch of this committee of 300.

EVERY Secretary of State since 1919 has been appointed by the Royal Institute International Affairs. We believe that we vote and put a conservative in office and surprise, it is a lie. Everyone of the secretary of state was chosen by City of London of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

James Earl Carter – Jimmy Carter met at the Dorchester Hotel in London a very nice hotel and they wined and dined him. The Royal Institute of International Affairs under the direction of The City of London was screening Jimmy Carter to see if they wanted to place him in as President.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs had ordered David Rockefeller to find a weak candidate. Preferably a little mentally weak, they put one of the best Brainwashing Specialists trained by the Tavistock Institute on Human Relations, Dr. Peter Bourne.

Now a little about the Tavistock Institute, then bak to Dr. Peter Bourne:

Tavistock Institute is a highly elite brainwashing and mind experiment organization. They are the ultimate psyop creators. They are the foundation of intelligence scripting of false flag operations and psyops, such as Oklahoma bombings, Waco, 911 and much, much more. They are the designers of propaganda schemes and reverse psychology tactics. They help the Generals of the Army’s come up with psyops and reverse psychology schemes that involve placing their own troops in danger and allowing them to be slaughtered for purpose of swaying public opinion so the public favors their ideals – which usually, almost ALWAYS horrible for humankind.

Tavistock's story begins with its founder, Brigadier General John Rawlings Reese in 1921. It was Reese who evolved Tavistock's methods of mass "brainwashing". Tavistock was founded as a research center for British Special Intelligence Service (SIS). It was Reese who launched the method of controlling political campaigns, as well as mind control techniques, which continue to this very day, and it was Reese and Tavistock who taught the USSR, North Vietnam China and Vietnam how to apply his Brainwashing / Propaganda techniques.

Back to Dr. Peter Bourne:

Dr. Bourne, knowing Carter’s history put his name forward and was evaluated and then it was off to the propaganda campaign as the American voters were given the treatment – subjected to brainwashing to persuade them that Carter was their man.

Carter was a patient of Dr. Bourne and Dr. Bourne found out that Carter could not take rejection. He was weak minded and that would be an attribute that could easily be manipulated. They just found their puppet.

The brainwashing campaign was an easy success as Carter won the presidency with ease.

The Tavistock Institute has spawned many other institutes as it has their versions in every country, one of them in the USA is National Training Laboratory (NTL) where it turned out Pamela Harriman, who married Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s a son, Randolph Churchill – who had proposed to 8 women in just the span of two weeks. The committee used Pamela Harriman to recruit the next President and it had to be a Socialist. She found William Jefferson Clinton who was Governor of Arkansas. She went to Bill and told him that she was considering him for a Presidential run. Bill told him that his wife Hillary had just left him. Pamela said you better get her back. He said, she isn’t coming back, I am a philanderer. So Pamela went to New York and informed Hillary that if she wanted to be the First Lady and have the Prestiged Power she needed to get back with William. That’s exactly what she did.

Just a year later here came William Jefferson Clinton that came marching onto the scene.

So you have the Royal Institute of National Affairs that controls EVERYTHING that happens in the United States. Under them you have hundreds of if not thousands of other organizations and institutes, including Tavistock Institute and National Training Laboratory.

Now to the Gulf War: President George Bush couldn’t decide whether he wanted to get into the Gulf War. So the Prime Minister of Britain back in 90, Margaret Thatcher went to the Head Quarters of the Committee of 300, The Aspen Institute in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She literally called George Bush to Aspen and said “Get your ass up here, I’ve got some ORDERS to give to you about the Gulf War.” Bush went running to her like the good little puppet he was.

Next step was of course convincing the masses of the United States that we NEEDED to be involved. The Propaganda campaign was on. Iran had never been a threat to the USA.

There are many other organizations both open and secret under the Royal Institute of National Affairs, including the Illuminati.

Many believe that Adam Weishaupt had a quarrel with the Catholic church and this was an ancient secret society that has dissolved and there is no Illuminati. That is NOT true, it is alive and thriving. 13 of the top families in the United States are in the Illuminati today and they have a big say in everything that occurs Politically here in the USA.

