Abe Finkelstein – We Control BOTH the Republicans and the Democrats



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Abe Finkelstein – We Control BOTH the Republicans and the Democrats

AND we place Human Remains in McDonalds Food 

Christian Pastor James Wickstrom interviews the Jew - Abe Finkelstein and for he doesn't care about telling what they do and who they are. "We steal up to 300,000 children a year just in this country and we drain the blood and mix it with the Passover Blood and then we take the bodies to the slaughter houses we own and we ground up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger as McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets but the people eat their children for breakfast and lunch - us Jews, we gotta do what we do, you know."

We are just cattle to them, chattel or as they say "Goyims" - Gentiles. The Jews feel they are truly the Chosen People of the World to rule the world as they are the sons of Cain. They are the destroyers of the world, if you watch this interview in complete - this guy admits to everything and he flat out doesn't care. He admits to kidnapping children and sacrificing them. He admits to murdering Palestinians.

He admits that these Jewish Families run the Financial System of the World - Rothschild's – London, Israel Moses Seifs of Rome, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of NY and Germany, Lazards of Paris, Rockefeller's of NY, Warburg's of Hamburg and the Goldman Sachs of NY.

He admits that we are slaves and the Jews don't work.

He says that America has worked well for us and made us a lot of money but why pay Americans when we can get the Chinese to do our labor for much less.

He admits to the con game that the Jews of Gods chosen people - he says "We are Gods chosen ones, but our God is Lucifer."

He Admitted that George Bush was just a puppet also, but he did choose to rob and steal from other wealthy families - but ultimately as Rabbi Abe Finkelstein says "he was a good little goyim." Both Sr and Jr along with CIA - the Mossad Jewish Operation. All they care about is money and power. "We let the Goyim do the work and we have a Party."

Finkelstein: Regarding the USA: "We are going to ground this country, we are bringing in all the Mexicans and Hispanics across the border and they are inter-breeding with white race and pretty soon there won't be a white race."

Finkelstein: The Jews interbreed with "all the good looking women in all the countries and all they want is a couple of diamonds and a few toys, sometimes we marry them, but if we want a divorce we just go to one of our Jew judges and get a divorce.

Wickstrom: Question: There were no Jews in the Towers on 911 - can you explain that?

Finkelstein: "Well, we got a call that Ariel, the Mossad and some of the boys wired up the towers and took them down. The buildings were getting old anyway and we wanted to build new structures – Solomon doubled his insurance just 3 months before - he got like 4 times his money, het asked me if I wanted in on this but I didn't - I should of at least I made it in the market, I was short the airlines American and United, Lloyds of London Insurance, so I made a few sheckels." This is the kind of people that are ruling over us and they control our Presidents, Congress, House, Senate, Governors, Mayors of big cities and even down to the city council levels in some big cities.

Question from Pastor Wicksrtom: - The UK on food labels - is that a tax for Rabbis like you?

Finkelstein: "Well, I didn't get on that deal but yes, we want to make money from feeding our cattle."

Finkelstein: *Note: this interview was back in Bush days when Allen Greenspan was Fed Charmain - who was their bought and paid for "Goyim." He goes on to say that Bill Gates is 100% controlled Goyim as well as Warren Buffett.

The jews have taken over the Nation Rifle Association? Finkelstein: "yeah, we took over the NRA a LONG time ago - Charlton Heston, not know so much, but he is a nice Jewish boy, we let him play Moses in the movies back in the 50's -- but we control ALL the organizations out there, you know that."

Wickstrom: If you have any opposition - you control that opposition?

Finkelstein: "Of course-- we like to control and know every outcome -- we OWN both the Republicans and we own the Democrats (around 20:30 mark to 21). We got a lot of Jews in both of them and the rest of them are bought and paid for Goyims. We give them some money and they do what we want so we can make some Shekels.

Wickstrom: Feminist homosexual agenda - was this created by the Jews of the United States? Yeah we got this started back in the early 1900's with women rights movement and we decide to give women rights and the right to vote - equal pay for equal work and right to vote. We started with the women as they are the weaker sex and now the women around the world have short hair, lesbian lover and married by the time they are 40 but can't have too many kids because they spent their time chasing money. The really good looking ones we take to Hollywood.

Wickstrom: Back to the UK's on the food label. It is a tax for Jews.

Finkelstein: yes

Wickstrom: This Iraqi war is making you a lot of money, isn’t it?

