The Real Pandemic may be Graphene Oxide Pandemic


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The Real Pandemic may a be Graphene Oxide Pandemic

  • Graphene Oxide is stimulated and controlled by EMF frequencies specifically those in 5G.

  • Graphene Oxide multiplies frequencis when stimulated.

  • Graphene Oxide is treated just like a Pathogen in the body, attacked by neutrophils which throw a spider web like attack on them, this causes Clotting.

  • Graphene Oxide causes Auto-Immune Disease – people think that the body is attacking itself, it is attacking real pathogens and perceived pathogens, like Graphene Oxide. DNA is God Intelligent, it NEVER just attacks itself, there is always a reason.

  • Graphene Oxide is transparent in the vaccine, so you cannot see unless you use electron microscope.

  • Graphene Oxide is Luciferous, meaning that it lights up (bioluminescence).

  • Graphene Oxide causes Magnetism. Thus why magnets can stick at point of injection.

  • Graphene Oxide passes through the Blood Brain Barrier.

  • Graphene Oxide – when inhaled caused Bi-lateral Pneumonia. Breakouts of Covid have been associated with excess Chemtrails over a Colorado town.

  • Graphene Oxide is found in the Nasal Swab covid tests. Why???

  • Graphene Oxide is found in Masks. Why????

  • Graphene Oxide is LOADED in the V’s. Why???

  • Graphene Oxide is EXTREMELY Strong – 4,000 times stronger than Titanium.

  • Graphene Oxide can be used to manipulate neural pathways in the brain. So as you may have seen on other videos talking about remote mind control… yes, it has mind control capabilities.

  • Graphene Oxide is the Main Ingredient in DARPA Hydrogel. DARPA = (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

    The Military is saying they want to use this for Pandemic Detection – more like Pandemic Creation. Just recently the Pentagon announced that they have discovered a way to monitor illness with an implant. Hmm. The future will be about these Hydrogels as they can easily get into the body by just touching it. So whenever you hear the word Hydrogel – the main ingredient is graphene oxide.

How to combat / neutralize Graphene Oxide? Glutathione. NAC – N-acetylcysteine is the precursor of NAC and works better in the body than just taking glutathione. NAC can help reverse the effects of Graphene Oxide.

The FDA is trying to BAN NAC, which has been marketed safely for over 57 years. They say after all these years that NAC is not a “Legal Dietary Supplement.” How convenient, it is reversing the severe adverse effects from you know what and they say it needs to be banned? Plus they say there have been “False Claims it Cures Hangovers.” Oh no. God Forbid.

Isn’t it sad when the FDA is spending more time on trying to ban something that has been on the market for over 50 years with very few side effects ever reported and they totally ignore over 1 MILLION Severe Adverse Side Effects from the “Clot-shot?”

What is in the COVID Shots?

1. Graphene Oxide is found in ALL covid shots. This should NOT EVER be found in a vaccine and it has been found in ALL of the shots. That should be proof that this was a PLANNED event and that all of the Pharma’s have been in on this for DECADES. You do not magically come up with identical ingredients and then magically get it approved. Impossible. This was a planned event, period.

2. Parasites- references to who found these in video I have about Graphene Oxide.

3. Stainless Steel is found in the Astra Zeneca shot.

4. Trypanosoma Parasite is found in the Pfizer shot. Photo in the video taken by Dr. Robert Young. Independent Scientific teams are working all around the world to verify and validate these findings. This Parasite is known as Sleeping Sickness – symptoms are fever, severe headaches, irritability, extreme fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and aching muscles and joints. It also causes neurologic conditions such as confusion and certain personality changes and can cause Dementia. They will likely blame this on the Covid Virus, which has never even been isolated. Folks, this is NOT about the Virus but it is all about getting everyone in the world to take these deadly injections which will cause NUMEROUS Slow Progressing Diseases that will NOT be associated with the Vaccines… be conscious of this! They have placed this SHIT in the vaccines so they KNOW 100% what is to come and of course it will not be correlated to the vaccine, but they will likely say it is another deadly variant or even another virus like Marburg. It is all a lie. It IS the vaccine. They are pushing this vaccine on young children now and they are conditioning the public that Dementia will become a YOUNG persons disease. Well, of course it will, the live bugs they place in the vaccines with all the poisons will cause this. The ingredients in these vaccines will cause a true Zombie like Apocalypse.

