Dr. Carrie Madej - Not about Virus about injecting Technology inside you


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Dr. Carrie Madej - Not about Virus about injecting Technology inside you to Manipulate You


This is some shocking stuff. Wow.

Monoclonal Antibodies are brand new, still experimental and we have very little information about them and not a good idea to put anything in the body that we don’t know much about. However; we do know something about it.

It is a cocktail of Antibodies from 3 Sources.

  1. Human Source – and we don’t know much about this at, not even if they are purified, they give us no information on this.

  2. They are using HEK- Human Embryonic Kidney Line - HEK-293 - what this means is that LIVING Babies that were born - they say they were Aborted, but they weren't, they were ALIVE. They take them to a Cold Lab and they do their procedure of extracting cells alive. The 293 is the number for babies killed. What do they do with these Cell Lines? They make these cell lines CANCEROUS do they NEVER stop dividing. They don't want to tell you they are placing Aborted Fetus Cells in your body, they call it "Immortalized".

  3. Human and Mouse Genome Combined Together - it is called a Chimera which is single organism composed of cells with more than one distinct genotype. This has a Trade Name called VelocImmune. Unlike other technological platforms, VelocImmune mice take advantage of the normal murine humoral response to create high affinity therapeutic antibodies that do not require additional engineering to drug characteristics.

Dr. Madej explains she used this in chemotherapy with what seemed to be great results, the tumors would shrink and everything seemed just wonderful, but between 1 and 3 years, sometimes 5, patients would come back FULL of cancer. The organs appearance on CAT's were as if they Melted together and were not even distinguishable. They are using this same mouse line on people right now and it could have horrifying results.

Dr. Carrie says that oncologists are saying that those who took the jab are getting cancers that metastasize faster than ever seen before. This will cause an EXPLOSION of Cancer.

Dr. Carrie explains that she knows some people who have found some mysterious stuff in these JABS and they reported it, only to come the next day and everything is cleaned out, just gone missing, the computers, everything in the lab is just gone.

Dr. Carrie says that this is a worldwide plan. People are threatened personally and many lost their jobs just for asking one question. The biggest people in the world are behind this and they do not want to be known or have us figure out what they are doing.

Dr. Zelenko, Trumps former Dr who helped him recover in days says to take Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin D to help the immune system.

Dr. Madej says you don't take these shots, these shots are KILL shots and she should know because she was in the ROOM when they were trying to recruit her to be one of their PUPPET TV Doctors and she basically told them to get F'd.

They are introducing experimental technology, never before used on humanity. They are gene editing you with Synthetic Genes, if you get enough of it, you will not be human anymore, Literally. That is why the Supreme Court is hearing whether you can patent humans who have been modified. Yes, patent humans who have taken the jab.

Dr. Carrie Madej says that these will cause any disease you can ever think of.

Also, AI is being injected so you become your own network computer and there is two way communication capability. She says this isn't conspiracy theory, these are proven FACTS.

Dr. Carrie says that our bodies are Amazing at fighting diseases, but why we get sick is because of the introduction of TOXINS. She says the best investment you can make is in your food. Eat organic, eat at home, do not eat anything in a package that is Bio-Engineered. Also, drink good, clean water. Water is life. She says you can NOT trust tap water anymore. This is an all out attack on humanity.

Dr Carrie says that drugs are not safe like they were even 5 years ago. She says get OFF of them, we really don’t need them. We are taught that we need prescription drugs to survive. We do NOT. She says this will be a process depending on what you are taking but as you change your life by eating correcting and drinking good clean water, this will allow you to make that gradual move.

Pray, touch, thoughts and intentions work.

Water holds memory and intelligence, it is important to drink good water. Words are powerful – tests on words of intention to water have proved it changes frequencies to positive.

V A C C I N E S –

What have you seen under the microscope? She attended some world congress scientific meetings and they were talking about the future very soon, and they said the human body is soon to change with AI and you want to be on OUR side, the CONTROLLERS side. She said this is no true secret as they have it all on the World Economic Forum’s website.

These J A B S have self assembling graphene oxide computers inside of them which literally make you a both a transmitter and a receiver. She said some of the things they talk about at these meetings in which they were attempting to recruit here were that if a person walks inside their house and thinks they want the Lights to come on, they come on. Thus another reason for the 5-G and Smart City / Home movement.

These J A B S will allow the CONTROLLERS to download information into your brain – welcome to Elon Musk’s Neural Link, but the tech is so far ahead than what the public is told, multiple decades.