Then we have the Society of Cincinnati – ultra, ultra secret society that every President of the United States is Forced to join. It doesn’t matter who is President, whether they are Democrat or Conservative, they are controlled by the Committee of 300, through the Royal Institute of National Affairs or Council on Foreign Relations or any other of their secret organizations. Know these organizations and know try to follow who have been in them.

Their STRONGEST Arm is called “The CLUB OF ROME”.

NATO – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization formed and promoted "The Club of Rome," the name being designed to confuse and dissemble as it had nothing to do with the Catholic Church.

The Club of Rome is one of the most insidious, vainful organizations in existence today. They have done insurmountable damage to the United States.

The Club of Rome’s chairman - Aurelio Pecci’s objective was to bring down the Industries and Agriculture of the United States. Aurelio Pecci wrote a paper that said there were too many people on this Earth and the United States with the Industrial development and the Agriculture develop was RESPONSIBLE.

Lord Bertrand Russell- the senior statesman of the Committee of 300 who wrote “The Impact of Science on Society” which he said the world is so overpopulated and we have to get rid of at least half of the world’s population. I have this pdf book and this guy is something.

The Club of Rome was developed to stop the population growth, by virtually any means necessary. They came up with a paper called “Zero Growth Post Industrial Plan for Industry and Agriculture for the United States of America.” Just 3 days after this plan was accepted as Official United States Policy by President Carter, Dr. John Coleman was able to obtain a copy of this insidious document. What it basically said was the Middle Class of the United States had to be destroyed because when they pushed for New World Order, it would be the middle class that would cause the most resistance. In ancient days the peasants were easily crushed, but here in the United States the Middle Class was different, they had long term employment, well paid, could afford to buy the products that were made in the USA, they were NOT dependent on Chinese products and they were gaining an American Spirit that was STRONG.

After President Ronald Reagan was elected, an important meeting was held in Washington D.C. in December 1980 under the auspices of the Club of Rome and the Socialist International. Both these organizations are directly responsible to the Committee of 300. The main agenda was to formulate ways and means of how to neutralize the Reagan presidency.

The Club of Rome said that this has got to stop because they are becoming a threat to New World Order. So their goal was to take down the middle class of the United States and the way they would do this is by CRUSHING / Destroying the Industries.

In 1970 the US had 5,000 steel ships sailing the sea, by 1990 there were 270 ships. They effectively had ruined the thriving steel industry in the USA and at least 50,000 steel workers permanently out of a job.

They did this by opening up Free Trade. It was a clever PLAN. Everyone who signed the NAFTA Treaty is a Traitor to the United States. Oh, they made it appear like it was going to be so fair and so good for America, but they knew the instant it was signed, that was the FALL of the United States. Clinton signed this on December 8, 1993.

Alexander King, Chairman of Club of Rome, stated “America needs to get used to that they will never, ever again in their lifetime have full employment.”

Their new goal at the time was now Global Genocide.

Global 2000 – it is the BLUEPRINT of MASS GENOCIDE that was produced by the Club of Rome.

Global 2000 calls for the destruction of HALF of the Worlds Population by the year 2050.

They built their case based on Lord Bertrand Russell and H.G. Wells that the world would be overpopulated and would be a terrible place to live in.

How the Banks fit in: The head bankers all got together and they decided that the greatest threat was overpopulation and the middle class of the United States.

Global 2000 was specifically to target those in the United States who do not have jobs. As Alexander King said “they are never going to get their jobs back.”

AIDS – The sudden appearance of AIDS was NOT an ACCIDENT.

AIDS – was a CAB Experiment – Chemical and Bacterial Biological Experiment which was started in Liberia Africa.

Why Liberia? It is extremely hard country to get to. You have to depart from London, land on an Island and take a Ferry to get there. Those taking the ferry are heavily screened.

It began in a Medical Treatment center in which blacks would come in from injuries from the Bush and be treated, but they would be dead within 24 hours. What really was going on was that there was a Laboratory set up and they were using Lassa Fever Virus called, Lassa mammarenavirus, which is an arenavirus that causes Lassa hemorrhagic fever, a type of viral hemorrhagic fever, in humans and other primates. Lassa mammarenavirus is an emerging virus and a select agent, requiring Biosafety Level 4-equivalent containment.