Finkelstein: “Well we have all the ammunition companies all the aircraft companies and George Bush is a good Goyim – he borrows his money right from the Federal Reserve and he has to tax the people to pay back the interests because the most important part of the loan is the interest – you must pay back the interest - we are NOT concerned with the Principal but the Interest must keep going on. We’ve done pretty well with Iraq as we got about $300 Billion or so, but this war is going to go on for 30 years, the war is going to expand into many countries.”

Wickstrom: How is that no Jews died in the Towers – there were 3,000 Jews that were not there that day, how can you explain this?

Finkelstein: Yeah, we got a call from the Cahilla that uh Ariel and some of the boys and the Mossad got together and wired up the buildings and took them down. It was going to be a hard thing to take down but we wanted to build some new structures anyway. This way, we make some Shekels by destroying the building.

Wickstrom: What about the people getting killed?

Finkelstein: Well, you have to thin out the herd sometimes, if the herds (around the 28 minute mark). Our two biggest enemies are the White Race and the Arab Race – it is amusing to us to see them kill each other and at the same time we are making a lot of money off of it. Believe me – I have had a lot of laughs at the Synagogue about that.

Wickstrom: Is it true that you funded the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia?

Finkelstein: “Well, that was Rothschild – when the old man died in 1812 he owned half the Wealth of the Entire World.” “He made a lot of Shekels.” But we started that because we might as well start at taking over the largest country in the World, Russia. We had to help remove the Tsar and we got help or inside information from his cousin. Our plan is to let America sink into the desert as there are not a lot of shekels to be made in America anymore. We have gotten about as much blood out of America as we are going to get. All Jewish information is immediately passed at all the Synagogues.

Wickham: How do you control D.C.?

Finkelstein: It is very easy, the Rabbi’s get the word out to every Jew in the World within 45 minutes of anything newsworthy. We don’t use the the TV, Radio or Magazine because we own all those anyway. (32:15 mark). By the time the masses get the news it is way too late to even make a decision as we have already made our moves and we made their decisions for them already.

Finkelstein: “We are going to wipe out the White Race and wipe out the Arab race and make a lot of money… you know us Jews are smart guys. Us Jews are special, we are the Chosen people, we are the Smartest people in the world – WE WANT A WORLD OF OUR OWN and there is NOTHING THE GOYIM CATTLE CAN DO to stop us.” (33:25 mark).

Wickstrom: Where do the blacks fit in, I know that you use them – what is going to be their end when this is all over?

Finkelstein: They got a good time step, they make a good barbecue, can dance, they can sing some, they are really good at selling drugs, we make a lot shekels off of selling drugs, you do know that we control the drug world and have since Rothschild got the Opium Wars in China going. We let a few in here and there to make some money and they get arrested and go off to jail for that but we make the big money, we are the Wholesalers, the Wholesalers of everything in the world.

Wickstrom: You didn’t have good control of D.C. until Roosevelt, right?

Finkelstein: “NO, we had control since the Civil War, Rothschild financed BOTH sides and when the smoke cleared he was getting shekels from both of them, lots of interest and they will never be able to pay back the war of debt. We have been consolidating. Let me tell you something about that Eleanor girl – she has a face that would stop a clock or a train.”

Wickstrom: The industrial industry in the United States is beginning to fail, you have jobs being lost everywhere – it is just a matter of time isn’t it?

Finkelstein: “Well, of course – once you give up working for yourself and you work for someone else you are a SLAVE to that person.” All the labor that you are doing – you are giving him a piece of the action and you are making him the rich guy, not you.” “They can never buy a house on their own, so of course we do them a favor and we collect a little interest for that about 3 houses for every 1 we sell them - you have to be in business for yourself if not you are going to be a working stiff, a slave, or a serf.” *Comment: If you are not working for yourself you are getting double taxed.

Wickstrom: Why do Jews feel that they are being looked at?

Finkelstein: “Well, they better not look at us to hard or that is Anti-Semitism and we can throw the book at you for that.” Remember that. We can throw the court system at you with all the Jew judges, the Jew lawyers, the Jew prosecutors and we have the Dems and Repubs in Washington write up the Laws that we want. We tell them what to do and they put it on the paper and we don’t actually do the work.”

Wickstrom: Here we are on two separate sides of the planet discussing the truth and we have total opposite views, but you are here telling the truth but why is it that the American People have a hard time believing anything?