Dr. Carrie says that in these meetings they were talking about how good this will be for humanity, when all it really is about is how to CONTROL humans. We have no knowledge of this nor were we even considered to have any say or voting rights on this. They are injecting this without our informed consent and they think it is is best for us as we could someday soon be a threat to them if we are allowed to think for ourselves and wake up.

Dr. Carrie says they are using the technology for BAD Intentions.

Dr. Carrie didn’t agree with all of this and broke communications. She was in the Dominican Republic when the “Pandemic” hit and she started to do some research in the Lockdown time and she saw that they were planning on Vaccines and she immediately knew from those meetings she attended what was going on. This was it. This was the Big Plan. It was ACTUALLY happening. She said she began crying and was very upset. Then she got angry. Then she said to herself “NO, I am going to tell the world what I know.”

She began talking about this and she was able to get some V A X Vials and she looked at them herself under a compound microscope, up to 600 times magnification. She was HORRIFIED by what she saw in ALL 3 Manufactures.

She say Synthetic Super Conductible Materials, so for SURE 100% they are placing AI in the body with these jabs.

She said that THEY said by the year 2030 all of us will have AI in us. She was told it would be for Spying and Surveillance. Carries says “This is REAL guys.”

She said it is NOT about this Virus, but it is about getting Technology inside of you so they can POLICE you and Control you.

She also saw different Organisms inside the J a b s. She saw some bacteria and some Hydra – water parasites they used them for Transhumanism for different things and these are NOT on the ingredient list and this is all one BIG LIE and needs stop ASAP.

Why are they pushing this on children? Dr. Carrie has some insight. They are falsely calling these vaccines. There is about a ZERO PERCENT for children dying.

She said, When did Children begin getting sick? AFTER they begin with the V a c c in ati ons. We know for a fact that those who are injected are SHEDDING and TRANSMITTING and it infects the people around them. This is not a conspiracy this is a FACT, even Pfizer has admitted to this.

These idiots who lived in fear and took the jab are now causing a HUGE REAL WAVE of Disease and Illness. These Inflammatory Radiating Spike Proteins in the JABS are making everyone sick.

There is NO reason to push the Vaccine on these children. There have been thousands of children who have already got Myocarditis and this is not just a Temporary side effect. 60% will be dead within 5 years of myocarditis. Now they are telling us that kids could have strokes and heart attacks. Dr. Carrie says that the risks are so high and the benefits are nothing.

Dr. Carrie said she walked away from her job because she is not taking money to put humanity at risk.

WE are doing this to ourselves by Complying. Who was the real pushers of the atrocities? It was the DOCTORS. Now we are reliving this all over on a mass worldwide scale.

People don’t want to lose their nice house or their nice car or any of their possessions, so they IGNORE what is right before them. We have chosen MONEY over LIFE itself.

Dr. Carrie says we will not see this on TV because it is controlled by the opposition. We are literally seeing MILLIONS of Adverse Events and over 700,000 Deaths OR Permanent Severe Adverse Effects from these j a b s. She says, these are FACTS from our own CDC.

So do you have any insight on the End Game? Yeah, absolutely. Here in Atlanta the meeting was about how Smart Phones would be used on all the controlled people. All they had to do is get the Substance they called Hydrogel inside the humans which will be listed as Nanolipid Particles. This is a synthetic substance that can assemble, reassemble, it can act as an antenna in your body so you are a walking and talking wireless device in which interaction will be possible from your phone, your microwave, the street lamp, whatever “smart devices” are near you.

Dr. Carrie Madej said that in these meetings she went to they said: “You know, the problem with people right now is that they are too racist, too violent, and they are out of control.” “We have a Solution, we can control them and it will be to their own benefit and everyone else’s.”

She says they have NO problem saying “there is too many people in the world” or “we have to thin out the herd”. They have no concern for humankind.

The people in the room are for this and keep silent and they think that they will be EXEMPT from this. They are complete FOOLS.

By 2030 they want this enacted on everyone. They want you genetically modified not only for control but you will be patentable. They want EVERYONE to be hooked up to the Internet of Bodies, which is the REASON we are really doing 5-G. 5-G does not make your phone or computer faster, it is the same speed, it is NOT for speed, it never was, it is for BANDWIDTH to Collect Data. To collect OUR Data to the Super Computer. In the Transhumanism movement, they don’t believe in God, they believe they create an AI God. They admit it is a battle between Good and Evil. They think they are Gods and Carrie said they heard many of them joking about but they were really serious.

They want to connect us through Wi-Fi.

In their image they want us to be Cyborgs – they really said this Carrie said. They want to record memories and dreams and all kinds of crazy.