This virus is one of only 4 that can cross from Animals to Humans. It is a deadly virus. They were trying to create a virus that could be mass produced that could be sent out through World Health Organization (WHO) that could get rid of Millions of People.

BUT – the Lassa Virus proved to be uncontrollable as it killed 3 scientists in the lab.

After this, the orders came from Washington D.C. that said to burn the place to the ground and they did just that.

They bottled up some of these Lassa Viruses in a vials and took them back to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), but somehow a little escaped and 3 more scientists died. So they immediately decided that this particular virus was just too deadly even for them to control and they burned the lab down.

Harvard University took on the role after this, but not with the deadly Lassa Virus. The US Gov gave millions of dollars to the United States Military Chemical and Bacterial Biological Warfare Division at Fort Detrick in Maryland and they begin experiencing with the AIDS Virus.

The British Government used their CAB – chemical and bacterial biowarfare facilities to create some of the most deadly viruses for the Global 2000 Agenda.

Shortly after the experiments had finished at Fort Detrick, the WHO started a MASSIVE VACCINATION Campaign (sound familiar) to wipe out the Smallpox virus for once and for all.

They chose Africa and Brazil. They launched a massive vaccination campaign. Immediately, thousands and thousands of people began dying from a new virus. The WHO said that it had come from a bite of a Green Monkey. They forgot to tell everyone that Monkeys had been there for centuries and had been biting people for centuries but nobody pays attention anyway.

The World Health Organization took this virus that was crafted with a series of Animal Viruses including Maedi-visna - which is a slow virus infection of sheep leading to a progressing lymphoproliferative disease which is invariably fatal – this is just a nasty virus that attacks all parts of the body, the brain, lungs, joints and organs – It is known as visna when found in the brain, and maedi when infecting the lungs.

They placed this crafted concoction of viruses into vials and began Vaccinating in Africa and Brazil.

Why Africa and Brazil? Because they had the largest Black population.

The people of America who should NOT trust our Government should be the Black People. Our Government used the blacks first as experiments and now they are using everyone with the Covid Vaccine.

Millions of people died in Africa.

AIDS was made in the lab by man, specifically for population control purposes using vaccines with the aid of propaganda campaigns making people willingly choose them.

Another one is Vibrio cholerae -0139 which is a deadly bacteria that will kill quickly if not treated with heavy duty powerful antibiotics.

Behind this is deadly strains of Malaria. A strain of Malaria that acts almost like the HIV virus in which it attacks the immune system.

Another one they have in their little package of pathogens is the Bubonic Plague – the Black Death Plague. Bubonic plague is an infection spread mostly to humans by infected fleas that travel on rodents. Called the Black Death, it killed millions of Europeans during the Middle Ages. Prevention doesn't include a vaccine, but does involve reducing your exposure to mice, rats, squirrels and other animals that may be infected.

The Bubonic Plague was experimented with in California to definitive select precise areas using infolded Scalar Waves using Low Frequency Radiation which is a warfare technique developed in 1934 by a Russian Virologist.

They targeted Indian reservations with this and they blamed it on Mouse droppings. Like that’s the first time a mouse ever took a shit. They throw their propaganda out there and people buy it like cotton candy at the country fair.

In 1994 the World Population Summit met in Cairo, Egypt and agreed the world was running out of resources, and all 160 countries agreed the human population was out of control and must be stopped. The plan they came up with is pure EVIL. I wrote a blog on this here

The Black Venetian Nobility – none of their families EVER got the Black Bubonic Plague but it swept through all of Europe. Dr. Coleman wondered why and found the answer in the Cairo Museum. The Committee of 300 uses Herbal Compounds mixed with Sugar. They also use the protection of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnet Radiation, in which they know that every living being on this Earth has specific vibrating cycle or frequency and they were able to measure the vibrating cycles of many deadly viruses and pathogens in which they figured out that by using Double the Vibration or Double their Frequency cycles that it would KILL them instantly.

The medical establishment does not want people knowing this. They want you dependent on their chemical prescription drugs. There is NO chemical drug that will cure this like frequencies can.