Graphene Oxide was discovered in 1869, which makes it unpatentable. BUT, they must of forgot it was discovered because in 2004 it was “Discovered” and became a “patentable trade secret” which could not be disclosed to the public as it is a secret to what it is used for. It was actually labeled, just Graphene. In 2010 Graphene Oxide was given a Nobel Prize. In 2013 the Graphene Flagship was founded which was funded the by Elite Globalists all over the World (you know, the ones killing us all now). This involved all kinds of organizations and governments around the world. Then in 2021 we have the Covid Vaccine Roll Out with Poisons being injected into Billions of people without their informed consent. This is Mass Murder.

Almost ALL corporations and governments are signed up with this “Graphene Flagship” – FDA, WHO, NIH – just look in the video to see all of them. It is a Multi-BILLION $$$ Flagship.

BEFORE Covid, there was a study called “How much Graphene Oxide can they put in a Human before it Kills them?” It was in 2016 and was called “Cellular Responses to Graphene Oxide Sheets” by Dr. Sandra Vranic. In this study they were taking cells and exposing them to different concentrations of graphene oxide. In this study they opened up by saying “these are the kinds of responses we are looking for.” Hello people, why would she say this? Duh, because the AGENDA is to KILL the masses. It is a depopulation project, plain and simple, period. Anyway – They broke it into 3 Tiers of Severity: 1. Anti-Oxidant Defense. 2. Inflammation 3. Cytotoxicity. If this isn’t the PROOF 100% that they KNEW this would kill people, then you obviously cannot connect 3 dots. This IS 100% PROOF right here. 45:39 mark in video.

Their AGENDA is to see how much Graphene Oxide they can get into you says Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee. WOW!

Titled: European & Global CLINAM Summit 2016: Cutting Edge Medicine – Clinical Nanomedicine and Targeted Medicine / Pathway to Personalized Medicine – for anyone who wants to look this up.

Their plan is to get everyone to take their Graphene Oxide Booster Shots every 5 Months. It will be Survival of the Fittest. There will be at LEAST 8 Covid Shots and then off to the next pandemic. With 100% control of the World’s TV Media they believe that they can keep people believing that there is a virus spreading, but the illness will come from Vaccinated who become Super Spreaders of the Covid Spike Proteins which are Poison. A multiple decades plan and a rather brilliant one and with the technology of the Looking Glass they KNEW that people would be the sheep they are and follow mainstreams lead. That is exactly what happened and is still happening – hopefully the narrative will crumble and people will wake up soon before it is too late.

Now you know why there is BOOSTERS – plus the ingredients not only cause inflammation and cytotoxicity but they destroy the immune system. People are going to get VERY SICK and of course it will be blamed on more virus strains and new viral pandemic outbreaks, which will be false and believe me, this WILL 100% happen. They plan on raising interest rates about mid 2022 consecutive times as their manmade planned hyper-inflation goes through the roof, they want all electric cars by 2035, they will cut supply chain off to make it tough to get food, and they will completely CRASH the Economy by 2024 and offer DEBT payoffs of every debt a person has if they give up possession and grant it to the government. When it happens don’t say, “Oh, it was just a coincidence.” NO – it is a plan that is well in motion right now. They manipulated the PCR tests to get this pandemic going and the very DAY Biden was illegally placed in office they LOWERED the DNA Cycle Amplifications on the PCR test so it appeared the Pandemic was suddenly under control with the Vaccine Rollouts...completely FAKE. They also had complete control of the so called “Waves” by having multiple test stations and Gov contracted companies who were instructed on how many cycles of amplification of the PCR, so it was EASILY controlled and it fooled 99% of doctors because they have NO clue on how the tests work, they just follow the orders of the WHO, CDC, NIH and FDA and take their word that they are being honest and truthful. This IS the Eugenics Plan and it is Genocide and they are getting our Physicians and Nurses to do all the dirty work.