They say the average human will own nothing and will be happy by 2030. Well, think about this – what would need to happen for us to be happy giving up everything we have?

We almost would have to NOT be ourselves. Hmm. That transhumanism 2.0 thing they have planned for, could this actually be?

They say will record your dreams and even if you dream of something that is against their narrative they will punish you. The idiots are creating something that will never work in the long term.

Freedom of Speech gone, Freedom to Love gone, all freedom gone and Carrie says that most if not all in these meetings are going along with this, either because they do believe in it or are fearful to come out. (*Note: this is not direct transcript as I have listened to a handful of Carries lectures and fill in the pieces from other lectures in appropriate places.)

They do not believe in Eternal Souls.

Dr. Carrie says that this Technology is NOT from Humans. This is not from us. She says if you don’t understand it, why put it in your body? Definitely do not trust others, do your own research on these, you can ask others and share what you find, connect the pieces to find out as much as you can about these.

You have a responsibility for Children and to NOT put them at Risk. This is the first time adults are being asked to put their children at risk for their own safety. Do NOT hurt your child.

Evil is doing the wrong thing and feeling good about it. They actually feel good about this plan and they know that it will kill millions. That is Evil. Why are we still complying?

They literally want to LIVE in the Digital World. They themselves have been given this technology from a higher power (read my blog on Alex Collier – Alpha Draconians). Their idea of an eternal sould is to be uploaded to Artificial Intelligence. The brainwashers have been brainwashed themselves.

This is what happens when psychopaths are given technology they know nothing about it.

Why do we still have a barricade around the White House? What are the so AFRAID of?

The entire political system needs to come down. If we just took all our children out of school, this would all end. They are learning the wrong language, science, history and math – they are learning to operate in the Satanic World.

Dr. Carrie says Med School now is learning to be in a “Death Cult.”

Churches have become about MONEY.

You can’t expect change if you don’t change yourself.

Dr. Carrie says we may soon have to go back to Tribes.

Dr. Carrie Madej says that in these meetings they did make provisions for some us crazy ones that would not participate in their cyborg community or world. Dr. Carrie told them she would never be a part of that. They said OK, you can be with them, but your job as doctor would be obsolete because they would just upload and download things into our bodies once we are mostly cyborgs.

Carrie said NO Way, they said Ok, you can be a doctor to the small group of people that will be on the outskirts.

Dr. Madej says that 5G is very toxic to our bodies and we are being inundated with it. She says to look for sites on how to ground yourself and how to shut your WiFi off at home.

ALL of these Variants can be INDUCED through Frequency. She says this is FACT.

Dr. Carrie says that hospitals are NOT following proper protocol so you need to quickly learn how to protect yourself.

She says if you need a Nebulizer you can use distilled water with hydrogen peroxide and inhale this 3 times per day or as many times as you want as this is good for clearing out infection and getting oxygen into the lungs.

She also says to look into and research how to use Chlorine Dioxide for water treatment and treating your own body. She says there are blogs on this and to stock on it.

Final Thoughts from Carrie:

How did we get here? We disconnected from God. God didn’t leave us, we left God. We are electromagnetic beings. We are eternal beings. We are powerful. They measure pH – it is a measure of Voltage. The heart is 100,000 times more powerful than our brain. It has an energy that measures out 6 feet – they want us to stay six feet apart to break the human connections. God is not doing this to us, we are doing this to us. 

 We have to own up and be accountable. Live Today.

Original Source: https://www.rumble.com/vsfchw-dr.-carrie-madej-issues-shocking-warning-about-monoclonal-antibodies.html


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Covid and the Vaccines are Bioweapons -- Proof - 8-23-2021

Links to Important Videos

PCR Test - this will explain the PCR test and demonstrate how it was manipulated to create this fearful, fake pandemic. 

Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

Dr. Carrie Madej - most important interview to see

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Where are the Double Blind Placebo Studies for V's?

Why wearing Masks is Dangerous

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

External Links / Resources

SPARS - The Next PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

Top Virologists says all Vaccinated will die within two years

The TRUTH revealed for first time in history on CHEMTRAILS

The Secret Religion that Runs the World

Masonic Signs and Symbolism

The Secret of ALL secrets - hidden truth about the United States

The Greatest Hidden Secret on the Planet

Lance Collins - aka John Todd - An Original Top 13 Illuminati Bloodline Family Member tells all

My Bitchute Video Channel

Please check out my other blogs not related to mRNA V's.



This site was developed by Jeff Linke.  It is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.  Not intended for medical advice.


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