So that is Global 2000 – to decimate the United States Middle Class.

How are they funding all of this? Through the Black Venetian Nobility.

Why are they called the Black Nobility? Because of the Evilness of their Deeds dating all the way back to the 11th centuries.

They have so much money of the years of drug – Opium trading and the total control of the Minerals like Gold, Platinum, Silver, Lithium, etc and natural resources such as Oil and Natural Gas that they can afford to do anything their evil hearts desire.

The Black Nobility are the Ancient Venetian Aristocrats of Venice and Genoa that were and still are evil.

The Black Geulph’s are the some of the WORST of all of them.

Queen Elizabeth II – Queen of England is a Geulph. Her father didn’t like the idea that some good researchers were getting close to figuring out who they really were, so he put out that they were the “House of Windsor”. They are NOT. They are the “House of Geulph” and it is important for us to know this because every time there is a financial crisis it follows a meeting in which the Black Geulph’s meet over in Venice and devise plans on what they will do to control certain specific countries. Then they give their orders and the orders go all the way down the lines of Hierarchy.

They controlled the United States all the way back to the 1860’s when Benjamin Disraeli had President Lincoln assassinated.

They had one of the worst Socialists at the time elected, Woodrow Wilson. Teddy Roosevelt was another one.

We have been told that our main enemy was Moscow, yes they may be an enemy but the real enemy lies right in our capital Washington D.C.

In 1898 the Fabian Society, a Socialist Organization, sent Ramsay McDonald, Prime Minister of England to spy on the land. He came back and said there are two things in the way: They have a Strong Middle Class and they have The Constitution of the United States. Both of these need to be destroyed before we can do much.

The first step they took was getting a Socialist President. Woodrow Wilson’s handler was out of England – Sir William Weisman head of MI6, which is the most powerful and the oldest Intelligence Agency in the world. They taught the CIA, they taught the Vatican, the taught the French Intelligence, they taught the Mossad, they helped set up the Bolshevik revolution.

Sir William Wiseman went through Colonel Edward M. House, whose father served the Rothschild’s during the Civil War and his father was the only person in Texas who made money during the war. So House was sent to Washington to control Woodrow Wilson. House took his orders from Wiseman. House lived a few blocks away from Wilson and above him, Wiseman had an apartment above.

General Douglas MacArthur, a true Christian, a true Patriot, a true Warrior – when he was in Korea he devised a plan with General George Edward Stratemeyer that would of put China out of commission for the next 50 years. This plan was sent to the White House and David Dean Rusk, an evil, vile man, immediately summoned the President to a meeting in Blair House.

Rusk informed Wilson that he had seen General MacArthur’s plan and there is no way you can allow this plan to be implemented.

Wilson replied “why not.”

Rusk said, you know very well that anything that relates to China must be approved by the Royal Institute of International Affairs first. He said, they don’t want this plan implemented.

So General MacArthur was not allowed to carry out this plan.

The result was 50,000 American Sons Slaughtered needlessly on the Battle Field in Korea. All because the Royal Institute of International Affairs controlled Woodrow Wilson. They control our Presidents to this day. We are under complete control of the British Government.

The Death of John F. Kennedy – Kennedy was murdered by the Intelligence Agency, but they could of easily did it another way, completely out of the public’s eye, but they chose to do it this way so every person on the planet could see.


This was the Ultimate OBEY, COMPLY or DIE sign. This is what happens when orders are not followed.

Kennedy was Publicly and Brutally Executed by a plan devised by MI6 of British Intelligence, under the control of Sir William Stephenson and his Lieutenant, a Canadian citizen Louis Mortimer Bloomfield.

Sir William Stephenson ran American Intelligence throughout WWII out of the RCA building in New York. His second in command, Sir Louis Mortimer Bloomfield ran Division 5 of the FBI Counterintelligence. This is how Britain controls America.

Every Secretary of State since 1919 has been selected in the USA by the Royal Institute of International Affairs on the Orders of the Committee of 300.

Why is this important?

The Secretary of State is in charge of carrying out the policies. There has NOT been ONE Secretary of State who has acted in the Best Interest of the United States since 1919.