Think about it: Over 98% recovered from Covid with NO treatment. Then they labeled every death a covid death. Then they had the Fauci Protocol of prescribing Remdesivir – which destroys the kidneys, Then they added Dexamethasone which contributed to kidney failure, then they added an antibiotic called Vancomycin which Dr. Ardis pre-warned that if they added this it would just add more kidney failure which would allow them to make it appear that the DELTA Variant was more deadly. Well, that's exactly what they did. The deaths in the ICU's can be correlated to acute kidney failure caused by the concoction of these 3 drugs. They literally drowned the patients and called it “Covid Pneumonia.”

It gets worse: Graphene Oxide has been found in the PCR tests, masks and in the tests which there are plenty of independent physicians who have displayed their findings and videos. Some countries listened and recalled and ordered from Non-Gov contracted companies. Independent Labs all around the World now are verifying this but they have NO voice to tell anyone. We are the voice. Countries like India and Japan abandoned the vaccines and went to Ivermectin and they have NO Covid. Hmm.

This Graphene Flagship Cartel wants to get as much graphene oxide in the body and they want to put it in everything, including food. Multiple whistleblower doctors like Carrie Madej who were in the Meetings when they talked about depopulation doing all of this have spoken out and have been trying to warn the world only to be censored. The Frontline Doctors who in April/May went to DC and mainstream wouldn’t cover them and the Internet immediately censored them. It is not like there are no doctors trying desperately to warn us. WHY are they pushing multiple vaccines and mandating them for a virus in which over 98% recovered and the average age of death from the actual covid was 84, ABOVE the average age of normal death. It is CRAZY and if you can’t see it yet, your life has been WAY too comfortable and you have become WAY to trustworthy of the doctors who have been lied to and tricked into doing the Devils work.


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The Real Pandemic may be Graphene Oxide Pandemic  -  1-21-2022

Dr. Ardis - Here is what the FDA KNEW BEFORE the Vaccine Rollout  1-21-2022

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Hospital Administrators know they will get paid more for Covid Diagnosis and Treatment - Stew Peters Show with Dr. Lee Vliet  - 1-19-2022

Panel of Highly Respected Doctors meet in Nashville to tell Truth and Answer Covid Vaccine Questions -  1-18-2022

Vaccine Propaganda Commercial Targeting Children - "You're over 14, you don't need Permission" -  1-16-2022 

DR. Peterson Pierre -- Hospitals are getting HUGE Bonuses for Covid Diagnosis and CovidDeaths  - 1-16-2022

Ann Vandersteel with Karen Kingston - Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Cure Covid-19  -  1-15-2022

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Dr. Carrie Madej - It's Not about aVirus, It's about injecting Technology inside you to Manipulate You -  1-14-2022

WARNING - Timeline Split is now Visible - Time to Wake Up and Prepare Ourselves  - 1-13-2022

Committee of 300:  How 300 Men are Running Everything - FBI, Illuminati, CIA, MI6, Mossad, Politicians, Media, Governments, etc -   Dr. John Coleman.  1-11-2022

How Much do Doctors Make per Year for Vaccinating?  - Dr. Robert (Bob) Zajac tells us.  1-10-2022

How the Cabal took over EVERY Country in the World in just 100 Years - Conquer by Debt  - 1-9-2022

Playstation Game tells ALL about the Virus and Pandemic  - 1-8-2021

Senate Committee on State Affairs  Questions the Covid-19 Vaccines - Shocking  - 1-7-2022

ICU - Medical Doctor says Every Covid Death should be considered a MURDER - 1-7-2022 

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**SHOCKING - What is really in the Vaccines?  - 1-4-2022

Athletes who have Collapsed or Suffered Heart Complications or Blood Clots - 1-3-2022 

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COMIRNATY is NOT Approved in the USA and is NOT being Administered – Here is How and Why - 12-28-2021

AGENDA 21 Commissioned in 1994 - 12-22-2021

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Director of the WHO – Tedros Adhanom confronted by Brazil President - 12-22-2021

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Covid New Cases - 2781 out of 3784 FULLY Vaccinated - 12-21-2021