Finkelstein: “We’ve done a great job Brainwashing them we’ve brainwashed them for 300 years and they believe anything that we tell them and in the meantime we have a lot of fun during Passover they when we steal their children – I mean we steal 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just in this country. We drain the blood and we mix it with the Passover blood and then we throw the bodies into the Slaughter Houses that we Own – and we ground up all the bodies in the Sausage and the Hamburger and McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets and the people – they eat it for breakfast they eat their children for lunch and uh, us Jews, we gotta do what we do and you Pastor Wickstrom and me Abe Finkelstein have two Different Fathers and that is why we look at things in different ways. (Around 40 minute mark).

Wickstrom: And we know that there are two forces that are going to collide don’t we?

Finkelstein: “Well, that’s what your book says, our book says that we are going to take over the world and we are doing a pretty good job right now.

Wickstrom: There is quite an awakening coming and My father who is not your father, my father who is Yahweh and your father is talked about in John 8:44 stating your father is Satan and you are the descendants of Cain who was the first murder and you know that’s true as you teach that in your Synagogue.

Abe Finkelstein: “Oh, that’s true but it’s not for you Goyim to know – but it’s too late – it’s over for you White Race and that’s why I’m speaking honestly here to bring it out into the open so you can see it for what it is – you been teaching people real good but they don’t wake up do they they are scared of us Jews because they don’t want to be called Anti-Semites and they believe that we are the chosen people and that’s why we can do whatever we want to do and get away with it because the white men are cowards.

Wickstrom: It is not like you Jews are hiding anything, you come right out tell us everything you are going to do before you do it and it’s like they are brain dead.

Finkelstein: Well, we did a good job with the Public School System. We got you to put all of your children in there and if you notice, the Jews don’t put any of their children in the public system. They go to the Hebrew Academy where we teach them the real things and they go to the Synagogue where they learn the real important things. But we send your kids to public schools and we even have you goyims tax yourselves from your own properties, so you never really own your own property, so if you don’t make your property tax we are going to take your property – you can bet on that. We put your kids through 12 years of babysitting as they don’t learn anything and by that time they get to be teenagers and then we give them the music. So they listen to that and then they want to do what they want to do so we sell them drugs. We make a lot of money off your children, from Cradle to Grave, all we do is make money on them. You are Cattle you are Goyim.

Wickstrom: At your Synagogue in NY– do you have a lot of infighting with the Jews – is there a lot of infighting out there – I heard there was some and an inner war going on now with Jewry?

Finkelstein: “Well, we fight a little bit, we argue a little bit and that’s the two most important things we do – but it is not about if we are not going to make a lot of money, it’s just about who is going to make a little more here and there. The bottom line is that we have the Goyim, the Goyim does all the work, the Goyim makes all the stuff, he sells it to us for pennies as we are the wholesalers and the middlemen and we mark it way up and we sell it to the other Goyim on the Retail side. There is a joke – the reason that God made Gentiles is that someone has to say Retail. The Jew always buys wholesale.

Wickstrom: On your Passover, not mine, a lot of children disappear and a lot of police are informed but you are very open – you put the blood of little children in your ? You eat the flesh.

Finkelstein: “Well, there was a Goyim who wrote a book on this but your people didn’t want to read the book. We have been doing this for Thousands of Years back to Adams time. We take the Children of our Enemy which is the White Race and we bring them to the Synagogues where we drain the blood and watch them die there – it is very similar with how we do the Sacrifices with the Kosher butchering and we do that and we mix it with the Passover bread and we eat the blood of our enemies. The bodies – we are not Cannibals – but we can make some shekels – so we give them to the Slaughter Houses and those are pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger. That is why we made those the most popular things – sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. So all the Goyim out there are really eating the children and even when we say this outright and tell you people you don’t believe it. So that’s your problem.” (46:30 mark).

Wickstrom: I’ve always wondered how you got control of the Christian Churches in this country, it has always baffled me how you were able to do this – they used to tell their congregations at one time to stay away from you Jews, how did this happen?