If they don’t do it directly they take an indirect approach, like Lauchlin Currie who ordered the Military to jettison a shipment of arms destined for the Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek. They do NOT serve the people of the United States. It has and still is an illusion that almost all the US citizens believe in.

We do NOT elect our Presidents, they are Selected long before we have ever heard of them.

The Committee of 300 in Aspen Colorado follows EVERY Political Event that EVER takes place in the United States. It was this office through Margaret Thatcher that ordered President Bush to Violate the Constitution of the United States of America by sending our troops to the Iraq War, to a country that has never done us any harm.

Bush even bypassed Congress and didn’t get the Mandatory Declaration of War. Now days Lawyers are lucky to get ONE single Semester of Education on the Constitution. So we are lacking some serious knowledge of the constitution and when that occurs it can be gradually dissolved into nothing.

Our Constitution is not even taught in the United States School System. People need to wake up and realize we have LOST America.

The Constitution lays out a 5 Step Process to Declare War.

  1. Both Houses making Separate Declarations

  2. Joint Declarations

  3. Army must be informed

  4. Public must be informed

  5. Private War or Public War – what branches will be involved

Bush violated all of this by going to the United Nations in which they gave him a “color” which in his view permitted him to go to war.

The Committee of 300 start wars to gain control of more resources, their goal is to control ALL of them on the planet.

Giovanni Agnelli and Hillary Clinton and Pamela Harriman.

Harriman for her job in helping getting Clinton elected was given a job as Ambassador of US in France. Traitors are rewarded and Patriots are punished. That is really how America works.

George Washington, without question the first and best president in history said “Political Parties are Vainful and harmful in the long run.”

NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement – a so called Conservative, Newt Gingrich, (Rino), acted as the Floor Manager, the Party Whip, in true style and whipped up 132 Republicans to support NAFTA.

Bill Clinton sent his cronies to Iran to come up with documentation on the scandal in which US prisoners were kept there, when Reagan was President and bring this dirt to light against the Republican he will run against.

The Clinton Agenda – What was his instructions? He was to Socialize America.

Socialism forces changes upon people that they do not want and they do not ask for.

Stuart Chase, a Socialist theorist, wrote “Socialism: A New Deal”. Francis Perkins, who was the first female socialist cabinet member in the United States appointed under Roosevelt, took the book to Roosevelt and said this would be a marvelous plan for you.

Roosevelt fell in love with this and in 1932 they abruptly changed their platform and came out and announced “his” New Deal, which is word for word from Stuart Chase’s book, “Socialism: A New Deal.”

They shouldn’t even be called a Democratic Party, we are Confederate Republic and we are a Constitutional Republic. You can not have a Democratic Party, you can a Democrat party and that is what they should be called.

Kennedy came along and announced a new great program called the New Frontier. That happened to be a book written by Henry Wallace another Fabian Socialist. It was word for word and was called Kennedy’s program.

Then when Johnson came along he talked about the Great Society. What was that? It was another Socialist Book written by Graham Wallas, no relation to Henry Wallace.

Every president since has followed this Socialist Agenda, even Reagan.

Social Security – plan devised by British William Beveridge in Britain, this became the outline for our Socialist – Social Security Plan. This was also eagerly embraced by Roosevelt.

Lenin was asked – what is Communism? Communism is Socialism in a hurry.

William Jefferson Clinton pushed Socialism as hard as he could push it and he did it very successful. Since the early 1900’s it was like a slow drip in a bath tub, but that drip became faster in the 40’s and 50’s and by the 90’s it was no longer a drip, it was running water. Today, that water is turned all the way up and the tub is full.

The Constitution says that the President shall NOT be Commander in Chief until at such time is called into service by the Congress. Before it gets this far it had to go through the 5 Step Declaration of War process briefly explained above.

During the time of the Civil War, Lincoln got congress to grant the power of Habeas Corpus which allowed him to do unconstitutional acts which had never been done.

William Jefferson Clinton called himself the Commander in Chief and that was to Condition people that he was and he could get the lame duck congress to suspend Habeas Corpus.

John Maynard Keynes was sent to the US to get money from Roosevelt and he convinced Roosevelt to give $3 Billion for Socialist purposes for Britain. They sent Keynes back and Roosevelt this time gave him $7 Billion US Tax Payer Dollars to go outside the US to rev up Socialist Programs in Britain.