Dr. Zelenko explains why Zinc is the KEY to Stop Viruses in their Tracks  - 12-19-2021

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FDA Mysteriously Approved Intravenous Heart Medication to beCombined with the 5 to 11 year old Children’s Vaccine.   12-18-2021

Emergency Room Doctor says that Vaccines are Permanently Damaging Children - 12-16-2021

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FAUCI - says "Vaccines could make people Worse." - 12-14-2021

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LIES - 12-11-2021

Doctors are being FORCED to Vaccinate those who have already been Injured by the Covid-19 Vaccine -- it is not about health.  12-11-2021

HIV GlycoProtein 120 Spike Proteins Integrated with the Coronavirus - 4 Sequenced HIV Spike Proteins fused with Corona/SARS Virus -  12-11-2021

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Stew Peters Show - HIV Spike GlycoProtein 120 is in the Vaccines - 12-11-2021

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Alex Collier - Intel Update - 12-9-2021

Omicron - David Bowie in 1999 Omicron Video Game - 12-8-2021

Behind the Walls of Windsor - The Truth of the Royal Reptilian Family by Jeanette Archer 12-9-2021

Elon and May Musk - Evolution of Technocracy - 12-7-2021

Dr. Matt Shelton - Vaccination rates are unrelated to covid case numbers - 12-7-2021

I was WRONG.  Pfizer VAX is 100% Effective  - 12-6-2021

India is FREE of Covid-19 after prescribing Ivermectin - 12-5-2021

Alex Collier - The Private Interview in 1994. Andromedan's, Draco's and Greys. 11-30-2021

Alex Collier and Micheal Jaco Blockbuster Interview -- 11-28-2021

Medical Coverup - Ann Vandersteel with Karen Kingston - FDA wants 55 years to release Pfizer Vaccine Data.  11-23-2021

TWO Groups of People - The Awake and the Normies.  Why are YOU Awake and so many are Sleeping?  11-22-2021

8 WEEK Cycle of the Vaccinations - from 1st shot to the Boosters - What Happens?  11-19-2021

The Narrative is Crumbling in Florida -- 11-18-2021

AstraZeneca Vaccine Manufactured in 2018 - Covid is supposed to "Novel" and out in November of 2019 - This is Impossible to not have been PLANNED - see the video.  11-17-2021

CDC Worker says "Do NOT take Vaccine, you will have 3 to 6 years to live." 11-16-2021

Dr. Sucharit Bahakdi - Great Explanation of Vaccine and Immune System 11-15-2021

Dr. David Martin - If you don't know who ANSER is, you are still sleeping. 11-14-2021

How to take the World Hostage in 10 Steps -- 11-9-2021

Covid-19 Vaccination Stories -- 11-9-2021

Marburg Virus - The Next Plandemic -- 11-8-2021

Young Athletes Dying after the JAB -- 11-8-2021

6 Phase Plan to bring in the New World Order -- 11-8-2021

The Spartacus Letter - The Pandemic Explained in a Nutshell -- 9-29-2021

How Long do the Vaccinated have to LIVE???  -- 9-19-2021

How and Where to get Ivermectin -- 9-17-2021

Remdesivir is Killing Covid Patients  -- 9-17-2021

Covid and the Vaccines are Bioweapons -- Proof - 8-23-2021

Links to Important Videos

PCR Test - this will explain the PCR test and demonstrate how it was manipulated to create this fearful, fake pandemic. 

Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

Dr. Carrie Madej - most important interview to see

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Where are the Double Blind Placebo Studies for V's?

Why wearing Masks is Dangerous

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

External Links / Resources

SPARS - The Next PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

Top Virologists says all Vaccinated will die within two years

The TRUTH revealed for first time in history on CHEMTRAILS

The Secret Religion that Runs the World

Masonic Signs and Symbolism

The Secret of ALL secrets - hidden truth about the United States

The Greatest Hidden Secret on the Planet

Lance Collins - aka John Todd - An Original Top 13 Illuminati Bloodline Family Member tells all

My Bitchute Video Channel

Please check out my other blogs not related to mRNA V's.



This site was developed by Jeff Linke.  It is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.  Not intended for medical advice.


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