Finkelstein: “well, you know our father Lucifer, the number one thing in all the organizations that we want to take over here on Earth from you Goyims, is obviously the Churches. So we attack them first and we attack them most. We infiltrated the Catholic Church right from the very beginning – why do you think the Pope is in Yamaka? We took all your scriptures of your book and we burned them and then we wrote them in Latin so you couldn’t understand them. We understand them because we are Jews and we are smart and we are educated but you Goyim out there, you never self teach, you are always looking for somebody else to do it for you, you never amount to anything. So anyway, a Thousand years later when a bunch of the white race started to wake up in Europe – they started to leave the Catholic Church, it was a terrible time because we weren’t making as many shekels as we used to. So we had to put a stop to this, so the Kings that we had in our hip pockets, just like the politicians in Washington D.C. (49:00) today – we paid them off so they would crucify and kill you but there were too many of you. Everyone started to go West to the Americas, so we had to come up with a plan B. In plan B we formed the Jesuits – Ignaties De Loyola in early 1500’s formed the Jesuits – they infiltrated All the Palestine churches out there and as always we Jews work our way to the top and we take over the money line and the Gold which is the life line. So we took that over, and Slowly but Surely we CHANGE the teachings so it is all run by the Catholic church – the Mother church, it is your Mother but the Father church is the Synagogues in Israel and the Synagogues in NY.

Wickstein: There were a bunch of Black Jews, how did they become?

Finkelstein: There were some blacks that wanted to be Jews so we said pay us some money and we will teach you. But it was a money making deal – all they do is dirty up the neighborhood. There can never be a black Jew, everybody knows that. (summary). In America we give them neighborhoods and we gibe them White Women to mate with to destroy both races. *Comment: Jews are the Ultimate Racists but yet you can’t say one negative word or for that matter have one negative thought or they will prosecute you and throw you in jail.

Wickstein: Elizabeth Taylor – was a white women but yet she took on roles of Jewry, how does this fit in?

Finkelstein: Well, she married a nice little Jewish boy named Eddie Fisher and they had a daughter named Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia in Star Wars) and she donates a lot of money to the Synagogue and is a good goyim and if she thinks she is Jewish – she can think what she wants. We just want her to give the Synagogue a lot of money she dies – which could be soon because she doesn’t look too good.

Wickstrom: You and I are at war – it is between the Children of Seth and the Children of Cain and we know that as it is written in all the Arab and Ancient texts that only ONE RACE is going to survive on this Earth and you know as I do it is the White Race.

Finkelstein: “Well, that’s what your book says, our book the Talmud says we are going to rule and we are going to have a world of our own and we are going to go out into space and we are going to have a war with your father and we are going to win this time.”

Wickstrom: Until then, the masses continue to Awaken in this country – Europe – All of Rothschild’s banks control the White Nations and have Perverted the Nations – but it amazes me that you penetrated into the FBI and NSA and you have all these blockers and protectors and that.

Finkelstein: It is very EASY to take over a Government when you are a Bank – the government has to borrow money from the bank and whoever Borrows Money as it says in both books is SLAVE to the Lender. This Government here in America is a Slave to the Federal Reserve which is Rothschild’s bank plus a few of us other Jews who make some shekels off of it and the politicians in charge, they ALL take Bribes and they like their money, drugs and drinking – so it is very EASY to control the Government, the hardest thing was taking over the churches because there used to be a few good preachers in there but over time, us Jews, we are so smart, we are the chosen people who infiltrate and take over everything. So everything that is out there today, we Own it and Control it.

Wickstrom: I have a point blank question to ask before we get off of air – Is communism Jewish?

Finkelstein: “Of Course – we make the Rich come down to the Poor peoples level and we control them all, we are the Masters, we take all the money and we love it. All the Goyim is just human cattle.”


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Links to Important Videos

PCR Test - this will explain the PCR test and demonstrate how it was manipulated to create this fearful, fake pandemic. 

Important Questions, Comments and V Ingredients

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - Letter to WHO - Do not take that V

Dr. Carrie Madej - most important interview to see

mRNA - Important Questions to Ask and Points to Know

List of the Top Doctors and Scientists who really know about the mRNA Vac

Where are the Double Blind Placebo Studies for V's?

Why wearing Masks is Dangerous

Chloroquine - study on SARS/Coronavirus

External Links / Resources

SPARS - The Next PLANDEMIC - 2025 - 2028

VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

Top Virologists says all Vaccinated will die within two years

The TRUTH revealed for first time in history on CHEMTRAILS

The Secret Religion that Runs the World

Masonic Signs and Symbolism

The Secret of ALL secrets - hidden truth about the United States

The Greatest Hidden Secret on the Planet

Lance Collins - aka John Todd - An Original Top 13 Illuminati Bloodline Family Member tells all

My Bitchute Video Channel

Please check out my other blogs not related to mRNA V's.



This site was developed by Jeff Linke.  It is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.  Not intended for medical advice.


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