The same is going on today, the THEFT of US Taxpayers Monies are being sent to other countries. This is unlawful and unconstitutional.

If it is not in the constitution it is considered prohibited.

President Monroe attempted to send money outside the US and Congress stopped him immediately saying this is not constitutional.

Our Constitution is NOT flexible, our founding fathers created an immutable document that would stand the test of the ages of time.

We are being forced into a One World Government with One World Order and they have graduated us to this point in the name of Democracy.

United States became great by having our OWN Manufacturing.

Up until 1913 ALL the Tax Money was in Custom Tariffs, we had NO Tax Income and we had a $5 Billion Surplus.

They used the word Isolationist to define trade within the country only and the word Globalist means Free Trade, which allows other countries to rape us and clean our clocks.

We need our manufacturer jobs back.

250,000 plus jobs have been lost just from our shoe manufactures going overseas.

We are in a war until the death here in the United States of America. There may be no drums beating, flag waving and definitely no media coverage, but we are in a silent secret war.

We have a Coup de etat being implemented right now.

The Committee of 300 wants to reduce our population, collapse our economy and take our jobs to turn us into Third World country.

GATT Treaty – 26,000 pages of this trash to denigrate and destroy the constitution of USA. GATT shall over ride all the laws of the USA and signing it was TREASON.

United Nations Treaty in 1946 – Treaty was forced by Arbitrary Power through the Senate. Five Senators read this document over 50,000 pages and 3 days to review to vote on. We have a FRAUD Government.

1965 Democrats Reform Immigration Act – Dean Rusk, not even from America had his hands in this. Traditional Americans will be a minority in a few decades.

Communist Manifesto 1948 – Clinton took his Health Plan from this.

Racists – didn’t exist in dictionary in early 1900’s.

Madame Kollontay - Sex has had the mystic taken out of it, so that today's college girl does not want to spend time forming an emotional relationship before indulging in "free love."

Abortion – where is it mentioned in the Constitution that Abortion is ok? If the word is omitted – it is prohibited. Madame Kollontay is the author of NOW and Abortion.

We now have made Presidents like Kings as they now can go to war at their very own discretion. The Constitution has been completely ignored and stomped on since the early 90’s.

The Government can NOT just go and make Bills. For a measure to be introduced into House it has to be in pursuance with something in the constitution. If it is not, it is unconstitutional.

There are thousands of Bills that are unconstitutional now.

Assault Rife Ban – nothing in the constitution about this, it is unconstitutional. That is what false flags and propaganda can do, encourages people to agree with unconstitutional proposes that end up laws.

The 10th Amendment is a Restriction on our Federal Government. Our Founding Fathers were very frightened to give unlimited powers to the Federal Government. Daniel Webster said we must cage them like a lion.

The Government had NO business in National Health Plans, Interfering with Crime Bills as that is a matter for the states – all the rights are defined in the 5th Amendment.

Diane Feinstein passed an unconstitutional bill of classifying 19 types of assault weapons.

The main objective of all of this is to destabilize the United States, collapse the economy so they can do their great reset into NWO.

This didn’t get into their religion, but they want One World Religion in this NWO

Churches: We are in a Spiritual Battle. The Christian Churches of today are nothing more than glorified Social Clubs who are controlled by the World Council of Churches, who have ONE Goal and one goal only, which is a One World Church to fit the narrative of the One World Government. That One World Church will not be Christianity. This was set up in the 1920’s to slowly implement the things needed to be accomplished to graduate into a Single Religion that matches the New World Order. The World Council of Churches originates from the City of London.

The plan for the rest of 2022 is to begin raising interest rates about mid year and they will do it consecutive times. This will crash the market by 2024...that is their plan anyway.

Dr. John Coleman has published 22 books and hundreds of white paper reports—and currently publishes the "Weekly Intelligence Report," which can be purchased at

The book titles include:

"The Rothschild Dynasty" a book documenting the extensive and secretive influence of the Rothschild extended-family of banksters.

"The Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States of America"

"Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300

"One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship" (formerly titled "Socialism: The Road To Slavery")

"Diplomacy by Deception: An Account of the Treasonous Conduct by the Governments of Britain and the United States"

"Beyond The Conspiracy: Unmasking The Invisible World Government, The Committee Of 300"

"What You Should Know About The United States Constitution And The Bill Of Rights"

"Gun Control" " Apocalypse Waiting too Happen" "Drug War Against America" "PEARL HARBOR" "The Federal Reserve" "THe Club of Rome" "The Vanishing Middle Class" "Abortion: Genocide in America" "The Rothschild Dynasty" "We fight for Oil" "National Suicide: The Immigration Reform Act"


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Deaths and Side Effects

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My Favorite "GO TO" SOURCES

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Committee of 300:  How 300 Men are Running Everything - FBI, Illuminati, CIA, MI6, Mossad, Politicians, Media, Governments, etc.  1-11-2022

How Much do Doctors Make per Year for Vaccinating?  - Dr. Robert (Bob) Zajac tells us.  1-10-2022

How the Cabal took over EVERY Country in the World in just 100 Years - Conquer by Debt  - 1-9-2022

Playstation Game tells ALL about the Virus and Pandemic  - 1-8-2021

Senate Committee on State Affairs  Questions the Covid-19 Vaccines - Shocking  - 1-7-2022

ICU - Medical Doctor says Every Covid Death should be considered a MURDER - 1-7-2022 

 Dr. Ryan Cole – Spike Protein IS the Toxin - It IS the Disease  - 1-6-2022

Reincarnation Part I  --  1-5-2022

DNA - What does Deoxyribonucleic acid actually mean?  1-5-2022

**SHOCKING - What is really in the Vaccines?  - 1-4-2022

Athletes who have Collapsed or Suffered Heart Complications or Blood Clots - 1-3-2022 

1994 Depopulation Agenda signed by 160 Countries   1-3-2022

COMIRNATY is NOT Approved in the USA and is NOT being Administered – Here is How and Why - 12-28-2021

AGENDA 21 Commissioned in 1994 - 12-22-2021

Lockstep - 12-22-2021

Director of the WHO – Tedros Adhanom confronted by Brazil President - 12-22-2021

Congressman Jim Jordan Questions Dr. Makary on why the CDC has notdone a single study on Natural Immunity - 12-22-2021

Covid New Cases - 2781 out of 3784 FULLY Vaccinated - 12-21-2021

Dr. Zelenko explains why Zinc is the KEY to Stop Viruses in their Tracks  - 12-19-2021

 HIV in Spike Protein – Dr. Richard M. Fleming and Dr. Luc Montagnier - 12-19-2021

Could this be the True Storm Trump said was coming? When the reporter said “What Storm” and Trump replied “You’ll See.” Hopefully it is the PREVENTION of what you are about to read. The Blackout Event12-18-2021

FDA Mysteriously Approved Intravenous Heart Medication to beCombined with the 5 to 11 year old Children’s Vaccine.   12-18-2021

Emergency Room Doctor says that Vaccines are Permanently Damaging Children - 12-16-2021

Dr. Robert Malone - invenotr of mRNA technology issues DIRE WARNING - Absolutely do NOT Vaccinate your Children  12-16-2021

Aladdin – Who or What is it? It is Wall Street’s and the One World Gov best kept secret! - 12-16-2021

The COUP of the United States of America happening NOW.  Mel K with Thomas Renz- 12-15-2021

Henry Kissinger says "we thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services." - 12-15-2021

FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real  - 12-15-2021

RED FLAGS – Covid Vaccine Red Flags - 12-14-2021

FAUCI - says "Vaccines could make people Worse." - 12-14-2021

Dr. David Martin – Exposing the Coup and Plot to Steal America  - 12-13-2021

Vaccines Double the Risk of Heart Attacks - 12-13-2021

Funeral Director John of Milton Keynes - 12-13-2021

Hospital Payouts for Covid-19 - 12-12-2021

Deagel Cabal Forecaster Predicts 200 Million will Die by 2025 - 12-12-2021

Pfizer's Criminal History - 12-12-2021

 Blood Samples of Vax vs Un-Vax and more Organisms found in Vaccines  -  12-12-2021

Stew Peters with Robert F. Kennedy Jr - True Pfizer Vaccine Data - 12-12-2021

LIES - 12-11-2021

Doctors are being FORCED to Vaccinate those who have already been Injured by the Covid-19 Vaccine -- it is not about health.  12-11-2021

HIV GlycoProtein 120 Spike Proteins Integrated with the Coronavirus - 4 Sequenced HIV Spike Proteins fused with Corona/SARS Virus -  12-11-2021

Mask Label says: "Masks will not provide ANY protection from Covid or ANY Viruses" - 12-11-2021

Stew Peters Show - HIV Spike GlycoProtein 120 is in the Vaccines - 12-11-2021

Glenn Beck - NIH and Moderna owns the mRNA Vaccine since 2015 - 12-9-2021

Attorney Thomas Renz - PROOF - We Got Them - 12-9-2021

Alex Collier - Intel Update - 12-9-2021

Omicron - David Bowie in 1999 Omicron Video Game - 12-8-2021

Behind the Walls of Windsor - The Truth of the Royal Reptilian Family by Jeanette Archer 12-9-2021

Elon and May Musk - Evolution of Technocracy - 12-7-2021

Dr. Matt Shelton - Vaccination rates are unrelated to covid case numbers - 12-7-2021

I was WRONG.  Pfizer VAX is 100% Effective  - 12-6-2021

India is FREE of Covid-19 after prescribing Ivermectin - 12-5-2021

Alex Collier - The Private Interview in 1994. Andromedan's, Draco's and Greys. 11-30-2021

Alex Collier and Micheal Jaco Blockbuster Interview -- 11-28-2021

Medical Coverup - Ann Vandersteel with Karen Kingston - FDA wants 55 years to release Pfizer Vaccine Data.  11-23-2021

TWO Groups of People - The Awake and the Normies.  Why are YOU Awake and so many are Sleeping?  11-22-2021

8 WEEK Cycle of the Vaccinations - from 1st shot to the Boosters - What Happens?  11-19-2021

The Narrative is Crumbling in Florida -- 11-18-2021

AstraZeneca Vaccine Manufactured in 2018 - Covid is supposed to "Novel" and out in November of 2019 - This is Impossible to not have been PLANNED - see the video.  11-17-2021

CDC Worker says "Do NOT take Vaccine, you will have 3 to 6 years to live." 11-16-2021

Dr. Sucharit Bahakdi - Great Explanation of Vaccine and Immune System 11-15-2021

Dr. David Martin - If you don't know who ANSER is, you are still sleeping. 11-14-2021

How to take the World Hostage in 10 Steps -- 11-9-2021

Covid-19 Vaccination Stories -- 11-9-2021

Marburg Virus - The Next Plandemic -- 11-8-2021

Young Athletes Dying after the JAB -- 11-8-2021

6 Phase Plan to bring in the New World Order -- 11-8-2021

The Spartacus Letter - The Pandemic Explained in a Nutshell -- 9-29-2021

How Long do the Vaccinated have to LIVE???  -- 9-19-2021

How and Where to get Ivermectin -- 9-17-2021

Remdesivir is Killing Covid Patients  -- 9-17-2021

Covid and the Vaccines are Bioweapons -- Proof - 8-23-2021

Links to Important Videos

PCR Test - this will explain the PCR test and demonstrate how it was manipulated to create this fearful, fake pandemic. 

Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

Dr. Carrie Madej - most important interview to see

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Where are the Double Blind Placebo Studies for V's?

Why wearing Masks is Dangerous

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

External Links / Resources

SPARS - The Next PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

Top Virologists says all Vaccinated will die within two years

The TRUTH revealed for first time in history on CHEMTRAILS

The Secret Religion that Runs the World

Masonic Signs and Symbolism

The Secret of ALL secrets - hidden truth about the United States

The Greatest Hidden Secret on the Planet

Lance Collins - aka John Todd - An Original Top 13 Illuminati Bloodline Family Member tells all

My Bitchute Video Channel

Please check out my other blogs not related to mRNA V's.



This site was developed by Jeff Linke.  It is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.  Not intended for medical advice.


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